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Micro Teaching:

Horror Stories
(Communicative Approach)
Micro Teaching: Horror Stories
★ Theme: Horror stories.
★ Target Group: Students can be different ages, this depends of the level of proficiency
(15-20 years old) - Language School
★ Number of students: All students in the class;
★ Level of proficiency: B1/ B2, intermediate;
★ Objective: The socialization of results is important for students to work on their
conversation. The activities have been planned to allow the students to use all their
language knowledge, leading them to practice all of their language abilities, the lesson’s
vocabulary in brief sentences rather than long discourses, while also encouraging students
to try out new concepts of practicing what they know of the language in a light and
encouraging environment without the fear of making mistakes.
Warm up: Short Horror Stories

Watch these two horror shorts

Warm up: Short Horror Stories
★ Were you scared?
★ Are you afraid of horror movies?
★ Of the feature-length horror movies, which one do
you remember liking the most or being more
afraid of?
Running Dictation
★ Form double;
★ In this activity, one of the pair's people should sit and the other should run to
the phrases on the other side of the room;
★ The person who ran must read the phrase, memorize, go back and dictate to
the person sitting;
★ The person sitting should hear and write as close as possible to the original
sentence: respect grammar and punctuation!
★ After a round, the roles must be reversed: whoever runs is left to write, and
whoever stays should dictate;
★ The duo that is faster and write the right way wins a prize!
★ During the activity, communicate only in English!
Lights, camera, Action!
★ Form three groups with four members each;
★ Each group will receive a sentence and some images;
★ Based on the images and the phrase, together build a horror story;
★ The story should be presented to the class how teather;
★ When you present, explain what the group thought and show the pictures
and read the phrase;
★ The theater must have a dialogue, that is, the members of the group must
★ To set up the activity, communicate only in English!
★ Through what the communicative theory proposes, we seek to give an
emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target
language by introducing authentic material to the learning situation (movie
quotes), providing opportunities for students to concentrate, not only in
language but also in their own learning process, since they are involved
through all the skills in the learning moment, considering an enhancement of
student personal experiences as an important contributor for classroom
learning, since they can communicate with each other during the process, as
well as the outcome.
-suspense/ - Acessado em 03 de Julho de 2019 às 10:51

★ - Acessado em 02 de Julho de 2019 às 11:05

★ RICHARDS J. C. & RODGERS T. S. Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching. Cambridge, 1986.

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