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1. - 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 5. Policymakers see pure sciences as the only
uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. disciplines to offer solutions for ecological
challenges, and they ---- social sciences and
1. While income inequality has been growing humanities, including arts and literature.
rapidly and is expected to increase, there‟s
quite a ---- between the public‟s view and that A) reverse B) persuade
of economists regarding the wealth gap. C) allure D) demolish

A) priority B) significance E) underestimate

C) disparity D) competence

E) detriment
6. Chinese socialism enables the government
to maintain strict control over private land
and thus to ---- massive infrastructure
programs like high-speed rail, which are
2. Smelling good can lead to a higher ---- of impossible elsewhere.
overall appearance, especially in business
A) call off B) give off
life since it signifies cleanliness and self-
respect. C) carry out D) put on

A) perception B) introduction E) take up

C) withdrawal D) apprehension
E) depletion

7. Early in the Cold War era, social sciences ----

for not being really scientific but for being
ideological and political in ways that may
3. Hardship experienced in one's younger days seem ---- as science.
is never pleasant, but hardships can make
people more ---- in adulthood as they acquire A) have been criticized / disguised
the means to deal with them.
B) were criticized / to have been disguised
A) vibrant B) essential C) were being criticized / disguising
C) compulsory D) resourceful D) had been criticized / to be disguised
E) abrupt E) are criticized / having disguised

4. Social media content showing bits of private 8. The oldest population group in Norway ----
life can ---- affect an applicant's chances of from reindeer hunters hunting in Northern
success when applying for jobs as Europe as they ---- animal parts in their
businesses now use it as part of their clothes, homes and cultures.
candidate assessment.
A) could have descended / have incorporated
A) regularly B) adversely
B) had to descend / incorporate
C) insensitively D) meticulously
C) should have descended / had incorporated
E) temporarily
D) must have descended / incorporated
E) may have descended / will incorporate

9. When couples have a child, mothers' earnings 13. While trying to understand the world around
drop substantially relative ---- fathers', and us, the need for efficiency often outweighs
this decades-old pattern isn't changing the need for accuracy ---- people don‟t
despite broad increases ---- other aspects of always have the time and resources to reach
gender equality. perfection.

A) from / out B) around / throughout A) even if B) since

C) within / below D) to / in C) whereas D) once
E) between / by E) as soon as

10. Working together to solve a problem is more 14. Street homelessness is one of the most
difficult ---- email or instant messenger than extreme and visible signs of profound
working in person because text-based injustice that our society faces today; ----, it
communication is deprived ---- visual, vocal often struggles to achieve sufficient attention
and nonverbal cues. at an international level.

A) along / among B) against / with A) thus B) for example

C) off / under D) with / into C) or else D) however

E) over / of E) furthermore

11. As information flows ---- academic projects 15. From hunter-gatherer camps to modern
from people, companies and organizations ---- cities, permanent human settlements tend to
various means, these generate both formal and densify as the population grows, ---- mobile
informal opportunities for exchange. human settlements do the opposite.

A) into / through B) across / without A) as B) while

C) above / beyond D) about / of C) unless D) until
E) by / over E) now that

12. ---- research conducted in social sciences 16. Gender makes a difference in the emotions
produces less money, it creates huge that employees experience at work; ----,
savings to society in multiple ways such as compared to men, women report feeling
by explaining relationships between more overwhelmed, stressed, frustrated,
managers and workers. tense, discouraged, and less respected and
A) If B) Whether
A) rather B) nonetheless
C) As long as D) When
C) for example D) therefore
E) Though
E) in addition

17. Measuring the impact of any scientific

research accurately has never been easy, but
measuring the impact of citizen science
projects is even harder ---- the untraditional
methods they follow.

A) for the sake of B) despite

C) with regard to D) because of

E) in the hopes of

18. ---- advocacy groups estimating that almost

two million people rely on sign language
across the world, most of whom are deaf, at
present, most television programs do not
include sign language.

A) In accord with B) Instead of

C) In response to D) Regardless of
E) In spite of

19. Second-hand shopping is good ---- for the

planet as it helps lower the resources used ----
for your wallet by helping to better manage
your finances.

A) as / as B) neither / nor
C) whether / or D) both / and
E) such / that

20. Organizations ---- members can reflect on

problem areas can take appropriate actions
to tackle them, allowing those members to
view themselves as useful to the wellbeing of
the organization.

A) which B) whose

C) who D) that
E) what

21.- 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 23.

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya
A) into
ifadeyi bulunuz.
B) by
There is a Chinese proverb: "If you want to be rich,
build roads first." Many studies have shown that the C) across
construction of transportation infrastructure plays D) for
important role in China's social and economic
development. (21)----, few studies have focused on E) into
how construction impacts enterprise efficiency and
macroeconomic growth on a regional basis. A new
study has drawn on data related to China's national
trunk highway system (NTHS) 282)---- this issue.
Researchers found that the construction of the twelve
national trunk highways between 1998 and 2007, has
not benefitted all regions along the NTHS, or the
enterprises operating within them. The study author
explains: "Transportation infrastructures create
economic connections between regional central cities
(23)---- the country, and connect small and medium-
sized cities along the route covered by NTHS. In 24.
theory, this reduction in time and space distance is A) promote
expected to (24)---- transportation accessibility, reduce
transportation costs, and improve transaction efficiency B) tolerate
and economic growth. But even if county-level C) diminish
enterprises contribute to the cities’ ability to specialize
and division of labour, this contribution is not notable in D) acquire
terms of the industrial value chain. (25)---- this, it is E) defy
difficult for them to have the efficiency improvements
that the enterprises in big cities enjoy.


A) However B) Thus
C) For instance D) Otherwise
A) In spite of
E) Similarly
B) Unlike
C) Prior to
D) Because of
E) Instead of


A) to be explored
B) to explore
C) being explored
D) having explored
E) explored

26.- 30. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 28.

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya
A) had helped
ifadeyi bulunuz.
B) helped
We need to dispel the arrogant and misguided idea
that modern humans are superior to earlier human C) were helping
species. It is (26)---- all our predecessors such as D) will help
Neanderthals that we are who we are today. This is
according to Marie Soressi, Professor of Hominin E) help
Diversity Archaeology. The image of simple
Neanderthals has shifted considerably in recent
decades. (27)---- this human species disappeared
some 40,000 years ago and was considered far less
intelligent than modern humans, we have discovered
that we all still have a piece of Neanderthal DNA since
the publication of the Neanderthal genome in 2010.
We should be pleased with this, says Soressi: some of
these old genes (28)---- boost our immunity and fight
disease. She has had her own DNA tested: "I've got
four percent Neanderthal DNA, which is double the
average two percent that most Europeans have." 29.
Soressi, along with other Leiden archaeologists, A) across
published a startling discovery a few years ago.
Neanderthals turned out to have had ingenious tools: a B) with
handy bone knife (29)---- a polished side for working C) beside
animal hide. Such knives, known as lissoirs, are still
used by leatherworkers today. And another team D) into
recently concluded that Neanderthals were able to use E) to
fire to keep the landscape open and bend it to their
will. Thus, researchers argue that all these insights
force us to (30)---- change our thinking about the
outdated, hierarchically structured classification of the
human species.

A) diligently
A) thanks to B) in addition to
B) negligibly
C) owing to D) but for
C) fundamentally
E) instead of
D) notoriously

E) unanimously


A) Once B) Because
C) Although D) If
E) Just as

31. - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun 33. ----, as it helps promote social justice,
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. diversity, corporate social responsibility, and
equal opportunity.
31. ----, millions of school children across Sub-
Saharan Africa sit silently in classrooms, A) Among people with intellectual disability,
struggling to follow lessons, and not those who are employed are far fewer than
progressing in their learning. those without

A) Due to criticisms towards English and B) People living with intellectual disability are
French, which are predominant languages of ready, willing and able to work
instruction C) Low labour force participation rate of people
B) Other than school lessons delivered only in with an intellectual disability is a waste of
English to children whose first language is human resource
different D) Businesses should employ people living with
C) Along with increasing access to education for intellectual disability
girls and the quality of that education E) People living with intellectual disability who
D) In spite of the burden of housework falling to want to work face barriers
them, which denies girls an opportunity to
study English
E) Owing to a prevalent insistence that all
lessons should be taught in English
34. Because it helps them better understand the
technology and everyday life of our
ancestors, ----.
32. Although marine fisheries hold unrealized A) authentic materials should be utilized in
potential to help address global nutrient reconstructing an artefact
deficiencies, ----.
B) ancient peoples are known to have relied on
A) fish are an important source of micronutrients several types of weapons in hunting and
and essential fatty acids with the potential to warfare
substantially reduce rates of malnutrition
C) scientists try to reconstruct artefacts of the
B) marine fisheries are conducted in all the past even if it is based on indirect data
oceans and seas of the world, including bays
and estuaries D) it should be remembered that time and
weather hugely damage artefacts
C) some fish-exporting countries are working to
improve regulations on marine fishing E) some environmental factors may help
preserve artefacts as they are for thousands
D) we need to harmonize fisheries, health and of years
trade policies to ensure nutrients reach
people vulnerable to undernutrition

E) decision-makers must consider nutrients

derived from fisheries as a key resource

35. Even though emotional expression and body 37. ----, teeth-exposing smile among human
movements are not reliable indicators of beings is usually associated with joy.
truthfulness or credibility, ----.
A) Although research has furthered the
A) body language cues like gestures, eye expansion of research on the evolution of
movement, body posture and touch are human emotion
mostly involuntary
B) Whereas for other primates it is quite
B) people including police officers and judges possibly an expression of threat or potential
often believe that they are and act based on force
C) Just as we face the challenge of interpreting
C) they are also common in certain mental familiar characteristics in the proper context
health and developmental conditions
D) While scientists have clearly shown us just
D) straying from typical social norms might how complex animal communication might
characterize individuals with mental health be
E) If facial expressions are more ancient and
E) interview guidelines and awareness of prevalent among social animals than
mental health or developmental conditions previously thought
are improving

38. ----, it is impossible for teams to have the

36. ----, whether it is based on race, religion, spirit and determination to achieve their
disability, gender or political beliefs. goals.

A) People who commit hate crimes have a bias A) If the members do not know what they are
against certain people working toward and do not have explicit
B) Not all individuals with mental health issues
are likely to commit acts of violence B) Since homogenous teams share more when
members' influence over time is stable
C) The term "hate crime" came into common
usage in the US during the 1980s C) Though team members can demonstrate
their worth to co-workers and gain greater
D) Watching the aftermath of hate crimes online
influence and trust
can have an impact on adolescents more
D) As long as managers understand that it's
E) Teenagers are susceptible to hate crimes as
insufficient to bring together people with
their brains are still developing
diverse knowledge
E) Even though teams may face an increasingly
complicated set of challenges at times

39. Students are familiar and adept at in-person 41. While the bulk of India's wheat production is
communication and often do not accept consumed locally due to its huge population,
virtual communication, ----. ----.

A) on the other hand, the solution for A) India's ban on wheat exports draws criticism
companies looking to hire new talent is to from the several countries relying on them
reach students where they are by holding in-
B) trade channels seek reliable suppliers for
person career fairs
good reasons and India's credibility will thus
B) but, students prefer face-to-face take a hit
communication and are uninterested in
C) India produces an estimated 110 million
virtual interactions
metric tons of grain currently
C) in fact, remote or hybrid work environments
D) allowing free trade helps traders rather than
are a sustainable solution for employees and
farmers or consumers elsewhere
E) the country has increasing presence in the
D) moreover, many career professionals are
global markets with demand growing
adapting to virtual events and working from
E) therefore, many networking opportunities are
effectively closed to students, limiting their
ability to enter and thrive in their chosen

40. The explosive growth of social media has

dramatically changed the dynamics of
business-customer interactions, ----.

A) unless successful implementation of social

media strategies requires adequate
resources and capacity
B) yet, relatively few firms have properly
strategized their social media appearance
and involvement
C) furthermore, firms can benefit from customer
engagement in both tangible and intangible
D) likewise, customer engagement can be
regarded as a desirable marketing
performance metric
E) nevertheless, researchers explore social
media marketing strategies to learn what

42.- 47. sorularda, verilen Ġngilizce cümleye 43. As farming is shaped by annual events, it is
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. common for farmers to base their decisions on
previous seasons such as comparing pictures
42. Attachment styles which should be thought of of their current crops with last year's.
as individual filters that influence the way
A) Çiftçiliğin yıllık olaylarla şekillenmesi, çiftçilerin
people experience connections with others are
kararlarını mevcut mahsullerinin resimlerini
a combination of personality traits.
geçen yılınkilerle karşılaştırmak gibi önceki
A) Başkalarıyla olan bağlantıların deneyimlenme sezonlara dayandırmasını yaygınlaştırmaktadır.
şeklini etkileyen bireysel süzgeçler olarak
B) Çiftçilik yıllık olaylarla şekillendiğinden,
düşünülmesi gereken bağlanma biçimleri, kişilik
çiftçilerin kararlarını mevcut mahsullerinin
özelliklerinin tamamını içerir.
resimlerini geçen yılınkilerle karşılaştırmak gibi
B) İnsanların başkalarıyla olan bağlantılarını önceki sezonlara dayandırmaları yaygındır.
deneyimleme şeklini etkileyen bireysel
C) Çiftçiler kararlarını alırken mevcut mahsullerinin
süzgeçler olarak düşünülmesi gereken
resimlerini geçen yılınkilerle dayandırmak gibi
bağlanma biçimleri, kişilik özelliklerinin bir
yaygın yöntemlere başvurur çünkü çiftçilik yıllık
olaylarla şekillenir.
C) Kişilik özellikleri, insanların başkalarıyla olan
D) Çiftçilerin kararlarını mevcut mahsullerinin
bağlantılarını deneyimleme şeklini etkiler ve
resimlerini geçen yılınkilerle karşılaştırmak gibi
bireysel süzgeçler olarak düşünülmesi gereken
önceki sezonlara dayandırmasının yaygınlığı,
bağlanma biçimlerinin birleşiminden oluşurlar.
çiftçiliğin yıllık olaylarla şekillenmesinden
D) Bireysel süzgeçler olarak düşünülmesi gereken kaynaklanmaktadır.
bağlanma biçimleri insanların başkalarıyla olan
E) Yaygın bir şekilde mevcut mahsullerinin
bağlantılarını deneyimleme şeklini etkileyen
resimlerini geçen yılınkilerle karşılaştıran
kişilik özelliklerinin bir birleşimidir.
çiftçiler kararlarını böylelikle önceki sezonlara
E) Bağlanma biçimleri insanların başkalarıyla olan dayandırır çünkü çiftçilik yıllık olaylarla
bağlantılarını deneyimleme şeklini şekillenir.
etkilediğinden, bireysel süzgeçler olarak
düşünülmesi gereken, kişilik özelliklerinin bir

44. People working with children who have 45. Parents frequently sharing photos of their
committed or are likely to commit crimes are children on social media tend to have more
spending less time helping young people and permissive and confident parenting styles and
more time doing paperwork, due to conflicting introduce their children to social media at
reports from different government agencies. younger ages.

A) Suç işlemiş veya işleme eğilimi olan çocuklarla A) Daha serbest ve kendinden emin ebeveynlik
çalışan insanlar, farklı resmi kurumlardan gelen biçimlerine sahip olan ebeveynler, çocuklarını
çelişkili tebliğler nedeniyle gençlere yardım daha küçük yaşlarda sosyal medyayla
etmeye daha az ve evrak işlerine daha fazla tanıştırma eğilimindedir ve sosyal medyada sık
zaman harcıyorlar. sık çocuklarının fotoğraflarını paylaşmaktadır.

B) Resmi kurumlardan gelen sayısız çelişkili tebliğ B) Çocuklarını küçük yaşlarda sosyal medyayla
nedeniyle, suç işleme eğilimi olan veya suç tanıştırma eğiliminde olan ebeveynler daha
işlemiş çocuklar için çalışan insanlar, yardım serbest ve kendinden emin ebeveynlik
etmeleri gereken bireylere daha az; evrak biçimlerine sahip oldukları için sosyal medyada
işlerine ise daha fazla zaman harcıyorlar. sık sık çocuklarının fotoğraflarını
C) Farklı resmi kurumlardan gelen çelişkili tebliğler
nedeniyle evrak işlerine daha fazla zaman C) Sosyal medyada sık sık çocuklarının
harcamak zorunda kalan insanlar, suç işlemiş fotoğraflarını paylaşan ebeveynler, daha
veya işleme eğilimi olan çocuklara daha az serbest ve kendinden emin ebeveynlik
yardım etmek zorunda kalıyorlar. biçimlerine sahip olma ve çocuklarını daha
küçük yaşlarda sosyal medyayla tanıştırma
D) Farklı resmi kurumlardan gelen çelişkili eğilimindedir.
tebliğler, suç işlemiş veya işleme eğilimi olan
çocuklarla çalışan insanların, öncelikli gençlere D) Sosyal medyada sık sık çocuklarının
yardım etmek için daha az ve evrak işlerine fotoğraflarını paylaşan ve daha serbest ve
daha fazla zaman harcamasına neden kendinden emin ebeveynlik biçimlerine sahip
olmaktadır. olan ebeveynler, çocuklarını daha küçük
yaşlarda sosyal medyayla tanıştırma
E) Suç işlemiş veya işleme eğilimi olan çocuklarla eğilimindedir.
çalışan insanlar tarafından gençlere daha az
yardım edilip ve evrak işlerine daha fazla E) Ebeveynlerin daha serbest ve kendinden emin
zaman ayrılmasın nedeni, farklı resmi ebeveynlik biçimlerine sahip olup sosyal
kurumlardan gelen çelişkili tebliğlerdir. medyada sık sık çocuklarının fotoğraflarını
paylaşmaları çocuklarını daha küçük yaşlarda
sosyal medyayla tanıştırma eğilimi ile

46. Color is one of the visual elements that have 47. Children‟s handprints found in caves suggest
the most influence on personal preference that some ancient forms of art, left behind as
since it has a major influence on a person's artefacts, may have been done by children.
decision-making processes like selecting
A) Bazı eski sanat biçimlerinin çocuklar tarafından
clothing or forming an opinion of a company by
yapılmış olabileceğini gösteren çocuk el izleri
looking at the company's logo.
mağaralarda sanat eseri olarak günümüze
A) Renk, kişisel tercih üzerinde en fazla etkiye kadar ulaşmıştır.
sahip olan görsel unsurdur ve bir kişinin kıyafet
B) Mağaralarda çocuk el izlerinin bulunması, sanat
seçimi gibi karar verme süreçlerinde veya bir
eseri olarak geride bırakılan bazı eski sanat
şirketin logosuna bakarak bir şirket hakkında
biçimlerinin çocuklar tarafından yapılmış
fikir oluşturmasında büyük bir etkiye sahiptir.
olabileceğini göstermektedir.
B) Bir kişinin kıyafet seçerken veya bir şirketin
C) Sanat eseri olarak geride bırakılan bazı eski
karakterini logosuna anlarken karar verme
sanat biçimlerinin çocuklar tarafından yapılmış
sürecinde büyük bir etkiye sahip olması rengi,
olabileceği mağaralarda bulunan çocuk el izleri
kişisel tercih üzerinde etkiye sahip olan görsel
aracılığı ile gösterilmiştir.
unsurlardan biri yapmaktadır.
D) Mağaralarda bulunan çocuk el izleri, sanat eseri
C) Renk, bir kişinin kıyafet seçmek ya da bir
olarak geride bırakılan bazı eski sanat
şirketin logosuna bakarak şirket hakkında fikir
biçimlerinin çocuklar tarafından yapılmış
oluşturmak gibi karar verme süreçlerinde büyük
olabileceğini göstermektedir.
etkisi olduğu için, kişisel tercih üzerinde en fazla
etkiye sahip olan görsel unsurlardan biridir. E) Bazı eski sanat biçimlerinin çocuklar tarafından
yapılmış olma ihtimali vardır çünkü sanat eseri
D) Kişisel tercih üzerinde en fazla etkiye sahip olan
olarak geride bırakılan mağaralarda bulunan
ve bir kişinin kıyafet seçimi, bir şirket hakkında
çocuk el izleri buna işaret etmektedir.
fikir oluşturmak için o şirketin logosuna bakma
gibi karar verme süreçlerinde büyük etkisi olan
görsel unsur renktir.

E) Bir kişinin kıyafet seçerken veya bir şirketin

logosuna bakıp fikir oluşturma sürecinde
renkten etkilenmesi, rengin kişisel tercih
üzerinde en fazla etkiye sahip olan görsel
unsurlardan biri olmasındandır.

48. - 53. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye 49. Bir ülkede yaşayan insanların başka bir ülkeye
anlamca en yakın Ġngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. hareketi olan göç, insanlık tarihinin temel bir
özelliğidir, ancak göç meselesi yüzlerce yıl önce
48. Oturan Boğa ve Geronimo gibi Kızılderili de bugün olduğu kadar tartışmalıydı.
savaşçıları, kültürel hayatta kalmanın
A) Migration, the movement of people living in one
sağlanmasına yardımcı olan yabancı işgalcilere
country to another, is a fundamental feature of
karşı cesur direnişlerinden dolayı yerli halklara
human history, but the issue of immigration was as
ait bölgelerin savunucuları olarak uzun
controversial hundreds of years ago as it is today.
zamandır övülmektedir.
B) The movement of people living in one country into
A) Native American warriors such as Sitting Bull
another country, which is called immigration, is a
and Geronimo have long been celebrated as
fundamental feature of human history, yet it is
defenders of territories that belong to
more controversial today than it was hundreds of
indigenous peoples since they displayed
years ago.
courageous resistance against foreign invaders
to ensure cultural survival. C) Although the issue of immigration, the movement
of people living in one country into another
B) Since Native American warriors such as Sitting
country, is a fundamental feature of human history,
Bull and Geronimo courageously denied
it was as controversial hundreds of years ago as it
entrance of foreign invaders to territories that
is today.
belong to indigenous peoples, they have long
been celebrated as the people who ensured D) Immigration, the movement of people living in one
cultural survival. country into another country was as controversial
hundreds of years ago as it is today; however, it is
C) Such Native American warriors as Sitting Bull
a fundamental feature of human history.
and Geronimo have long been celebrated as
people who ensured cultural survival by E) Immigration, the movement of people living in one
showing resistance to foreigners who tried to country into another country, is a fundamental
invade the territories that belong to indigenous feature of human history, but it was as
peoples. controversial an issue hundreds of years ago as it
is today.
D) As Native American warriors like Sitting Bull
and Geronimo courageously defended
territories that belong to indigenous peoples
against foreign invaders, they have long been
celebrated as the people who ensured cultural

E) Native American warriors such as Sitting Bull

and Geronimo have long been celebrated as
defenders of indigenous territories for their
brave resistance against foreign invaders that
helped ensure cultural survival.


50. Aziz Patrick Günü, Ġrlanda‟nın koruyucu azizi 51. Kölelik, antik dünyada ve 17. ve 18. Yüzyıllarda
olan Aziz Patrick'in ölümünü anmak için Amerikan kolonilerinde yaygın olarak
kutlansa da, bu ulusal tatil, geçit törenleri, özel uygulanmıştır, bu da Amerika Birleşik
yemekler, müzik ve dans ile Ġrlanda kültürünün Devletleri‟ni Ġç Savaş‟a sürüklemeye katkıda
bir kutlamasına dönüşmüştür. bulunmuştur.

A) Even though St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated to A) Since slavery was widely practised throughout
commemorate the death of St. Patrick, the the ancient world and in the American colonies
patron saint of Ireland, this day has evolved into in the 17th and 18th centuries, it helped propel
a national celebration of Irish culture, which the United States into the Civil War.
involves parades, special foods, music, and
B) Slavery, which was widely practised throughout
the ancient world and in the American colonies
B) Although St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated to in the 17th and 18th centuries, caused the
commemorate the death of St. Patrick, the United States to go into the Civil War.
patron saint of Ireland, this national holiday has
C) Widely practised throughout the ancient world,
evolved into a celebration of Irish culture with
and in the American colonies in the 17th and
parades, special foods, music, and dancing.
18th centuries, slavery helped propel the United
C) St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated to commemorate States into the Civil War.
the death of St. Patrick the patron saint of
D) Slavery was widely practised throughout the
Ireland; however, this national holiday has
ancient world and in the American colonies in
evolved into a celebration of Irish culture, during
the 17th and 18th centuries, which helped
which parades, special foods, music, and
propel the United States into the Civil War.
dancing can be observed.
E) As a result of slavery practised on a large scale
D) Even if St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated to
throughout the ancient world and in the
commemorate the death of the patron saint of
American colonies in the 17th and 18th
Ireland, called St. Patrick, this national holiday
centuries, the United States went into Civil War.
has evolved into parades, special foods, music,
and dancing, becoming a celebration of Irish

E) St. Patrick’s Day is a celebration aiming to

commemorate the death of St. Patrick, the
patron saint of Ireland, though this national
holiday has evolved into an Irish culture
celebration that includes parades, special
foods, music, and dancing.

52. Zengin tarihi, yükselen siyasi gücü ve dramatik 53. Ġngilizlerin ABD ticareti üzerinde kısıtlamaları ve
manzaraları ile nesiller boyu insanları Amerika‟nın topraklarını genişletme arzusunun
büyüleyen Afrika, Güney Afrika‟dan Akdeniz‟e neden olduğu 1812 Savaşı‟nda, ABD dünyanın
kadar uzanan geniş bir kıtadır. en büyük deniz gücü olan Büyük Britanya‟ya
karşı savaştı.
A) Africa, fascinating people for generations with
its rich history, emerging political power and A) British restrictions on U.S. trade and America’s
dramatic landscapes, is a large continent that desire to expand its territory resulted in the War
stretches from South Africa to the of 1812, during which the U.S. fought against
Mediterranean Sea. Great Britain, a country with the greatest naval
power in the world.
B) A large continent that stretches from South
Africa to the Mediterranean Sea, Africa has B) The U.S. took on Great Britain, which had the
fascinated people for generations due to its rich greatest naval power in the world in the War of
history, emerging political power and dramatic 1812, due to British restrictions on U.S. trade
landscapes. and America’s desire to expand its territory.

C) Africa, a large continent that stretches from C) In the War of 1812, caused by British
South Africa to the Mediterranean Sea, is an restrictions on U.S. trade and America’s desire
emerging political power and dramatic to expand its territory, the U.S. fought against
landscape that has fascinated people for Great Britain, the greatest naval power in the
generations. world.

D) An emerging political power and a large D) British restrictions on U.S. trade and America’s
continent stretching from South Africa to the desire to expand its territory were the causes of
Mediterranean Sea, Africa has fascinated the War of 1812, during which the U.S. fought
people for generations with its dramatic against Great Britain, which had the greatest
landscapes. naval power in the world.

E) Stretching from South Africa to the E) The U.S. fought against Great Britain, which
Mediterranean Sea, Africa is a large continent had the greatest naval power in the world, in
that has fascinated people for generations due the War of 1812, which broke out as a result of
to its dramatic landscapes as well as its British restrictions on U.S trade as well as
emerging political power. America’s desire to expand its territory.

54. - 59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada 55. Research suggests that homework has little or
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için no positive benefit for the academic
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. achievement of children of primary school age.
A central reason for this seems to be the
54. American Civil War, which ended in the spring of inability of children to complete this homework
1865, claimed more lives than any other conflict in without the support provided by teachers and
U.S. history and required the establishment of the the school. Research has suggested that
country‟s first national cemeteries. By the late primary pupils lack the independent study skills
1860s, Americans in various towns and cities were to do homework. Furthermore, homework may
holding springtime tributes to these countless have an adverse impact if parents use methods
fallen soldiers, decorating their graves with that contradict those used at school. ---- High
flowers and “reciting” prayers. ---- One theory is achievers from economically privileged
that numerous different communities may have backgrounds may have greater parental
independently initiated the memorial gatherings. support for homework, better settings and
Also, some records indicate that one of the resources.
earliest Memorial Day commemorations was
A) However, it is possible that setting homework
organized by a group of formerly enslaved people
for primary school children also yields benefits.
in Charleston, South Carolina less than a month
after the Confederacy surrendered in 1865. B) Yet, homework should develop engagement in
the process of schooling for both children and
A) Yet, in 1966, the federal government declared parents.
Waterloo the official birthplace of Memorial Day.
C) Homework may also increase inequalities
B) Thus, Memorial Day originally honoured only between pupils.
those lost while fighting in the Civil War.
D) Homework may help parents to feel part of their
C) For decades, Memorial Day continued to be child’s schooling.
observed on May 30.
E) Many parents believe homework is a significant
D) In later years, the holiday evolved to source of stress and negatively affects family
commemorate American military personnel who life.
died in all wars.

E) However, it remains a mystery where exactly

this tradition originated.

56. In 1948, as both North and South Korean leaders 57. A recent study reveals that the number of global
claimed jurisdiction over the entire Korean job listings that mention remote work has tripled
Peninsula, tensions reached a breaking point. In since the onset of the pandemic in some
1950, with the backing of the Soviet Union and countries. Experts predict that nearly a quarter of
China, North Korean forces invaded South Korea, jobs will be remote by the end of next year.
setting off the Korean War. The US came to the Meanwhile, many employees who have been
South‟s aid, leading an army of some 340,000 called back are returning to a partially remote
United Nations troops in opposing the invasion. workplace. Much of the world is rapidly embracing
After three years of fighting and more than 2.5 a more progressive model for the future of the
million military and civilian casualties, both sides workplace, with employers going either remote or
signed an armistice in the Korean War in 1953. ---- hybrid on a large scale. ---- This is because, in
The area, then, became a heavily guarded some countries, people are reluctant to embrace
demilitarized zone. A formal peace treaty, remote work. While many countries head towards
however, was never signed. a work-from-anywhere future, workers in locations
such as France or Japan are returning to the office
A) This invasion is considered the first military
full-time, rejecting the notion that a five-day in-
action of the Cold War.
person workweek is a relic of the past.
B) According to American officials, it was a war
A) Now, most European nations have embraced
against the forces of international communism
the concept whole-heartedly.
B) Many companies are now shifting to a flexible
C) Meanwhile, American officials worked anxiously
office approach with hot-desking.
to sign some sort of armistice with the North
Koreans. C) Hybrid work has made some headway in some
countries since workers returned to their offices.
D) The agreement left the borders of North and
South Korea essentially unchanged. D) This, nevertheless, isn’t necessarily the case
with every nation.
E) Unlike Vietnam, the Korean War did not get
much media attention in the United States. E) Yet, there are some signs of change in some
countries that are unwilling to adopt remote

58. What does it mean to be human? It is a simple 59. ---- The answer is both. The US isn‟t a “pure
question, but it unwraps the bundle of democracy” in which every decision is put to a
complexity, contradictions, and mystery. ---- popular vote, but today scholars use the terms
Priests, poets, philosophers, politicians, “democracy” and “republic” interchangeably to
scientists and artists have all sought to answer mean any government where power is invested in
this ultimate puzzle, but all fell short, never able the people, whether it is exercised directly by the
to fully capture the vastness of the human people or by their elected representatives. So it is
experience. Yet, some have come closer than equally fair to call the US a “democratic country,”
others. Charles Darwin had one of the greatest a “constitutional democracy,” or a “democratic
insights into the human condition that any of republic.” While the US was the first modern
our species has had, changing thousands of democracy, the world has a variety of
years of thought, yet he had nothing to say democracies and republics: presidential republics,
about how we actually experience being human. parliamentary republics, constitutional
It would be another 50 years before Sigmund monarchies and more. Each type of democracy
Freud began to talk about the hidden forces of has its advantages and disadvantages, but they all
the subconscious mind, but he couldn‟t provide share founding principles like free and fair
an adequate explanation for consciousness. elections, guaranteed human rights, and the rule
of law.
A) The most important thing, of course, is the awe
of being alive. A) Is there a difference between the terms
democracy and republic in the US?
B) Science has helped us make sense of being
human. B) Is the US a democracy or a republic?

C) Understanding human evolution is the first step C) Can the words democracy and republic be
to doing this. interchangeably used in the US?

D) We may one day discover our potential as D) Is the US similar or different to the democracies
human beings. and republics in other countries?

E) It is a question we have been asking for E) Do the UK and the US adopt similar or different
thousands of years approaches towards democracy and republic?

60.- 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla 63. (I) It is hard to imagine now, but there was a time
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü when riding a bike was deemed “unsafe” and
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. “unladylike.” (II) But in the late 1800s, the “safety”
bike rolled onto the scene and changed everything.
60. (I) Bullying is when another child uses intimidation (III) During this time, the primary achievement the
and threats to control your child, but it can take bicycle gained for the women’s movement was that
many different forms. (II) Bullying is not a new it gave women a greater amount of social mobility.
phenomenon as history books and literature are (IV) Unlike previous iterations of the bicycle, it
filled with examples of cruel practices. (III) And featured two similar-sized wheels, a chain and
then there are the stories of those who bravely gears. (V) Suddenly women climbed aboard and
overcame bullying, like Olympic gold medallist started riding this bicycle and one such women,
Michael Phelps, and went on to lead extraordinary Annie Cohen Kopchovsky, displayed remarkable
lives. (IV) But despite how commonplace bullying perseverance when she set out on an around-the-
may be, when it is happening to your child, you world cycling adventure.
should not just dismiss it as a phase of life. (V)
Bullying can be detrimental to your child’s A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
emotional, psychological and physical well-being,
and in some cases, it can even be deadly.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 64. (I) In a recent study, Jennifer Aaker, a marketing

professor at the Stanford University, and her team
have revealed that meaning is a stronger predictor
61. (I) In 2015, University of Washington researchers of happiness for people with low incomes than for
found that when searching for a variety of those with greater financial resources. (II) The
occupations, including “CEO”, women were researchers propose a few possibilities for why
significantly underrepresented in the image results meaning has a stronger correlation with happiness
of major search engines. (II) Google claims to have for people with less income. (III) In other words,
fixed the underrepresentation of women in image people with more money may be happier, but
search results for most job titles. (III) Thus, a people with less money view happiness as tied to a
different team of researchers from the university sense of meaning. (IV) It is the belief that their life
recently investigated the company’s claim about has purpose, value, and direction. (V) And,
addressing the issue. (IV) It may not be the goal of remarkably, that connection is almost universally
these search engines to present information fairly, consistent across the world.
but they may be more interested in getting their
users to engage with the search results. (V) The A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
researchers showed that for four major search
engines from around the world, including Google,
this bias is only partially resolved.
65. (I) Under Soviet rule, Mongols couldn’t even utter
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V Genghis Khan’s name out loud, nor visit his home
province. (II) But since the collapse of
62. (I) It is becoming more and more common for communism in Mongolia in the late 20th century,
couples to wait until they are later in life to have Mongolian citizens have increasingly started to
children. (II) There are many reasons for this, reclaim the legacy of Genghis Khan, considered
including men and women, not feeling by some as the “original bad boy of history”. (III)
psychologically ready to be parents, wanting to Perhaps no other historical figure has as much
establish themselves and their careers before death directly attributed to him as Genghis Khan.
bringing children into the world, or having trouble (IV) This resurgence in popularity has also made
finding a spouse. (III) While there are some pros to some people reconsider Genghis Khan. (V) Was
waiting to have children until you are older, there are he a bloodthirsty person, or a fair and just
some cons as well. (IV) When deciding when in life statesman and what are the incredible bloody
you want to have kids, you will have to consider it legends that surround him?
from all angles. (V) For one thing, older parents tend
to have less energy than younger parents and they A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
may have a hard time keeping up with their children
and being as active as their kids need them to be.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

66. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. It can be understood from the passage that----.
cevaplayınız. A) there are numerous literary works that mainly
The Sengoku was a period of political upheaval and focus on the agonizing memories of the
warlordism in Japan, lasting from 1467–77. It was a Sengoku
lawless era of civil war, in which the feudal lords of
B) the reminiscence of the Sengoku period is
Japan fought one another in endless plays for land and
still vivid among people in current-day Japan
power. The origins of the period begin with the
establishment of the shogunate during the war between C) the Sengoku has had adverse impacts on
the Northern and Southern Courts, which was led by current-day Japanese popular culture
supporters of the Go-Daigo emperor and the shogunate
and its chosen emperor. Within the shogunate, provincial D) Japanese people still commemorate the
governors were given wide-ranging powers. However, as “Three Unifiers” who put an end to the
they lost power, the warlords became independent, Sengoku
fighting one another incessantly. Frequent vacuums of
power led to peasant uprisings, some of whom, with the E) characters and themes that symbolize the
help of Buddhist militants or independent samurai, were Sengoku are the most popular cultural items
able to accomplish self-rule. However, Japan’s “Three this day
Unifiers” brought the Sengoku Era to an end. First,
Nobunaga conquered many other warlords, beginning
the process of unification through military brilliance and
sheer ruthlessness. General ToyotomiHideyoshi
continued the pacification, using a more diplomatic but
equally pitiless set of tactics. Finally, another general
named Tokugawa Ieyasu defeated all opposition in 1601
and established a stable rulethat lasted until 1868.
Although the Sengoku Period ended, it continues to
colour the imaginations and the popular culture of Japan
to this day. Characters and themes from the Sengoku
are evident in manga and anime, keeping this era alive
in the memories of modern-day Japanese people.

68. The passage is mainly about ----.

66. Which of the following is NOT one of the
A) the merciless practices carried out by Japanese
factors that initiated the Sengoku?
generals to put an end to one of the longest
A) lack of authority periods of uncertainty in Japan

B) emergence of the shogunate B) the underlying reasons that gave rise to the
emergence and culmination of a certain period
C) revolting farmers in Japan’s history

D) warlords with extensive authority C) a brief history of the shogunate and how their
rule caused Japan to disintegrate during a
E) brutal practices by high-rank officers period of persistent warfare

D) the factors that led to a century-long period of

uncertainty during which the generals of the
shogunate fought each other for power and

E) a long period of oppression regime that resulted

in a series of revolts among the members of the
shogunate as well as the peasants

69. - 71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 70. It can be concluded from the passage that ----.
cevaplayınız. A) the journey claimed the lives of some
When Sir Ernest Shackleton and his crew set sail in members of the crew
October 1914, they hoped to be the first expedition to
B) Shackleton and his crew reached their initial
trek across Antarctica in its entirety. Instead, they ended
goal against all odds
up gaining fame for something else: simply surviving. In
January 1915, their ship, the Endurance, got lodged in C) the crew had to wait more than 10 months
pack ice. Then, as it drifted along over the next 10 before leaving the ship as it got stuck in ice
months, it was slowly crushed. Finally, it was swallowed
by the sea on November 21, 1915. The men then D) the crew used lifeboats to reach the whaling
camped out on ice floes for four months and, once the station on the glacial island of South Georgia
ice began to melt, they sailed 800 miles to reach
Elephant Island in lifeboats, and then landed on the E) Shackleton and his crew became well-known
glacial island of South Georgia. They were forced to for their survival story rather than their initial
traverse it on foot to get to the whaling station on its aim
opposite coast. The journey nearly killed them, but they
all made it. The entire ordeal is one of the most thrilling
survival stories of all time. And for the last 107 years, the
location of the Endurance has remained a mystery. Now,
however, the wreck has been discovered below the
surface of the Weddell Sea off Antarctica’s northern
coast. The rescue team reports that the ill-fated ship is in
remarkably good condition. It is so well-preserved in part
because the Weddell Sea is frigid with low salinity
environments, completely devoid of wood-consuming
marine parasites and in part, it was also an exceptionally
well-constructed vessel.

69. Which of the following is NOT one of the 71. Which of the following is closest in meaning
reasons that have helped preserve the to the underlined word „ordeal‟ in the
Endurance for over 100 years? passage?
A) the absence of wood-devouring organisms in A) initiation
the Weddell Sea
B) emphasis
B) meagre amounts of salt present in the
Weddell Sea C) proportion

C) the innovative methods used to construct the D) suffering

E) assertion
D) the robust formation of the Endurance

E) the freezing waters of the Weddell Sea


72. - 74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 73. It can be understood from the passage that ----.
cevaplayınız. A) self-actualization is a lifelong, never-ending
The term self-actualization can be defined as the full process
realization of one's potential. It also includes the full
B) it is inevitable that some people will fail in the
development of one's abilities and appreciation for life.
process of self-actualization
Carl Rogers, who was an American psychologist and
among the founders of the humanistic approach, C) autonomy is seen by some individuals as
described self-actualization as a continuous lifelong something undesirable
process. In this process, an individual's self-concept is
preserved and developed through reinterpretation of D) people who experience challenges while
various experiences. These experiences enable the trying to achieve self-actualization tend to
individual to change and develop. According to him, give up
the human organism has an innate “actualizing
tendency”. That is to say that humans innately try to E) autonomy is the most favourable end-result
improve themselves and achieve autonomy. He also of becoming a fully-functional person
believed that harmony is essential for a person's self-
actualization. This means that self-actualization occurs
when a person’s “ideal self” is in harmony with his
actual behaviour. Therefore, the tension between one’s
ideal sense of self and one’s real self can produce
incompatibility. According to Roger, a person who is
trying to actualize himself, to advance his potential and
abilities, or to find a match between his real and ideal
self, is a fully functional person.

72. According to the passage, a person in the

74. It is clear from the passage that ----.
process of self-actualization should ----.
A) humans are inherently equipped with self-
A) be ready to make the necessary changes to
actualization ability that helps a person
his real self
become independent
B) know that self-actualization is a challenging
B) failure in achieving self-actualization will
and continuous lifelong process
inevitably lead to various psychological
C) achieve a state of harmony in which his
"ideal self" is compatible with his actual
C) self-actualization is impossible for some
people because they do not have the
potential to adapt to changes
D) benefit from others’ experiences not to make
the same mistakes again and again
D) one should focus on his ideal self rather than
his real self to become a fully-functional
E) monitor his own actions and change them
immediately when necessary
E) one’s personal and physical traits play a
significant role in achieving self-actualization

75. - 77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 76. The passage is mainly about ----.
cevaplayınız. A) the drastic measures taken by the US to
Since their immigration to the United States, Asians prevent Asian-Americans from being
have been met with xenophobia, prejudice, and violence. discriminated against
Chinese workers were abused, robbed and murdered in
B) some policies of the White House to curb the
the 1850s. In 1854, the California Supreme Court ruled
Anti-Asian racism movement
that people of Asian descent could not testify against a
white person in court, meaning that white people could C) the futile efforts of the US officials to stop
avoid punishment for anti-Asian crimes. During World Anti-Asian racism in the recent history
War II, people of Japanese descent were confined in
camps across the nation. In 1982, a Chinese American D) various reasons that sparked the
citizen was murdered by two white men in Detroit discrimination of foreigners in the US
because they believed Asians were taking auto industry including Asian-Americans
jobs from whites. At the beginning of the Covid-19
pandemic, as well as the reasons mentioned earlier, E) a brief look at the history of racism against
racist and xenophobic rhetoric about the origins of the those with Anti-Asian origin
virus led to a spike, with Asian-American people being
verbally and physically harassed and murdered in cities
across the United States. As a response to the rise in
anti-Asian violence, the Chinese for Affirmative Action,
and the Asian American Studies Department of San
Francisco State University launched a campaign to track
and respond to violence, hate, harassment, and
discrimination against these people. In January 2021,
the White House released a statement, acknowledging
their role in furthering xenophobic sentiments and
proposing ways to prevent discrimination, harassment,
bullying, and hate crimes against these individuals.

75. It can be concluded from the passage that ----. 77. Which of the following can best describe the
author‟s attitude toward anti-Asian Racism?
A) there are inconsistent court rulings about the
crimes committed against Asian-American A) Sceptical
B) Pessimistic
B) the ruling of the Supreme Court banned
Asians to work in the auto industry in 1982 C) Sarcastic

C) Asian descent in the US lacked legal rights D) Impartial

that whites enjoyed in the 19 century
E) Indifferent
D) Anti-Asian racism movement is still on the
rise in some states in the US

E) Japan’s being at war against the US during

WW2 led the Japanese to be confined in
camps across the country

78. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. Which of the following is true about
cevaplayınız. Gutenberg?

No one knows when the first printing press was A) He was able to return to his homeland from
invented or who invented it, but the oldest known exile thanks to the commercial success of his
printed text originated in China during the first printing press.
millennium A.D. The Diamond Sutra, a Buddhist book
B) He was unaware of the developments in the
from Dunhuang, China from around 868 A.D., is said to
printing press designs while designing his
be the oldest known printed book. People like Bi
Sheng and Wang Chen developed their own printing
press designs to improve its efficiency. In Europe, the C) The printing press Gutenberg developed
printing press did not appear until almost six hundred owes its commercial success mainly to the
years later. Goldsmith and inventor Johannes ink he created.
Gutenberg was a political exile from Mainz, Germany
when he began experimenting with printing in D) His innovative methods enabled the printing
Strasbourg, France in 1440. He returned to Mainz process to become much faster than the
several years later and by 1450, had a printing previous printing press machines.
machine perfected and ready to use commercially.
Gutenberg’s process would not have worked as E) He had worked in several different jobs
seamlessly as it did if he had not made his own ink, before he developed his printing press.
devised to affix to metal rather than wood. Gutenberg
was also able to perfect a method for flattening printing
paper for use by using a winepress, traditionally used
to press grapes for wine and olives for oil, fitted into his
printing press design.

78. It is pointed out in the passage that ----. 80. The main purpose of the author in writing
A) it is now known by everyone that the printing this passage is to ----.
press was invented in China A) pay tribute to Gutenberg without whom the
modern printing press would not exist
B) different people contributed to the
development of the printing press B) illustrate how the printing press has changed
the world as we know it
C) Bi Sheng and Wang Chen collaborated with
each other to enhance the efficacy of their C) compare and contrast the early printing
design press machines with the one Gutenberg
D) it took Bi Sheng and Wang Chen a long time
to develop their printing press designs D) shed light on the development of the printing
press throughout history
E) the early printing press machines were
mainly used to print religious books E) emphasize the importance of the invention of
the printing press

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