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Unit 3 Going Shopping Hi, Andy. What are you doing here? + [need a present for my mother. What are you going to get her? : I don’t know. What should I get her? Do you have any ideas? Hmmm. You could get her a teapot. Or you could get her a cookbook. She doesn’t lke tea, and she already has a lot of cookbooks. : How about a scart? + That's a great idea! These scarves are beautifull [think you should get her this scarf. Yes! She'll love it. or How about a scarf? ‘That's a great idea! 22 Unit 3 Going Shopping (5) Say these. 39 2% @ bh & |. ascarf 2.abracelet 3. a box of 4. a cookbook 5.aDVD 6. a book chocolates Look at {{5i|. Ask your partner. grandmother grandfather 40 her ‘She should get | him} bracelet. S (D) Listen and chant. #4 I Need a Present for My Mother Tneeda present for my mother. What should I get her? How about a necklace? She doesn't like jewelry. You could buy a nice T-shirt. You could make her a birthday cake. She doesn't wear T-shirts. T can't cook. You could give her a tennis racket. You should take her out to dinner! She hates tennis. Great idea! She'll love it! Unit 3 Going Shopping 23

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