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For this I used this in my monk edit when making reflections, all I had to do was to make the
people that are in the hall way duplicate it and then make it blur then also make it look
daker then I have to flip the people.


For this one. Used this to make a certain area to go dark instead of the whole area, o the
mask path is made to make the an area to put in the dark effect on it.


I used this to make the green in the green screen disappear so when u use it on something
else you can choose what you want, for instance when using it on a person you can get rid.

I used this to make people opacy so you can see through them and also be able to get rid of
a certain colour you want, and a lot be able to make it go black and white and can be used
to make certain colour look much brighter. You can also use this to make shadow on stuff to
make it look like a shadow or make a really bright light with it.

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