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Cee rene) LEARNING OBJECTIVE In this lesson, you will learn to help others Bre RoR om Unit 2 Routines LESSON 4 Send a letter name address zip code “In China, where should you put the senders address on the envelope? 200% opty ascot siTalk te 2 TET 04:00 ‘Ask your student to match the words and phrases to the pictures. : fs 1 a tienditend) gorcresee ¢ a { send [sen ' | oe | letter Peto( ' {center | ' la ' | envelope ['envalavp]®} ae | top left [left] H ‘2 lapkeod] @ | envelope { pape “oe “Stop left “Sietter — “Azip code Go through the sentences. Make sure your student understands the highlighted words and phrases in context. a. Send me a card when you arrive in London. b. Mary wrote a letter to her friend Lily, . Thisis the kind of envelope | want. d. Please put your address on the top left comer of the envelope. @. We should write the zip code after the address, eater ae 05.00 [ToDo 1. Role play. Emphasize and explain the words in red and the sentence in yellow. [ToDo EK ured a bettor + reuniven latter: Nick wants to send his letter to Amy. Nick: Hello, Ineed to send this letter. Where should he write these things? [Nick goes to a post office.) )Nick Smith, 24 Oak Road, Seattle Chris: Okay, do you have an envelope for it? ‘ Nick: No, can | buy one here? Amy Green, 66 Castle Street, Las Vegas Chris: Of course. Here you are. Where do/does ..g0? Nick: Thank you. Where does my address go? Chris: Your address goes on the top left side. address goes on The other person's address goes in the middle. Nick: Okay, Ise. Thank you. Chris: Don't forget the zip code!

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