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Name: Jamie Johnson

Assignment: Learning Styles Reflection Case Study Assignment

Due Date: 2/20/2023

Learning Styles Reflection Case Study Assignment

1. Review the information you came away with from reading the Learning styles and
autism –
A learning style is a way in which a person retains information about their environment. We all
have different learning styles. Some people even use multiple learning styles. As educators it’s
important to learn the best way to educate each child, and understanding their learning style(s)
can improve learning, as well as, help  maximize their learning ability.
There are three different learning styles, and they are;
 Visual (Reading, look at pictures, or using visual media to help remember)
 Auditory (Retaining information you hear) 
 Kinesthetic  – (“Hands on” learning)

2. Discuss key components from the blog on learning styles
Students who have autism spectrum disorder present additional challenges for classroom
teachers. Therefore, teachers must gain a rich understanding of their students in order to
present materials in such a way as to promote student engagement. The cone of learning,
developed by Edger Dale, outlines how information is absorbed is to look at the “Cone of
Learning,” developed by Edgar Dale. The cone of learning describes Dale’s views on the
teaching learning styles and how vital different forms of instruction are. The cone of learning is
a pyramid that illustrates the way information is believed to be absorbed by children through
various types of teaching. The pyramid includes percentages that indicate the retention rates of
each mode of learning instruction. I believe the cone of learning reminds us that we learn best
when we are actively involved in the learning process. We tend to retain more information when
we are actively engaged in the learning process. Learners benefit from multiple modes of
learning styles, and the cone of learning highlights the different styles teachers can use in your

3. Discuss why assessing a student with autism’s learning style is important.

It’s important to assess a student with autism’s learning style because it allows teachers to fully
understand how these students perceive and understand information. It also allows teachers to
identify the strengths and weaknesses of the child. Once teachers have an understanding of how
a student learns best they can differentiate instruction based on their students’ needs.
Understanding the differences in the way students with autism learn is crucial for their success
in school. Furthermore, students’ preferred learning styles will improve the teachers ability to
plan instruction and environments accordingly for each student.

4. Discuss what stood out to you from reading Learning Style Preferences of Students
with Autism and How They Align or Differ from Their Typical Peers
The importance of teachers becoming more proficient in assessing learning styles to differentiate
instruction based on their students’ individual needs is what stood out to me. Facilitating the
learning process is the primary aim for teachers, and understanding the learning styles of
students is a part of this process. The learning process is different for each individual, even with
students being in the same educational environment. The learning process does not occur the
same way for every student. Teachers have to factor student strengths, weaknesses, interests, and
approaches to learning when it comes to the learning process. Learning styles are useful to
teachers and students understand how to improve the way they learn and teach. Understanding
learning styles makes it easier to create and modify instruction. Therefore, determining learning
style is valuable in order to achieve more effective and quality learning.
5. Develop a case study related to a student’s learning style.
a. Background - Describe the students age, current classroom, program or
home information, challenges/deficits the student demonstrates.
The children are in a pre-kindergarten classroom and they range between the ages of 4 to 5
years old. The current classroom is an general educational classroom setting with aids, such as,
behavior, speech, and mental therapist visiting several times a week. The majority of the
children in the classroom are traditional students, with a few students having a diagnosis of ASD
or suspected ASD. The challenges include social and behavioral deficits for the students with a
diagnosis of ASD or suspected ASD.
b. Strengths/Interests – Describe the student’s strengths and interests
The overall strengths and interests of the children in the classroom include;
 Creative arts, such as art and music
 Pictures reading all types of books (alphabets, letters, transportation, trains, etc.)
 Reciting and singing the alphabets
 Being enthusiastic about favorite interests (math, blocks, dinosaurs, dramatic play, etc.)
with a drive to share this enjoyment with others

c. Explain how you would assess strengths and interests

I would access the strengths and interests of the students through informal assessments and
progress monitoring. Informal assessments would include observation, portfolios, anecdotal
notes and checklists. Progress Monitoring assessments provide information on each child’s
progress toward learning goals and whether the curriculum is effective for the majority of the
children. These assessments would provide evaluable information about where children are

d. Learning style – Describe how the student learns best

The students in the classroom learn best through a combination of two learning styles, which are
Kinesthetic (hands-on) and Auditory (music, reciting)

e. Explain how you would assess learning style

I would assess the children’s learning styles through verbal directions and conversation to help
clarify instructions and learning activities. I also would provide hands-on activities that allow
the child to actively explore. The best way to assess my students is by observing what he or she is
doing. Actions, interests, and preferences will provide information about how he or she is
processing information.

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