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Mixed=Mode HVAC--An
Alternative Philosophy
David Arnold, Ph.D., C.Eng.

ABSTRACT There is, however,an alternative approachthat only uses

mechanical systems whennatural means are inadequate and
This paper examinesan alternative strategy for heating,
avoids the cost, energypenalty, and consequentialenvironmental
cooling, andventilating buildings that attempts to combinethe
effects of full year-roundair conditioning. This approachis
best features of both natural and mechanical systems. It
called mixedmode,i.e., providingboth natural ventilation and
#~volvesa holistic approachto design that treats the building
mechanicalsystems (such as forced ventilation and refrigera-
and engineering equally: Such climate-responsive integrated
tion) but usingdifferent features of the systemsat different times
buildhzg/engineering systems are intended to operate in the
of the day or season of the year. Thetechniquehas beenin use,
natural modewhenever possible to minimize energy use and
in one formor another, for around20 years in the ILK.A recent
only use mechanical systems under peak conditions at the
study of such buildings (Willis et al. 1994)concludedthat they
extremesof external temperatures.
are generally successful, popularwith the occupants,and able to
The period of use of natural systems can be extended by conveythe feeling of a prestige building. Thetechniqueis now
ushzg passive cooling techniques and[abric thermal storage.
beingused increasinglyin the U.K.and has applicationsto other
Someof the building mass, walls, ceiling slabs, etc., are used
climates.It requires a whole-building, i.e., holistic, approachto
as thermal storage media and are allowed to cool overnight design and takes advantageof the ability of humanbeings to
and absorb heat the next da3: The technique requires some accept and feel comfortableover a range of temperaturesduring
automatedcontrol of natural ventilation but both teduces the courseof a single day. In principle, the occupiedspacesstart
energy use and, by virtue of the thermalmassinvolved, limits the day as comfortablycool as acceptableand finish as comfort-
the rise in internal temperature on occasions whennormal ably warmas acceptable.
design criteria are exceeded.
Theprincipal advantagesof this methodof providingventi-
The paper describes the philosophy and operation of lation and coolingto buildingsthat cannotbe satisfied year round
mixed-modesystems used in conjunction with fabric thermal by naturalventilationalone are twofold.First, the introductionof
storage and suggests someguidelines .for the developmentof openablewindowsinto what mightotherwise be a sealed build-
the design of a practical ~ystem. ing providesuser control, the opportunityfor users of the build-
ing to exercise direct control over their local environment,both
INTRODUCTION in termsof the rate of ventilation and, whenoutside temperatures
Formanyyears, the optionsfor heating,ventilating, andcool- are suitable, cooling. Second,by only using mechanicalsystems
ing large buildings such as offices havebeenpolarized into two such as forced ventilation and/or cooling whennecessary, much
separate and usually isolated strategies-either heating coupled less energy is use&The energy use can be further reduced by
withnatural ventilation or air conditioning.However, researchin using passive cooling techniques. This only requires that, at
real buildings(Bordasset al. 1995)has shownthat there is little somepoint in a cycle, the external temperaturebe lowerthan a
choosefrom betweenthem°A goodnaturally ventilated building comfortableindoor temperature. This occurs in most populated
can be as comfortable as a good air-conditioned one and vice climatic zones.
versa. Clearly,achievingthis degreeof satisfaction is easier for Overnightcooling by ventilation is possibly the simplest
buildings in temperateclimates, but, evenin extremeclimates, passivetechniqueand utilizes the thermalstorage capacityof the
temperateconditions can prevail for a large portion of the year building massto overcomethe asynchronousdemandfor cool-
whennatural systems maybe able to provide comfort. ing. This includespartitions, the floor slab, furniture, andeven
Architecture(i.e., building formand fabric) has an impor- the inner portion of the outside wall. The technique, sometimes
tant influenceonthe internal conditions,but, moreoften than not called fabric thermalstorage(FTS),can extend the period of the
in NorthAmerica,it is not used to advantage;air conditioningis year whenmechanical cooling can be avoided. The FTStech-
installed automatically. nique also reducesthe size of the mechanicalplant necessaryto

DavidArnoldis a partner with TroupBywaters&AndersConsultingEngineers,London,England.

Transactions:Symposia 687
meet the peak cooling demandson the hottest days of the year. air conditioning. This lack of stimulus was overcomein one
In addition to these advantages,mixed-mode systems can leave Germanoffice building by using different colored lights that
the option opento changeto full air conditioningif necessary. indicated to occupantswhetherthey should open either windows
or the air-conditioning dampers(Fitzner 1993). Althoughthis
A DIFFERENT DESIGN PHILOSOPHY solution mayseem impractical in somecultures, it more than
Hawkes(1982) considers the design philosophies for fully halvedthe runningtimeof the air conditioning.Thereis nothing
air-conditioned buildings and those where natural systems newin the principle; someof the earliest air-conditionedbuild-
predominateas different approachesto the samedesign problem ings in the U.S. gave occupantsthe option to open either the
(i.e., determiningthe relative environmental functionsof build- windowsor the air-conditioning dampers (Worsham1929).
ing fo~m,fabric, andengineering).In the fonne~;the priority is Even installing an extract fan or a packagedair conditionerin a
to isolate the internal environmentfrom the external using naturally ventilated roommeets the definition; however,this
mechanicalsystems.In the latter; the building envelopeis given paper is concerned with optimizingthe systematicapplication of
priority and configured to (a) maximizethe use of ambient the principle to entire buildings.
energyand (b) achieve an effective balance betweenthe use The key features or subsystemsof a whole-buildingsystem
advancedautomaticcontrols and the opportunityfor the users of are controlled natural ventilation andeither/or mechanicalventi-
the building to exercise direct control of their environment.He lation and/or cooling. Controlled ventilation simplymeanseither
illustrates the difference betweenthese approachesby reference automatically controlled vents or a regime of manualwindow
to Olgyay’s (1963) principle of selective design, shown operation that can be changed or encouraged to change, depend-
(adapted)as Figure1. Applyingthis principle of effective use ing on the weather.
the natural enviromnent reduces the loads for mechanical The key principle is that inadequate ventilation must be
systemsfrom the gap betweencurves 1 and 5 to the gap between avoidedwhenit is cold outside and excessiveventilation avoided
curves3 and 5. Byrelaxingthe requirementfor constantinternal whenit is hot. Themechanicalsystemcan be either a combined
conditions, the gap is further reducedto that betweencurves 3 all-air or’ air-and-watersystemthat suppliesbothventilationand
and 4, the internal conditions resulting from a mixed-mode coolingor separate systemssuch as displacementventilation and
approach. chilled ceilings. Withdirect coolingsystems,suchas chilled ceil-
Theholistic approachto the design of a mixed-mode build- ings and chilled beams,it maybe necessaryto dry the air at times
ing starts withan analysisof the buildingthat first optimizesthe to prevent condensationon cool surfaces.
use of passive devicessuch as solar shadingand exposedthermal
massand then cmries out any calculations or thermal modeling MIXED-MODE OPERATION
to determinethe resulting internal conditions and what, if any, For the large portion of the year in which mixed-mode
mechanicalcooling is required. ~Ib justify the case for mixed systems are intended to operate in the natural mode,building
rhode, comfort requirementsmust be met and the overall life~ users are expectedto openand close windows as a reaction to the
cycle cost shouldbe less than that with air conditioning,includ- normal stimuli. These have been shownto be predominantly
ing the total cost of mechanicaland natural systems. either’ a changein temperatureor a desire for’ fresh air (Wan:en
A simpler solution might seemto be to provide a conven- and Parkins 1984). Heatingcan be hydronicradiators or part of
tional air-conditioned building with openablewindows.This has the air supplysystem, and control can be limited to simplypre-
beendonein the past andthe result is that withconstantinternal heating the building in the morningand ensuring a reasonable
temperatures there is no stimulus to open windows(Warburton provision of heat during the day. If inadequateventilation is
1995). The potential energy savings are lost and the building sensedat any time of the year by, for example,CO 2 sensors, auto-
owner ends up paying twice--for both openable windowsand matically controlled natural or mechanicalventilation can be
used to rectify the situation. Duringwarmerperiods, the venti-
lation is increased either as a result of the normalopeningof
Microclim~dtolog windowsor by automatic control.
Climatebalanceof structure At the point whennatural systemsare no longer adequateto
Mixed mode
Fully air conditloned restrict the rise in temperatureduringthe day to within whatever
limits have been set, mechanicalsystems are used to provide
sufficient cooling. This can be achievedby using someformof
23 oc free cooling from an ambient source, such as overnight air
(Arnold1978)or refrigeration.
It is importantto allowthe temperatureto rise, withinlimits,
duringthe workingday, as this both stimulates window use (i.e.,
natural ventilation) and reduces the period whenmechanical
systems operate and, consequently, the amountof energy used.
Figure I Olgyay’s(1963) principle of selective design This is in contrast to the basic philosophyof air conditioning,
with the addition of mixed-modeHVAC. whichattemptsto maintaina nearly constant conditionof around

688 ASHRAETransactions: Symposia

23°C,resulting in continuoususe of fans and pumps,etc., irre-
spective of whetherany cooling is necessary. In the U.K., the
energycost of fans and pumpsrepresents around60%of the total
1, Tomperato
for air conditioning and is one of the mainsavings created by 2, Warm
using a mixed-modestrategy (EEO1991).

The main design decisions necessary to makethe optimum
provision of each of the subsystemsare
15 2O
(a) the extent, type, location, use, andcontrol of natural openings;
(b) the rates of natural ventilation required in each mode;
Figure 2 Typical operating ranges for tnixed-mod,
(c) the flowrate, distribution, and control of mechanicalventi- HVAC.
lation; tioning systemis usedto providefree cooling, the outsidetemper-
(d) the provision,if any, and rate of mechanical cooling(refrig- ature needsto be around14 to 15 degrees lowerto makeit more
eration); and efficient than direct mechanical
coolingby refrigeration.
(e) the changeoverconditions triggering the use of mechanical Thedesign decisions necessaryto optimizethe provisionof
systems. each subsystemand justify the case for mixed-mode use are also
While opening windowsis fundamentalto the philosophy, affected by the extent to whichuse is madeof the buildingthermal
there are often times of the year whenbuildingusers will not be mass.
stimulated to openwindows,for example,in winter in northern
latitudes. "Trickle"ventilators haveproveneffective in provid- FABRIC THERMAL STORAGE
ing the background ventilation necessaryat these times of year
(Pereraet al. 1993).Theseslot ventilators, with or withoutdamp- Thebasic principle of building massabsorbingand releasing
ers, can be usedin conjunctionwith automaticroof lights in open heat applies to any buildingwith a cyclical variation in tempera-
atria or dampersin natural exhaustshafts to control the rate of ture. The effect can be enhancedby exposinga larger amountof
ventilation withoutrelying on occupants.Predictionof the natu- thermalmassto the space(e.g., removing a lightweightfalse ceil-
ral ventilation rates generatedby windpressure and stack effect ing and exposinga concrete slab). The usefulnessof the exposed
can be calculated from first principles or by using commercial fabric dependson the surface area exposed,the thermalproperties
software (BRE1991). of the material(conductivity,density, specific heat), the frequency
The conditions at whichmechanicalsystems, ventilatio~ or of the cycle, and the swing in temperature. Althoughlimited
cooling,are set into operationcanin practicebe easily identified, researchhas beencarried out specifically into fabric thermalstor-
for exampleby setting temperatureor CO 2 limits. However,in age for overnightcooling(Barnard1994),mostof the results
terms of design, at each changeover conditionthere is the oppor- the extensiveresearch into passive solar heating (Balcomb et al.
tunity to increase or decreasethe provisionof one subsystemor 1984)apply equallywell to this complementary application of the
the other (see Figure2). For example,as the outsidetemperature samebasic technique.In particular, the supplement to the original
increases, moreventilation is required to maintain the same publication (Balcomband Wray1987)describes and analyzes the
internal condition. This can be achievedby either increasingthe effects of thermalstoragein passivesolar buildings.
area of natural openingsor by using a mechanicalsystem. As a
mechanicalsystemis being providedin any case, the proportion Low pressure loss ~y~tem
of opening windowscan be less than in an entirely naturally
ventilated building. The optimumprovision lies somewhere ~ 12

k Igh V~Ioclty

betweenthe minimum necessaryto give the users the confidence ~

that they will be effective and the entire glazedarea. Thesolution

can mosteasily be achievedby life-cycle costing, comparingthe
extra costs of opening windowswith the running costs of
mechanical systems.
Similarly, if both mechanicalventilation and cooling are
providedas the outside temperatureincreases, mechanicalcooling
becomesmoreenergy efficient than mechanicalventilation (see
10 15 20 25
Figure3). It is basedonsensiblecoolingonlyandshowsthat a low- ~e~ Tempem~m ~
pressure-lossmechanicalventilation systemis moreefficient, in
energyterms, than a refrigeration system,providedthat the exter-
nal temperatureis morethan twoor three degreeslowerthan the Figure 3 Energy required for cooling: mechanical
internal temperature.However, ira typical high-velocityair-condi- ventilation vs. refrigeration.

Transactions:Symposia 689
Oneof the key concepts of mixed-modeHVAC is that the
building users will experiencea swingin temperature,particu-
larly on warmdays. Themagnitudeof this swingis restricted by
the acceptability to the occupants. Experience quoted by
Balcomb and Wraysuggests that this should be limited to 5 K to
6 K, with a maximum of around4 K occurring during the occu-
pied period. Clearly, application of fabric thermalstorage that
creates a larger variation in temperaturewouldbe unacceptable.
The quantity of heat that can be stored in the fabric is
restricted both by the maximum thermal capacity of the material
and the amountthat can conduct through the material in each
cycle. Thefundamentalfrequencyfor buildingsis usually the 24-
hour cycle, although this can be overlaid by weeklyand even
seasonalcycles. Consequently,the daily cycle is mostimportant;
however,with heavyweight materials such as concreteslabs, the
more deeply stored coolth of the weeklycycle can limit the
excursionof temperatureunderextremeconditions. The surface Figure 5 Diurnal heat capacities for various thick-
area---the limiting factor for transfer in and out of the materi- nesses.
al--can, to an extent, be determinedby the building designer.For The curvesare shownfor a single-sided slab well insulated
example,the use of vaultedor cofferedceiling slabs can increase on the outside. For slabs with both sides exposedto the same
the surface area of the slab in contact with the space by 50%to cyclic variation in heat flux, half the thickness is used. Other
150%compared to a flat slab. Thedesignercan also influencethe studies (Barnard1994) have shownthat coffered concrete slabs
thermalpropertiesor effectivenessof certain materials.Theloca- canbe effective using night cooling, with heat gains up to 20 to
tion of insulation in an external wall is an exampleand has a 30 W/me. In comparisonwith air-conditioning systems that cool
significant effect on the thermalperformance of the space.If it is at a rate of 80 to 100 W/m e, this appears quite low. However,
placed on the inside, the thexmalcapacity of the wall is lost, manyof these have been shownto be oversized, and a typical
whereasif it is placedin the centeror on the outsideof an external current figure for northernEurope,with goodsolar protection, is
wall, greater use can be madeof the thermalmass. 50 to 60 W/m e. Consequently, fabric thermal storage can
displace up to 50%of the peakcooling duty.
’Ilae combined effect of the heat storage capacities of the
building fabric boundingthe space and even the fixtures and Thefact that an optirnumthickness exists for each material
meansthat increasing the depth/thickness, beyondaround100
furniture can be estimatedusing the diurnal heat capacity (DHC)
mmin the case of concrete, has a negligible effect on the thermal
concept (Balcomband Wray1987). The principle is shown
performanceof the room. If morethermal capacity is required,
Figure 4. Balcomband Wrayalso showthat an optimumthick-
this must be achievedby increasing the surface area coupledto
ness can be determined, in terms of thermal performance,for
the space. Caremustbe taken whenprovidinghigh levels of ther-
diurnal heat capacity basedon a 24-hourcycle. Thesecurvesare
malcapacity that they do not preventthe attainmentof comfort-
shownin Figure 5. able temperaturesin winter at the beginningof the day.
’W’~l surl’aceconditions
The typical effect of thermal masscoupledwith overnight
ventilationis shown in Figure6. It showsthe results fi’omthermal
simulation for a typical moduleof an office building and
comparesthe percentage of windowopeningas a proportion of
external wall necessa~ayto maintaina limiting internal tempera-
ture of 25°C.Thethermalmodelis effectively usedin reverse to
calculate the ventilation rates (day and night) necessaryto limit
the internal temperatureto this or any predeterminedvalue. The
rates are then transposedinto the proportionof window opening
necessaryto achieve those ventilation rates using the software
Experiencewith existing overnight CoolingsyStems(Willis
et al. 1994) has shownthat sorne havefailed due to a lack of
appropriate control. However,the dynamicoperation of fabric
Figure 4 Heat stored in wall shown bY hatched area. thermal storage is similar to other storage techniquesand the
Diurnal heat capacity equals heat stored/ control issues are similar. Theseinclude:
temperature swing, dhc = AQ/AT. o Whento begin charge?

applications in more extremeclimates. There are significant
potential advantagesover conventionalair conditioningin terms
of bothenergyand local user control. It requires a higherlevel of
integrated design betweenthe architect and the engineerand is
best integrated into buildings,newor refurbished,at the concept
stage. Perhapsequally important, it represents a departurefrom
traditional waysof running air-conditioning systems; conse-
I0 quently, building operators must be educatedon the principles
and be able to implement control easily. It does, however,present
an opportunity by which to design comfortable buildings in a
15 20 25 moresustainable and environmentallyfriendly way.
Arnold, D. 1978. Comfortair conditioning and the need for
refrigeration. ASHRAE Transactions 84(2).
_Figure 6 Typical relationship between windowopening-
and daily maximumtemperature using natural Balcomb,J.D., et al. 1984. Passive solar heating analysis~-A
ventilation to limit internal temperatureto 25 °C. design manual. Los Alamos, N.M.: Los AlamosNational
Laboratory, and Atlanta: AmericanSociety of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-ConditioningEngineers, Inc.
¯ Howquickly to charge? Balcomb,J.D., and W.O.Wray. 1987. Thermalmass effects.
o How much to charge? Supplementto Passive Solar Heating Analysis. Atlanta:
Control of the discharge is constrained by the thermal proper- AmericanSociety of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Con-
ties of the space and the responseof the building users. Asthe ditioning Engineers,Inc.
temperaturerises during the day, the amountof heat absorbed Barnard, N. 1994. Fabric energy storag.e of night cooling.
by the building masswill increase as the temperaturediffer- CIBSENational Conference. London:Chartered Institu-
ence betweenthe space and the boundingsurfaces increases. tion of BuildingServices Engineers.
Thereare other factors to accountfor whenusing mechanical Bordass, W.T., et al. 1995. Comfortcontrol and energy effi-
systems, as the energy source---cool overnight air--is time ciency in offices. BREInformationPaperIP 3/95. Watford,
dependent. Minimum temperatures occur around dawn, which Herts, U.K.: Building ResearchEstablishment.
can be at the end of the normaloff-peaktariff window.Theopti- BRE.1991. BREEZE user manual.5.1. Garston, U.K.: Building
mumperiod for overnightcooling maywell run into the beginning Research Establishment.
of the workingday. Starting the chargeearlier maybe cheaperbut
EEO.1991. Energy consumption guide~Energy efficiency in
less energyefficient. Thefact that the energystore is not isolated
offices. London:Departmentof the Environment.
and insulated meansthat it will lose somecapacity while being
charged.Equally, the variable availability meansthat there is a Fitzner, K. 1993. Air conditioningon request, an air conditioned
trade-off that varies with time betweenthe amountof "free building with windowsthat can be opened. CLIMA_2000
energy"that can be stored and the powernecessaryfor charging. Conference, London.
Theseeffects mustbe consideredcarefully in each design. Hawkes,D. 1982. Building shape and energy use. In TheArchi-
Asthe coolingcapacityis, in effect, embedded in the build- tecture of Energy. London:Longmans.
ing thermal mass, conventional design techniques of assessing Olgyay,V. 1963. Designwith climate. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
the peakload cannotbe used. It is necessaryto use moredetailed UniversityPress.
weatherpatterns andlooktypically for the peakthree- to five-day Perera, M.D.A.E.S.,S.G. Marshall, and E.W.Solomon.1993. Con-
period. In addition, the period on either side shouldbe examined trolled background ventilation for large commercialbuild-
to ensurethat (a) the buildingfabric is assumed
to be at a realistic ings. BuildingServ. Eng. Researchand Technology.London:
temperaturebefore the peak period and (b) the consequences CharteredInstitution of BuildingServicesEngineers.
runningthe systemwith an exhaustedstore after peakare consid- Warburton, R 1995. Private communicationconcerning the
ered. This level of analysis can onlybe carried out using dynamic RoyalLife Insurance building in Coventry,England.
simulation. Experiencehas shownthat this should be used with
Warren, RR., and L.M. Parkins. 1984. Window opening behav-
a degree of caution by the user. The results should be compared
ior in office buildings. ASHRAE Transactions90(1).
with both practical experienceand intuition.
Willis, S., M. Fordham,and W.Bordass. 1994. Anoverviewof
CONCLUSIONS technologies to minimizeor avoid the need for air condi-
The mixed-mode strategy of providing heating, cooling, tioning--Final report. CR142/94. Watford, Herts, U.K.:
and ventilation combinedwith fabric thermalstorage has proven Building Research Establishment.
successfulin a temperateclimatesuch as that in the U.K.and has Worsham,H. 1929. The Milambuilding. Heating~Piping~Air.

Transactions:Symposia 691
QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS one. It included automatic mid/outer-pane blinds, internal
Geoff Levermore,Senior Lecturer, Departmentof Build- manualblinds, and brises-soleil, each intended to maintain
ing Engineering,University of ManchesterInstitute of Sci- daylight and avoid solar gain to a greater or lesser extent
ence and Technology, Manchester, England: Howwas the depending on the building mass and proportion of window
solar gain reduced but the daylight input maintained? What area in the external wall. Weatherdata used for simulation was
weather data were used for the design/simulation and the cor- generally based on hourly readings fi’om the closest weather
respondingcomfortcriteria? station. Comfortcriteria were based on limiting the rise of
David Arnold: Mypresentation covered experience with five internal temperature to a maximum of 25°C in one case and
buildings. The type of solar protection was different for each for a maximum period of time above25°Cin the others.


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