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Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Creating & Performing Limited ability to create Musical Some ability to create Musical With considerable effectiveness is able High degree of effectiveness is able to
Create Musical Compositions for Compositions for specific purpose Compositions for specific purpose to create Musical Compositions for create Musical Compositions for specific
specific purpose specific purpose purpose
Creating & Performing Limited understanding of standard Some understanding of standard With considerable effectiveness High degree of effectiveness
Demonstrate an understanding of notation to record the sequence of notation to record the sequence of demonstrates an understanding of demonstrates an understanding of
standard notation to record the sounds in a composition of their own sounds in a composition of their own standard notation to record the standard notation to record the
sequence of sounds in a composition of sequence of sounds in a composition of sequence of sounds in a composition of
their own their own their own
Collaboration Limited collaboration skills used Some collaboration skills used Good collaboration skills used Excellent collaboration skills used
Works well with others, sharing feelings
appropriately, encourages others

Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Creating & Performing Limited ability to create Musical Some ability to create Musical With considerable effectiveness is able High degree of effectiveness is able to
Create Musical Compositions for Compositions for specific purpose Compositions for specific purpose to create Musical Compositions for create Musical Compositions for specific
specific purpose specific purpose purpose
Creating & Performing Limited understanding of standard Some understanding of standard With considerable effectiveness High degree of effectiveness
Demonstrate an understanding of notation to record the sequence of notation to record the sequence of demonstrates an understanding of demonstrates an understanding of
standard notation to record the sounds in a composition of their own sounds in a composition of their own standard notation to record the standard notation to record the
sequence of sounds in a composition of sequence of sounds in a composition of sequence of sounds in a composition of
their own their own their own
Collaboration Limited collaboration skills used Some collaboration skills used Good collaboration skills used Excellent collaboration skills used
Works well with others, sharing feelings
appropriately, encourages others

Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Creating & Performing Limited ability to create Musical Some ability to create Musical With considerable effectiveness is able High degree of effectiveness is able to
Create Musical Compositions for Compositions for specific purpose Compositions for specific purpose to create Musical Compositions for create Musical Compositions for specific
specific purpose specific purpose purpose
Creating & Performing Limited understanding of standard Some understanding of standard With considerable effectiveness High degree of effectiveness
Demonstrate an understanding of notation to record the sequence of notation to record the sequence of demonstrates an understanding of demonstrates an understanding of
standard notation to record the sounds in a composition of their own sounds in a composition of their own standard notation to record the standard notation to record the
sequence of sounds in a composition of sequence of sounds in a composition of sequence of sounds in a composition of
their own their own their own
Collaboration Limited collaboration skills used Some collaboration skills used Good collaboration skills used Excellent collaboration skills used
Works well with others, sharing feelings
appropriately, encourages others

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