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Depression Gives No Progression

Do you have a relative or friend that has depression? Some people may
notice their friends happy and glad all the time, but this is not the case for others.
Someone might be hiding their depression and be unproductive.

A lot of depressed people hide their emotions by pretending to be happy

with friends and family or out in public, this behavior is not good. People should
get therapy or talk to someone, have fun with friends to cheer up, or make
someone else happy so you can be too. It is okay to not be happy, do your
hobbies or a job that you like. For children and teens, hanging out with your
friends is going to cheer you up.

People who aren’t depressed should also check on someone, to see if they
are going through something. Comfort them and try to make them happier. You
shouldn’t disregard someone’s feelings if they are hurt, understand them and find
a way for them to be happy.

All people who are feeling sad or need advice, get therapy or seek some
help from someone who is close to you. Get help from a person that understands
you or at least tries to understand you. Check on the people you know and greet
them, ask them if they are sad, comfort them and make them feel better.

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