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K. T su k a m o to , T. K aw an u ira, T. Takeuchii, T. D. B eard , Jr. a n d M . J. Kaiser, e d s.

Fisheries fo r C lo b a l W e lfa re a n d E n v iro n m e n t, 5 th W o rld Fisheries C ongress 2 0 0 8 , p p . 4 1 3 - 4 2 3 .

© b y TERRAPUB 2 0 0 8 .

Advantages and Disadvantages of

the Fisheries Trade

Yoshiaki M a t s u d a
F a c u lty o f Fisheries
K a g o sh im a U n iv e rs ity
8 9 0 K a g o sh im a , ja p a n

E-mail: m a ts u d a y 2 0 0 6 @ y a h o o .c o .jp

T he spirit o f t r a d e is m u tu a l b e n efits a m o n g all p a rticip a n ts . EHowever, c u r r e n t in te rn a ­

tional t r a d e is ju st like a z e ro - s u m so lu tio n with w i n n e r s a n d losers a n d d e v e l o p i n g a
feelin g of distrust a m o n g p a rticip a n ts . R e sp o n sib le in te rn atio n al fisheries t r a d e is an
i m p o r t a n t tool to p r o m o t e e c o n o m i c g ro w th o f m a n y c o u n tr i e s a n d t h e W o r ld T rade
O r g a n i z a ti o n (W T O ) has b e e n e n c o u r a g i n g fre e t r a d e as a p a r t of glo baliza tion . Al­
t h o u g h fre e t r a d e is ideal w h e n t h e w o rld is fair a n d e q u it a b le , c u r r e n t inte rn ation al
t r a d e in favor o f capital has d iv ers e e ffe cts a n d has b o t h positiv e a n d n e g a tiv e a s p e c t s ,
b u t is n o t fair a n d e q u it a b le b e t w e e n p a r tic ip a n ts in b o t h p r o d u c i n g a n d c o n s u m i n g
c o u n trie s . Profit-seeking capital b e h a v i o r is differe nt fro m c o m m u n i t y b e h a v i o r re­
quiring su stainability a n d th e role o f g o v e r n m e n t is to b a l a n c e t h e s e tw o e x tr e m e s ,
c o n tinu a lly m a in ta in in g vital c o m m u n i ti e s . EHowever, m a n y g o v e r n m e n ts includ ing
official d e v e l o p m e n t a s s is ta n c e (O D A ) have b e e n in fa v or of capital t o o m u c h to
sustain rural fishing c o m m u n i t i e s a n d d e v e l o p i n g c o u n tr i e s h a v e b e e n r e p e a ti n g th e
s a m e p r o b l e m s as d e v e l o p e d c o u n tr i e s ha v e e x p e r i e n c e d . This p a p e r revie w s c a s e s
of t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t fisheries t r a d e c o m m o d i ti e s : shrim p, tu n a a n d sa lm o n. All c a s e s
in d ic a te t h e e x is te n c e of n e g a tiv e a s p e c t s of t h e fisheries trade. G o v e r n m e n t s as trus­
tee s o f p e o p l e a re e x p e c t e d to r e m o v e o r r e d u c e t h e s e n e g a tiv e a s p e c t s of inte rna ­
tional t r a d e a n d to think o f t h e i m p o r t a n c e of t h e c o m m u n i ty .

KEYW O RD S fisheries trad e ; sh rim p trade ; tu n a trade; sa l m o n trade ; J a p a n 's fish

trad e

coastal countries took fisheries expansion

1. In trodu ction policies for exports emphasizing foreign ex­
change earnings, increases of employment
With development of the 3rd United Nations opportunities, improvement of sanitation/
Law of the Sea Conference together with LIS food safety/transparency of management/
dollar devaluation, increase in oil prices, and fishers’ income and living standard (Matsuda
free trade movement in the 1970s, many 1984, 1987, 1992, 1995).
414 Y. M atsuda

These policies were also supported by tlie UK, Indonesia, Iceland and Taiwan. On
developed countries and further facilitated tlie other hand, the top 15 importing coun­
by the Plaza Agreement in 1985 which pro­ tries include Japan with import values of
moted a drastic appreciation of the yen. In LTS$ 14,436 million, followed by tlie LISA,
many coastal countries, fishing fee incomes Spain, France, Italy, China, Germany, the
and fisheries joint-ventures were increased. LK, Denmark, South Korea, the Nether­
This resulted in increases in conflicts be­ lands, Hong Kong, Canada, Belgium and
tween traditional coastal fisheries and new Sweden. The shares of these top 15 coun­
fisheries. At the same time, distant-water tries in total fish trade values in the world
fishing suffered from it due to increases in are LTS$ 48,567 million or 61.9% for exports
cost associated with labor and fuel in par­ against LTS$ 65,007 million or 79.7% for
ticular. In tlie 1980s, environmental problems imports (FAO 2007). Thus, exports are more
became obvious due to economic growth diversified as compared to imports concen­
policies in many coastal countries. These trated on Japan, the LISA and ELI countries.
fisheries production policies also faced over­ China has become a new market for fisher­
investment, over-fishing and resource deple­ ies commodities. Traditional fish trades
tion problems (FAO 1992). Legal frame­ within a region have also been accelerated
works of international regulations were by free trade agreements (FTA) (Yamao
strengthened in the 1990s, and now fisher­ 2006). Shrimp, tuna and salmon are still tlie
ies are in transition (Willman 2006). FAO’s major species in the fisheries trade. This pa­
Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries per focuses on these species.
concerns all aspects in fisheries management, Joint-venture is an ideal fonn of capi­
fishing operation, aquaculture, integration of tal-intensive fisheries development in devel­
fisheries into coastal area management, post­ oping countries where the developed coun­
harvest practices, trade and fisheries re­ tries provide tlie capital and technology at
search. Although the Code is voluntary and tlie beginning while the developing countries
global in scope, certain parts of it are based provide tlie working environment and labor
on relevant rules of international law, includ­ (Martin el al. 1981). These fisheries joint-
ing tlie LTNCLOS and contains provisions ventures have increased rapidly since the
that may be or have already been given bind­ 1970s. However, many failed within 10 to
ing effect by means of other obligatory legal 20 years. This is because of distrust among
instruments amongst tlie parties such as tlie partners in terms of joint-venture business
Agreement to Promote Compliance with In­ management, difficulty in technology trans­
ternational Conservation and Management fer pertaining to preparation, education, pro­
Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High duction, processing, marketing and manage­
Seas, 1993 (FAO 1995). ability as well as hastened nationalization.
In 2005, world fisheries imports ac­ These create joint-ventures high risk low
counted for LTS$ 81,529 million while ex­ return businesses (Matsuda and Ouclii 1984).
ports accountedforLTS$78,419million. The International trade has affected both fish­
fisheries trade is very important for devel­ ing and aquaculture. In particular, capital in­
oping countries in tenns of exports while it tensive activities have been promoted by
accounts for a considerable proportion of im­ many countries. As a result, fisheries man­
ports in developed countries. The top 15 ex­ agement and environmental and/or commu­
porting countries include China (US$ 7,519 nity problems have become serious. Regional
million), followed by Norway, Thailand, the tuna fisheries management organizations
LISA, Denmark, Canada, Chile, the Nether­ such as ICCAT suffer from false reporting
lands, Vietnam, Spain, Russian Federation, and data collection problems from unreported
A d v a n ta g e and d isa d va ta g e o f th e fish e rie s trad e 415

fishermen catching tuna (ICCAT 1996). FAO nesia, India, Vietnam, Mexico, Argentine,
has tried to promote responsible fisheries Ecuador, China and Bangladesh while ma­
worldwide since 1995 (FAO 1995). On the jor importing countries include tlie LISA with
other hand, the Organization for the Promo­ LTS$ 3 trillion in 2001, followed by Japan,
tion of Responsible Tuna Fisheries, anNGO, Spain, France Canada, Italy, the LTK, the
was established in 2000 and promoted tlie Netherlands, Belgium and Thailand (FAO
removal of IUU (Illegal, Unregulated and 2007). Thailand imports shrimp for process­
Unreported) vessels, capacity reduction of ing, then exports tlie final products to devel­
over-fishing vessels, promotion of respon­ oped countries. Thus, shrimp has been a typi­
sible tuna aquaculture and reduction of by- cal trade item produced in the south and ex­
catches and/or incidental catches. IUU/FOC ported to the north with the assistance from
(Flag of Convenience) vessels are pirate fish­ developed countries resulting in capital and
ing vessels that operate and overexploit tuna technology transfer (FAO 2007).
resources, disregarding international rules The major investment for shrimp cap­
for the conservation and management of tlie ture fisheries is the requirement for capital
resources. With the introduction of the Posi­ intensive shrimp trawl vessels. Since the
tive List system, international trading of tuna 1970s, many coastal countries have pro­
caught by ILTJ/FOC vessels has been pro­ moted such industrial fisheries in ways of
hibited since November 2003 (OPRT 2008). joint-venture, state enterprise, private enter­
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), prise or foreign fishing with fishing fee. This
established in 1997 (MSC 2008), is another policy in developing countries attracted of­
international NGO which promotes respon­ ficial development assistance (ODA) as well
sible fisheries. The MSC recognizes, via a as private development assistance from de­
certificate program, well-managed fisheries veloped countries. These arrangements con­
and harmless consumer preference for sea­ tributed to coastal developing countries in
food products bearing the MSC label of ap­ terms of foreign exchange earnings, technol­
proval. Characteristics of these NGOs are ogy transfer, increases in employment op­
strong concerns about whole situations from portunities for local people, income genera­
production to processing, marketing and con­ tion for people concerned and fostering do­
sumption, rather than a part such as produc­ mestic shrimp fisheries (FAO Regional Of­
tion. fice for Asia and Pacific 2008).
However, this industry also created
2. Shrimp problems such as over-fishing and resource
depletion, increasing by-catches, incidental
Shrimp exports have been particularly im­ mortality of sensitive species such as turtle,
portant as a source of foreign exchange earn­ illegal fishing, encroachment of coastal fish­
ings, income generation and employment in eries resulting in conflicts with coastal fish­
developing countries such as Vietnam, In­ eries, developm ent of incom e disparity
donesia, India, Thailand, China, Burma, the among fishermen and high risk. Thai trawl
Philippines, Bangladesh, Columbia, Ecua­ fisheries depleted most of the shrimp re­
dor, Honduras, N icaragua and M exico. sources in tlie Gulf of Thailand during the
W orld shrim p production in 2005 was 1960s. In Indonesia, trawl fisheries were
6,230,000 tonnes consisting of 3,650,000 banned at tlie beginning of 1980 except for
tonnes from capture fisheries and 2,680,000 improved trawl nets such as turtle excluding
tonnes from aquaculture. Major shrimp ex­ devices (Indonesian Gov. 1980). This is at­
porting countries include Thailand with tributable to increasing by-catches, resource
LTS$ 1.2 trillion in 2001, followed by Indo­ depletion and conflicts with local fishermen.
416 Y. M atsuda

However, these improved gears were not diseases including the so-called white spot
practical. In the Philippines, the conflicts disease. Production dropped in Taiwan from
between shrimp trawlers and coastal fishers 16,715 tonnes in 1985 to 2,459 tonnes in
have continued. The situation is complicated. 2001 due to the outbreak of M onodon
Coastal fishermen in San Miguel Bay have Baculovirus (MBV) in 1988; in the Philip­
suffered from resource depletion due to the pines from 88,850 tonnes in 1995 to 36,859
encroachment of industrial shrimp trawlers tonnes in 1998; and in Ecuador from 129,600
into the coastal fishing grounds. However, tonnes in 1998 to 50,110 tonnes in 2000 due
shrimp trawl vessel owners are often bosses to the Taura Syndrome virus (TS V) in 1998.
in the villages and the young sons of coastal More than 20 virus diseases have been iden­
fishermen are employed by such industrial tified by now and caused high risk for tlie
fisheries. Although fisheries officers recog­ industry. Indonesia, Thailand, India, Vietnam
nize tlie problem, they never help small-scale and M exico are also suffering (Fukano
coastal fishermen because they are afraid of 2004). Thus, capital-intensive shrimp culture
their bosses (Lim el al. 1995). is a typical high-risk high-return farming,
Aquaculture is another way to meet de­ though shrimp culture in Vietnam and China
mands for shrimp. Artificial propagation has recently been growing rapidly.
technology of Penaeus japonicas, a temper­ The disease problem is also associated
ate species of Kuruma shrimp, was devel­ with problems of mangrove destruction, drug
oped by Gensaku Fijinaga in Japan in 1964 use and w ater pollution. D uring 1980
and this technology was successfully applied through 2005, 3.6 million hectares of man­
by a Taiwanese scientist to Penaeus monodon, grove were destroyed in the world. This is
a tropical species of the Kuruma shrimp, in equivalent to 20% of tlie mangrove areas in
1968. This was a breakthrough of shrimp 1980, though the speed of this destruction
culture in the world. In tlie 1970s, shrimp has slowed down from 185,000 hectares per
culture was paid much attention by many year in tlie 1980s to 105,000 hectares per year
developing countries such as Ecuador, Indo­ after 2000 (Worldwatch Institute 2006).
nesia, India, Vietnam and Taiwan. In the Some of these mangroves were destroyed for
Philippines, the Southeast Asian Fisheries the development of shrimp culture ponds
Development Center Aquaculture Depart­ though a large portion of mangrove destruc­
ment was established and emphasized shrimp tion is related to logging and charcoal pro­
production technology. This was a prepara­ duction, local self-consumption as well as
tion period for the shrimp culture industry tlie Vietnam war before 1980. Due to the dis­
in tlie world. Shrimp culture for export pur­ ease problem, 150,000 hectares of shrimp
poses has grown rapidly since the 1980s. ponds converted from mangrove were aban­
Current shrimp culture includes more doned in Asia from 1985 to 1995. Some of
than 17 species, but are dominated by two these abandoned ponds are currently used for
major species: Penaeus monodon (Giant Ti­ extensive or semi-intensive polyculture of
ger Prawn) in the Eastern hemisphere and shrimp with milkfish, tilapia, rabbit fish, mud
Penaeus vannamei (Wliiteleg shrimp) in tlie crabs, seaweeds and mangroves, as well as
Western hemisphere. By 2000, cultured for mangrove rehabilitation projects in vari­
shrimp production exceeded 1.1 m illion ous countries such as Ecuador, Thailand, In­
tonnes as compared to 2.7 million tonnes in donesia, and the Philippines.
2005. World production has been increased, Apart from the disease problem, capi­
but rise and fall fluctuations of this industry tal-intensive export-oriented shrimp culture
have been well documented due to the out­ has been criticized in many ways (Taya
break of disease problems caused by virus 2003). These include the following:
A d v a n ta g e and d isa d va ta g e o f th e fish e rie s trad e 417

1) Government-supported industrial capi­ ing plants of which 300 are accredited by

tal-intensive shrimp culture has worked the HACCP for export. However, they have
at a cost to tlie local community. These the following problems (Muroya 2006):
include mangrove destruction resulting 1) Difficulty of collecting both brooders
in land acquisition with extremely low and exportable shrimp: Availability of
prices for local residents, no trespassing, hatchery technology is limited and most
depletion of fisheries resources, flood­ fanners are small-scale so that each pur­
ing, increases of natural hazards such as chase is a small lot of several kilograms.
damages from storms, high tide and Further, traceability is very difficult due
earthquakes, and destruction of self-suf­ to a mixture of shrimp from many fann­
ficiency; ers including all categories of fanning
2) Water and soil pollution due to heavy such as extensive, semi-intensive and
feeding, disease and drug use, resulting intensive culture;
in abandonment of those ponds in Tai­ 2) Insufficiency of feed and drug manage­
wan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Thai­ ment even among capital-intensive
land, Equador; fanns;
3) Little contribution to the local economy 3) Insufficiency of understanding about
since tlie industry’s interest is in her own water management, food safety and sani­
profits and not the benefits of the com­ tation;
munity; 4) Lack of appropriate infrastructures such
4) Irreversible conversion of rice paddies as electricity and roads ;
to brackish water shrimp ponds in Viet­ 5) Low investment capability;
nam and China in particular; 6) Lack of technology and information con­
5) Hike of domestic shrimp prices. Shrimps cerned.
used to be a common seafood for local Lobster is an important export item in
people at reasonable prices. However, Nicaragua. Accordingly, diving fisheries for
tlie price for exports has been set much lobster are popular among natives (Masito).
higher than the domestic one. As a re­ However, fishing grounds have been chang­
sult, the availability of shrimps domes­ ing to deeper zones from 30 feet in 1988 to
tically has decreased and the price has 120 feet in 1998. As a result, the occurrence
increased. of decompression sickness increased among
Some of the abandoned shrimp ponds divers. Some became physically handi­
have been used by local residents for exten­ capped and some lost their lives. To prevent
sive or semi-intensive polyculture in the Phil­ such cases, there are many laws, rules and
ippines. However, people are very interested regulations, but there is no enforcement. The
in shrimp culture because tlie average price government is in favor of tlie industry but
is seven times higher than milkfish, though appears to have less concern about local resi­
mortality rates are more than 90% due to tlie dents (Acosta 2005).
disease problem. The current marketing sys­
tem is unable to separate healthy shrimps 3. Tuna
from those contaminated by virus and oth­
ers. In the 1970s, many coastal countries intro­
In Vietnam, shrimp culture is a very di­ duced fisheries expansion policies to in­
verse industry. Small-scale fanns occupy 90% crease foreign exchange earnings (Matsuda,
with an extensive production of 200 kg/ha 1986, 1987). Although tuna had been re­
as compared to an intensive production of garded as a highly migratory species in the
10-15 tonnes/ha and there are 439 process­ UNCLOS III, many coastal countries, in
418 Y. M atsuda

particular South Pacific island countries, comanagement between government and

declared that those within their Exclusive fishermen, popular in Japan (Matsuda 2002,
Econom ic Zone (EEZ) belonged to the 2005) which has adopted by Organization for
coastal countries. The Forum Fishery Agency tlie Promotion of Responsible Tuna Fisher­
established in 1979, took a leading role in ies (OPRT) and Marine Stewardship Coun­
regional fisheries management in tlie South cil (MSC). Comanagement could also be fa­
Pacific, based on tlie Nauru Agreement in cilita ted by d ec en traliza tio n policies
1982. This was materialized after a multilat­ (Fernandes el al. 2000; Satria and Matsuda
eral agreement between the USA and 16 Pa­ 2004; Kooiman el al. 2005; McClamialian
cific island countries in 1987 (Matsuda 1992, and Castilla 2007). Under government con­
1995). Their management concept is re­ trol, fishermen are regarded as persons un­
garded as enforcement without force (Moore der surveillance while they are regarded as
1987). Most tuna caught in the waters were partners with the government under the
shipped to the tuna markets in Japan, the comanagement approach. Assuming uncer­
USA and EU, since local people did not cus­ tainty in fisheries, monitoring, control and
tomarily eat large tuna except small skipjack surveillance (MCS) costs without tlie under­
tuna. standing of the fishermen will be very high.
Many countries developed tuna fisher­ Activities are limited by budgets or by tlie
ies joint-ventures for export purposes in vein amount of benefits from tlie fisheries. The
mainly due to distrust in business manage­ MCS cost could be reduced drastically un­
ment between partners and hasty nationali­ der the comanagement approach.
zation, and some resulted in ethnic violence Narita International Airport in Japan is
such as in Solomon Islands in 1998. Solo­ also known as Narita fishing port which re­
mon Taiyo in the Solomon Islands was re­ ceives both fresh, frozen and processed fish.
garded as a successful tuna fisheries joint- However, all cultured tuna are from a lim­
venture between the government of tlie Solo­ ited number of countries such as Australia,
mon Islands and the Taiyo Gyogyo Company Spain, Malta, Turkey, Croatia, Italy, Tuni­
in Japan, lasting from 1971 to 2000. The sia, Cyprus, Greece and Fibya. These fish
company was involved in fishing, process­ used to be fresh for Sashimi market through
ing and marketing. By 1984, the company fish wholesale markets in Japan, but nearly
exported Solomon$ 29 million, 97% of tlie half of them are not handled through fish
total fisheries export value in the Solomon wholesale markets today (Yamamoto 2006).
Islands and equivalent to one-third of for­ On the other hand, tlie National Federation
eign exchange earnings, and employed about of Tuna and Skipjack Fisheries Cooperative
1,000 people which is about 5% of total (NIKKATSUREN), the most active tuna
employment in the country (Matsuda 1986). fisheries cooperative federation in Japan, was
Solomon Taiyo grew 1999, when it had an forced to close in 2004 due to financial prob­
annual turnover of around US$ 100 million, lems. A positive list system was introduced
employed close to 3,000 Solomon Islanders in tlie bluefin tuna trade by ICCAT in 2004.
on its fleet of more than 20 fishing boats, This is because pro d u ctio n of tuna
and had a large shore base with a canning aquaculture in the Mediterranean Sea in­
factory. Barclay describes tlie neutral evalu­ creased from 14,000 tonnes in 1994 to
ation of Solomon Taiyo (Barclay 2007). 21,000 tonnes in 2003. Under-sized juvenile
There are two extremes in tlie concept fish are also used for this aquaculture and
of fisheries management. One is complete competition between capture fisheries and
government control, popular in Western aquaculture has increased.
countries (Rigg el al. 2003), and the other is
A d v a n ta g e and d isa d va ta g e o f th e fish e rie s trad e 419

In Norway, fisheries products are an im­

4. Salm on portant export item, second to oil and oc­
cupy 7% of foreign exchange earnings of the
Both natural and cultured salmon production country. Most of them are exported to EU
has been increasing since 1975. In particu­ countries. The salmon culture industry con­
lar, capital-intensive cultured salmon pro­ tributes 3% of its exported value to tlie Fish
duced by agri-businesses in the world in­ Export Council and salmon export is re­
creased rapidly from 17,000 tonnes in 1980 garded as a national interest and the govern­
to 200,000 tonnes in 1990. This is attribut­ ment fully supports tlie industry. In 1979, the
able to increased production in Norway. government enacted an aquaculture law and
During this period, demands for salmon started a cooperative experiment with the
changed from salted salmon to frozen salmon Nicliiro Gyogyo Company of Japan. In 1989,
in Japan and canned salmon to frozen salmon the government liberalized aquaculture capi­
in the United States and EU markets Major tal. In 1991, it adopted an individual trans­
producing countries are the United States, ferable licensing system and targeted a pro­
Japan, Russia, Canada for natural salmon: duction system with a feed conversion ratio
Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), of 1.3:1, concentration on export up to 98%
Sockeye salm on (Oncorhynchus nelka), and introduction of anew technological sys­
Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), Silver tem including breeding, prevention of epi­
salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), and Chinock demics with vaccine, feed quota system,
salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha), while computer-based management, waste treat­
Norway, Chile, the UK, Canada, Feroe Is­ ment, fresh product production for EU coun­
lands, Finland, Ireland, the USA, Japan, tries, HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Con­
Australia, Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand trol Point), mechanization, year-round mar­
and Iceland produce cultured salmon: Atlan­ keting, and agri-business oriented manage­
tic salmon, trout, silver salmon, Chinock ment. In 2004, they produced 1 million
salmon. Since 1997, cultured salmon produc­ tonnes of cultured salmon. Weaknesses of
tion has exceeded that of natural salmon. Norwegian salmon culture are as follows
These cultured salmon are basically for ex­ (Sano 2003; WWF 2004):
port and not for domestic consumption (Sano 1) Oligopoly: More than 800 management
2003). units in 1992 were reduced to 270 in
Alaska in tlie United States, Norway and 1999 and the top six groups produce
Chile are the major salmon exporters in tlie three-quarters of the total production,
world although Alaska is based on natural resulting in price-war situations;
salmon production while Norway and Chile 2) No domestic market for cultured salmon,
dom inate cultured salm on production. resulting in high risk;
Alaska is the major natural salmon produc­ 3) Rising of the license price due to lim­
ing area in the United States. The salmon ited numbers of licenses;
industry provides one-sixth of all employ­ 4) Increasing international competition,
ment opportunities there. Major species are lowering profit margins;
Sockeye salmon and Pink salmon in Bristol
5) High-risk high-return to high-risk low-
Bay and southwest Alaska caught by seine
retum industry;
(Silver salmon), gillnet in Bristol Bay and
6) Escaped fanned salmon resulting in a
purse seine in southwest Alaska. The mar­
creation of genetic disturbance;
ket is Japan. They face a very short fishing
7) Depletion of wild Atlantic salmon by
season, m arketing problem s, resource
m anagem ent problem s, low prices and 80% between 1970 to the end of tlie 20th
over-investment. century in the North Atlantic Ocean. A
420 Y. M atsuda

reason for this is suspected to be attrib­

utable to the salmon culture. 5. Issues in Im ported C ountries:
In Chile, there are many suitable places A C ase o f Japan
for salmon culture and high availability of
low price feeds. With Japan’s cooperation, a Japan experienced a rise and fall in fisheries
salmon culture experiment was started in after WWII. It used to be an exporting coun­
1980. At the same time, they introduced try of fisheries commodities. However, tlie
aquaculture technology from Norway. After situation changed in 1975 and it became an
trial and error, they adopted the capital-in­ importing country, resulting in it becoming
tensive Norwegian aquaculture method. The tlie top importer in tlie 1980s. In 1997, Ja­
license is issued by the military government. pan imported 1.9 billion yen (3.4 million mt),
A distance between two adjacent fanns is next to oil imports of about 5 billion yen.
restricted to more than 1.5 km. Enlargement This is the result of dollar devaluation be­
of fann size is promoted and optimization ginning with tlie Nixon shock in 1971, GATT
of the production scale from 800 to 18,000 Tokyo round 1973-1979 reducing tariffs and
tonnes per year. As a result, the top ten com­ treating fisheries coimnodities as non-agri-
panies produced half of the total cultured cultural coimnodities, just like automobiles
salmon in 1998. Further, a value addition for and televisions, the development of tlie Third
market differentiation was promoted for At­ Law of the Sea Conference, export expan­
lantic salmon to the EU market and Silver sion policy for textile, automobile and elec­
salmon and trout for Japan. In 2004, they tric commodities, and life-style changes. As
produced 440,000 tonnes of cultured salmon. a result, her self-sufficiency rate of fisheries
A lthough C hilean salm on culture commodities decreased from 100% in 1975
learned a lot from its Norwegian counterpart, to 57% in 2005, even though her compara­
several problem s have been identified tive advantages as a maritime country with
(S akuma 2007; Takahashi 2007; Hayashi 35,000 km of coastline, long history and ex­
2007): periences in fisheries, the sixth largest ex­
1) Use of wild caught fish for fish-feed with clusive economic zone of 4.47 million km2
a low feed conversion ratio: 8.6 kg of including one of the three richest fishing
wild caught sardine, anchovy, and horse grounds in the world, and both hard and soft
mackerel are used as feeds to produce fisheries infrastructures (Matsuda, 2006).
lkg of cultured salmon; Fisheries production decreased from
2) Pollution: Coastal capture fisheries have 12.8 m illion tonnes at its peak in 1984 to
become non-existence in 10 provinces 5.8 million tonnes in 2005 in volume with a
where salmon culture is very popular; drop in value from 2.98 billion yen in 1982
3) Use of pesticides and antibiotics: There to 1.60 billion in 2004. The number of fish­
is no inspection on this matter; ermen decreased from 1,990,453 in 1952 at
4) Defective legal system resulting in vic­ independence to 231,000 in 2004 and the
timization of health and the lives of number of fishing vessel construction li­
laborers; censes decreased from 1,521 in 1963 to 26 in
5) Weak enforcement capability; 2005. As a result, expected contributions of
6) Widening of income disparity; fisheries and fishing villages to society, such
7) Increasing abnormal cultured salmon as renewable resources utilization, environ­
due to feeding of heads and bones of cul­ mental protection, protection of lives and the
tured salmon. assets of people (like rescue, surveillance and
environmental monitoring), places for ma­
rine recreation and education, succession of
A d v a n ta g e and d isa d va ta g e o f th e fish e rie s trad e 421

culture such as festivities and economic and mon rather than specific and current trade
employment opportunities in remote areas supported by governments in fact is in favor
have been reducing. Japanese fisheries face of profit-seeking capital and not in a
tlie unprecedented crisis. sustainability seeking community. As a re­
On the other hand, people have been ur­ sult, winners are created for capital and los­
banized, life styles have changed from slow ers for the community in the name of com­
food to fast food and tlie installation of home petition. This is a market failure with high
refrigerators since tlie 1960s. There has been risks for a country, resulting in high social
technological developments in the handling costs and not a responsible trade at all. Thus,
of food in cols storages with temperatures the role of governments is the reallocation
of up to -65°C. Supermarkets became popu­ of capital-biased benefit to mutual benefit
lar and frozen fish transactions outside cen­ in optimal ways, though not losing incen­
tral fish wholesale markets increased. Con­ tives. However, this government role is not
venience stores and fast food sushi restau­ functioning in many countries. Developing
rants became popular in the 1980s and sushi countries have also been repeating the same
became one of the children’s favorites, just problems as developed countries experi­
like carry and rice, noodles, hamburgers and enced in the past and missing tlie opportu­
Kentucky Fried Chicken. These supermar­ nity to take advantage of starting late.
kets and fast food sushi restaurants use im­ Advantages for fish exporting countries
ported frozen fish because of stability in include foreign exchange earnings, employ­
quality, volume and price. Consumers have ment opportunities, education in sanitation/
preferred ready-to-cook or ready-to-eat fish food safety/transparency of management,
to fresh wholesome fish. The restaurant busi­ higher fishermen's incomes, resulting in an
ness grew to 29.1 billion yen by 1997 at its increase in living standards of fishers, though
peak, then decreased to 25.6 billion yen in levels of achievement are biased towards
2002. Sushi shares about 5% in restaurants foreign exchange earnings and business prof­
(Toni 2006). Westernization of food has re­ its. Those of fish importing countries include
sulted in malnutrition problems. Together an increase in availability of cheaper primary
with BSE (mad cow disease), bird influenza, species, benefiting consumers and related
swine cholera, poisoned imported food and processing and marketing people and com­
camouflage of labels, these have encouraged panies such as supermarkets; and an expan­
people to change their eating habits toward sion of export opportunities for exporting
domestic food consumption and to become industries of other commodities such as cars
more conscious about the quality of food, and electrical goods.
food safety and reliable food. Disadvantages for exporting countries
include the creation of a dual structure in
6. C on clu sion fisheries, taking over land at low prices by
the government for industrial development,
Free trade is desirable in tlie long term, but environmental destruction such as the de­
too early to practice without market failures. struction of mangrove resulting in resource
The spirit of trade is for the mutual benefit depletion, increases of natural hazards and
of participants which creates mutual tmst. destruction of self-sufficiency; water and
These participants today are all related par­ land pollution; no contribution to the village
ties in the trade including not only sellers communities concerned; high risk of indus­
and buyers but also people concerned in pro­ trial fisheries development, transfer of rice
duction, processing, marketing and commu­ paddies to irreversible shrimp ponds; disease
nities. However, issues raised here are com­ and drug use problems, and rise of domestic
422 Y. M atsuda

prices of related species. Those of import­ make critical contributions to society.

ing countries include the destruction of fresh- Governments as trustees of people are
fish marketing and consumption, promoting expected to remove or reduce these negative
an energy-intensive mass consumption so­ aspects of international trade and to think of
ciety just seeking convenience and the de­ tlie importance of communities.
struction of rural fishing communities which

R eferen ces

A c o s ta ML. N ic a ra g u a -L e g a l in s tru m e n ts in e ffe c tiv e , In : K o o im a n J, B av in ck M , J e n to ff S, Pullin R (e d s ). Fish

fo r L ife : In te ra c tiv e G o v e rn a n c e fo r Fisheries, A m s te rd a m U n iv e rs ity P ress. 2 0 0 5 ; 1 8 8 - 1 8 9 .
B arclay K. Fishing, W e ste rn , Japanese a n d Is la n d e r P e rc e p tio n s o f E c o lo g y a n d M o d e r n iz a tio n in th e P a cific.
J a p a n F o c u s. 2 0 0 7 ; 1 - 2 5 .
FAO. The S ta te o f F o o d a n d A g r ic u ltu r e 1 9 9 2 : M a rin e Fisheries a n d th e L a w o f th e Sea. A D e c a d e o f C ha n g e.
FAO A g ric u ltu re S e rie s 2 5 . R o m e . 1 9 9 2 .
FAO. C o d e o f C o n d u c t fo r R e s p o n s ib le F ish eries. 1 9 9 5 .
FAO. F ishS tat. 2 0 0 7 .
FAO R eg io n al O ffic e fo r A sia a n d P acific. T h e h is to ry o f in d u stria l fis h e rie s in S o u th e a s t A sia: T raw ling.
2 0 0 8 . [O n lin e ] h t t p : / / w w w . f a o .o r g / d o c r e p / 0 1 0 / a g l 2 2 e / A G l 2 2 E 0 5 .h tm
F e rn a n d e z PR Jr, M a ts u d a Y, S u b a d e RF. C o a s ta l A re a G o v e r n a n c e S y ste m in th e P h ilip p in e s. /. E nviron.
D e v e lo p . 2 0 0 0 ; 9 (4 ): 341 - 3 6 9 .
F u k a n o N . A tr e n d a n a ly sis o f w o rld s h rim p a q u a c u ltu r e ./. Int. Fish. 2 0 0 4 ; 6 (1 /2 ) : 4 3 - 5 4 (in J a p a n e s e ).
H a y ash i K. In te rv ie w o n 2 Ju ly 2 0 0 7 .
ICCAT. P r o c e e d in g s o f th e ICCA T T u n a S y m p o s iu m , P o n ta D e lg a d a , J u n e 1 0 -1 8, 1 9 9 6 .
In d o n e s ia n G o v e rn m e n t. P re s id e n tia l D e c r e e N o . 3 9 . 1 9 8 0 .
In d o n e s ia n G o v e rn m e n t. P re s id e n tia l In s tru c tio n N o . 1 1 . 1 9 8 2 .
K o o im a n J, B av in ck M , J e n to f f S, Pullin R (e d s). Fish fo r Life. A m s te rd a m U n iv e rs ity P ress. 2 0 0 5 ; 4 2 7 p p .
Lim C, M a ts u d a Y, S h ig e m i Y. P ro b le m s a n d c o n s tr a in ts in m a rin e fis h e rie s: T h e c a s e o f S an M ig u re l Bay,
C a m a r in e s Sur. E n v iro n m e n ta l M a n a g e m e n t 1 9 9 5 ; 7: 8 3 5 - 8 5 2 .
M a r te n G , M a ts u d a Y, B a rd a c h J, C o m itin i S, H a rd jo lu k ito S. A S tra te g ic G o a l A n alysis o f O p tio n s fo r T una
L o n g lin e J o in t-V e n tu re s in S o u th e a s t A sia: I n d o n e s ia - J a p a n C a s e S tudy. E ast-W est E n v iro n m e n t a n d
P o licy In s titu te R e s e a rc h R e p o r t N o . 3. 1 981 ; 7 4 p p .
M a ts u d a Y. T u n a a n d s k ip ja c k fis h e rie s in th e P acific Isla n d s w a te r s : Issu e s a n d th e ro le o f J a p a n . In : J a p a n
In te rn a tio n a l F ish e rie s R e s e a rc h S o c ie ty (e d ). S tu d y o n In te r n a tio n a l Fisheries. K o u se is h a K o seik ak u :
1 9 8 6 ; 1 0 7 - 1 5 2 (in J a p a n e s e ).
M a ts u d a Y. P o s tw a r d e v e l o p m e n t a n d e x p a n s io n o f J a p a n 's tu n a fish e ry . In : D o u lm a n DJ (e d ). Funa Issues
a n d P e rsp e ctive s in th e P a c ific Isla nd s R e g io n . E ast-W est C e n te r, (P u b lic a tio n P la c e ). 1 9 8 7 ; 71 - 9 1 .
M a ts u d a Y. C h a n g e s in tu n a fis h e rie s n e g o tia tio n s b e tw e e n J a p a n a n d th e P acific Isla n d s n a tio n s . In : M a rsh
JB. R eso u rce s a n d E n v iro n m e n t in A s ia 's M a rin e S e c to r. T aylor & F rancis, N e w Y ork. 1 9 9 2 ; 41 - 5 7 .
M a ts u d a Y. 1 9 9 5 . T h e in te rn a tio n a l p e r s p e c tiv e o n tu n a fis h e rie s m a n a g e m e n t in W e s te rn C e n tra l p a cific
u n d e r th e U N C L O S III fra m e w o rk , P r o c e e d in g s o f th e 7 th IIFET B iennial C o n f e r e n c e , T aipei, 1 8 - 2 1
July, 1 9 9 4 ; 2 0 4 - 2 2 2 .
M a ts u d a Y. A P E C 's c o n tr ib u tio n to s u s ta in a b le fis h e rie s in th e re g io n , S e o u l O c e a n S e m in a r o f t h e 1 st APEC
O c e a n - r e la te d M in isterial M e e tin g : T o w a rd s th e S u s ta in a b lity o f M a rin e a n d C o a s ta l R e s o ru c e s , K orea
M a ritim e In s titu te a n d M in istry o f M a ritim e A ffairs a n d F ish e rie s. 2 0 0 2 ; 5 7 - 7 1 .
M a ts u d a Y. T o w a rd th e e s ta b lis h m e n t o f B asic M a ritim e Law w ith R e s p o n s ib le F ish e rie s: From th e J a p a n e s e
in te rn a tio n a l c o n tr ib u tio n p o in t o f v iew , C a k u s h ik a i K a ih o 2 0 0 6 ; N o . 8 5 6 : 4 4 - 5 0 (in J a p a n e s e ).
M a ts u d a Y, O tic h i K. Legal, p o litic a l a n d e c o n o m ic c o n s tr a in ts o n J a p a n e s e s tra te g ie s fo r d is ta n t-w a te r tu n a
a n d sk ip ja c k fis h e rie s in S o u th e a s t A sian S e a s a n d th e W e s te rn C e n tra l P acific. M e m . K a g o s h im a U niv.
Res. C e n te r S. P a c ific 1 9 8 4 ; 5 (2 ): 1 51 - 2 3 3 .
M c C la n a h a n T, C a stilla JC. Fisheries M a n a g e m e n t Progress to w a r d S u s ta in a b lity . 2 0 0 7 ; 3 4 4 p p .
M o o r e G . E n f o rc e m e n t w ith o u t fo rc e : N e w c o n c e p t s in c o m p l i a n c e c o n tr o l fo r f o r e ig n fis h in g o p e r a tio n .
In : Essays in M e m o r y o f je a n C a rro z L a w o f th e Sea. FAO. 1 9 8 7 ; 1 5 9 -1 6 9 .
A d v a n ta g e and d isa d va ta g e o f th e fish e rie s trad e 423

M SC . M SC W e b s ite : h ttp :// w w w .m s c .o r g / [A c c e s s e d A u g u s t 2 0 0 8 ],

M u ro y a , A rihiro. D e v e lo p m e n t m e c h a n is m o f F ish e rie s in V ie t N a m : D e v e lo p m e n t p r o c e s s o f e x p o rt-o ri­
e n te d fis h e rie s fo c u s in g o n s h rim p c u ltu re . N o irin K in y u , 2 0 0 6 ; (8): 1 6 - 2 7 (in J a p a n e s e ).
O PR T. O P R T W e b s ite : h ttp ://w w w .o p r t.o r .jp /e n g /in d e x .h tm l [A c c e s s e d A u g u s t 2 0 0 8 ],
R igg K, P a rm e n tie r R, C u rrie D. H a ltin g IU U F ish in g : E n fo rc in g In te r n a tio n a l Fisheries A g re e m e n ts . O c e a n a .
2 0 0 3 ; 32 pp.
S a k u m a T . S u rv e y r e p o r t o n s a lm o n a n d tr o u t a q u a c u ltu r e in S o u th e rn C h ile . A s ia -P a c ific R e s o u rc e M ate rial
C e n te r R e s o u rc e M a te ria l. 2 0 0 7 ; 2 5 p p (in J a p a n e s e ).
S a n o M . W o r ld M a rk e ts o f S a lm o n : A g ri-B u s in e s s -O rie n te d A q u a c u ltu r e . S e iz a n d o S h o te n , T okyo. 2 0 0 3 ; 1 -
2 5 9 (in J a p a n e s e ).
S a tria A, M a ts u d a Y. Im p a c t o f d e c e n tr a liz a tio n p o lic y o n c o m m u n ity b a s e d m a n a g e m e n t: a le s s o n fro m th e
c a s e o f w e s t L o m b o k , IIFET 2 0 0 4 J a p a n . 2 0 0 4 .
Takahashii N . E x p o rt le a d in g e c o n o m ic g ro w th a n d its in c o m e a llo c a tio n is su e : A c a s e o f C h ile fro m th e la te
1 9 8 0 s to th e e a rly 2 0 0 0 s . L a tin A m e ric a n R e p o rt 2 0 0 7 ; 23(1 ): 3 4 - 4 3 (in J a p a n e s e ).
T aya K (e d ). S h rim p A q u a c u ltu re in A sia a n d Trade. S e iz a n d o -S h o te n , T okyo. 2 0 0 3 ; 2 0 2 p p (in J a p a n e s e ).
Torii K. T u n a h a n d lin g a t K aiten su sh i b u s in e s s , jo u r n a l o f R e g io n a l Fisheries 2 0 0 6 ; 4 6 (3 ): 1 8 7 - 2 0 0 (in J a p a ­
n e se ).
W illm a n R. A R e v ie w o f Past R e n t S tu d ie s in Fisheries. A n o te p r e p a r e d fo r th e p r o je c t E s tim a tin g C lo b a l R en t
Loss in Fisheries. FAO, R o m e . 2 0 0 6 .
W o rld w a tc h In stitu te . V ital S ig n s 2 0 0 6 . 2 0 0 6 ; 1 2 8 - 1 31 ( J a p a n e s e tra n s la tio n 2 0 0 7 ).
W W F . T u n a fa r m in g in t h e M e d it e r r a n e a n : t h e b lu e f in t u n a s to c k a t s ta k e . 2 0 0 4 . [ O n lin e ] h t t p : / /
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Y a m a m o to N. M a rk e tin g s e c to r 's b e h a v io r a lo n g w ith c h a n g e s in tu n a su p p ly , d e m a n d a n d m a rk e t: Im p o rt
tu n a a n d d o m e s tic m a rk e tin g b u s in e s s , jo u r n a l o f R e g io n a l Fisheries 2 0 0 6 ; 4 6 (3 ): 1 71 - 1 8 5 (in J a p a ­
n e se ).
Y a m a o M . R ap id g ro w th o f fish c o n s u m p t i o n m a rk e t in East A sia: G lo b a liz a tio n a n d re g io n a liz a tio n o f
fis h e rie s tr a d e , ja p . j. Fisheries E c o n o m ic s 2 0 0 6 ; 5 1 (2 ): 1 5 - 4 2 (in J a p a n e s e ).

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