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By: Ayub. Beryvan.


Subject Teacher: Ms. Yussra


Syntax means the rules for how words are put together to form sentences.
Syntax is important for understanding how we communicate with language.
This presentation will help you learn the basics of syntax and why it is
Word order means the order in which words are put in a sentence.
In English, we usually put words in the order subject-verb-object.
But other languages have different word orders.
Knowing word order helps us make sense when we talk or write.
Phrases are groups of words that work together to make meaning.
A phrase has a main word and other words that describe or modify it.
For example, "big brown dog" is a phrase where "dog" is the main word and
"big" and "brown" describe it.
Phrases help us make more complex sentences.
Clauses are groups of words that have a subject and a verb.
A clause can be complete on its own or need more information to make sense.
For example, "I went to the store" is a complete clause, but "because I needed milk"
is a dependent clause that needs more information.
Clauses help us make more complex sentences with different levels of information.

We use different kinds of sentences to do different things.

A declarative sentence makes a statement, an interrogative sentence asks a
question, an imperative sentence gives a command, and an exclamatory sentence
shows strong emotion.
Knowing the different kinds of sentences helps us communicate better.
Syntax helps us understand how words work together to make sentences.
By knowing syntax, we can make sentences that make sense and convey
what we want to say.
Whether we are learning a new language or trying to be better
communicators, understanding syntax is important.
Thank you
For listening

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