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The Major Reliquary of St.

André Bessette is coming to our Parishes

October 29-30!!
Come pray with the major reliquary of St. André Bessette. A humble servant of St. Joseph,
who in the power of the Holy Spirit, using the charism of healing, touched hundreds of
thousands of people, bringing them to deep faith in Jesus.

Come be touched by the same gift and be healed!

Visit Schedule:
Fr. Jomon Kallandanthiyil, CSC, will be presenting.
Saturday, October 29 - St. Anne's Church, St. Thomas
1:45 pm - Welcome!
2:00 pm - Presentation on St. André
2:30pm - Veneration of the relics and time for prayer
4:00 pm - Prepare for Holy Mass
4:30 pm - Mass - Blessing with St. Joseph's Oil following mass
6:30 pm - Welcome back!
7:00 pm - Presentation on St. André
7:30 pm - Blessing with St. Joseph's oil, veneration, prayer,
9:00 pm - End for the evening

Sunday, October 30 - St. Anne's Church, St. Thomas

11:00 am - Mass in the presence of the Relics, Blessing with
St. Joseph's Oil Following Mass
12:00 pm - Veneration of the relics and time for prayer
12:45 pm - End of veneration / transfer to St. Mary's Church

Sunday, October 30 - St. Mary's Church, West Lorne

2:15 pm - Welcome!
2:30 pm - Presentation on St. André
3:00 pm - Veneration of the relics and time for prayer
5:00 pm - End of veneration

"My only ambition is to serve God in the most

humble tasks." ~ St. André

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