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My healthy life

At this moment, for my condition I have a strict diet because I have a fracture in the
vertebra L3, two months ago the 22 January I had an accident in the helicopter was a
fail mechanic them fell from 100 meters high and crashed in the field, but all the crew
is safe and alive.

I’m an officer of the army and I’m pilot of the helicopter MI 171 SHP, my career is
amazing and I like very much, before of the accident, I did a lot of exercise because the
militaries must be in good physical condition, so for maintain the physical condition or
healthy life I practice these exercises:

In my job I ran all day at 15:00 P.M. on monday to friday for one hour and a distance of
2400 meters I don’t like running, but for my career is very important, the other
exercise I practiced was swim for 30 minutes at Tuesday and Thursday a distance of
200 meters for end in the final day of the each month I have a physical exam.

On the weekends I ride a bike around in my district where I live also I play basketball,
is the best sports for me, i love it also I play soccer with my friends.

Now only I have a estrict diet and i don’t practice nothing of exercise until I recover my
health and continiun with the exercises.

The advice for you to healthy life is:

- Eat vegetable you don’t junk food or fast food.
- Practice exercise that you like, for a time at 30 minutes each day.
- Sleep at 8 hours each day, this helps you to have a lot of energy.
- Practice any sports that you like, this helps you to reduce stress.

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