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Nama : Grace Kasih Utami

NIM : 122410145
Prodi : Sains Aktuaria
MK : Bahasa Inggris

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Kevin and I were pedaling fast down Radnor Avenue. He was a few yards ahead of
me, his crew-cut head pitched forward and his flannel shirt whipping up like a plaid
cape. When we got to Tilghman Road, he leaned into his turn and I followed. I was
squinting so hard from the glare of the August sun that I didn’t see the treacherous
patch of gravel I was heading for. Just when I’d twisted the handlebars sharply to the
right, I heard the crunch under my tires and felt a sick drop as the bike swept out from
under me. Suddenly I was sprawled on the macadam, my head and left leg banging
with pain. Bright red blood mixed with gravel showed through a gash in the knee of
my jeans. A few feet away my Denali racer lay on its side, the handlebars bent and the
front wheel still spinning. I looked up the road. Kevin was just starting to turn around
to pedal back to me.
Topic : Kevin and I were pedaling fast down Radnor Avenue
Controlling Idea : pedaling fast, squinting so hard, I,d twisted the handlebars sharply
Supporting Idea : Radnor Avenue, Tilghman Road, heard the crunch under my tires, felt a
sick drop, sprawled, banging, handlebars bent
Linking Words : so, when, that, and, to, suddenly, into

Slide 24
Melbourne is considered to be the cultural center of Australia. The majority of its
theaters, museums, galleries, and other remarkable places are located in the city
center, or the Central Business District. However, it does not mean there is not
much to see in Melbourne beyond the central district. Redesigned and revived
industrial and old city areas turned into residential districts, picturesque banks of the
Yarra River, spacious gardens, and other places of interest combined with an extreme
density of cultural events make Melbourne a great city to visit for any tourist.
Topic : Melbourne
Controlling Idea : to be the cultural center of Australia, old city
Supporting Idea :
1. the cultural center of Australia
2. redesigned and revived industrial and old city areas turned into residential districts,
picturesque banks of the Yarra River, spacious gardens, and other places of interest
3. the majority of its theaters,museums,galleries, and other remarkable places are located
in the city center, or the Central Business District
Linking Words : spacious gardens, remarkable, or, to see, beyond
Slide 36
Perhaps almost everyone has dreamed of having a twin in their childhood. It seemed
to be so beneficial to have an identical copy of oneself that would think and act
similarly. For children, having a twin means to have a reliable friend throughout
their whole lives, a mate for sharing numerous jokes and playing games, or an
invaluable assistant who would always come to help in the time of need. However,
having a twin doesn’t lose its advantages even in the adult age. Twins share many
interests; they often form bonds that, due to their unique nature, are not possible in
any other relationship and it lasts forever. Therefore, being a twin has many benefits.
Topic : Perhaps almost everyone has dreamed of having a twin in their childhood
Controlling Idea :
1. It seemed to be so beneficial to have an identical copy of oneself
2. Therefore, being a twin has many benefits
Supporting Idea : have a reliable friend, a mate for sharing numerous joke and playing games,
an invaluable assistant, would think and act similarly
Linking Words : seemed, however, therefore, due to their unique nature, for children,


The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in severe economic and social impacts around the
world. Young people are particulary vulnerable to the disruptions the pandemic has caused,
and many are now at risk of being left behind inn education, economic opportunities, and
health, and wellbeing during a crucial stage of their live development.
Young people are more likely to be unemployed or to be in precarious job contracts and
working arrangements, and thus, lack adequate social protection. At the same time, young
people are responding to the crisis through public health promotion, volunteering and
innovation. Young people will form a key element in an inclusive recovery and the
achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during this decade of action.
However, the response and recovery must be done in a way that protects the human rights of
all youth.


Rice terraces and plain rice fields are alike in few ways and different in many others.
Both are prepared paddy areas for planting rice and perhaps, other corps. These two
farmlands can be irrigated so that plants may have enough water to thrive.
However,rice terraces are pieces of sloped planes that have been cut into steps. They are
commonly used to farm on hilly or mountainous terrain. On the other hand, plain rice fields
or paddies are flat and wide surfaces of land usually farmed on valleys and plains. Rice
terraces need more effort and time for farmers to transport farming tools and other
equipment, while plain rice fields allow easier management of such materials. Though alike
and different in some other ways, what matters most in both farm is the effective production
of staple foods such as rice, corn, wheat, and other corps.
Yesterday evening I got home from school around 4 o’clock. My mother had dinner
prepared which we ate as soon as dad come home from work. After eating, I helped mother
clear the table and do the dishes. After we got the kitchen cleaned, I had to sit and do my
homework. Mother always says, “No television until your homework is done”. I finally got
my math finished, so I went into the family room and turned on the television. I was watching
American Idol, when the phone rang. It was my best friend, Amy. I talked to her for a while
then it was time for bed. I put on my pajamas and turned on my favorite CD. I finally started
to get sleepy around 9.30. The next thing I knew, mother was calling me to get ready for

My home library is the perfect place to relax. When you first enter the room, the dark
blue walls draw you in and make you feel at peace. A bookcase filled from top to bottom
stands at the far end of the room inviting anyone to come and grab a book. Next to this
majestic, red bookcase is the leather couch. It is well- worn so that it feels comfortable the
minute you sit down. It is perfect for resting or reading or day dreaming. The cozy armchair
is across from the couch and by the window. This is another wonderful place to sit because
when the sunlight hits the chair, it warms your soul. Behind the armchair is a lush fern in a
terra cotta planter. In between the couch and the armchair is round wooden coffe table with a
beautiful straw basket in the middle. And on the floor is faded persian rug. This gives the
room the warmth that makes you want to stay for a while. When its time for some peace and
quiet at home, the library it’s the only room that I want to be in.


Although I disagree with much that those who oppose animal testing say, I fully
endorse their final conclusion that there are many better alternatives to animal testing. The
food and drug administration has stated that they support the development and use of
alternatives to animal testing. Moreover, “Scientists have developed methods to test
cosmetics and other personal products that are faster, cheaper, and more accurate than
traditional animal testing”. In other words, there are better alternatives to animal testing and
the FDA agrees. Some readers may challenge the view that animal testing can be done away
with. After all, many believe that its impossible to eliminate the need for animals in research.
Nonetheless, my discussion of alternatives to animal testing is in fact addressing the larger
issue of choice. If we don’t need to use animals, why should we?

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