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Photography is a form of art like how a painter paints scenery. A person can do photography on

their own, and a person can go to college for photography if they want to. Additionally, there are

2 or 4-year programs for photography a person can do if they choose to go to college. People can

start their own businesses with photography by taking photos for other people or selling their

own photos online.

In Minnesota art, related jobs are in demand. To begin with, art jobs are expected to increase by

six percent over the next few years. Artists can make up to 70k or more yearly. The median wage

for artists can be up to $25 dollars per hour. Furthermore, the art field has a lot of options to

choose from in careers. People can do photography, graphic design, video editing, painting,

sculpting, and more. More specifically, video editing can be used to edit wedding, commercial,

and YouTube videos. There are a bunch of apps that can help with video editings like iMovie or

Adobe Premiere. Secondly, with graphic design a person can help companies design a logo for

their company if they ask, a person can also make their own stuff and sell it. Nonetheless, a

person can start their own business and sell their stuff but companies can also hire a person.

Keywords: Photography, Artist, Art Field

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