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Physical Science
Name: Ted Joshua L. Javines Section 11- Bellarmino Class Number: 23

Branches of Physics: The Barricade Contest

Answer the following questions after watching the video “Barricade Contest”, a short
clip edited to 12 minutes from the original 45 minute-episode.

1. Which branch of physics for the most part formed the basis for the “spying” device
seen in the video clip at time index 1:02 – 1:10?

- Acoustics

2. Which branch of physics for the most part formed the basis for the machinery seen in
the video clip at time index 1:23 – 1:36?

- Mechanics

3. Which branch of physics for the most part formed the basis for the construction of the
brilliant piece of deception seen in the video clip at time index 2:07 – 2:32?

- Optical Physics

4. Which branch of physics for the most part formed the basis for the solution to the
barricade seen in the video clip at time index 7:30 – 8:19?

- Electromagnetism

5. Which branch of physics for the most part formed the basis for the solution to the
barricade seen in the video clip at time index 8:30 – 9:12?

- Acoustics

6. Critique the solutions seen in No. 4 and 5. Do the solutions have a scientific basis or
were there “pang-Hollywood” elements which were thrown in? Explain briefly.

- If I were to critique solutions 4 and 5 i’d say that they have a scientific basis as we can
see that the branch of electromagnetism was shown using iron filings and a magnet.
We can also see in the solution that the branch of acoustics was shown through a
speaker which emitted a specific frequency to break the glass.

7. Reflection Questions:

a. Describe what the two main characters had said to each other in a scene
during time index 6:28 – 6:38. How is their exchange during this scene related
to the Ateneo concept of “magis”? Explain.
- A concept of magis can be seen throughout the conversation between
the two characters by bringing out the best of our abilities to good use
to achieve what we desire.
b. In a later scene from the original episode (unfortunately not shown in the 12
minute clip), the younger character would say: “But it (pressure) can also
crush it to dust!” Will you be “diamond” or “dust” in the ASHS? Explain.
- For me I seek to be a diamond rather than dust since I want to be the
best version of myself and by being dust neglects all the time and effort
I put in to be a model student. I would want to be known as someone
who even in pressure would transform into a “diamond” and not be
known as giving up and ending up being dust.

Estimated time of completion: 30 – 45 minutes

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