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It is common knowledge that use of social media websites have many advantages, but it also has a lot of

dangers, especially for teenagers.

While it is true that social media websites are a new way to socialize, to meet new people with the same
hobbies as you, even to find a partner, but it is also true that the opponents of social media websites inform us
about the dangers that exist, por example, when we upload our own images, we don't know who is receiving
them, who can share them and how far they can be spread.

Other example are posting comments. On the net, everything is written down and never is deleted.
Furthermore, the context is not always remembered. It is common for someone who wrote a comment about
something or someone, and the comment is used years later against him/her.

As I see it, no solution can be applied to such a complex issue. If we used the social media websites well, there
are a very good idea, and they help a lot of people (for example in the pandemic), but I also think that we
should be careful and not trust anyone we don't know, and we should not share photos with anyone, and we
should be aware that everything we say and do on the networks will stay forever.

Although there are many arguments on both sides, I think the use of social networks should be done with
common sense, and if you are a teenager, with parental supervision.

Ariane Zahino

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