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UNIT 3 2022
5to. Industriales, Biológicas y Computación
Teacher: Marta Garrido
Código de CLASSROOM bzb5gqq

Virtual Classroom Rules:

 Be on time
 Be prepared
 Be respectful at all times
 Act like you are at school
 Sit in 1 quiet spot during class
 Keep yourself muted
 Turn on your microphone if your teacher requires
 Keep your camera on during the class
 Raise your hand to talk
 Listen carefully
 Do not eat during class

 Preferences: Would like (gustaría), Would Rather (preferiría)
 Intensifiers: too, enough

 Air Traveler:
boarding pass - boleto aéreo booking a flight - reservar un vuelo
customs - migración luggage - equipaje
passport – pasaporte visa stamp - sello de la visa
bridge – puente mosque – mesquita
pyramid – pirámide ruins – ruinas
stadium – estadio statues – estatua
temple – templo wall - muralla

 Human-made Wonders: Angkor Wat, Colosseum, Blue Mosque,

Machu Picchu, Great Wall of China, Moal Statues, Ponte Vecchio,
Pyramid of Gizza .

Class 1: Wednesday 01/06

 Presenting new subject

Would like: (gustaría)

+ S + Would + like + to infinitive (verb) + C + .
- S + Would + not + like + to infinitive (verb) +C+ .
? Would + S + like + to infinitive verb + C + ?

Mary would like to cook dinner.

Mary would not like to cook dinner.
Would you like to cook dinner?

Would rather: (preferiría)

? Would + S + rather + verb + C + ?
+ S + Would + rather + verb + C + .
- S + Would + rather + not + verb + C + .

Mary would rather cook dinner.

Mary would rather not cook dinner.
Would Mary rather cook dinner?

Would prefer: (preferiría)

+ S + Would + prefer + to infinitive (verb) + C + .
- S + Would + prefer + not + to infinitive (verb) + C + .
? Would + S + prefer + to infinitive (verb) + C + ?

Mary would prefer to cook dinner.

Mary would prefer not to cook dinner.
Would Mary prefer to cook dinner?
Class 2: Friday 03/06
 Review
 Doing exercise #1 (page 70)
 Doing exercises #1, 2 (page 142)
 Doing execise # 3, 4 (page 143)

Would prefer: Expressing general or specific preference (on this


Would rather: Expressing general or specific preference (about

someone else). It prefers to have or do one thing more than another.
Prefer to do something.

Homework # 1: Tuesday 07/06, (enviarla antes de las 6 pm)

 Copy the Grammar Reference (page 164)
 Write the vocabulary 5 times each word English and Spanish
 Send the pictures of exercises # 2, 3, 4 (page 70, 71),
exercises # 1, 2, 3, 4 (pages 142, 143) estas son las que realizamos
en clase.

Class 3: Wednesday 08/06
 Checking homework
 Copy the preferences graphic

Would like ‘d
We use would like+to+infinitive verb to talk about our
Informar que le gusta:
I would like to go to France.
I would not like to go to Mexico.

Would rather ‘d
We use would rather + infinitive verb without to talk
about our preferences.
En respuesta a una pregunta:
Would you rather play tennis or soccer?
I would rather play tennis.
I would rather not play soccer.
Would prefer
We use prefer + to + infinitive verb to talk about our
preferences. We can use prefer when we have two or
more options.
En respuesta a una pregunta:
Would you prefer to have music or English classes after
I would prefer to have music classes.
I would prefer not to have English classes.

Class 2: Friday 10/06
 Review
 Doing exercise the exercise

Exercise: rewrite the sentences in order with the verb form.

1. prefer / in the mountains / walk / I / would
I would prefer to walk in the mountains.
I would prefer not to walk in the mountains.
2. to him in person / speak / rather / would / my father
My father would rather speak to him in person.
3. trains than cars / prefer / I / would
I would prefer trains than cars.
4. would / my daughter / in London / like / live
My daughter would like to live in London.
5. would / they / have / rather / lunch inside
They would rather have lunch inside.
6. outside in the garden / would / eat / prefer / my husband
My husband would prefer to eat outside in the garden.
7. like / coffee with cream / I
I would like coffee with cream.
8. to the movies / I / go / rather / would
I would rather go to the movies.
Homework # 2: Tuesday 14/06, (enviarla antes de las 6 pm)
 Change the sentences to negative form.
 Exercises # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (pages 72, 73)
 Exercise # 1 (page 143)

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