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SY: 2022-2023
First Quaterly Examination

Pangalan:____________________________________ Petsa:_______________
Grade and Section:__________________ Parent’s Signature:_________
Teacher: Ms. Ronalaine Irlandez, LPT
A. Directions: Color the rectangles that contain the proper behavior which an UECSIAN should

loving lazy dishonest

obedient helpful cheater

quarrelsome respectful behave


B. Directions: Check ( / ) if the statement is correct and cross out ( X ) if it is not correct.

_________1. Quarrelling is one way of showing our love to God.

_________2. We should take care of our body.

_________3. It is okay to hurt others and punch my classmates.

_________4. Our body is a gift from God.

_________5. Praying is one way of showing that we are happy because we are alive.

C. Directions: Encircle the picture that show ways to keep your body healthy.
D. Directions: Read the sentence. Pick the face that show how you feel. Write only the letter of
the face in the blank.

A. B. C. D.

_________1. Someone destroyed your toy

_________2. You got good grades

_________3. Your father left for abroad.

_________4. Someone gives you a gift.

_________5. You thought that you saw a ghost

E. Directions: Check ( / ) the pictures that make other people happy.

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