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‎ hields, Christopher,

‎Aristotle, ch. 2:
‎Explaining nature and
‎the nature of explanation

I‎ f Aristotle wishes to ground each of the four

‎causes in an objectively given framework,
‎Aristotle will need to advance some more
‎NECESSARY CONDITION ‎detailed forms of argumentation
I‎ f the only test for adequacy in explanation ‎Aristotle argues for each of the four causes
‎ n explanation is adequate only if
A ‎is the satiation of our curiosity, then we
‎cannot be at all sure that the explanations to ‎ is first and fullest arguments are on behalf
‎it correctly cites each of the four ‎PROBLEM
‎which we appeal track the objective ‎of material and formal causation
‎causes ‎relations between interest-independent
‎state of affairs
‎ rimary orientation of these arguments:
‎without matter and form we cannot solve a
‎significant puzzle about CHANGE &



‎E is an ADECUATE ‎ mere enumeration of four causes by itself

A I‎ f there is another kind of cause not
‎explanation iff E ‎SUFFICIENT CONDITION ‎does nothing to show that there are not yet ‎reducible to one or the other of the four

 ‎ nce an explanation has cited

‎other, non-equivalent types of causes still to ‎causes it needs to be identified by its

‎correctly cites each ‎each of the four causes, it has left

‎be recognized ‎champion

‎of the four causes ‎nothing out, and so is a complete ‎CHALLENGES ‎RESPONSE
‎and adequate as an objective
‎ ach of the individual four causes may be
‎explanation I‎ t seems entirely possible to cite all four ‎specified more remotely or more narrowly.
‎causes and yet find oneself in need of ‎We do not cite a new kind of cause when we
‎additional information ‎become more or less specific, but rather
‎move vertically within a kind of cause

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