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fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

A Review of Architectures and Concepts for

Intelligence in Future Electric Energy Systems
Thomas Strasser, Senior Member, IEEE, Filip Andrén, Member, IEEE, Johannes Kathan,
Carlo Cecati, Fellow, IEEE, Concettina Buccella, Senior Member, IEEE, Pierluigi Siano, Senior
Member, IEEE, Paulo Leitão, Senior Member, IEEE, Gulnara Zhabelova, Valeriy Vyatkin, Senior
Member, IEEE, Pavel Vrba, Senior Member, IEEE, and Vladimír Mařík, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Renewable energy sources are one key enabler to power balancing, power networks, power system automation, re-
decrease greenhouse gas emissions and to cope with the anthro- newable energy sources, smart grid, standards.
pogenic climate change. Their intermittent behavior and limited
storage capabilities present a new challenge to power system op- I. INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATION
erators to maintain power quality and reliability. Additional
technical complexity arises from the large number of small dis-
tributed generation units and their allocation within the power
system. Market liberalization and changing regulatory frame-
T HE electric energy systems worldwide have to satisfy a
continuously growing demand for electricity and simulta-
neously provide a stable supply. Today, the world-wide power
work lead to additional organizational complexity. As a result the generation is dominated by fossil fuels resulting in an increase
design and operation of the future electric energy system have to in CO2 emissions and global warming as indicated by the
be redefined. Sophisticated information and communication ar- “World Energy Outlook 2013” from the International Energy
chitectures, automation concepts, and control approaches are
necessary in order to manage the higher complexity of so called
Agency (IEA) [1]. In order to counteract, there is a clear trend
Smart Grids. This paper provides an overview of the state-of-the- towards a sustainable electric energy system. Minimizing
art and recent developments enabling higher intelligence in fu- greenhouse gas emissions caused by power generation will on-
ture Smart Grids. The integration of renewable sources and stor- ly be possible if renewable sources like photovoltaic systems,
age systems into the power grids are analyzed. Energy manage- wind generators, biomass and combined-heat power systems,
ment and demand response methods as well as important auto- are being installed on a large scale [2]-[4]. They are typically
mation paradigms and domain standards are also reviewed.
available in a decentralized way as Distributed Energy Re-
Index Terms—Ancillary services, automation architectures, sources (DER) [3]. Recent research results, technology devel-
control concepts, demand response, demand side management, opments, and regulatory alterations are fundamentally chang-
distributed generation, energy storage, inverters, micro-grid, ing the framework conditions; the planning, management and
operation of the power systems have to be redefined.
In addition, advanced metering, management and optimiza-
Manuscript received March 31, 2014; revised June 29, 2014; accepted Au- tion concepts on the consumer side are currently in the focus
gust 14, 2014.
Copyright © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. How- of research and demo projects [5]-[7]. The objective is to ef-
ever, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained fectively manage load peaks, by load shedding, peak-load re-
from the IEEE by sending a request to duction, etc., to maintain or improve the security of supply.
This research was supported by the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund un-
der the project DG-EV-HIL (FFG 827987) and by the Czech Institute of In- The above sketched developments are leading to complex
formatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics, Czech Technical University in Prague. architectures with a tremendous amount of interconnected and
T. Strasser, F. Andrén and J. Kathan are with the Energy Department– intelligent components as well as sub-systems which have to
Electric Energy Systems, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, 1210 Vienna,
Austria (e-mail:;; johan-
exchange both the information and the energy. Today, power utilities and system infrastructure operators are increasingly
C. Cecati and C. Buccella and are with the Department of Industrial and confronted with a highly dynamic and less predictable de-
Information Engineering and Economics, University of L’Aquila, and with
DigiPower Ltd. L’Aquila, Italy (e-mail:; concetti-
mand-supply balance. Moreover, consumers are evolving into so-called prosumers—local energy consumers and producers.
P. Siano is with the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of The availability of Information and Communication Tech-
Salerno, 84084 Fisciano, Italy (e-mail: nology (ICT) and advanced automation concepts provide vari-
P. Leitão is with the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, P-5301-857 Bra-
gança, Portugal; and also with the Arti fi cial Intelligence and Computer Sci- ous opportunities to operate highly interconnected power grids
ence Laboratory (LIACC), 4169-007 Porto, Portugal (e-mail: with corresponding components in a more effective way as to-
G. Zhabelova is with the Department of Computer Science, Computer, and day, known under the term Smart Grid [8]-[10]. According to
Space Engineering, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, 97186 Luleå, Sweden (e-
mail: Yu et al. [8] it covers the intelligent integration of all us-
V. Vyatkin is with the Department of Computer Science, Computer, and ers/stakeholders connected to electricity networks supporting a
Space Engineering, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, 97187 Luleå, Sweden; and al- sustainable, economical and secure electricity supply.
so with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Aalto Uni-
versity, FI-00076 Aalto/Helsinki, Finland (e-mail: This paper therefore discusses important automation archi-
P. Vrba and V. Mařík are with the Czech Institute for Informatics, Robot- tectures, smart devices, control concepts and energy manage-
ics, and Cybernetics, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague 6, Czech ment principles enabling intelligence, decentralization and ro-
Republic (e-mail:;

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

bustness in the field of future electric energy systems as well

as involved components. It provides a brief overview of the
state-of-the-art, related work, important activities and
achievements dedicated to Smart Grid systems and compo-
nents. Necessary functions and services to operate such an in-
telligent energy infrastructure are discussed and summarized.
In this review paper Section II gives an overview of the fu-
ture electric energy system, corresponding challenges and
necessary functions which have to be provided by smart com-
ponents, algorithms and ICT/automation approaches exploring
concepts from the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The in-
tegration of DERs playing a major role in a sustainable future
system as discussed in Section III followed by the topic of en-
ergy storages in Section IV. The importance of managing the
demand side is pointed out in Section V addressing demand
response and energy management principles. Necessary auto-
mation and ICT concepts and paradigms, approaches and cor-
responding domain standards are reviewed in Section VI. Fi-
Fig. 1. Smart Grid vision: intelligent integration of all users/stakeholders.
nally, Section VII deals with the key findings and with an out-
look about future research trends. B. Necessary Smart Grid Functions and Services
The management and operation of the future power system
II. THE FUTURE ELECTRIC ENERGY SYSTEM and its components—especially active power distribution
The large scale implementation of DER from renewable grids and micro-grids [20]—require new and advanced control
sources during the last years fundamentally changed the de- functions. They have to be integrated in the corresponding au-
sign, planning and operation of the power systems in various tomation solutions, intelligent electronic devices and grid
regions (US, Europe, Australia, etc.). It becomes already visi- components. A brief overview of the most important functions
ble in power transmission and distribution grids. System oper- and services is given by the following list [11], [21]-[23]:
ators and utilities have to manage the fluctuating power gener-  Advanced monitoring and diagnostics: Monitoring and
ation from DERs as well as uncoordinated responses to chang- state estimation capability as well as real-time condition
ing conditions of the power grids [10], [11]. monitoring of components in the medium voltage but also
In a number of countries (Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain, in the low voltage distribution grids is an important future
Australia, etc.) levels of renewables (photovoltaic, wind, hy- feature. Self-diagnostic capabilities are helpful new
dro) have already exceeded the local power grid’s hosting ca- functions, which are valuable in a power grid with a large
pacity resulting in power quality disturbances. Smart Grids are amount of DERs, flexible loads and storage systems.
one of the most promising solutions to use the existing power  Optimization/self-optimization capabilities: Fluctuating
gird infrastructure extended with proper ICT methods in a electricity generation from renewable sources requires the
more efficient way, allowing higher penetration levels of DER ability to (self-)optimize the operation in medium and low-
[12]-[19]. voltage distribution grids. In addition, the availability of
flexible loads and storage systems add additional degrees
A. Towards Active Power Grids
of freedom for operating future Smart Grids.
In the past the power system operation has been done main-  Automatic grid (topology) reconfiguration: Support of
ly manually. The integration of DERs with smart power con- automatic or semi-automatic adjustment of the distribution
verters, the possibility to handle peak loads on the demand grid topology due to optimization purposes (e.g., max.
side as well as technology developments in energy storage amount of distributed generators, flexible loads) or due to
systems together with advanced ICT solutions result in a high- fault management and power system restoration.
er automation degree as outlined in Fig. 1.  Adaptive protection: Automatic or semi-automatic
All components in the future Smart Grid—flexible loads, adaption of protection devices (e.g., protection relays,
energy storages, smart substations with On-Load Tap Chang- breakers) in respect to the actual power grid conditions
ers (OLTC), DERs, metering systems, etc.—are interconnect- (e.g., adaptation of the protection system settings due to
ed in addition to the power system with a corresponding the bidirectional power flow caused by DERs).
communication and automation infrastructure. Together with  Distributed power system management: Distributed control
proper control approaches and strategies a Smart Grid system with automatic decision finding processes and proactive
can be implemented which allows monitoring, managing and fault prevention have to be provided for the power system
optimizing the future electric energy grids as well as its com- infrastructure operators in medium and low voltage grids.
ponents and users in a more intelligent manner exploring the  Islanding possibilities/micro-grids: Local operation of
AI principles [10], [13], [14]. islands/micro-grids can improve the availability of the
electricity supply due to failures on higher voltage levels.

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

 Distributed generation/distributed energy resources with

ancillary services: Usage of ancillary services provided by
DER (e.g., local voltage or frequency control, virtual
inertia) improves power grid optimization (e.g., enhancing
the hosting capacity of DER in power distribution grids).
 Demand response/energy management support: Electric
loads and energy storage systems provide additional
flexibility in power system operation. Energy management
and demand response principles as well as smart functions
have to be provided by the used ICT infrastructure.
 Advanced forecasting support: Forecasting of (distributed)
generation and load profiles for optimized grid operation.
 Self-healing: Automatic or semi-automatic restoration of
grid operation in case of component/grid faults help power
system and infrastructure operators.
 Asset management/condition dependent power system
maintenance: Preventive maintenance according to
component/device conditions and remaining life-time.
C. Distributed Intelligence on Different Levels
In order to realize the vision of Smart Grids as well as the
corresponding functions, distributed intelligence on different
levels in the power system infrastructure is necessary. The fol- Fig. 2. Necessary intelligence in a Smart Grid system on different levels.
lowing list and Fig. 2 provide a brief categorization of these Flexibility, adaptability, scalability, local intelligence/auto-
levels and indicates what kind of intelligence is needed: nomy as well as open interfaces are key requirements for cor-
 Sub-component level: Typically, power electronics are responding ICT/automation systems and component control-
used in power converters of DERs. Improvement of local lers (DER, storage systems, OLTC, etc.) to support and to en-
component properties like harmonics, flicker, etc. due to able the above described functions on the different levels [23].
advanced control algorithms and topologies is the main The AI principles and techniques can be used for this purpose
driver for local intelligence on this level. The DER con- with advantages on different levels.
troller and hardware part in the system configuration In the following sections a review of major achievements,
shown in Fig. 2 can be considered as sub-components. technology developments and research results in the domain
 Component level: For the integration of DER and distrib- of DER (i.e., controlling distributed power generation), energy
uted energy storages into the power system advanced storage systems (i.e., managing storage capabilities), ener-
component functions like the provision of ancillary ser- gy/demand side management (i.e., managing electricity con-
vices, adaptive protection possibilities, etc. are required. sumption) as well as ICT/automation concepts is provided.
Such intelligence is either used for local optimization
purposes (component behavior) or for supporting the op- III. INTEGRATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES
timization of sub-systems and systems in a coordinated The integration of DER with the electrical power system re-
manner on the higher levels. DER components as shown quires the usage of Power Converters (PC), necessary for
in Fig. 2 are typically part of this level. adapting fluctuating produced energy with grid requirements;
 Sub-system level: Deals mainly with the optimization they are also necessary for efficient operation of Energy Stor-
and/or control of sub-systems like micro-grids or age Systems (ESS). The most appropriate topologies, devices,
home/building energy automation systems. The objective control and modulation techniques are fundamental in order to
is to optimize (sub-)systems with few components (DER, fulfill grid codes/inter-connection rules and for avoiding the
storage system, etc.) in a coordinated manner. Typically, occurrence of instability or synchronization problems, faults
distributed automation and control approaches are used. A and for obtaining high efficiency operations. However, the
storage system together with a distributed generator in- nonlinear behavior of PC causes the injection of harmonic dis-
stalled at the customer side can be considered as sub- tortions at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC). Moreover,
system as depicted in Fig. 2. stable outputs could not be ensured in every condition, such as
 System level: Power utility automation, demand-side during deep voltage sags. The subsequent generated electro-
management or energy management are carried out from magnetic interferences may lead to undesired situations, loss
a systems perspective in a coordinated way using the pro- of synchronization of DERs, grid instability and faults. These
vided functions and services of the underlying sub- situations can be mitigated by insertion of special converters,
systems and components. Central as well as distributed namely Power Factor Controllers (PFC), Static Compensators
control approaches and corresponding algorithms are usu- (STATCOM) and ESS, as well. In addition, the implementa-
ally applied as represented in Fig. 2. tion of ICT technologies and concepts, allow prevention of

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

abnormal situations [24]-[26]. technologies and the diffusion of modular design approaches,
To guarantee power quality at the input AC mains, harmon- both in hardware and in software as well.
ic standards and engineering recommendations must be also In modern power systems, PC are also providing ancillary
adopted to limit the level of distortion at the PCC [27], [28]. services (e.g., local voltage or frequency control) using reac-
Power converters topology plays a significant role in full tive and active power management functions and therefore
integration of renewable energies with the electrical power providing additional possibilities for the power grid operation.
grid. Nowadays, there is a significant trend of considering Examples are local voltage control possibilities at the PCC
Multi Level Converter (MLC) topologies for new Smart Grid which can also be used in a coordinated way to maintain pow-
related projects. They basically consist of arrays of power er quality due to a high share of distributed generation.
semiconductors in series and/or in parallel, producing output It is expected that in the future, electromagnetic transform-
voltage with discrete stair stepped waveforms. Typical topolo- ers will be replaced by electronic counterparts, the so called
gies of MLC are diode-clamped or Neutral-Point Clamped “Solid State Transformers (SST)”, based on previous technol-
(NPC), Active Neutral-Point Clamped (ANPC), capacitor- ogies [40] (an application example for SST is provided in Sec-
clamped or Flying Capacitor (FC), and Cascaded Multilevel tion VI.A). In fact, they can be easily integrated within the
Converters (CMLC) [29]-[31]. A significant part of their be- Smart Grid, interconnecting distinct electrical power grids op-
havior (namely the quality of output waveforms) depends on erating with different characteristics (e.g., voltage and phase).
control and modulation methods. Popular methods are: multi- They can simplify grid management during normal operating
level sinusoidal Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM), Phase Dis- conditions and during faults. Moreover, they could simplify
position (PD), multilevel Selective Harmonic Elimination power factor control and harmonic reduction as well. In gen-
(SHE), Harmonic Mitigation (HM) and space-vector modula- eral, they are more compact in size and are expected to be-
tion [32]-[38]. The higher the number of levels, the higher the come cheaper than traditional transformers, penalized by the
quality of the output voltages and currents due to reduced high cost of copper and of magnetic materials [41]-[43].
electromagnetic emissions determined by chosen modulation Since power levels become higher, optimum modulation of
technique are. Due to their intrinsic characteristics, MLC op- PC is fundamental for satisfying power quality demand and
erate at low frequency and at medium voltage, moreover they for improving design, performances and efficiency. Elimina-
eliminate common mode currents. Additionally they don't re- tion or mitigation of one or more harmonics from output with-
quire expensive passive filters, while achieving significant out the use of passive filters is very important for achieving
improvements in term of efficiency and cost. For such reasons, significant improvement in terms of cost, reliability and space.
their usage simplifies DER design and allows direct connec- Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization
tion of PC with power distribution lines. (PSO) [44]-[46], AI methods based on Bacterial Foraging al-
Another emerging topology in DER is the so called Modu- gorithms, Ant Colony methods, as well as Homotopy and con-
lar Multilevel Converters (MMC) [39]. This can be considered tinuation theory [47]-[49] are typical methods capable to find
a new and promising design approach consisting in connecting the converter switching angles necessary for modulation.
basic PC modules in series and/or in parallel. Typically, each However, all these methods require off-line calculations,
module consists of a half bridge or a full H-bridge with a DC hence offer limited flexibility. Recently, some analytical
capacitor for energy storage and all the necessary sensors and methods capable of identifying all possible switching angles
control circuits. With this approach design, realization and eliminating a desired harmonic, for a fixed modulation index
maintenance of high power and/or medium voltage converters in a five level cascaded inverter have been successfully devel-
is simpler because hardware can fully exploit modularity. oped, allowing real-time implementation without the use of
Usually, the design of the single modules is often very com- look-up tables [38]. The transcendental equations characteriz-
plex due to the numerous constraints. Moreover, software and ing the harmonic content can be converted in polynomial
control become more complex, too, due to the additional intel- equations which can then be solved using the method of re-
ligence and communication capability needed by interactions sultants from elimination theory [50], [51]. It has been shown
among the modules. One of early application of MC was in that, a pair of harmonics chosen among third, fifth and seventh
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) systems, but due to can be eliminated in a five level inverter output voltage using
their significant advantages in terms of flexibility, scalability, the method described in [52], based on graphical analysis by
maintenance and costs, their usage has been extended to DER; using Chebyshev polynomials and the Waring’s formulae. In
e.g., MW-range wind turbines and to other high power appli- order to generate switching PWM patterns with low harmonic
cations as well. Of course, there are also some drawbacks, content, avoiding the elimination of some specific harmonics,
mainly caused by intrinsic nature of modular systems; the use the total harmonic distortion can be treated as a global prob-
of connectors with potential interconnection problems, the po- lem by using a general-purpose random-search heuristic algo-
tential instabilities due to interaction among modules, the in- rithm [53]-[55].
creased distances among critical components and the addition- In summary, AI techniques and concepts play an important
al design complexity, due to the modularity. role for controlling and optimizing elements on the sub-
Comparison among MLC and MMC is not simple; moreo- component and component level. It is expected by the authors
ver MLC can be designed with a modular approach. However, that in the future more intelligent algorithms and concepts are
in the authors’ opinion it should be expected a growth of both being used on this level.

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

IV. ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS INTEGRATION A. Autonomous Control with Central Configuration Ability
The increasing share of intermittent and distributed genera- This approach describes autonomous control of single com-
tion units into the power system is the main driver for the in- ponents based on pre-defined function characteristics with the
tegration of stationary storage systems into the power system. opportunity to reconfigure functions from a central unit. The
Future demand for storage will both include long-term, large control algorithm can also be based on rules in combination
scale storage like hydrogen or natural gas as well as small- with threshold levels. The configuration of the single compo-
scale, short term storage systems like batteries or flywheels nents is often based on offline or online load flow calculations
within the distribution system [56], [57]. of the local power grid [62].
The number of possible applications for grid-connected sta- A control architecture based on pre-defined droop charac-
tionary storage is large. Depending on the methodology and teristics is discussed in [63]. It is shown that the simple adop-
the granularity of the segmentation between 9 and 16 distin- tion of the droop characteristics for single systems decreases
guished services are reported in the literature [57]-[60]. the investment costs for the ESS by reducing the required ca-
Requirements to controls and ICT strongly depend on the pacity significantly. One approach to achieve this functionality
necessary service or combination of services as well as the is the implementation of a droop control function according to
storage technology in use. A common picture showing the IEC 61850 [17] or SunSpec [67]. Both the standard frame-
state-of-the-art for all services and control architectures is works provide not only a definition of standardized input and
hence not possible. This review focuses on the implementation output registers of inverter-based distributed generators and
and operation of ESS providing services for power quality. storage systems, but also define standardized functions and
The most important service discussed is voltage control to services. Each function defined in IEC 61850 or SunSpec can
maintain power quality and to allow for a higher hosting ca- be configured based on a pre-defined set of parameters.
pacity of renewable sources [61]-[64]. Marra et al. [68] discuss a threshold based control algorithm
Fig. 3 shows a simulation study of an ESS providing volt- for increasing local consumption and simultaneously provid-
age control for a local Photovoltaic (PV) generator [65]. It ab- ing voltage control. The defined threshold is based on the
sorbs all active power above a defined threshold (e.g., nominal power of each PV array. When the PV penetration in
1.02p.u.) to avoid intolerable voltage levels. When they fall a feeder changes the threshold for each storage system chang-
below the defined threshold the ESS starts the discharging. es as well. Once the threshold is set for each storage system
The storage system is not the only component participating they operate autonomously. Whereas the strategy provides
in voltage control schemes. Often such functions are provided consistent voltage control the impact on local consumption is
by DER-based inverter systems and/or OLTC [62], [63]. In a not discussed. The authors of the work show that with an in-
number of cases the analyzed storage systems also provide ad- creasing PV penetration the requirements for the storage sys-
ditional services such as local consumption of DER [66]. tem increase significantly. Only simple algorithms from the AI
For the case of voltage control different architectures, rang- point of view are being applied in the current solutions but
ing from autonomous control with and without remote config- there is space for more intelligent concepts and algorithms in
uration ability to central control, are analyzed. future developments.
B. Central Control Concepts
In contrast to autonomous control, central approaches need
a functioning control unit and a communication network. At-
tached components do not make decisions by their own. An
algorithm where storages provide voltage control with OLTC
simultaneously on the low-voltage and medium-voltage levels
is shown in [62]. Single actions are rated based on their costs
and impact with offline load flow simulations. A central con-
troller optimizes component behavior based on measurements.
The authors in [69] discuss a central control algorithm for
voltage and frequency control for micro-grids based on droop
control. The battery storage system is the primary control unit
for maintaining both voltage and frequency. It is only active
when the micro grid changes to islanding mode. When in is-
landing mode the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is
coordinated with local DERs over a central control unit.
Sugihara et al. [70] proposes a central control approach
where the Distribution System Operator (DSO) has direct con-
trol access to distributed storage systems at customer sides.
Access is granted in exchange of a subsidy for the storage sys-
Fig. 3. Exemplary simulation of an energy storage system providing voltage
control for a local PV generator [65]. tem. The described approach takes advantage of the reactive
power compensation abilities of the storage converter. Voltage

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

control facilitated by active power control is not included in Diverse time-differentiated pricing models have been pro-
the proposed approach. Like other control approaches the de- posed such as real-time, day-ahead, time-of-use, or critical-
cision foundation is based on characterization of the network peak pricing [71]. The basic ideas are the same for all these
via load flow calculations. The authors show that the de- models, firstly it is required that retail prices reflect fluctua-
scribed approach allows the DSO to maintain acceptable volt- tions in wholesale prices so that users pay for what they con-
age level on a cheaper base than with other measures. sume at the market price and that users themselves are free to
The paradigm of the distributed versus centralized control decide whether or when to buy the energy they need. In addi-
approaches is in the focus of attention, but the trend towards tion, these models encourage users to shift high loads during
distribution is clearly identifiable. This is the only way-out in off-peak hours in order to reduce the cost of electricity and to
such complex systems. help reducing the peak-to-average ratio of demand [79].
The authors in [80] aim at evaluating the potential impact
V. DEMAND RESPONSE AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT that the implementation of DR methodologies and the dynam-
Future electric energy systems endowed with smart meter- ic pricing could have on the operation of the electricity infra-
ing, intelligent electronic devices and advanced ICT will be structure. They state that models at multiple levels of analysis
characterized by greater responsiveness and efficiency deci- are essential in order to simulate a DR program using both a
sions by the costumers and the utility provider [5], [8], [9]. distributed and centralized control. Considering that DR tech-
Recent researches confirm, indeed, that Demand Response niques are moving towards approaches based on a more and
(DR) is essential for the operation of future Smart Grids [7], more interactive model of communication, active, interactive,
[71], [72]. DR denotes variations of the electric consumption and transactive electricity markets are proposed.
by customers when the price of electrical energy changes over In an active market a price signal is sent from the central
time or in presence of financial incentives or reliability signals controller to the end-use customer so that he can respond to
[71]. Regulatory and policy frameworks, such as the Energy price variations. In an interactive market the end-use customer
Policy Act of 2005 in the US, have been recently enacted that can also send information back to a central controller so that
promote DR and allow customers and load aggregators taking the price signal can be changed. In a transactive market, inter-
part by means of DR resources in energy, capacity, and ancil- active controllers are used that are also able to automatically
lary services markets [73]-[75]. Also, the FERC Order 719 operate on behalf of the end-use electrical load.
contributed to remove obstacles to the participation of DR in B. Decision Support and Energy Management System
wholesale markets by allowing load aggregators bidding DR
In [81] and [82] the authors propose a Decision Support and
on behalf of retail customers into markets. In 2011, FERC Or-
Energy Management System (DSEMS) that can be used for
der 745, determined that DR resources should be compensated
residential, commercial and industrial customers. This concept
at the Locational Marginal Price (LMP) for their participation
is modelled as a finite state machine and consists of some sce-
in wholesale markets, thus establishing an equal treatment be-
narios that can be selected according to the customer’s prefer-
tween demand-side resources and generation [76], [77].
ences. The inputs of the systems are the measured energy from
In Europe, even if it is recognized that DR could play a rel-
available resources (i.e., from the distribution network, local
evant role in favoring penetration of DER [78], policies are
or other electrical or thermal energy sources) and information
more devoted to energy efficiency and Demand Side Man-
related to hourly electrical and thermal energy tariffs, status of
agement (DSM), rather than DR, which is mainly considered
the network in terms of components availability, users re-
in order to decrease the costs of load peaks.
quirements, contract constrains, messages from the DSO, and
A. Demand Response Programs environmental parameters. The system generates the command
Nowadays, mainly due to both new regulatory and policy signals for the management of thermal and electrical loads and
frameworks and new technologies, a great share of the end use the messages for the end user (i.e., information about con-
electrical loads can be engaged in DR programs in a more con- trolled devices, load state information, energy consumption
trolled manner. Automated control systems operating on a and energy saving suggestions for achieving energy saving,
continual basis are replacing traditional load control systems messages from the DSO).
and these new systems are now available for commercial, in- The DSEMS is also endowed with a climate control, both
dustrial, and also individual residential customers. Often, resi- used during summer and winter seasons. The temperature set
dential DR should be aggregated in order to compete in the point of the split is progressively modified in order to decrease
wholesale energy markets. the power absorption when the maximum power limit is ex-
While the direct control of the end use electrical loads ex- ceeded or during periods when the cost of energy is high [81].
isted for decades, price-driven response programs, using a In [82] the effectiveness of the DSEMS for residential ap-
price signal as a means for demand control, are beginning to plications is evaluated by varying the energy class of the
emerge and to be the subject of study at the distribution level. house from A to G and considering different scenarios (e.g.,
Combining the automation of the demand bids and the strate- comfort, economy, and energy) for two locations characterized
gies to respond to the growing user empowerment with respect by different external climatic conditions. The simulated as
to its domestic consumption, DR programs are the ideal solu- well as experimental tests evidence that the use of DSEMS al-
tion to reduce demand power and prevent grid congestions. lows decreasing both, energy consumptions and costs by not

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

deteriorating the user comfort. Higher benefits can be obtained In summary, the tasks of monitoring, diagnostics and predic-
for houses with high energy consumption and characterized by tive maintenance should play an important role in energy
a lower initial energy class with a maximum reduction of management systems. The model-based solutions were recog-
about 30% of the initial energy consumption achieved for nized as very successful for this purpose, but it is extremely
class G houses [83]. This system is also useful for DSOs as it difficult and expensive to obtain relevant models built from
can help mitigating peak loads due to air conditioners usage. the first principles. Relevant approaches, including the model-
based and fault-tolerant system approaches are reviewed in re-
C. Demand Response Provider Implementation
cent papers [84], [85]. In the DR energy management of today
Customers can take part to DR programs through an inter- the AI principles and techniques (negotiations based on price
mediary or directly with the utility. In the case when end use models, bidding and contracting) are strongly explored, de-
customers are gathered by intermediaries, generally called spite the authors from the energy management field does not
Demand Response Providers (DRP), the end use customers’ mention this explicitly. The trend of the deeper exploration of
aggregated capability is presented to an organized market by AI will continue.
DRPs [71]. Automated response technologies, generally clas-
sified as control devices, monitoring systems, and communica- VI. SMART GRID AUTOMATION AND CONTROL
tion systems are required in order to actuate the functionalities
This section provides a survey of the applications of modern
of a DRP and allows remote managing of peak load demand
AI and software technologies to perform control functions in
and energy consumption. An infrastructure to implement a
the field of Smart Grids. The requirements for such systems
DRP in a Smart Grid is presented in [71]. As shown Fig. 4, it
imposes the adoption of technologies based on principles of
consists of Energy Management Systems (EMSs) and DRP,
decentralization of functions (e.g., monitoring and control)
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Remote
over distributed, interoperable, loosely coupled and reusable
Terminal Units (RTUs), Advanced Metering Infrastructure
entities used for example in DER, ESS, DR as covered above.
(AMI), State Estimation Algorithms (SEAs) as well as Gener-
The AI principles and techniques do start to play the key roles
ation and Load Forecast System (GLFS). Measurement data
in the architectures, incl. the SOA architecture, multi-agent
provided by AMI and RTUs are transferred to the EMS by the
and holonic systems as well as in standardization.
SCADA system. The EMS performs monitoring, control and
optimization tasks by using SEAs and GLFS. A. Architectures
An AMI network, consisting of a smart meters, wide-area Automation architectures of future Smart Grids are being
networks, home area networks, meter data management sys- developed in a number of large-scale research programs
tems, and neighborhood area networks, is used to measure, worldwide. One significant research initiative is conducted by
save and evaluate energy usage, and to communicate infor- the center of Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and
mation among the utility, the loads and the consumers. Management (FREEDM) funded by the National Science
Foundation (NSF), USA. FREEDM center envisions the back-
bone of the future grid to be a new power distribution infra-
structure, allowing for integration of Smart Grid components
in a “plug and play” manner and enabling bi-directional flow
of electricity [86]. This new energy delivery infrastructure is
also denoted as “Energy Internet” or “Internet of Energy”
[86]. This vision is akin to the (information) Internet.
Fig. 5 illustrates the FREEDM vision. The core enabling
technology is the SST [87], which is a new generation power
transformers using power electronics enabling bi-directional
electricity flow and supports AC and DC busses for direct
connection of components (e.g., DER, ESS). It is controlled
by Distributed Grid Intelligence (DGI), which consists of two
types of nodes: Intelligent Energy Management (IEM) and In-
telligent Fault Management (IFM).
The first key feature of FREEDM is a plug and play inter-
face, which enables components to seamlessly integrate with
the rest of the grid. This interface includes an open and stand-
ard-based protocol, enabling interoperability and self-aware-
ness of the devices. The second feature is an energy router or
an IEM device. The IEM device is based on the SST concept.
It manages the energy flow, provides power management,
power-balancing capabilities. Furthermore, it manages con-
Fig. 4. Energy Management System in the Smart Grid infrastructure: a) hard-
nected DER, ESS, and flexible loads. The third feature is DGI
ware system setup, b) logical/automation architecture [71]. itself, formulated and implemented using open standards.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Fig. 6. Multi-Agent Systems applied to active power distribution grids [96].

In the effort to employ active elements in power grids with

the local intelligence and coordination capabilities, it is appar-
ent that the MAS approach receives a significant popularity al-
so for developing Smart Grids [23] as shown in Fig. 6.
Using MAS principles, each component, device or actor is
monitored and controlled by an autonomous agent. Each agent
has a set of specific capabilities (like controlling house hold
appliances) and local objectives (for example minimization of
energy cost while preserving the end-user comfort). The
agents interact via messages to coordinate their behaviors in
order to achieve an equilibrium between the local and the sys-
tem-wide goals (such as demand-supply balancing).
MAS technology has been employed for developing the dis-
tributed ICT infrastructure within various projects like the
FREEDM initiative as well as the CRISP project. A concept of
grid cells was developed to divide the network into inde-
Fig. 5. FREEDM architecture: a) Energy Internet, b) key elements [86].
pendently managed sub-networks. The agent assigned to each
To address the fundamental challenges in controlling large grid cell is responsible for managing the current and future
numbers of distributed devices and dynamic loads, new con- production/consumption, and handling the reconfiguration
trol theories and distributed agent-based algorithms are re- tasks in case of fault detection [97]. A very similar approach
quired and currently under development. FREEDM center en- considering micro-grids as small scale electricity grids operat-
visions the major challenge will be implementing DGI appli- ing in low-voltage networks is presented in [98]. Each house
cations in a distributed manner across multiple execution plat- in the micro-grid is equipped with the Intelligent Load Con-
forms (i.e., IEM and IFM). Experience so far has emphasized troller (ILC) that can communicate with house devices over
the need of open source, open standard-based software as well the power line in order to intelligently control their load. The
as communication platforms. Towards this goal, the center has agent embedded in ILC communicates with the MicroGrid
proposed standard-based execution framework for IFM and Central Controller agent, which task is to balance production
IEM applications [88]-[93]. This framework is based on IEC and consumption within the micro grid.
61850 and IEC 61499 standards. The results have demonstrat- The MAS approach has also been exploited in designing the
ed successful deployment of agent-based power balancing concept of Virtual Power Plants (VPP). A VPP is comparable
DGI application on a network of ARM controllers [94]. to a micro-grid—it is an aggregation of generation units, such
as PV systems, combined heat and power units or wind tur-
B. Agent-based Solutions
bines together with controllable loads. They are represented by
To master the high complexity of future electric energy sys- agents grouped into a MAS, which is represented by a man-
tems, where the intelligence is distributed over autonomously agement agent as a single entity on the energy market [99].
acting and interacting components, it is necessary to explore To allow the smaller entities to trade the electricity locally
architectures and programming techniques based on distribut- in order to achieve the demand-supply balancing a concept of
ed Artificial Intelligence. One of the most relevant technolo- electronic power markets was introduced. The PowerMatcher
gies seems to be Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). They have al- tool is a MAS in which electricity generation and/or consum-
ready proved its capabilities for developing robust, flexible, ers represented as agents trying to sell and buy energy. The
and adaptive industrial automation systems, with application process of price negotiation is managed by an auctioneer agent
domains including manufacturing control, dynamic product that finds the equilibrium price considering the bids collected
routing, production planning and scheduling, logistics, aero- from device agents [100]. The Power-Matcher tool has been
space, air traffic control, and many others [95].

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

used also in other projects such as INTEGRAL aimed at the CIM models [111]-[113]. Lehnhoff et al. [112] adopt OPC
distributed control and coordination of aggregated DERs Unified Architecture (OPC UA) for Smart Grid applications,
[101], SmartHouse/Smart-Grid focused on integration of smart implementing SoA with OPC UA.
houses into the Smart Grid [102] and EcoGrid targets the Systems built on SoA, require enabling infrastructure. In this
large-scale demonstration of the Smart grid solution with 2000 context, Takagiwa et a. [114] have proposed a service-oriented
residential consumers on the Danish island Bornholm [103]. network architecture for Smart Grids including service-
An agent-based architecture for Smart Grids is also present- oriented routers. In addition, the SoA principle is also seen to
ed in [104]. The architecture is based on industrial standards play an important role in Smart Home/Building applications,
IEC 61850 [105] and IEC 61499 [106] to facilitate the migra- enabling interaction between house and smart meters and im-
tion of agent-technology into the industrial practice. The plementing DR/DSM functionalities [115]-[117].
agents are so-called intelligent Logical Nodes (iLN), capturing According to Pagani et al. [113], SoA can help to resolve
data from IEC 61850 LN. The idea is that the power system such Smart Grid challenges as interoperability, scalability,
automation can be decomposed into LNs, capturing functional discovery, mobility, robustness, service integration and com-
requirements of the desired system. Then LNs can be en- position, topology, advanced metering infrastructure, and real-
hanced with the desired algorithm. Each iLN is implemented time constraints. However, one of the important issues with
with an IEC 61499 Function Block (FB). The iLN architecture SoA is how to test and verify services and systems built on it.
enables automatic generation of automation software and plant This also raises issues of trusted service providers and security
models given customer requirements captured with IEC 61850 in SoA. These issues contribute into the bigger problem of
means. SysGrid is a tool supporting such automatic transfor- Smart Grid transparency, security and privacy.
mation, proposed in [107]. A number of projects were imple-
D. Holonic Control Principles
mented using iLN architecture [88], [104], [108].
The fault prevention and self-healing techniques for Smart Holonic principles [118] known from the AI field and gen-
Grids based on MAS are also widely discussed. One technique eral systems theory are being applied to the Smart Grids do-
presented in [109] is based on calculation of optimal network main, trying to capitalize the intrinsic characteristics to model
configuration achieved by opening or closing the switching el- complex large distributed systems into potential benefits. An
ements to isolate the fault. Another similar technique consid- architectural model based on holonic MAS is proposed by
ers partitioning the grid into multiple islands that disconnect [119] to structure the software entities within the ICT infra-
from the main grid in case of a failure. The agents responsible structure of Smart Grids. The whole network is assumed as a
for those islands cooperatively prepare plans of action to iso- holon that consists of some domain holons, namely focusing
late the faulty parts from the power grid [109]. on generation, transmission, distribution, control and opera-
tion, service provider, market and customer domains.
C. Service-oriented Architecture Concepts Negeri et al. [120] apply the holonic approach to structure
Service-oriented Architecture (SoA) is a principle based on the Smart Grid organized on autonomous prosumers that are
discrete parts of software that provides functionality as a ser- recursively clustered at various aggregation layers. These ho-
vice to other applications. SoA is therefore designed to be in- lons, named control holons, are organized in a bottom-up
dependent of any vendor specifications, products or underly- structure to form a complete control holarchy of the Smart
ing technology. Loose coupling of software parts provided by Grid. Many functions are included in this holon structure,
SoA, provide flexibility and interoperability to a system and namely the environment state acquaintance, state analysis, da-
enables dynamic reconfiguration possibilities. tabase management, forecasting, steering sub-holons and
As mentioned before, Smart Grids can be thought as the scheduler. This holonic approach is extended by considering a
“Energy Internet”. From this point of view, SoA can become a Service-oriented Architecture (SoA) framework to support in-
core technology to enable easy interaction between heteroge- teroperability and reusability challenges [121], defining five
neous devices and system integration. SoA can also be used major services: database service, State evaluation service, op-
for integration with the legacy systems. Moreover, it can ena- timization service, transaction service, and stability service.
ble flexible integration of various actors like distributed gen- Frey et al. [122] propose a holonic control architecture to
erators at industrial and residential levels, market players (auc- address the current requirements of Smart Grids, namely the
tioneers, buyers, sellers, regulators, etc.), consumers, govern- need to control a wide variety of heterogeneous producers and
ment bodies, power grid operators and etc. [110]. The ability consumers to attain global objectives at the macro-level, while
of service discovery and its advertisement as the key intelli- also taking into account local objectives and private interests
gent features would facilitate dynamic nature of Smart Grids. at the micro-level. For this purpose, they identify three main
At the level of heterogeneous system components (DER, integration patterns for conflict resolution in self-managed
EES, etc.), SoA can provide interoperability. Each node pro- systems, namely hierarchic, collaborative, and stigmergic.
vides a set of services with a defined interface. These patterns are complementary and could be used succes-
SoA require protocols that describe how services are being sively according to the environmental conditions and the
send, information are processed, service are described and working mode of the power grid.
how to use them. To unify information exchange and repre- A holonic MAS architecture is also introduced by [123] to
sentations, many researchers propose to use IEC 61850 and be capable of adaptively controlling power distribution sys-

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

tems, e.g., allowing the operation of a distribution system as ergy systems focusing on the reduction of the downtime of re-
an island mode in case of emergency, such as hurri- configuration tasks in energy management systems.
canes/earth-quakes or power grid failures. The integration of IEC 61850 and IEC 61499 standards are
explored in the literature as well. As example, Higgins et al.
E. Important ICT and Automation Standards
[130] introduced an approach to power systems automation
Due to the increasing number of available ICT/automation based on distributed intelligence combining the use of IEC
solutions for Smart Grids and constantly changing require- 61850-compliant devices with the IEC 61499-compliant “glue
ments, standardization is of a crucial importance in order to logic”. According to [131], the IEC 61499 reference model
handle interoperability as well as scalability requirements. providing a distributed function block-oriented architecture, is
These aspects have so far been covered by several standardiza- a proper technology to implement the advanced functions of
tion organizations and international projects. Specht et al. [15] holons, especially the bio inspired negotiation behaviors based
and Gungor et al. [14] provide a comprehensive overview of on the stigmergic approach.
important Smart Grid standards and roadmaps. Strasser et al. [132] discusses the usage of IEC 61850
As an international standardization organization the Interna- standard for power utility automation together with IEC 61499
tional Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) plays a very im- for distributed automation and the development of a related
portant role by providing common rules for the planning and IEC 61499 Compliance Profile (CP) for Smart Grid applica-
operation of Smart Grid systems. The “IEC Smart Grid Stand- tions. The developed IEC 61499 CP provides a mapping be-
ardization Roadmap” suggests different core standards im- tween the IEC 61850 structure with IEC 61499 artefacts and it
portant for the implementation of Smart Grids, like (i) IEC TR also describes common rules for the usage of IEC 61499 to-
62357 (service-oriented integration architecture), (ii) IEC gether with IEC 61850.
61970/IEC 61968 (Common Information Model – CIM), and Under the scope of the 4DIAC initiative [133], [134], dis-
(iii) IEC 61850 (power utility automation) [17]. Other organi- tributed, reconfigurable control software for Smart Grids and
zations also provide similar roadmaps for the implementation components was implemented based on IEC 61850 and IEC
of intelligent power grids. The “NIST Framework and 61499. Especially, low-level control algorithms and reconfigu-
Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards” [16], the rable interfaces for the on-line update/adaptation of control
“DKE German standardization roadmap for Smart Grids” functions in DERs are covered by [135].
[19], as well as the “IEEE Guide for Smart Grid Interoperabil- Zhabelova and Vyatkin [61] introduce an automation archi-
ity of Energy Technology and Information Technology Opera- tecture that supports distributed multi-agent intelligence, com-
tion with the Electric Power System (EPS), End-Use Applica- bining IEC 61850 object-based modelling and interoperable
tions, and Loads” [18] are important examples of such communication with IEC 61499 function block executable
roadmaps and guidelines. specification. The proposed architecture was applied to
The German DKE Smart Grids roadmap also goes one step achieve self-healing grid through collaborative fault location
further by suggesting standards for the implementation of con- and power restoration.
trol logic. For this, the usage of IEC 61131-3 for programma- Zhu et al. [136] propose the function block-based model for
ble logic controllers [124] or the IEC 61499 for distributed, in- flexible Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs), combining the
telligent automation [106] are suggested. Both, IEC 61131 and IEC 61850 and IEC 61499 models. A prototype system was
IEC 61499 provide promising concepts for the development of developed in MATLAB/Simulink.
control and automation solutions in Smart Grids, which has al-
ready been demonstrated in previous works [19]. Recently the VII. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK
OPC UA, defined in IEC 62541, has received an increased in-
The future electric energy system consists of a huge amount
terest from the Smart Grid research community [125]. The
of interconnected components and supports bi-directional
previous OPC specification for data access (i.e., OPC DA)
electricity flow through the electrical network and an ICT in-
was especially developed for Windows-based platforms using
frastructure. Important actors in such a Smart Grid system are
mainly COM/DCOM technology, whereas the new OPC UA
inverter-based DER, ESS and flexible/controllable loads.
specification was especially developed to provide a platform-
Compared to today’s power system the future infrastructure is
independent information and communication model, by using
characterized due to a higher amount of distributed compo-
service-oriented principles for the data and information ex-
nents (in hard- and software) whereas the hierarchical struc-
change. Due to its object-oriented and generic modelling ap-
ture of the power grids will still exist.
proach there have been several studies conducted, where exist-
In this review, the importance of power electronics and ad-
ing data models and protocols have been successfully mapped
vanced ICT/automation approaches has been highlighted as
to OPC UA, e.g., CIM and IEC 61850 [126], [127].
basis to design and operate the future power system which has
The IEC 61499 standard [128] was especially developed as
to deal with fluctuating distributed generation and limited
a reference architecture for the modeling and design of dis-
storage capacities provided by EES. Power converters with
tributed control algorithms. The distributed nature of the
ancillary services provide additional possibilities to optimize
Smart Grid approach makes IEC 61499 particularly also use-
the future power grids. Moreover, with DSM/DR the electrici-
ful for this domain. This was demonstrated by Hegny et al.
ty consumption (i.e., load profile) can be managed too.
[129], where an IEC 61499 application was developed for en-

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

The Smart Grid ideas have appeared to enhance the capabil- and software engineering areas, and (iii) the provision of
ities of the power distribution systems as reaction to growing proper design, development and validation methods for com-
requirements on better exploration of (distributed) energy re- ponent design and integrated ICT/automation solutions. There
sources. The Smart Grid visions are supported by the latest is still a lot of work necessary in order to implement a real
achievements in the field of AI and software engineering, Smart Grid system. Industrial electronics and informatics to-
namely on holonic, MAS and SOA principles. The trend is to gether with the AI techniques will play an important role of
use holonic control principles on the lowest, near to the physi- such an integrated approach in the near future.
cal equipment automation level to ensure very fast reactions,
especially reconfigurations of the network. Both the MAS and REFERENCES
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

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10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

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tions,” 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics [136] L. Zhu, D. Shi, and X. Duan, “Standard Function Blocks for Flexible
(ISIE’13), May 28-31, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013. IED in IEC 61850-based Substation Automation”, IEEE Trans. Power
[115] C. Warmer, K. Kok, S. Karnouskos, A. Weidlich, and D. Nestle, “Web Del., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 1101-11, 2011.
services for integration of smart houses in the smart grid,” Grid-Interop
Forum 2009, pp. 1-5, Nov. 17-19, Denver, Colorado, 2009.
[116] S. Karnouskos, “The cooperative internet of things enabled smart grid,”
14th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics
(ISCE’10), Jun. 7-10, Braunschweig, Germany, 2010.
[117] S. Karnouskos, O. Terzidis, and P. Karnouskos, “An Advanced meter-
ing infrastructure for future energy networks,” IFIP/IEEE 1st Interna-
tional Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security
(NTMS’07), pp. 597-606, May 2-4, Paris, France, 2007.
[118] A. Koestler, The Ghost in the Machine, Arkana Books, London, UK,
1969. Thomas Strasser (M’09–SM’13) received the Ph.D.
[119] M.H. Moghadam and N. Mozayani, “A Novel Information Exchange degree in mechanical engineering with a focus on au-
Model in IT Infrastructure of Smart Grid”, Res. J. Appl. Sci., Eng. tomation and control theory from Vienna University of
Technol., vol. 6, no. 23, pp. 4399-4404, 2013. Technology, Vienna, Austria, in 2003.
[120] E. Negeri, N. Baken, and M. Popov, “Holonic Architecture of the He is Senior Scientist with the AIT Austrian Insti-
Smart Grid”, Smart Grid Ren. Energy, vol. 4, pp. 202-212, 2013. tute of Technology, Vienna, in the domain of smart
[121] E. Negeri and N. Baken, “Architecting the Smart Grid as Holarchy”, grids with focus on power utility automation. He was
1st International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems working as a Senior Researcher with PROFACTOR
(SMARTGREENS’2010), pp. 73-78, Apr. 19-20, Porto, Portugal, 2012. Research, Steyr, Austria, in the field of reconfigurable
[122] S. Frey, A. Diaconescu, M. David, and I. Demeure, “A Holonic Control automation for six years.
Architecture for a Heterogeneous Multi-Objective Smart Micro-Grid”, Dr. Strasser a member of the International Electrotechnical Commission —
7th IEEE Int. Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Sys- Subcommittee 65B/Working Group 15—Function Blocks (IEC C65B/WG15)
tems (SASO’13), pp. 21-30, Sept., 9-13, Philadelphia, USA, 2013. maintaining the IEC 61499 standard. In addition, he is Senior Member of the
[123] A. Pahwa, S.A. DeLoach, S. Das, B. Natarajan, X. Ou, D. Andersen, N. IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), the IEEE System, Man, and Cyber-
Schulz, and S. Singh, “Holonic Multi-agent Control of Power Distribu- netics Society (SMC) and the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES).

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Filip Andrén (M’12) studied applied physics and elec- Pierluigi Siano (M’09–SM'14) received the M.Sc. de-
trical engineering at Linköping University from 2004 gree in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in
to 2009 with a thematic focus on Control and Infor- information and electrical engineering from the Uni-
mation Systems where he received a master’s degree. versity of Salerno, Salerno, Italy, in 2001 and 2006,
Since 2009 he is working as a scientist at the AIT respectively.
Austrian Institute of Technology, Energy Department. He is an Aggregate Professor of Electrical Energy
He is specialized on Smart Grids and power utility au- Engineering with the Department of Industrial Engi-
tomation. His main research interests are automation neering, University of Salerno. In 2013 he received the
and control systems, communication and automation Italian National Scientific Qualification as Full Profes-
standards as well as modeling, simulation and devel- sor in the competition sector electrical energy engi-
opment of intelligent grid components. neering. His research activities are centered on the integration of distributed
energy resources in smart distribution systems and on planning and manage-
ment of power systems. He has co-authored more than 160 papers including
more than 70 international journals.
Dr. Siano is an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUS-
TRIAL INFORMATICS, member of the editorial board of more than thirty Inter-
national Journals.

Johannes Kathan received the BSc. in Energy and En-

vironmental Management, specializing in electric energy
systems in 2009, from the University of Applied Scienc-
es Pinkafeld, Pinkafeld, Austria and the M.Sc. in urban
renewable energy systems form the University of Ap-
plied Sciences Technikum Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
Since 2009 he works as researcher at the Business
Unit for Electric Energy Systems at the AIT Austrian In-
stitute of Technology. His field of research covers the in-
tegration electrical storage systems into the distribution Paulo Leitão (M’98-SM’08) received the Ph.D. degree
system and their applications. He is active in the networking activities of Eu- in electrical and computer engineering from the Uni-
ropean Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI) and European Energy Research Alli- versity of Porto, Portugal, in 2004.
ance (EERA). He is Professor in the Polytechnic Institute of Bra-
gança, Bragança, Portugal, and currently, the Head of
the Department of Electrical Engineering and a mem-
ber of the Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
Laboratory (LIACC).
He has published more than 130 papers in high-
ranked international scientific journals and conference
proceedings. He is co-author of three patents. His research interests include
Carlo Cecati (M’90–SM’03–F’06) received the Dr. Ing. industrial informatics, collaborative factory automation, reconfigurable pro-
degree in electrotechnical engineering from the University duction systems, intelligent supervisory control, agent-based and holonic con-
of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy, in 1983. trol, and bio-inspiration engineering.
Since then, he has been with the University of L'Aqui- Dr. Leitão served as General Co-Chair of several international conferences,
la where he is a Professor of industrial electronics and including the International Federation of Automatic Control Intelligent Manu-
drives; since 2014 he is also a Chief of International Aca- facturing Systems (IFAC IMS)’10 and the International Conference on Indus-
demic Adviser at Harbin Institute of Technology, China. trial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS)’11. Cur-
In 2007, he was a co-founder of DigiPower Ltd. His re- rently, he is the Chair of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Technical
search and technical interests cover several aspects of Committee on Industrial Agents.
power electronics, electrical drives, digital control, dis-
tributed generation and smart grids.
Prof. Cecati is the current Editor in Chief of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON

Gulnara Zhabelova received the Diploma degree in

Concettina Buccella (M’92–SM’03) received the Dr. robotics and mechatronics, and the M.E. degree in au-
Eng. degree from the University of L'Aquila, L'Aqui- tomation and control from Karaganda State Technical
la, Italy, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan, in 2006 and 2008,
Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy, both in electrical respectively, and the M.E. degree in computer systems
engineering. and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronics engi-
From 1988 to 1989, she was with Italtel S.p.A., neering from the University of Auckland, Auckland,
then, she joined the University of L'Aquila, where New Zealand, in 2009 and 2013, respectively.
since 2001 she is an Associate Professor. Her research Currently, she is a Research Engineer with the Luleå
interests include power converters, power systems, University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden. Previously,
smart grids, electromagnetic compatibility, electro- she was with the Industrial Informatics Lab, University of Auckland, from
static processes and ultra-wideband signal interferences. 2009 to 2013. Her research interests include agent technology and its formal
She was a corecipient of the 2012 and 2013 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IN- definition, theory, and application in wide practical domains, including auto-
DUSTRIAL INFORMATICS Best Paper Award. Prof. Buccella is C.E.O. of mation and control; protection in energy generation, transmission, distribu-
DigiPower Ltd., a university spin-off dealing with industrial electronics and tion, and consumption; building automation; demand side management; ad-
renewable energies. vanced metering infrastructure (AMI); energy markets; and policies.

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2361486, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Valeriy Vyatkin (M’03-SM’04) received the Ph.D. de- Vladimír Mařík (M’95–SM’13) received the Ph.D. de-
gree from the State University of Radio Engineering, gree in cybernetics from the Czech Technical University
Taganrog, Russia, in 1992. (CTU), Prague, Czech Republic, in 1979.
He is on joint appointment as Chaired Professor of He was appointed as a Full Professor at CTU in 1990,
Dependable Computation and Communication Systems, and is a Director with the newly established Czech Insti-
Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden, and tute for Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC).
Professor of Information and Computer Engineering in Earlier, he acted as Head of the Department of Cybernet-
Automation at Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland. Pre- ics, CTU, from 1999 to 2013, and as a Founder and Di-
viously, he was a Visiting Scholar at Cambridge Uni- rector with the Rockwell Automation Research Center,
versity, Cambridge, U.K., and has permanent academic Prague, from 1992 to 2009. His research interests include
appointments with the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; Mar- artificial intelligence, multiagent systems, knowledge-based systems, soft-
tin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany; Taganrog State computing, production planning, and scheduling applications.
University of Radio Engineering, Taganrog, Russia; and a Postdoc with the Mr. Mařík served as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan. His research interests include SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS–PART C: APPLICATIONS AND REVIEW
dependable distributed automation and industrial informatics; software engi- from 2005 to 2013. He is currently serving as a Vice-President of the IEEE
neering for industrial automation; and distributed architectures and multiagent Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society.
systems applied in various industry sectors.
Dr. Vyatkin was awarded the Andrew P. Sage Award for the best IEEE
Transactions paper in 2012.

Pavel Vrba (M’05–SM’14) received the Ph.D. degree

in applied sciences and informatics, cybernetics from
the University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Repub-
lic, in 2001.
He is the researcher at the Czech Institute of Infor-
matics, Robotics, and Cybernetics, Czech Technical
University in Prague. He leads the Intelligent Systems
for Industry group aiming at research and development
of intelligent distributed solutions in various industrial
fields. He was with the Rockwell Automation Research
Center in Prague (2001-2012), where he led the Distributed Intelligent Control
lab (2005-2012).
His main research interests are intelligent industrial control systems, holon-
ic and multi-agent systems, cyber-physical systems, systems of systems, In-
ternet of Things, semantic technologies and ontologies, service-oriented archi-
tectures and agent-based modeling, simulation and visualization. Dr. Vrba has
published more than eighty conference papers, journal articles and book chap-
ters related to his research area and five filed and one pending U.S. patents.

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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