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Roger T and David W. Johnson

There are three basic ways students can interact with each other as they learn. They can compete
to see who is "best," they can work individualistically toward a goal without paying attention to
other students, or they can work cooperatively with a vested interest in each other's learning as
well as their own. Of the three interaction patterns, competition is presently the most dominant.
Research indicates that a vast majority of students in the United States view school as a
competitive enterprise where one tries to do better than other students. This competitive
expectation is already widespread when students enter school and grows stronger as they
progress through school (Johnson & R. Johnson, 1991). Cooperation among students-who
celebrate each other’s successes, encourage each other to do homework, and learn to work
together regardless of ethnic backgrounds or whether they are male or female, bright or
struggling, disabled or not, is still rare.

1) Explique cómo se concibe la noción de la escuela en los Estados Unidos.

Se da debido a que los estudiantes cuando entran a una escuela su manera de aprendizaje y
enseñanza van subiendo de nivel a nivel, debido a que estos muestran mucho interés por
aprender como de igual manera se evidencia de mucha competencia de quien es el mejor alumno
de la clase haciéndolo de manera personal.

2) Justifique la posición de los investigadores cuando indican que la cooperación entre

estudiantes que los motive a trabajar en las tareas aún no se produce.

Se da debido a que los resultados de sus investigaciones han arrojado de que toda las escuelas de
los Estados Unidos son vistas como empresa competitiva y su único intereses es superar las otras
escuelas para ser la más apreciada a nivel nacional y lo que ha disminuido el nivel de interés

James T. Colbert*, Joanne K. Olson , and Michael P. Clough

Large-format introductory-level science classes are a fact of life at many colleges and
universities. This circumstance prevails due to resource limitations, not for sound pedagogical
reasons based on how people learn (Bransford et al., 2000). Students in such classes, assuming
they are present and alert, often sit passively, listen to the instructor, and perhaps take notes.
However, even when students sit passively in a lecture, for learning to occur they must be
mentally active—selectively taking in and attending to information, and connecting and
comparing it with prior knowledge and additional incoming information in an attempt to make
sense of what is being received. Encouraging these metacognitive acts is challenging in large

1) ¿Cómo se visualiza el proceso de aprendizaje de los alumnos aun en posición


Se visualiza de manera interna, ya que los alumnos ponen en práctica su aprendizaje para poder
ser mentalmente activos y así lograr una mejor respuesta en el pensamiento y razonamiento del

2) ¿Cuál sería una de las tareas más difíciles para el profesor en clases numerosas?

Poder lograr poner en práctica el aprendizaje, el alumno debe organizar las numerosas clases que
ve, y lo hace logrando siendo estos mentalmente activos, ya que así podrán establecer una
organización a base de las respuestas del razomiento en las que se le plantean
Students Achievement in Educational Technology Course as Enhanced by
Cooperative Learning
LEUNG Chi-mei Doris


5 The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of cooperative learning on student's
achievement of Educational Technology Course in Initial Teacher Training Program. The study
employed a treatment × ability quasi-experimental design. The instructional strategy used was
cooperative learning strategy and the traditional whole class direct instruction approach.
Ninety-five first year full-time students from the College of Education constituted the sample.
10 The students were categorized into high and low ability levels according to their results of the
Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination. The student's achievement included: student
academic achievement from the course, quantity measurement in the use of instructional
media, and quality rating of utilization of instructional media during their teaching practice. The
results indicated that cooperative learning strategies had a positive effect on academic
15 achievement and quantity measurement in the use of instructional media. Cooperative learning
strategy also had a positive influence on students' attitudes towards instructional media and
their learning condition. However, the results on the ability level of student and the interaction
between instructional strategy and ability level of student did not show any statistical
significance. Recommendations on practical implication of the results on initial teacher training
20 program were discussed and direction for future research was made.


1.- Exprese el objetivo de la investigación.

2.- Explique el diseño de la investigación.

3.- Describa la muestra seleccionada en la investigación.

4.- Exprese el contraste de ideas presentado entre las líneas 15 y 19 del abstract.

5.- Formule las conclusiones de la investigación.

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