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NAME: Mehul Adarsh Lal

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test

Q1: Answers:

1.1 Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognise and control your own emotions in a
constructive way for successful communication, stress relief, empathy, overcoming obstacles,
and conflict resolution. Your ability to develop closer relationships with co-workers can help
you achieve your job objectives with more ease.
1.2 A) Some of the characteristics of emotional intelligence have their own uses. The first is self-
awareness, which enables you to understand your own feelings and moods as well as how
they influence your thoughts and behaviour towards others. You must keep track of your
talents and flaws and have a lot of trust in yourself if you want to develop more self-
b) The ability to regulate your emotions well, take initiative from others to follow through on
commitments, and adjust to changing situations are all necessary for excellent self-
management, which is the second thing you need to have.
c) Thirdly, we need to be socially aware, which essentially means having empathy and
understanding other people's feelings, wants, and worries. You also need to feel at ease in
social situations and grasp the dynamics of power in an organisation.
d) The last item on the list is relationship management, which gives you the ability to know
how to cultivate and maintain strong connections with people and communicate with them
effectively, inspire others by showing them the way, and persuade others to work well as a
team and prevent disputes.

Q2: Answers:

2.1 The foundations of emotional intelligence are five. First, we have self-awareness, which
mostly focuses on stress management as a first step towards developing emotional intelligence.
It also emphasises how your capacity for controlling fundamental emotions like rage, sadness,
fear, and joy is frequently influenced by the calibre and constancy of your early emotional
experiences. The key to knowing how emotion affects your ideas and behaviours is being able
to connect with your emotions and having moment-to-moment relationships with your shifting
emotional experiences. The emotional maturity in these attributes demonstrates your self-
assurance, sense of humour, and the impact you have on other people. The second area of
attention is self-regulation, which generally focuses on reining in urges so that you can behave
appropriately rather than reacting hastily and inappropriately. Conscientiousness and
adaptability traits are demonstrated through emotional maturity. Thirdly, we pay attention to
internal motivation, which is distinguished from the pursuit of riches and prestige by a desire in
learning and self-improvement. Emotional maturity denotes taking the initiative, making a
commitment to finish a job, and remaining persistent in the face of difficulty. Empathy, which
possesses the capacity to comprehend another person's emotional response, is ranked fourth
on the list. This is only possible after achieving self-awareness since understanding oneself is a
prerequisite for understanding others. The characteristics of maturity display an awareness of
others, initiative, and social contexts like office politics. Social skills, which are the final on the
list, simply allow you to recognise social signs to find common ground, manage relationships,
and form networks. Characteristics of maturity demonstrate leadership, influence, and dispute
resolution abilities.

2.2 The five strategies you can use to develop your emotional intelligence are as

1. Be driven. Emotionally intelligent individuals are driven by themselves, and their outlook
on life inspires others. They make plans and exhibit resiliency in the face of difficulties.
2. Make use of your leadership abilities; persons with emotional intelligence are terrific
leaders. They hold themselves to a high level and serve as role models for others. They
are self-starters with excellent decision-making and problem-solving abilities. This
makes it possible to function at a higher and more effective level both at work and in
daily life.
3. Make use of an assertive communication style; this will help you get respect without
coming across as overly pushy or passive. People with emotional intelligence are able to
state their demands and ideas clearly while yet showing respect for others.
4. Respond to conflict rather than react to it. Emotional outbursts and feelings of wrath are
frequent during conflict situations. People with emotional intelligence are able to
maintain their composure under pressure. They avoid making hasty judgements that can
cause even larger issues. They decide to concentrate on making sure that their words
and actions are consistent with the understanding that the aim of conflict resolution is.
5. Be able to accept criticism properly is a crucial component of developing your emotional
intelligence. High EQ people take a time to comprehend where the criticism is coming
from, how it is hurting others or their own performance, and how they may
constructively fix any concerns rather than becoming offended or defensive.

Q3: Answers:

When interacting with team members that come from different cultural and language
backgrounds and express their emotions differently, there are a few tactics you may use. People
employ these techniques to formalise and enliven their communication. The first one is using
straightforward language, which is crucial for every type of communication. It essentially means
to make your language simple, direct, and obvious while speaking to a group of people from
different cultural backgrounds. When using jargon, slang, and colloquial language while talking
are some things you should avoid, those were things you would incorporate in your
conversation. There are a few strategies you may employ while communicating with team
members that express their emotions differently and come from varied cultural and linguistic
backgrounds. These methods are used by people to formalise and liven up their
communication. The first is utilising plain language, which is important for all forms of
communication. It basically means to communicate in a straightforward, obvious manner while
addressing a group of individuals from various cultural backgrounds. You would integrate
jargon, slang, and colloquial language into your discourse even though they are things you
should avoid doing when speaking.

Q4 Answers:
How effectively a person knows and controls their own emotions as well as the emotions of
others, and how they apply this understanding to manage relationships, is referred to as
emotional intelligence. Strong emotional intelligence has been associated with excellent
performance, making the development of these abilities essential in the workplace. Three
techniques are typically employed by people to foster emotional intelligence in their team
members. You may start by concentrating on mentorship because it's crucial for emotional
intelligence. Emotional intelligence and the level of trust that a mentee has in a mentor have
been proven to be positively correlated in mentors. Additionally, there are several skills that a
mentor or coach should cultivate. For instance, having a high level of empathy makes mentoring
more effective in terms of career and psychological assistance. It also helps you to be more
aware of your own emotions and how they affect people around you. The second option is
shadowing, which primarily focuses on learning from others' successes and adopting their work
habits and tenacity in order to gain experience and become more focused on your specific line
of work. We then concentrate on the training component. To succeed in your daily life and
those of others, you must train yourself to become more emotionally intelligent. Now, in order
to do that, we must put new ideas into action and teach others how to engage in constructive
activity on a regular basis.

Q5 Answers:

Any organisation may benefit from using emotional intelligence to establish strong bonds with
co-workers. Even while developing your emotional intelligence is mostly an internal process, the
effects are constantly felt by people around you. First and foremost, we can considerably
improve our communication abilities. Improving listening skills is typically part of working on
emotional intelligence because it is the first step in learning how to convey ideas clearly,
credibly, and persuasively to others. It will afterwards assist with setting expectations, providing
and accepting feedback, and clearly conveying your goals. Second, we may work on enhancing
interpersonal effectiveness, which simply means that the more you meet people's emotional
needs, the more emotionally connected you are to them. Building good connections requires a
solid foundation of empathy and understanding for others. Thirdly, we must consider the ability
to handle conflicts. Your behaviour is less likely to result in harmful and long-lasting relationship
breakdowns if you can successfully discuss and resolve conflicts. A key component of emotional
intelligence is the capacity to put oneself in another person's shoes and understand their point
of view, which aids leaders in mediating conflict. In order to function quietly under pressure and
to control distracting emotions and impulses, we must regulate our stress. This will help us
avoid potentially damaging professional relationships. The next item on the list is improved
cooperation and collaboration, which will be used to evaluate a leader based on the output of
his team. When team members are more closely bonded, they start cooperating more closely to
achieve common objectives, which leads to the development of group synergy. This enhances
collaboration and teamwork, which enhances relationships.

Q6 Answers:
6.1 The benchmarks and standards used for evaluation are used to compare the emotional
strengths and shortcomings.

6.2 There are a set of guidelines or procedures that must be followed in order to generate
evaluation criteria for determining emotional strengths and weaknesses. First and foremost, we
must concentrate on our moods, taking into account what makes us happy and unhappy, as
well as the primary emotional triggers. The second step is to make a list of your traits that affect
other people and include their input in your selection process. After reviewing all that has
previously been written, accomplished, and completed, you should consider your strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and potential threats. Fourth, conduct in-depth study and make
notes on how you'd want to strengthen the areas you've recognised as risks and weaknesses. In
order to assure the correctness of your self-diagnosis, it is important to always have a second
opinion. It is beneficial to run your self-assessment by a trusted friend, mentor, boss, colleague,
or small group since we need to identify individuals who can appropriately advise you.

Q7 Answers:

7.1 An activity, occasion, or other stimulus that has both physical and mental repercussions that
makes you feel stressed out and maybe lose control of your actions or lose your effectiveness as
a leader is referred to as a stressor.

7.2 Among the numerous factors that contribute to stress at work are:
1. Poor management techniques that lead to employment instability.
2. Job expectations and contents, which often emerge when employees are unable to
satisfy the demands or specifications of their jobs.
3. Workplace relationships.
4. The absence of assistance from others when you are left on your own with a task.
5. Trauma, which frequently results in anxiety and sadness because of excessive
responsibilities or lengthy workdays that leave little time for rest.

Q8 Answers:

8.1 You may respond to emotional stresses by employing self-awareness, but you must take
responsibility for cultivating it. Self-awareness is the ability to identify the ideas, things, people,
and situations that have bad behaviour at work and learn how to react appropriately. To do that,
start by thinking back on any notable emotions, outbursts, or behaviours, and over time, try to
spot a pattern or series.

8.2 Feedback comes in two flavours: official and informal. There are certain techniques that may
be employed for responding to emotional stresses in formal feedback. Regarding the
procedures for formal feedback, they are:

1. Structured meetings: In order to conduct a formal meeting, a correct agenda is required.

2. Employee surveys: You should conduct a detailed evaluation or poll of your staff.
3. One-on-one consultation: You must hold a meeting for individual consultation.

Q9 Answers:
9.1 Maintaining strong relationships at work requires communication. There are many different
ways to communicate at work, but most individuals choose verbal communication. When we
communicate to other individuals, we employ a combination of sounds and words in verbal
communication. You must completely interact with the team member during the engagement in
order to grasp verbal clues. The majority of people seldom pay attention to what is being talked,
therefore they frequently fall behind. However, in order to completely engage and comprehend
what is being said, one must be actively participating. By actively participating in a conversation
with someone, you can better comprehend them. This is known as active listening. Asking open-
ended questions, comprehending the emotional context, paying attention to vocal diversity,
listening for tone of voice, paying attention to the person's pitch, and attributing significance to
speech pauses are just a few ways to connect with the team members.

9.2 By actively participating in a conversation with someone, you can better comprehend them.
This is known as active listening. Asking open-ended questions, comprehending the emotional
context, paying attention to vocal diversity, listening for tone of voice, paying attention to the
person's pitch, and attributing significance to speech pauses are just a few ways to connect with
the team members.

Q10 Answers:

a) An informal session lacks many of the distinguishing characteristics of a regular business

meeting, such as minutes, a chairperson, and a predetermined agenda, because it is far
less carefully scheduled and controlled than a traditional business meeting. Managers
may find it more suitable to interact with employees lower on the organisational ladder
informally. The exchange of information may go both ways; managers can tell their
workforce of any new directives, while lower-level employees can contribute their own
suggestions that could boost an organization's productivity. By allowing participants to
express ideas that may not yet be completely formed and are thus inappropriate for
discussion at a formal meeting, informal sessions can assist a firm or organisations
advance their organisational goals. Before explicitly introducing these concepts, they can
have a discussion about them.
b) Dealing with conflict can result in a loss of productivity and flexibility in the workplace.
To address this, the company or enterprises could have a conflict resolution training
session in which the staff is instructed on how to prevent disputes from forming. Conflict
at work typically arises when individuals have divergent viewpoints, needs, or ambitions.
Before they worsen, disputes at work should be immediately settled. Conflict at work is
unavoidable in today's workplace. Participants are frequently shocked to learn that
organisational conflict is important and is not necessarily viewed negatively. Each
stakeholder in an organisation has unique demands and desires. The ideal situation
would be for everyone to be actively working towards the organization's goals. Conflicts
will inevitably arise, though, therefore the objective is to identify them and end them as
soon as possible. Everyone has to learn how to resolve disputes in a positive way at
work. Understanding the psychology and factors that lead to conflict at work can help
with this.

Q11 Answers:
To foster constructive working relationships and promote self-reflection, feedback sessions can
be held by giving team members feedback on their job performance and how they have applied
emotional intelligence abilities like self-regulation. Team members should receive candid
feedback during the feedback meetings so they can learn how their actions and feelings might
affect others at work. Additionally, there are other details and considerations that should be
made while giving feedback. For instance, plan your speech, describe the circumstance,
concentrate on behaviour rather than individual characteristics, explain the impact, recommend
future measures, and listen to their viewpoints. Feedback must be given in a courteous manner
and be supported by facts.

Assessment Task 2: Skills Test

Activity 1 / copy of email

05th February 2022

Hi Chanel and Dior,

I've noticed that I frequently describe my own SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats) at work.

I've made the decision to organise a meeting, and its objectives are to:

• Get comments on workplace emotional pressures.

• Talk about your own assets, limitations, chances, and dangers.

• Techniques for handling emotional pressures.

• Determine your own particular emotional intelligence enhancement opportunities.

For your reference, kindly find the meeting agenda attached.

Your faithfully,

Mehul Adarsh Lal

Activity 1: Prepare to develop emotional intelligence
Part A: Self-evaluation template:

Evaluation/assessment criteria to assess personal emotional strengths and weaknesses

Self-awareness is the conscious awareness of one's own personality and emotions. Making my
self-evaluation template for this project will include the topics of self-awareness, self-
management, social awareness, and relationship management. The subjects of strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and how we can all develop in these areas to succeed will
be assessed as follows.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

- Skilful in negotiations -The ability to communicate with individuals from

-Able to resolve conflicts diverse cultures.
-The capacity to deal with various personal -begin to freak out when I have a lot of stuff to
styles and methodologies complete.
-The capacity to take daring or challenging -occasionally become anxious.
-The capacity to operate under duress
-committed and tenacious
Opportunities Threats

-attending weekly workshops improves my -the inability to meet deadlines

performance in all areas of my career. -Others possess higher organisational abilities.
-not finishing chores or projects on time.
-Employer pledged to increase other
recipients' production levels.

-continually study and employ new


How would you improve in the areas you’ve identified as weaknesses and threats? (30-50

While working, it's crucial to strengthen areas where dangers and vulnerabilities exist. Setting
objectives and working towards them, finding a mentor who can truly help you towards the goal
you've already set, and acquiring further training, such as attending seminars in the industry or
department you're working in, are a few instances of how we may improve on them.

Potential stressors in the workplace and methods for responding to emotional stressors
Potential stressors (Any three) Method for responding to each emotional

Overwhelming workloads Try to balance your career and personal life.

Manage your time well.

tasks are modified Always strive to enlist the aid of someone who
can direct you towards your goals.

work relationships Always be cordial with people to avoid

confrontations, and you can always count on
them for assistance when you need it.

Part B

Meeting agenda template:

Date/Time: 15/02/23 10:00am

Location: Brisbane City

Chairperson: HR manager

Meeting Mehul
Dior (Operations manager)
Full names and
roles Chanel (HR manager)

Agenda Discussion/Outcomes Action Officer Due

Item/Topic Date

Welcome Address about the meeting of why the Mehul

meeting is being called.

-Examples of stresses at work. HR manager 15/03/2

(Agenda item 1) -workplace interactions, unreasonable Chanel
Topic? demands, etc.


-individual opinions and suggestions on HR manager 15/03/2

sources of emotional stress. 3
(Agenda item 2) Chanel


feedback on
sources of
emotional stress

-a person's strengths and limitations at HR manager 15/03/2

work. 3
(Agenda item 3) Chanel
-how to capitalise on advantages.

– how to strengthen your shortcomings.


strengths and
weaknesses of

Summary Overall Summary

A meeting was arranged to examine

personal strengths and weaknesses as well
as potential emotional pressures at work.


Decisions are made to enhance the

subjects covered in the meeting.

Action/s if any
Next Meeting 1:00pm/15/03/23

Meeting closed at: 10:00am

Minutes are a true Approved/confirmed by whom? Mehul

and accurate
record of the

Meeting minutes template:

Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Objective: Talk about your own strengths and shortcomings and professional
emotional stresses.

Attendees: Mehul, Chanel (HR manager), Dior (Operations manager)

Venue: Brisbane City

Date: 15/02/23

No. Points Discussed Actions Suggested Target Date

1 -Examples of emotional - Work as a team 15/03/23

pressures include
- attempt to
-emotional stressors at improve
work relationships at

2 -a person's assets and -attend seminars 15/03/23

-ask for advice
-methods to strengthen from others

Signature of attendee 1: Mehul Signature of attendee 2: Dior

Signature of attendee 3: Chanel Signature of attendee 4:

Activity 2 / copy of email

08th February 2022

Hi Jerry and Rahul,

The management has seen that productivity has been falling short of expectations and has been

The objective of the conference, which has been called by management, is to:

Develop training strategies for recognising and reacting to a variety of emotional displays in
conjunction with the team members.

For your reference, kindly find the meeting agenda attached.

Please accept our invitation to the conference.

Your faithfully,

Mehul Adarsh Lal

Activity: 2

Meeting agenda template:

Date/Time: 13 February 2023/3:00pm

Location: Brisbane city

Chairperson: Mr Dash

Meeting Jerry, Rahul, Manager and MR Dash


Full names Jerry (sales rep)

and roles
Rahul (sales rep)

Mehul (manager)

Mr Dash (chairperson)

Agenda Discussion/Outcomes Action Officer Due

Item/Topic Date

Welcome Address by Mehul as to why the Mehul

meeting is held

team spirit -everyone should respect and value (manager) 22/02/2
the thoughts of others 3
Mr Dash
- open dialogue (chairperson)


Conflict -Instead of turning to a teammate to (manager) 22/02/2
attempt to sort out problems Mr Dash 3
between Jerry and Rahul, Jerry should (chairperson)
appreciate Rahul's ideas.

-If Jerry has any concerns, Jerry

should deal with Rahul directly.

Productivity -teamwork  (manager) 22/02/2
-there should be additional incentives Mr Dash
in place (chairperson)

- More frequent team activities;

More frequent team activities are

needed, as is adaptation to
organisational changes.

Summary Overall Summary

-personality conflict is the cause of


Everyone should respect one another

regardless of their race and cooperate
as a team.


To address any future concerns, a

one-on-one meeting needs to be
Action/s if any

-track performance and sales goals.

-create a coaching strategy.

Next Meeting 3:00pm/22/02/23


Meeting 3:30pm
closed at:

Minutes are a Approved/confirmed by whom? Mehul

true and
record of the

Meeting minutes template:

Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Objective: Rahul and Jerry's disagreements were settled, and learning
strategies were devised for them.

Attendees: Mehul, Mr. Dash, Jerry, Rahul

Venue: Brisbane City

Date: 13/02/23
No. Points Actions Suggested Target Date

1 - conflict -Instead of turning to a teammate to 22/02/23

attempt to sort out problems
between Jerry and Rahul, Jerry
should appreciate Rahul's ideas.

-If Jerry has any concerns, Jerry

should deal with Rahul directly.

2 productivity -teamwork  22/02/23

-there should be additional

incentives in place

- More frequent team activities;

More frequent team activities are

needed, as is adaptation to
organisational changes.

3 team spirit -everyone should respect and value

the thoughts of others

- open dialogue

Signature of attendee 1: Jerry Signature of attendee 2: Rahul

Signature of attendee 3: DASH Signature of attendee 4: MEHUL LAL

Training plan template: Jerry

Training plan

Emotional Emotional Training needs Success Timefram Staff and

expressions triggers criteria e resources

-insecure -because of his - organize trainings - alterations 22/02/23 -staff

age and seminars for in conduct
refresher courses -counsellor

-ego - Rahul's success - Enough trainings will - alterations 22/02/23 -trainer

and be provided in conduct
Training plan template: Rahul

Training plan

Emotional Emotional Training needs Success Timeframe Staff and

expressions triggers criteria resources

-distress -as a result -a team -team unity 22/02/23 -staff

of team endeavor

-not the strain at -a one-on-one - greater 22/02/23 -staff

involved work discussion understanding
of each factor
-not will lead to
respected better and
improved sales

Activity 3 / copy of email

14th February 2022

Hi Jerry, Yuki and Rahul,

The management has noted that the workers are not meeting expectations and delivering
below-par performance.
The objective of the conference, which has been called by management, is to:

• Have a brainstorming session with the team so that everyone may share their ideas and

• Provide suggestions for improvement in areas of underperformance.

For your reference, kindly find the meeting agenda attached.

Please acknowledge the acceptance of the meeting.

Yours faithfully,

Mehul Adarsh Lal

Activity 3

Meeting agenda template:

Date/Time: 20/02/23/3:00pm

Location: Brisbane City

Chairperson: Mr Dash

Meeting Attendees: Jerry, Rahul, Yuki, Mehul and Mr Dash

Full names and roles Mehul (manager)

DASH (chairperson)

Rahul (staff members)


Agenda Item/Topic Discussion/Outcomes Action Officer Due


Welcome Address by Mehul as to why Mehul

the meeting is held

-Clash of cultures/differences in MEHUL 15/03/23

viewpoints among individuals.
(Agenda item 1) Mr DASH
not in disagreement with one
Topic? another's beliefs.


-requires extra training. MEHUL 15/03/23

(Agenda item 2) -increase productivity and schedule Mr DASH

frequent team meetings.

-not meeting the sales

and service goals

(Agenda item 3)


Summary Overall Summary MEHUL 15/03/23

-missing goals and a lack of MR. DASH

participation from employees.

-Create workshops

-encourage original thinking

-conduct routine team meetings

Action/s if any

coaching strategy

Next Meeting 3:00pm/20/04/23


Meeting closed at: 3:30pm

Minutes are a true and Approved/confirmed by whom? Mehul

accurate record of the
meeting MR. DASH

Activity 4 / copy of email

18nd February 2022

Hi Jerry and Rahul,

This email is only a follow-up to check on the training plan's execution.

These twice-weekly sessions are held in order to track the results of the opportunities and tasks
outlined in the training plan that have been put into practise.

Please see attached meeting agenda for your reference

Please accept our invitation to the conference.

Your faithfully,

Mehul Adarsh Lal

Activity 4

Meeting agenda template:

Date/Time: 20/02/23/3:30pm

Location: Brisbane city

Chairperson: Mr Dash

Meeting Attendees: Mehul (manager)

Full names and roles Mr Dash (chairperson)

Jerry (staff)

Rahul (staff)

Agenda Item/Topic Discussion/Outcomes Action Officer Due


Welcome Address members as to why the Mehul

meeting is held.

(Agenda item 1) -does the action plan that was put Mehul 20/3/23
into place on July 02, 23, work.
Topic? Mr. Dash
-comments from the employees.
-the results of the last
meeting on July 2, 23.
(Agenda item 2) -open communication and idea Mehul 20/3/23
sharing have led to a steady
Topic? improvement in collaboration. Mr. Dash


(Agenda item 3) Due to teamwork and decreased Mehul 20/3/23

stress inside the organisation, the
Topic? sales and service objective is now Mr. Dash

Summary Overall Summary Mehul

A meeting was held to discuss Mr. Dash

whether or not everything was on
track and proceeding according to
plan after the prior meetings.


Everything is going according to

plan, with personnel attending
workshops and cooperating as a
team. need extra training and
team-building exercises.

Action/s if any

Next Meeting time/date 20/3/23

Meeting closed at: 3:30pm

Minutes are a true and Approved/confirmed by whom? Mehul

accurate record of the
meeting Mr. Dash

Meeting minutes template:

Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Objective: to assess the success of the action plan and rewards. to find out whether
they require more support and to receive helpful input from the team.

Attendees: Mehul, Mr. Dash, Rahul, Jerry

Venue: Brisbane City

Date: 20/2/23

No. Points Discussed Actions Target Date


1 More initiative is necessary Further instruction 20/3/23

will be given.

2 Added feedback on the There will be more 20/3/23

amount of involvement team-building

Signature of attendee 1: Jerry Signature of attendee 2: Rahul

Signature of attendee 3: Mehul Signature of attendee 4: Dash

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