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A Thesis Presented to the English Study Program (Madiun Campus),

Faculty of Communication Science,
Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University
as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree
in the English Language

NIM: 21418007



A Thesis Presented to the English Study Program (Madiun Campus),

Faculty of Communication Science,
Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University
as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree
in the English Language

NIM: 21418007







Oktavia Fransiska Ilenia

NIM: 21418007

This thesis has been approved to be examined before the Board of Thesis


Thesis Supervisor: Rr. Arielia Yustisiana, S.S., M.Hum.(.........................................)

Madiun, March 4th, 2022


With love, honor, and gratitude,

I dedicated this thesis to :

 Myself

 My beloved father, Yohanes Niko

 My beloved mother, Maria


 My beloved brothers, Aloysius

Wendi Nika Gosangga and

Rafel Nika Danilo

 All of my beloved family

 My dear lecturers

 My Alma Mater


“I can do things through Christ

Who strengthens me”

(Philippians 4:13)

“She believe she could,

So she did”
-R.S Grey


First of all, I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to the only
Saviour of mine, God Almighty for His blessings to me abundantly, who has
given me the strength, peace of mind, and good health for me during the time of
doing and finishing this thesis. Even, Blessing in disguise is an unpredictable
strength, I can do nothing without Him.

Second, I would like to express my appreciation to myself, thank you for

accompanying me in my struggle until this day, and thank you for always holding
on and never giving up on good or bad circumstances. Thank you for being able to
accompany me through a bad day, bad mood, feeling lazy, feeling sleepy while
working on the revisions, thank you for being strong and believing in yourself that
you can finish your thesis, and thank you very much for the price of this
wonderful journey.

There are so many steps that have been done by the researcher to finish her
thesis. The researcher has got so much help, support, and motivation. Thus, in this
special opportunity, the researcher would like to express her special gratitude and
gratefulness to those who have given their help to her in accomplishing her thesis
from the beginning until the end.

My sincere gratitude towards my dearest advisor, Rr. Arielia Yustisiana,

S.S., M.Hum. for her priceless support, kindness, inspiration, patience, and
guidance for me to write and finish this thesis. Thank you for the great feedback
and for allowing me to approach this thesis. I am extremely grateful and honored
to work on my thesis under her guidance. I also would like to give my sincere
gratitude to my beloved lecturers: Dr. Dwi Aji Prajoko, M.Hum., Christina Maya
Iriana Sari, S.S., M. Hum., Dr. Yuli Widiana, M.Hum., Priska Meilasari, S.S.,
M.Hum, Fransisca Dian Juanita, S.S., M.Pd., and the late Eko Budi Setiawan,
S.S., M.Hum., who have given me great knowledge, advice, and guidance
throughout almost my four years of study and also thanks to Mbak Rina who
helps me with all the informations related to the faculty or campus.

My wholehearted gratitude towards my beloved parents, Yohanes Niko and
Maria Susiliana. I am so lucky to be theirs, thank you for everything you have
given to me, especially thank you for endless love, prayer, and support for me. I
am not able to be in this stage without their hard work. To my dearest
brothers, Aloysius Wendi Nika Gosangga and Rafel Nika Danilo thank you for
the care, support, and fondness for me.

Moreover, thank you to my beloved family who always gave me enthusiasm

and motivation on my college journey, and I would like to thank the people who
always ask "when do you graduate?" You are one of my motivations to finish my
thesis on time.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my classmates from the English
study program class of 2018, my friends from the Borneo class of 2018, to my
friends in the rented house on Jeruk street 31A. Thank you for your togetherness,
thank you for always supporting each other, I cannot mention your name by
name. Thank you for a memorable almost 4 years spent with you guys.

Finally, the researcher hopes that this thesis will be useful for the readers
and the researcher realizes that this thesis is not perfect, therefore, constructive
criticism and suggestions are gratefully welcome. Once again, thank you for being
part of my journey, may the grace and love of God be with us all forever. Amen

Madiun, March 3rd, 2022

Oktavia Fransiska Ilenia



Surabaya: English Language Study Program, Faculty of Communication
Science, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.

This research aims to analyze the use of speech style and the factors that
influence the use of speech style in the Jimmy Kimmel Live Talk Show in all
episodes that were aired in November 2021. Speech style is the choice of words
based on the level of formality used by a person in communicating, which is
influenced by several factors. In this research, the researcher applies Joos' (1976)
theory of speech style and Holmes' (2013) theory of factors that influence the
choice of speech style. This research is classified as qualitative descriptive
research. All of the data in this research were taken from the conversation
subtitles between the host and the guest/s, which contained various types of
speech styles and were transcribed into the text form. Then, the collected data
were classified based on the types of speech styles. After that, the factors that
influenced the host and the guest/s to use the speech style were analysed.

Based on the results of the research, there are four of the five types of
speech styles in this research. Frozen speech style was not found in this research.
The four speech styles found in this research were formal (6%), consultative
(12%), casual (81%), and intimate (1%), the dominant type of speech style is
casual speech style and the least one is intimate speech style.

Keywords: Speech Style, Talk Show, Language Variation



Surabaya: Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi,
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan gaya bicara dan

faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan gaya bicara dalam acara Jimmy
Kimmel Live Talk Show di semua episode yang ditayangkan pada bulan
November tahun 2021. Gaya bicara adalah pilihan-pilihan kata berdasarkan
tingkat formalitas yang digunakan seseorang dalam berkomunikasi yang
dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menerapkan teori
Joos (1976) tentang gaya bicara dan teori Holmes (2013) tentang faktor-faktor
yang mempengaruhi pemilihan gaya bicara. Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian
deskriptif kualitatif. Semua data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari percakapan
antara pembawa acara dan tamunya yang mengandung jenis-jenis gaya bicara dan
ditranskripi menjadi bentuk teks. Kemudian, data-data yang terkumpul
diklasifikasikan berdasarkan jenis-jenis gaya bicara. Selanjutnya, faktor-faktor
yang mempengaruhi pembawa acara dan tamunya menggunakan gaya bicara
tertentu dianalisis.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat empat jenis dari lima jenis gaya
bicara dalam penelitian ini. Gaya bicara frozen tidak ditemukan dalam penelitian
ini. Empat gaya bicara yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah formal (6%),
consultative (12%), casual (81%), dan intimate (1%). Jenis gaya bicara yang
dominan adalah gaya bicara casual dan jenis gaya bicara yang paling sedikit
adalah gaya bicara intimate.

Kata kunci: Gaya Bicara, Talk Show, Variasi Bahasa



TITLE ..................................................................................................................... i

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ..................................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET I.......................................................................................... iii

APPROVAL SHEET II ........................................................................................ iv
DEDICATION ........................................................................................................ v

MOTTO ................................................................................................................. vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. vii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... ix
ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. x
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study .............................................................................. 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem ............................................................................. 5
1.3 Objectives of the Study ................................................................................ 5
1.4 Scope of the Problem ................................................................................... 6
1.5 Significance of the Study ............................................................................. 6

CHAPTER II UNDERLYING THEORIES ........................................................ 7

2.1 Sociolinguistics ............................................................................................ 7
2.2 Discourse Analysis ....................................................................................... 8
2.3 Speech Style ................................................................................................. 9
2.3.1 Frozen style ....................................................................................... 10
2.3.2 Formal style ...................................................................................... 11
2.3.3 Consultative style .............................................................................. 12
2.3.4 Casual style ....................................................................................... 13
2.3.5 Intimate style..................................................................................... 14
2.4 Factors Influencing Occourance of Speech Style....................................... 15

2.4.1 Setting ............................................................................................... 16
2.4.2 Participant ......................................................................................... 16
2.4.3 Topic ................................................................................................. 17
2.4.4 Function ............................................................................................ 18
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ............................................................ 19
3.1 Research Design ......................................................................................... 19
3.2 Data Form and Source ................................................................................ 20
3.3 Data Collection Technique ......................................................................... 21
3.4 Data Analysis Technique............................................................................ 22

CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS & FINDINGS ............................................ 24

4.1 Formal Style ............................................................................................... 24
4.2 Consultative Style ...................................................................................... 27
4.3 Casual Style ................................................................................................ 29
4.4 Intimate Style ............................................................................................. 36
4.5 Classified based on their types ................................................................... 37

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION & SUGGESTION ............................................ 40

5.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................. 40
5.2 Suggestion .................................................................................................. 41

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................ 42
LIST OF DATA .................................................................................................... 44
APPENDIX ........................................................................................................... 71



1.1 Background of the Study

First of all, humans are social beings who cannot live alone and need to

constantly interact with each other and do daily activities in society by using a

language. According to Hornby (2000:721), everyone can use language in speech

and writing for the system of communication to the way to express an idea and

feeling movement. It means that language is the main basis of human

communication. In communication, language has various styles, and it could be

in the form of formal and informal depending on how the proceeds of social

interaction. In this modern era, communication cannot be separated from media as

a tool to get information. We can see that many media such as television, present

speech style. There is a television program that brings one or more participants.

They talk to each other using speech style in their dialogues to share an idea or

give information to the audience or listeners.

The types of speech styles used in one of the television talk show

programs are the main discussion in this research. Frisby (1997) defined talk

shows as a well-liked vehicle for making viewers feel better about themselves, get

self-improvement, and feel better about their lives, which could be one of the

main reasons individuals watch "trashy" TV Talk Show shows. It means that the

function of talk show programs is to entertain people, share information and

knowledge, and also to increase moral value. Host and guests on the talk show


program share opinions (Abbas & Setiawan, 2020). Therefore, the host of a Talk

Show will invite various guests, and from the entire different guests, we can see

different styles of their language.

As stated in the first paragraph, language is used to express an idea or

concept. Though, language was chosen to be used as a means of communication

with each other because, with language, the information to be conveyed is

conveyed practically. Language is communicated orally and can be communicated

in writing and body language or commonly called gestures. Language involves

sound, gestures, and signs that have patterns and meanings. Spoken language

includes discussion, speeches, radio broadcasts, and television broadcasts, while

in written language are poetry, newspapers, comics, articles, novels, letters, and

books. The main difference between spoken and written language is that the

language used in a spoken language tends to be shorter than the language used in

a written one. The written language uses longer and more complex sentences.

Hence, spoken language is easier to understand than written language. This

research only focuses on spoken language because, in spoken language, everyone

has their style of communicating through language, which is called speech style.

In human life, language and speaking cannot be separated because one of

the communication tools that play an important role in social interaction in our

daily life. Therefore, speaking cannot be separated from our life because social

life in social speaking is a communication tool and can enhance the intimacy

between one person and another. And every human has their style in conveying

their speech when they use language in communication.


Moreover, the word "style" refers to various language that is divided based

on speech or speaking situations into formal and informal styles. According to

Coupland (2007), style refers to ways of speaking and how speakers use the

resource of language variation to make meaning in social encounters. It means

language style is used in every aspect of human communication. Everyone uses

language style based on the degree of formality, and several factors influence the

choice of language style. According to Holmes (1992:9-12), four factors influence

language style: setting, participants, topics, and functions.

According to Joss (1976), speech style was classified as frozen, formal,

consultative, casual, and intimate. It means that everyone uses different levels of

formality when communicating; for example, a student talking to his teacher is

very different from how he communicates with a friend outside of school.

Accordingly, Wardhaugh (2006) stated that differences in pronunciation, word

choice, and grammar caused by the influence of numerous external factors such as

geographic areas and social groups are referred to as language style. It means that

speech style determines the level of formality of a conversation.

Every conversation carried out has a type of speech style depending on the

context of the conversation. The differences play an important role when someone

talks to a certain person regarding the topics discussed. For example, a ceremony

requires a very formal speech; casual conversation is quite informal, whereas a

conversation between close friends about less important matters may be informal

and casual. According to Yule (1985:718), speech style is a social feature of

language use. The most basic distinction in speech style is between formal and

informal uses.

Language is used in various media, one of which is talk shows. A talk

show is a kind of television or radio program in the form of a conversation or

discussion of one person or a group of "Guest/s" about a particular topic guided

by a host. The guests on Talk Show consist of people who have knowledge or

extensive experience related to the issue discussed. Talk Show is usually

formal or informal and sometimes by listeners, viewers, or people outside the

studio. The use of various language styles in Talk Show also varies. The

formality of language depends on the context, who the guest is, and what the

issue will be discussed. In this research, the researcher analyzes the speech

style used by Jimmy Kimmel in his Talk Show known as Jimmy Kimmel Live.

It is an American late-night Talk Show created and hosted by Jimmy Kimmel

that is broadcast on ABC and is now broadcast on YouTube. Jimmy Kimmel, in

full James Christian Kimmel, was born November 13, 1976, in Brooklyn, New

York, US. He is an American late-night Talk Show personality, producer, and

comedian best known as the host of Jimmy Kimmel Live Since 2003.

This research is related to previous research in the same field. Alifa (2020)

discussed the speech style in Jimmy Kimmel's Talk Show to describe and find the

dominant speech style used by Michelle Obama on the "Jimmy Kimmel" Talk

Show. The speech styles found are consultative style, casual style, and intimate.

Muhajir (2018), found the types of conversational styles on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

The findings showed two types of conversational styles used by the host and the

guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live Talk Show. Another research conducted by


Mulyani (2018) found two similarities and three differences between both

speakers, and there are more similarities than differences in style. The previous

research only discussed the types of speech styles. This research discussed not

only the types of speech styles but also the factors that influence the use of a

particular speech style in Jimmy Kimmel's Talk Show.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Related to the previous sub-chapter, there are two main interesting

problems to be discussed in this research. They are as follows:

1. What are the types of speech styles used by the host and the guest/s in the

Jimmy Kimmel Live Talk Show in all episodes that were aired in

November 2021?

2. What are the factors that influence the speech style used by the host and

the guest/s in the Jimmy Kimmel Live Talk Show in all episodes that

were aired in November 2021?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

In regard with the problems statement, there are two objectives in this

research. They are as follows:

1. To figure out what types of speech styles are used by the host and the

guest/s in the Jimmy Kimmel Live Talk Show in all episodes that were

aired in November 2021.

2. To identify the factors that influence the speech style used by the host and

the guest/s in the Jimmy Kimmel Live Talk Show in all episodes that

were aired in November 2021.


1.4 Scope of the Problem

The researcher analyzed the speech style used by Jimmy Kimmel in his

Talk Show in all episodes that were aired in November 2021, the show also

known as Jimmy Kimmel Live. The research is limited by focusing on the process

of interaction between the host and his guest/s and analyzed by using Joss's (1976)

theory which discusses the five language styles, encompassing: frozen style,

formal style, consultative style, casual style, and intimate style. And the researcher

identifies the factor that influences the speech style used by them by using the

theory by Holmes (2013).

1.5 Significance of the Study

The result of this research is hoped to be significant academically,

theoretically, and practically. Academically, this research will give more

knowledge to readers about the types of speech styles used in Jimmy Kimmel

Live Talk Show, and they understand what factors that influence why everyone

uses different speech styles in their conversation and this research will help shows

the example to students who are interested in studying about speech style.

Theoretically, this research is helpful to give more references for other researchers

who are going to do similar research about the speech style used in Talk Show.

Practically, this research will be useful not only to students of the English

Language but also to all readers of this study, especially to people who are

concerned with the speech style used by the host and the guest/s in the

television program. Hopefully, this research is useful to help other people

learn and understand more about speech style.



In this part, some theories on language style are presented related to the

problems of this research. All theories are used to assist in answering the research

problems. These theories include sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, speech

style, types of speech style, and the factors that influence the use of speech style.

2.1 Sociolinguistics

The existence of language cannot be separated from society; this

phenomenon is studied in sociolinguistics. According to Yule (2010), the term

sociolinguistics is generally used for the study of the relationship between

language and society. According to Spolsky (2010), sociolinguistics is the study

of the link between language and society, of language variation. It is supported by

Holmes (2013), sociolinguistics studies the relationship between language and

society; they are interested in explaining why we speak differently in a different

social context. It can be concluded that sociolinguistics is a discipline that links

sociology and linguistics. It is a branch of linguistics that is interdisciplinary

with sociology and the object of research, is the relationship between language

and society in a speech community.

Sociolinguistics is concerned with the phenomena of how language use is

a determinant of a given society’s linguistic requirement, it focused on how

language functions in society, explaining the human ability to play the rules of

language correctly in various situations. In sociolinguistics, when people have


more than one way of saying the same thing is called language variation, in this

research the researcher focuses on the one language variation which is focused on

how language use is called style. Style refers to the way the person uses the

language in a particular way depending on the formal and informal. This research

analyzed how the speech style used in Jimmy Kimmel Live Talk Show.

2.2 Discourse Analysis

Discourse is a form of verbal communication where every conversation or

dialogue is carried out by speakers and interlocutors to convey information.

Discourse analysis can be defined as a science that examines the organization of a

language as a whole above the sentence or clause level. Yule and Brown (1983),

argue that the analysis of discourse is, the analysis of language and is committed

to an investigation of what that language is used for. It means discourse analysis

helps us to understand the language in its use. It is frequently referred to as

linguistic analysis "beyond the sentence."

Discourse has many meanings and importance and has profound

ramifications in society which is primarily concerned with the study of grammar,

the study of smaller portions of language, such as sounds (phonetics and

phonology), and the order of words in sentences (syntax). The relationship

between discourse and society aims to help us understand the use of language in

various kinds of communication, including written, spoken, and non-verbal

communication. It aids in analyzing how people say things, their impact on the

audience, how they affect society, or how society influences language and

communication. One of the varieties of language used in this research is speech



2.3 Speech Style

Speech style refers to the variation of speech used when people

communicate with others. Each person has a different speaking style, depending

on the degree of formality. It is an essential part of communication for different

purposes and topics, even though they communicate in the same language. Speech

style is a social feature of language use, and the most basic situation in speech

style is between formal and informal uses. Everyone must use the right speech

style because it can lead to misunderstanding if we use the wrong style. The

speech style is essential in daily conversation. Each person has a different kind of

style when they speak. According to Ducrot and Todorov (1993:44), speech style

is the choice among the other alternatives in using language. It means that a

speech style is a way to choose the right words to communicate in different

styles between humans.

Everyone has to apply the right speech style depending on the situation

and condition between formal and informal. There are many kinds of people with

different characteristics, which influences people to arrange the right speech style

when interacting and communicating with others. Accordingly to Chika (1982),

speech style refers to how people communicate through language, which can

be written or spoken, to provide information to the listener. It means people will

often consider the style the most important one, leading them to various

interpretations. This research focused on analyzing the speech style used in Jimmy

Kimmel’s talk show. The researcher uses the theory proposed by Joss (1976). He

discusses five styles of language such as frozen style, formal style, consultative

style, casual style, and intimate style. The explanations of those styles are as


2.3.1 Frozen Style

The frozen style is usually used in situations celebrated with respect and

legal or formal ceremonies. This frozen style is defined as the most formal style

of language and an elegant variety reserved for very important or symbolic

moments. According to Joos (1976), the frozen style is employed on a significant

occasion. The words delivered are cautious; this style is meant to be remembered

and utilized in a very formal setting, such as a palace or a church rite. It means

that the characteristics of the frozen style are the use maintained and unchanged.

Therefore it is called "frozen' because it is a pattern and cannot be changed.

The people attending the event who use the frozen style are often

important figures. Hence, the opportunity seems to prioritize and respect listeners

and speakers because only certain people specifically use the frozen style. The

sentences are carefully constructed individually in a frozen style, and sequences of

sentences are intricately related. Certain fixed expressions are required, for

example: "Yes, Your Honor," "Yes, my Lord," and so on. It must be carefully

planned and to do well requires high skills that is why this spoken style is

called frozen style. It is also called oratorical style, characterized by being very

careful, having a fixed form, and having a symbolic or historical nature.

Examples of frozen styles:

 The Bibles

 The Lord's Prayer


 The Pledge of Allegiance

 Laws

 The preamble to the Constitution

2.3.2 Formal Style

Joss (1976) stated that formal style is generally used in a formal situation,

where there is the least amount of shared background and knowledge, and

communication is one way with little or no feedback from the audience. It means

that the vocabulary used in a formal style is also extensive, using standard speech,

low tempo speech, and avoidance of repetition. Formal style is a style that is

related to one-way communication and is used formally. This language style is

usually used in difficult and significant situations, such as salty classrooms,

formal speech, and sermons. This language style is generally used in state

speeches, official meetings, official correspondence, religious lectures, textbooks,

papers, and scientific works.

The patterns and rules of the official language have been established in a

standard and steady manner. For example, a formal style is a student's

conversation with a lecturer at the office. When someone faces certain structural

officials, it is also an example of the use of formal language style. Moreover,

sentences in this variety are more complete and complex, with appropriate

grammatical patterns, and standard vocabulary. This formal style occurs in

conversations between a stranger or an employee with his boss. Another

characteristic of this language style is the speaker will call the addresser with

formal titles, such as, "How are you, Mr. John?" Another example is "The

researcher decided to analyze the speech style.

The example of formal style in the conversation:

Emily : Good morning, high-tech industries, Emily

speaking, how may I help you?
Mr. Williams : Good day to you. I am calling to speak with Mr.
Emily : Mr. Jhonson is in a meeting all morning. Can
I ask who is calling, please?
Mr. Williams : This is Mr. Williams, a client with whom he
has been dealing.

2.3.3 Consultative Style

According to Joos (1976), consultative speech style shows our norm when

talking with strangers who speak our language but whose personal stock of

information may be different. Consultative style happens in two-way

participation. It is the most operational among the other styles. It is used in

negotiating with strangers or work colleagues. It is also used in small group

discussions, regular conversations at school, companies, trade conversations, and

others. This language style is commonly used in conversations at school,

meetings, companies, and business meetings oriented towards results or


In other words, this style is at the level of the most operational, results-

oriented, or production-oriented talks. So, it can be said that this style is the most

operational variety because this language style is at the level between the formal

type and the casual style. This language style usually occurs in conversations

between doctors and patients, teachers and students. This consultative style

requires listener feedback. Chaer (2004) explains that the consultative style is

the most operational style among other language styles. The other person

usually participates by giving feedback to the conversation with simple words and

short answers such as "uh", "wow", "I understand", "fine", "I know”, “stop it" and

“oh, I see".

Example of consultative style between doctor and patient:

Emma : I have got severe headaches.
Doctor : How long have you had these headaches?
Emma : About two weeks or so.
Doctor : Ok, I am going to check your blood pressure.
Emma : Can you please give me something for the pain.
Doctor : Yes, I will prescribe something for the pain now.
Emma :Thank you

2.3.4 Casual Style

The casual style used in speaking with the interlocutor is also very relaxed

because of the familiarity between the speaker and the hearer. According to Joos

(1976:155), the Casual style is a language style that can be used in conversation in

informal situations, such as conversations between friends in an informal

atmosphere. It means the casual style is a language used for the conversation in

everyday situations appropriate to the conversation between two friends in

the cafeteria or classroom, coworkers, or friends outside the school. Joos (1976:

153) defined casual style as the style used between friends and acquaintances in

informal situations outside the school or between two students chatting. It can also

be addressed to a stranger if the speaker wants to treat them as an insider. There

are two characteristics of casual style. The first is an ellipsis (omission), which

usually shows the difference between casual and consultative grammar.

For example:

 I believe that I can find one (Consultative grammar).

Believe I can find one (Casual grammar).
 Thank you ( Consultative grammar).
Thanks (Casual grammar).

At the beginning of the sentence, the unstressed word can be omitted in

particularity. As a result, the sentence structure of the casual style becomes

incomplete. The example of simple style is slang, which is the main indication of

the relationship within the group. Slang is a non-standard word that is known to a

particular group. For example, in informal language, young women are called

"girls," while they are "chicks” in slang.

Another example:
John : I should go home now, good-bye.

Samuel : Bye.

2.3.5 Intimate Style

According to Joos (1976), intimate style is a style of language

characterized by the absence of social barriers at all, which means there is no

shyness between speaker and interlocutor. This language variation is used by

speakers and speakers who have close relationships with family members or close

friends. This variety of language is characterized by incomplete, short speech and

unclear articulation. This discussion occurs between participants who already

understand each other and have the same knowledge. Analyzing the variety of

languages based on a formality level depends on the situational utterances. This


situational question relates to who is speaking, what language is used, to whom,

when, where, and on what issues. This language style is a variety of language

between familiar members of family or friends who do not need to speak in full

with clear articulation, but enough with short utterances. This is due to mutual

understanding and knowledge of each other. Words that generally signify

intimacy, such as "dear" and even "honey," might be used in this situation.

On another name, nicknames may regularly prove embarrassing to

listeners and speakers outside of intimate situations. This language style can be

identified by incomplete language, short words, and usually unclear articulation

because the participants already understand each other. This style is characterized

by what Joos calls "extraction" (Broderic, 1976). In this style, intonation is more

important than words or grammar. Speakers sometimes use personal vocabulary.

As Joos explains, style is characterized by a stable list of words with personal

meaning that only a small group of people usually have in pairs in a family

situation. The reason for using the intimate style is to express feelings between

speakers and reveal intimate phenomena. The most informal atmosphere can be

generated by an intimate style, automatically passes the distance, and creates

comfortable communication.

2.4 Factors influencing Occurrence of Speech Style

How the way someone uses the speech style is influenced by several

factors. According to Holmes (2013, p. 9), four factors influence the speech style:

setting, participants, topics, and functions. The explanation of each is as follows:


2.4.1 Setting

The setting is generally a relevant factor in every conversation. There

should be a background situation, where and when the conversation took place.

Setting can be in the form of place or time of discussion. Setting the place where

participants speak. According to Hymes (1974), the location can include two

physical situations, such as time and place, while the context situation includes

social settings and cultural aspects. For Example: When a student is with his

friends who speak English in the neighborhood, he uses words like "cool,

awesome, and buddy." However, when he speaks to his teachers in school, he

consciously makes an effort to use words that sound appropriate to his teachers,

such as "nice, sir, and madam."

2.4.2 Participant

Participant refers to the people who are present to have a conversation. In a

conversation, at least two or more people participate. They are called speaker and

listener. The participants’ relationship will also influence the use of language

style. For example, the use of language by teachers and students will be different

from the use of mother and child language, also a girl with her boyfriend.

According to Holmes (2001), the age and background of the participants

influence the use of specific language styles. This means that age can affect the

difference in language style. Another example is a boy who joins college, he gets

used to more formal ways of expressing himself to people. When he greets

people, he no longer feels comfortable saying, "Hey, what's up?" Instead, he

prefers "Hi, good morning" This is not just because he is in college, this is also

because he is now more mature, and he spontaneously feels more comfortable

using more formal language.

The background of participants in society or level of education affects

differences in the use of language styles. For example, when a teacher talks to

students, they will use informality because the status of students is lower than

hers. Meanwhile, a teacher will speak formally to fellow teachers because they

have the same status. And when a boy has to write a message, if he writes a text

message to his friend, he knows he can use abbreviations like "lol”. Conversely, if

he writes an email to his teacher, he knows that "lol" is not right for the context of

their relationship.

2.4.3 Topic

The topic discussed also affects differences in the use of language styles in

the conversation. It has been proven that the topic can influence the speaker to

change their language style in most cases. The topic will vary automatically

depending on the topic of the conversation itself. For example, both coworkers

will use formal language when talking about their work or business, while they

will use informal language when talking about their hobbies or football matches.

According to Holmes (1992:12), this factor plays an important role. What is

discussed is divided into topics related to the interaction relationship between

participants in the conversation.


2.4.4 Function

Function refers to why they talk and their purpose in talking about it.

According to Holmes (1992: 10), language can contain the provision of

information for the interlocutor or simply express the speaker's feelings. Holmes

(2013, p. 275) states that there are many ways of categorizing the function of

speech. They are :

a. Expressive utterances express the speaker's feelings.

Example: I am feeling bad right now.
b. Directive utterances attempt to get someone to do something.
Example: Could you close the door?
c. Referential utterances provide information.
Example: The train leaves at half-past twelve.
d. Metalinguistic utterances comment on language itself.
Example: "Nat" has to be added by affixes.
e. Poetic utterances focus on the aesthetic features of the language.
Example: Peter Parker piper picked a peck of pickled paper.
f. Phatic utterances express solidarity and empathy with others.
Example: Hi, How are you? lovely day isn't it!

In addition, Holmes (2013, p. 9-11) explains four different social dimensions

which relate to the four factors above as follows:

a. A social distance is concerned with participant relationships.

b. A status scale concerned with participant relationships.
c. A formality scale related to the setting or type of interaction.
d. The referential and affective function scales relate to the purposes of the
topic interaction.


In this chapter, the researcher explains the method used to answer the

problems in this research. This chapter has four parts: research design, data form

and source, data collection technique, and data analysis technique.

3.1 Research Design

The research is qualitative descriptive because the data are analyzed in the

form of words, phrases, and sentences descriptively. The researcher uses

qualitative because it is considered to result in a detailed description of speech

style. This research analyzes the speech style based on Joos' theory (1976) used

by Jimmy Kimmel and his guest/s on the Jimmy Kimmel Live talk show. The

research was conducted by using the qualitative analysis method. The majority

of qualitative research data is written and spoken in words. Moreover, according

to Bhandari (2020), qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing non-

numerical data to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It means

qualitative research entails gathering and analyzing non- numerical data. It means

the data deals with descriptions to better understand concepts, opinions, or

experiences. It can be used to gain in-depth insight into a problem or generate

new research ideas. And this research design is relevantly employed because the

data are analyzed in description without any given number to count.


3.2 Data Form and Source

The data source is taken from the video subtitles of all episodes of the

Jimmy Kimmel Live Talk Show program in all episodes that were aired in

November 2021, from hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, and

also from the transcript of the conversation with the English subtitle during the

shows. The data of the research are in the form of words, phrases, and sentences

of the conversation which contain the type of speech styles.

The data form of the research is in the form of words, phrases, and

sentences of the conversation, which contain the type of speech styles from

utterances in Jimmy Kimmel’s Talk Show in all episodes that were aired in

November 2021. The data source is divided into two categories; primary data and

secondary data, they are as follows:

1. Primary data

Primary data sources are original materials on which research is based.

According to Sugiyono (2017), primary data are the data collected by the

researcher directly from the first source. It means primary data are direct evidence

concerning a topic under conversation. They present information in its original

form, neither interpreted nor condensed, nor evaluated by other writers. The

primary sources of the data in this research are words, phrases, and sentences that

contain the types of style. The primary data is taken from the English video

subtitles of all Jimmy Kimmel Live Talk Show program episodes in all episodes

aired in November 2021, from hosted by Jimmy Kimmel,

and the English subtitle during the show is transcribed into text form.

2. Secondary data

Secondary data sources are the data that has already been collected

through primary sources. Though they often quote or otherwise use primary

sources. According to Sugiyono (2017), secondary data are sources that do not

directly provide data to the researcher. It means secondary data can cover the

same topic but add a layer of interpretation and analysis. They may explain

primary sources and often use them to support a specific thesis or argument. The

secondary sources of this research data are journals, e-books, and articles related

to the topic to answer the research problems.

3.3 Data Collection Technique

The method for collecting the data is qualitative observation. According to

Kawulich (2012), Qualitative observation is a research method in which the

researcher collects data using the five senses sight, smell, touch, taste, and

hearing. Because it depends on the researcher's sensory organs, it is a subjective

method of acquiring information. The researcher uses the qualitative observation

method to collect the data in this part. The researcher does the steps as follows:

1. Watching the Jimmy Kimmel Live Talk Show that will be played in

the English subtitle.

2. Transcribing the English subtitle of a Jimmy Kimmel Live Talk Show to

the form of the text.

3. Writing down the words, phrases, or sentences into a word document.

4. Classifying the speech style used by Jimmy Kimmel and his guest/s.

5. Coding the data that contain speech styles to differentiate the types of

speech styles, the code used by the researcher is:

 FRZ: Frozen

 FRM: Formal

 CLT: Consultative

 CSL: Casual

 ITM: Intimate

Thus, the other code to identify the factor that influences the host and his

guest/s to use different style is as follow:

 SET: Setting

 PAR: Participant

 TOP: Topic

 FUN: Function

The example of data code used by the researcher is:


01: The datum number

FRM: The data in the datum is classified into formal speech style

PAR: The use of speech style is influenced by the participant factor.

The data in the datum number 1 is classified into formal speech style, and

the data is influenced by the participant factor.

6. Classifying the type of speech style that is found.

3.4 Data Analysis Technique

The data analysis technique explains the steps to analyze the findings and

answer the research problems. According to Ahmadi (2014), data analysis in


qualitative research is done by arranging the data logically and systematically.

Furthermore, some steps are used in analyzing the data.

First, the subtitles transcripts were read. Second, the findings are analyzed

and classified into the classification of Joos' (1976) theory of five speech styles.

Third, the findings have identified the factor that influences the occurrence of

speech styles used in Jimmy Kimmel Live Talk Show are based on Holmes'

theory (2013). The last, validated data that is found in the classification based on

Joos and Holmes' theory is concluded and attempted to answer the research



This research is conducted to analyze the types of speech styles and the

factor that influence the occurrence of speech styles used in Jimmy Kimmel Live

Talk Show, the data is from all the episodes that were aired in November 2021.

This chapter will present the analysis by answering the research problems.

4.1 Formal Style

According to Joos (1976), formal speech style is generally used in formal

situations. When someone uses a formal speech style, it shows they do not have a

close relationship with one another. The characteristic of this speech style is that it

uses appropriate grammatical patterns, and the speaker calls the addresser with

formal title.

Participant: Joe Biden.
Joe Biden makes a statement.
Jimmy :President Joe Biden makes a statement assuring
Americans that he and his administration are at hard work
to make this right.
Biden : I know a lot of Americans are worried there is going
be enough stock on the shelves for Thanksgiving and or
Christmas whether they are going to be able to get what
you need because there was a short supply last year
because of COVID and a range of other things so that is
what this is all about getting back to normal.
Jimmy : Well he is all right, so they are working on it.


Datum 14 is classified into formal speech style because Jimmy uses Joe Biden’s

title, Jimmy says “President Joe Biden” and Joe Biden states Americans not to

worry about stock on the shelves for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This is

indicated are in the formal setting.

The factor that influences them to use formal speech style is because of the

participant; Jimmy’s guest in this episode is America’s president, that is why

Jimmy uses the “President” title before he mentions Joe Biden’s name, that is why

the datum is classified into formal speech style. The other datum with a similar

analysis is provided in datum numbers 16, 37, and 49.

Veterans’ Day.
Participant: Man and woman who served and fought in wars to defend their
Jimmy : It is Veterans day here in the United states day on
which we honor the men and women who served and
fought in wars to defend our country so the rest of us
can fight on Facebook and uh we thank them for their
sacrifice well, one of our writers here at the show has a
brother who is stationed overseas in Germany he is a
lieutenant colonel in the army. He and his wife had a
baby girl last week, which was exciting congratulations.
He is an American citizen on a military base. He had to
report the birth of his daughter to the US embassy in
Datum 17 is classified into formal speech style Jimmy gives honor to the men and

women who served and fought in wars to defend his country. He congratulates a

new baby born to an American citizen in the military.


The factor that influences Jimmy to use a formal style is because of the

setting; the setting is in Veterans day, therefore he gives honor to the men and

women who served and fought in wars to defend his country, and he uses the

formal style in give congratulation on new baby born of an American citizen on

Military. That is why the datum is classified into formal speech styles.

Jimmy talks about Trump Pre-Riot.
Participant: Audiences in Studio.
Jimmy : Donald trump is also free for the time being whereis
that case in New York already? Was not he supposed
to be in jail like eight months ago? Get to work on
that. It would seem there is nothing that this man can
ever say or do that will convince those who adore him
that he is unworthy of that adoration. So their new
book about Trump Jonathan Carl of ABC News wrote
the 900th book about Donal Trump it is called betrayal
and once again for the 900th time in a row Trump
Granted a one on one interview for the book even
though he was repeatedly called John Carl a-third
rate reporter, but if there is one thing he can not resist
it is talking about himself, so he does all these
interviews, Carl asked him about the attack on the
capital what his thoughts were as an angry mob
hunted for and threatened to kill his vice president.
Datum 23 is classified into formal speech style because Jimmy uses appropriate

grammatical patterns and standard vocabulary when he talks about Trump’s Pre-


The factor that influences Jimmy to use a formal speech style is because of

the topic; the topic that Jimmy talks about, Trump’s Pre-Riot, which we know

Trump is America’s ex-president, that is why Jimmy uses a formal speech style,

that is why the datum is classified into casual speech style. The other datum with a

similar analysis is provided in datum numbers 31 and 55.

4.2 Consultative Style

According to Joos’ (1976), consultative speech style happens in two-way

participant It is used in negotiating, this style shows our norm when we are

talking with strangers, it means this speech style uses listener participant and

feedback, this language style is known as the third level of language.


Participant: Strangers.
Celebrities Get Canceled Culture.

Jimmy : We are talking a bit of cancel culture today. Kevin

Bacon got canceled, saying Africa isn’t the country like
what is your opinion?
Audience : Yeah, I think Kevin Bacon. I don’t know if he should be
canceled for saying that, but he should be a hefty fine, and
maybe some harsh stipulations were saying what for
saying that Africa, for the record, wasn’t a country.
Jimmy : Yeah, and for the record?
Audience : For the record, I think that Africa is a country.
Jimmy : Of course, which side are you on with Kyle Jenner
giving lip injections to three-year-old daughter.
Audience : Absolutely, you know I for something like that,
probably canceled her. You know, I think it is just a
little young. I mean, I don’t even know if her lips are
fully developed yet, I don’t know when the three-year-

old looks fully developed.

Datum 22 is classified into consultative speech style because the host asked the

audience the information about celebrities getting canceled culture. They do not

know each other because the participant in this episode is a stranger.

The factors that influence them to use a formal speech style are the topic

and the participant. Jimmy wants to know the information about the Celebrities

Get Canceled culture, which is one of the important topics, and they are strangers.

They use a consultative style when they talk in this episode, that is why the

datum is classified into consultative speech styles. The other datum with a similar

analysis is provided in datum numbers 43 and 52.

Participant: Kevin Garnett Questions with Kevin Garnett.
Jimmy : Seedles grapes, how do they do it?
Kevin : Good question how can you grow something that
doesn’t have seeds.
Jimmy : Would not you do it one now with the end of it.
Kevin :They don’t have any season though. Haveyou had
cotton candy grapes.
Jimmy :Cotton Candy Grapes, that is the thing I have not,
yeah,are they good?
Kevin : They are very good they taste like cotton yeah. Have you
ever used the word scrumptious, wow is scrumptious
delicious you know.
Jimmy : Like, give me an example what is your what is
scrumptious what kind of food?

Kevin : Croissant filled with chocolate.

Datum 30 is classified into consultative speech style because Jimmy and

Kevin use consultative words, when Jimmy asks Kevin, “Seedless grapes how

they do it?” and Kevin explain, “how can you grow something that doesn’t have

seeds” and Kevin do not have any season and also when Jimmy asks Kevin to

give an example of delicious what kind of food and Kevin said “Croissant filled

with chocolate” Jimmy got consult about food to Kevin.

The factor that influences them to use consultative style is the topic they

talk about drink and food, Jimmy does not know how to do Seedles grapes and

what kind of food which part scrumptious, and Kevin explains to Jimmy. That is

why the datum is classified into consultative speech style.

4.3 Causal Style

According to Joos (1967), casual style is a language style that can be used

in conversation in informal situations, such as conversations between friends who

have something to share and have shared background information. The diction or

vocabulary of this style is casual.

Participant: Donald Trumps.
Jimmy reacts to Trump’s Dire Warnings About Biden.
Jimmy : Remember, a year ago, we wondered how plumpy
Trump could keep being a sore loser turns out the
answer is forever, and Joe Biden a year ago said he ran
for president to restore the soul of America, I am not sure
if we have had our soul restored, but we did.
Trump : If Joe Biden became president China will own this
country; if Joe Biden gets in, your second amendment is
gone, the economy will collapse, the market will crash,
the chaos and bloodshed will spread to every community

in our land, we would have the most significant

depression in the history of our country.
Jimmy : well, good call, snorter dumbass. You got it very one of
those. They are remakable.

Datum 1 is classified into casual speech style because Jimmy uses words like

“Plumpy Trumpy, a sore loser, “well good call snorter dumbass you got it,”

indicating that Jimmy is the informal situation when he reacts to Trump’s speech

about Biden.

The factors that influence Jimmy to use a casual speech style is because of

the function and a formality scale topic; the process is Jimmy uses an informal

speech style to make sure his audience disagrees with Trump, and the formality

scale is related to the setting or type of interaction, the setting is because Jimmy

gives reaction from his study and the type of interaction which is Jimmy gives

responses not talks to Trump, that is why the datum is classified into casual

speech style. The other datum with a similar analysis is provided in datum

numbers 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39,

40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, and 57.

Participants: Guillermo and Ryan Reynold.
Guillermo Show with Ryan Reynolds.
Guillermo : Hi, I am Guillermo and this is the Guillermo Show,
please welcome my first guess. He is handsome, he is a
movie star, and he is Ryan Reynolds. How is it going?
Ryan : Oh, it is good, Guillermo.
Guillermo : Good, it is great to see you. I will make you a
Margarita, just for you, hold on.

Jimmy : Hey Hey, Guillermo, Guillermo, what are you doing?

Guillermo : What does it look like? I am doing my show,Jimmy.
Jimmy : You have Ryan Reynold on your show.
Guillermo : Are you, Ryan Reynold?
Ryan : Yeah, I am Ryan, Ryan Reynold.

Datum 2 is classified into casual speech style because the words “How is it

going,” Oh, it is good Guillermo,” “Good, it is great to see you,” “Hey Hey,”

and “yeah” which used by Jimmy, Guillermo, and their guest to talk to each other

indicated that they are not in the formal situation.

The factors that influence them to use casual speech style to talk to each

other is because of the setting is Guillermo stoles Jimmy’s show and invites Ryan

Reynold to his show. Jimmy makes sure Guillermo has Ryan Reynold in his

performance, that is why the datum is classified as casual speech style. The

other datum with a similar analysis is provided in datum numbers 21, 54, and 56.

Participant: Dawney Johnson and Gal Gadot.
Dawney Johnson and Gal Gadot are dancing together.
Jimmy : Your dancing is impressive by the way, is that
something you had to practice for, or you guys just?
Gal Gadot : We actually did first and everything I was a bit nervousat
the beginning
Jimmy : Were you?
Gal Gadot : I was, why Jesus you are a big guy and my toes are
Sensitive you know.
Dawney :She was the one person that was gonna crush her toes.
Gal Gadot : Yes, a little bit not because we will dancer, yeah, yeah.I
kept on telling DJ we gotta practice, we gotta make sure

we have this and he was like super cool, don’t worry it is

gonna be great, it is gonna be great, it was. Turn out DJ
is a ballerina and you are a good dad. Amazing and made
is so much fun.

Datum 4 is classified into casual speech style because the words used by Jimmy

and his guest are indicated they are not in a formal situation they use words “By

the way, were you?, I was, why Jesus, I kept on”, Gal Gadot uses incomplete

sentence structure she uses slang “Gotta, gonna” and Also Gal Gadot calls

Dawney Johnson uses the shortening of his name which is “DJ” short of Dawney

Johnson. Some informal words, slang, and shortened name indicated that they are

not in a formal situation.

The factors that influence them to use a casual speech style is because of

the topic and a social distance which is concerned with participant relationships,

the topic because they talk about Gal Gadot and DJ is a good dancer, and the

participant's relationship Gal Gadot uses the incomplete sentence, slang and calls

Dawney Johnson “DJ” because she and Dawney Johnson are in Movie “Red

Notice” together so both of them know each other very well that is why they use

casual speech style in this episode and the datum is classified into casual speech

style. The other datum with a similar analysis is provided in datum numbers 25

and 32.

Participant: Aaron Rodgers.
Aaron Rodgers is not getting vaccinated.
Jimmy : This has been a very bittersweet week for children on
Sunday, you get a bag full of candy. Three days later you

got a needle in your arm. Welcome to life, kid. The

white house is doing its part to get shots in us. Team
Biden today announced that more than 100 million
American workers are required to be fully vaccinated.
And green bay packers quarterback Arron Rodger is in
quarantine right now. Rodger tested positive yesterday
for covid and will miss Sunday’s game against the chiefs.
He’ll be watching it from my home, and no one seems to
know that he wasn't vaccinated. He hasn’t been wearing a
mask even where it is required, and at one point, he
claimed he was immunized but looking back when he
said it, “it should have been evident that he was not
Aaron. You did like to learn as many things that you can
to hang it any conversation, are you vaccinated, and what
is your stance on vaccinations.
Aaron : Yeah, I have been immunized.
Jimmy : Yeah, you see did you notice the Aaron quotes? That’s
how you know; we now know he is not vaccinated
because unvaccinated players who test positive have to
isolate for ten days had he been vaccinated, he would
have had a chance to play this weekend; Aaron Rodgers
reportedly received a homeopathic treatment over the
summer instead of the vaccine, you know we shouldn’t
know because nothing says I heal myself with crystals
like this haircut I mean that little not on top Aaron is a
Karen that’s the fact of the matter, honestly the only
thing worse than the only worse than not getting
vaccinated when you are close contact with other people.

Datum 5 is classified into casual speech style because Jimmy uses slang words

“very bittersweet, you got the needle in your arm, got shot,” it means got

vaccinate and the use words “yeah, yeah, and Aaron is a Karen” indicated that

Jimmy is not in the formal setting when he gives a reaction to Aaron Rodgers is

not vaccinated and just immunized.

The factor that influences Jimmy to use the formal language style when

he talks about kids vaccinated and when he gives reach to Aaron Rodger is the

function refers to what Jimmy purpose to talk about it, the purpose is Jimmy

wants people to get vaccinated but he uses informal speech style especially when

he said: “Aaron is a Karen” that is why the datum is classified into casual speech

style. The other datum with a similar analysis is provided in datum number 18.

Participant: Guillermo.
Jimmy : Would you go on one of those Germans?
Guillermo : No way.
Jimmy : no way right, me neither, there are major scientific
breakthroughs happening all around us Heinsz today
revealed uh what they are billing as their first cover Mars
edition ketchup, this is the ketchup made from tomatoes
that were produced under the same condition they have on
mars, I don’t know why either I hope they didn’t grow
the same way.
Datum 11 is classified into casual speech style because they use words “No way”,

“no way right” to indicate they are not in the formal situation, and in the

conversation, Jimmy also uses ellipsis “me neither”, “either” the use of ellipsis is

the one of casual style characteristic.

The factor that influences them to use a casual style when they talk in this

episode is because of the participant relationship, even though they talk about

Mars edition ketchup but the relationship between them is a best friend,

Guillermo is Jimmy’s sidekick, that is why the datum is classified into casual

speech style. The other datum with a similar analysis is provided in datum number


Participant: Guillermo.
Jimmy Kimmel is reading New Book for kids.
Jimmy : This is a book for kids with crazy parents it is called dot
got a shot, and it is well I will read it to you if you
have, we spent a lot of time on this, you are funny
everybody like yeah we get the gist oh you ready
Guillermo : Ready
Jimmy : Follow along, please, all right, it was a warm summer
day, but the dot was dejected. Her mother refused to get
her injected.
Datum 44 is classified into casual speech style because they use informal words,

namely “you are funny” and “oh you ready Guillermo”, indicating they are not

at the formal situation.

The factor that influences them to use the casual style in this episode is

because of the setting and the participant relationship, in this episode, Jimmy will

read a kid’s book to Guillermo, and the relationship between them is a best

friend, Guillermo is Jimmy’s sidekick. That is why the datum is classified into

casual speech style. The other datum with a similar analysis is provided in datum

number 53.

4.4 Intimate Style

According to Joos (1976), states that intimate style is a style of language

characterized by the absence of social barriers at all which means there is no

shyness between speaker and interlocutor. Intimate style is a completely private

language used by the family and most close friends.

Participant: Sal.
Jimmy Kimmel and Sal will play a game.
Jimmy : To commemorate this important and historic
anniversary it is time to play one of our favorite games
“who’s high” that’s right this is the game in which we find
out who is high and who is not and that is my cousin Sal
who is not high.
Sal : Hey, Jimmy what’s happening?
Jimmy : Sal does not even drink in fact
Sal : No, it is not true
Jimmy : Hey, Cousin Sal, how are you doing tonight.
Sal : Doing well, I am doing well, good well.
Jimmy : good it is good to have you with us you are out here on
Hollywood Boulevard how’s the action out there tonight?
Sal : It is good, I mean it might be easier to just say who
is not high we could maybe find the three of four people
out there.

Datum 7 is classified into intimate speech style the words because when Jimmy

uses words like he has intimacy with Sal when he uses ”My cousin Sal who is not

high” and “Hey cousin” indicated that they are known each other because they

have a family relationship.

The factor that influences them to use an intimate style when they talk to

each other is because of the participant's relationship. The setting is that they

commemorate Jimmy Kimmel’s show anniversary while the topic is that they will

play a game “who is high” and the relationship between participants they are

cousins because, in the conversation in the data above, Jimmy has said “Hey

cousin” and when Jimmy said “Sal who is not high” Jimmy was not afraid Sal

would get mad to him because Sal is his cousin and they know each other well,

that is why the datum is classified into intimate speech style.

4.5 Classified based on their types

Table 4.5 Classified based on their types

Percentage of
No Type of Speech style Number of cases
1 Formal 11 6%
2 Consultative 23 12%
3 Casual 159 81%
4 Intimate 2 1%

Total 195 100%

Jimmy Kimmel’s Live talk show is an American late-night talk show. Jimmy

Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-nominated Jimmy

Kimmel Live, ABC’s late-night Live Show.

From the result of the data analysis, it can be concluded that the Jimmy

Kimmel Live talk show, which aired in November 2021, is categorized as an

informal television show or comedic show because most of Jimmy’s guest/s are

celebrities. The show also contains a comedy bit and live music. There are four of

five types of speech styles found in the object of this research. There is a formal

speech style with (11) types, consultative speech style with (23) types, casual

speech style with (159) types, and intimate speech style with (2) types. Casual is

the most frequent speech style found in the data, consultative is the less frequent

speech style found in the data, and the researcher did not find the use of

frozen speech style in the data. The most factor that influences the use of speech

style is the topic, the second factor is the setting, the third factor is the participant

relationship, and the less factor that influences the use of speech style is the

function of the word. The topic factor was found to be the most influential

factor in the occurrence of the use of speech style because whomever the

participant is if they talk about an informal topic they will use an informal or

casual speech style. Hence, the topic is the most important factor that influences

the use of speech style.

Regarding the previous types of research, this research gives a new

finding. This research is different from several previous research, The previous

research only discussed the types of speech styles. This research discussed not

only the types of speech styles but also the factors that influence the use of a

particular speech style in Jimmy Kimmel's Talk Show.

Completing the discussion part, the researcher hopes this research will

give more knowledge to readers about the types of speech styles used in Jimmy

Kimmel Live Talk Show and they understand what factors that influence why

everyone uses different speech styles in their conversation, and the researcher

hopes this research will be useful to show the example for students who are

interested in studying about speech style. The research is useful to give more

knowledge about how to use speech style inappropriate daily conversation. It will

be useful not only to students of the English Language but also to all readers

ofthis research, especially to people who are concerned with the speech style used

by the host and the guests on the television show. Hopefully, this research is

useful to help other people learn and understand more about speech style


5.1 Conclusion

The data of this research are 195 speech style forms of words, phrases,

and sentences taken from the Jimmy Kimmel Show in all episodes that were

aired in November 2021.

There are four of five types of speech styles found in this research based

on Joos' theory of speech style from the data collected from all episodes of Jimmy

Kimmel Show on Jimmy Kimmel's YouTube Channel, which were aired in

November 2021. The four speech styles found are formal style, consultative style,

casual style, and intimate style. The most likely data found in this research is a

casual style with 159 or 81%, then the consultative style with 23 or 12%, followed

by the formal style with 11 or 6%, lastly the least is the intimate style with 2 or

1%, and the frozen style is not found in the data of this research.

Moreover, in the second research problem, four factors influence the use

of speech style found in this research. The factor that influences the use of

speech style is the topic, the second factor is the setting, the third factor is the

participant relationship, and the last factor that influences the use of speech style

is the function of the word. The topic factor was found to be the most influential

factor in this research because whoever is the participant if they talk about an

informal topic will use an informal or casual style. Hence, the topic is the factor

that influences the use of speech style. And from all the results, it can be


concluded that the Jimmy Kimmel Live Talk Show, which was aired in

November 2021, is categorized as an informal televison show because most of

Jimmy's guest/s are celebrities, most of the topic which they talk about is the

informal topic, and the show also contains comedy bits and live music.

5.2 Suggestion

According to the research findings and analysis, there are several

suggestions. The Jimmy Kimmel Show can be used to explain how formal and

informal situations can influence the use of speech style. This Talk Show is not

only about celebrities' information but also about live music, comedy, and politic.

Therefore, the readers can use this Talk Show as a research object with

different subjects other than speech style. The researcher indeed expects this

thesis can be a good reference for them to conduct further analysis.


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Participant: Donald Trumps.
Jimmy reacts to Trump’s Dire Warnings About Biden.
Jimmy : Remember a year ago we wondered how plumpy
Trump could keep being a sore loser turns out the answer
is forever and Joe Biden a year ago said he ran for
president to restore the soul of America, I am not sure if
we have had our soul restored, but we did.
Trump : If Joe Biden became president China will own this co try,
If Joe Biden gets in your second amendment is gone, the
economy will collapse, the market will crash, the chaos
and bloodshed will spread to every community in our land
we would have the greatest depression in the history of our
Jimmy : Well good call snorter dumbass you got it very one of
those, right, they are remarkable.

Participants: Guillermo and Ryan Reynold
Guillermo Show with Ryan Reynolds
Guillermo : Hi, I am Guillermo and this is the Guillermo Show, Please
welcome my first guess, he is handsome, he is a movie
star, and he is Ryan Reynolds. How is it going?
Ryan : Oh, it is good Guillermo.
Guillermo : Good, it is great to see you I will make you a
margarita, just for you hold on.
Jimmy : Hey Hey, Guillermo, Guillermo, what are you doing?
Guillermo : What does it look like, I am doing my show,Jimmy.


Jimmy : You have Ryan Reynold on your show.

Guillermo : Are you, Ryan Reynold
Ryan : Yeah, I am Ryan, Ryan Reynold.

Participant: Gal Gadot and Dawney Johnson.
Gal Gadot got a gift from Dawney Johnson.
Dawney : You baby is four months old, right, I was texting you,
Gal Gadot : You did.
Dawney : But, I always knew that I was going here to Jimmy’s
show with you and I actually have your gift tonight.
Jimmy : Oh, there you go.
Gal Gadot : All right that’s nice.
Jimmy : Did you bring it?
Dawney : Back, don’t look.
Gal Gadot : Okay.
Dawney : Don’t look, don’t look.
Gal Gadot : It is big?
Dawney : Congratulations.
Gal Gadot : That is exactly what I need, coffee, thanks.

Participant: Dawney Johnson and Gal Gadot.
Dawney Johnson and Gal Gadot are dancing together.
Jimmy : Your dancing is impressive by the way, is that
something you had to practice for, or you guys just?
Gal Gadot : We actually did first and everything I was a bit nervous
at the beginning.
Jimmy : Were you?
Gal Gadot : I was, why Jesus you are a big guy and my toes are
sensitive you know.

Dawney : She was the one person that was gonna crush her toes.
Gal Gadot : Yes, a little bit not because we will dancer, yeah, yeah. I
kept on telling DJ we gotta practice, we gotta make sure
we have this and he was like super cool, don’t worry it is
gonna be great, it is gonna be great, it was. Turn out DJ
is a ballerina and you are a good dad. Amazing and
made is so much fun.
Participant: Aaron Rodgers.
Aaron Rodgers not getting vaccinated.
Jimmy : This has been a very bittersweet week for children
on Sunday you get a bag full of candy three days later you
got a needle in your arm, welcome to life kids, the
white house is doing their part to get shots in us team
Biden today announced that more than 100 million
American workers are required to be fully vaccinated.
And green bay packers quarterback Arron Rodger is in
quarantine right now Rodger tested positive yesterday for
covid and will miss Sunday’s game against the chiefs
he’ll be watching it from my home and no one seem to
know that he wasn’t vaccinated he hasn’t been wearing a
mask even where it’s required and at one point he claimed
he was immunized but looking back when he said it, “it
should have been obvious that he was not Aaron you did
like to learn as many things that you can to hang it any
conversation, are you vaccinated and what your stance on

Aaron : Yeah, I have been immunized.

Jimmy : Yeah, you see did you notice the Aaron quotes, that’s
how you know, we now know he is not vaccinated

because unvaccinated players who test positive have to

isolate for 10 days had he been vaccinated, he would have
had a chance to play this weekend, Aaron Rodgers
reportedly received a homeopathic treatment over the
summer instead of the vaccine, you know we shouldn’t
know because nothing says I heal myself with crystals
like this haircut I mean that little not on top Aaron is a
Karen that’s the fact of the matter, honestly the onlything
worse than the only worse than not getting vaccinated
when you’re close contact with other people.

Participant: Serena Williams.
Serena Williams loves grass.
Serena : I love the grass.
Jimmy : do you?
Serena : I really do, I really love it, it says something special
walking out in Wimbledon and just wearing all white and
bringing on that green grass it is super special.

Participant: Sal
Jimmy Kimmel and Sal will play a game
Jimmy : To commemorate this important and historic
anniversary it is time to play one of our favorite games
“who is high” that’s right this is the game in which we
find out who’s high and who is not and that is my cousin
Sal who is not high
Sal : Hey, Jimmy what’s happening?
Jimmy : Sal doesn’t even drink in fact
Sal : No it is not true
Jimmy : Hey, Cousin Sal how are you doing tonight

Sal : Doing well, I am doing well, good well.

Jimmy : good it’s good to have you with us you are out here on
Hollywood Boulevard how’s the action out there tonight?
Sal : Is it good, I mean it might be easier to just say who
is not high we could maybe find the three of four people
out there.

Participant: Guillermo.
Jimmy and Guillermo talk about an extra hour of sleep.
Jimmy : You all had an extra hour of sleep last night theoretically
I guess did you get an extra hour of sleep last night?
Guillermo : Yeah, everybody did.
Jimmy : I didn‟t, not me, I did not get an extra hour of sleep
because I have a four-year-old maniac living in my house
who loves to wake us up, this is my clock this morning I
took a picture of my clock when my son Billy walked in
and tapped me on the head to make him french toast I
knew he was not going to eat in 5.59 a.m.

Participant: Gwyneth Paltrow.
Gwyneth Paltrow’s great dress.
Jimmy : Oh, you look gray, I like that dress is that a dress or a
Gwyneth : yeah, a dress
Jimmy : I like the things you pick that’s why you know I started
subscribing to goop like right at the beginning I think and
everyone would make fun of me because I did be like
you know what goop it said and now I feel like the whole
world has followed me.

Participant: Kal PennKal Penn’s book.

Kal : Live audience this is so nice you know.
Jimmy : It is nice to have them here it.
Kal : Really is?
Jimmy : I told you, uh, somebody put this book on my desk a
couple of days ago and I looked at it for a second Ithought
and I looked at it for a second I thought it was me, I was
like what.
Kal : We have gotten that before we’ve both gotten this, yeah
Jimmy : Yeah, If I was more handsome and younger this could
potentially be me, but it is not.

Participant: GuillermoJimmy & Guillermo.
Jimmy : Would you go on one of those Germans?
Guillermo : No way.
Jimmy :no way right, me neither, major scientific are
happening all around us Heinsz today revealed uh what
they are billing as their first cover Mars edition ketchup,
this is the ketchup made from tomatoes that were produced
under the same condition they have on mars, I don’t know
why either I hope they didn’t grow the same way.

Participant: Jesica Williams Jesica Williams got her first show.
Jimmy : Wow that's is an incredible dress you have on.
Jesica : Wow, thank you so much, thank you for having me, I
like you know I more I wore it, I debate a heel this is like
my first time doing something like this
Jimmy : Oh wow, oh wow wow I am glad you, choose to do
here you were.
Jesica : Thank you

Jimmy : How old are you on the daily show?

Jesica : Oh, I was 22 when I got that job.

Participant: Jamie Dornan.
Jamie Dornan on Singing in New Movie Belfast Performance.

Jimmy : One of the reviews says “if Dornan does not score an
Oscar nom I will kill all the turtles in my child daughter’s
terrarium” now that’s a heck of an endorsement right
there isn’t it?
Jamie : Oh my God, I do not want to see that sort of thing

Participant: Joe Biden.
Joe Biden makes a statement.

Jimmy :President Joe Biden makes a statement assuring

Americans that he and his administration are at hard work
to make this right.
Biden :I know a lot of Americans are worried there is going be
enough stock on the shelves for Thanksgiving and or
Christmas whether they are going to be able to get what
you need because there was a short supply last year
because of COVID and a range of other things so that is
what this is all about getting back to normal.
Jimmy : Well he is all right, so they are working on it.

Participant: Will Ferrell.
Will Ferrell Shows up instead of Ryan Reynold.
Ferrell : Hey
Jimmy : Look at you that was very nice wow, what are you doing

where is Ryan?
Ferrel : Ryan Reynold
Jimmy : Yeah, yeah
Ferrel : Ryan could not make it.
Jimmy : yeah
Ferrel : Yeah, so I got it, I got a text from him said he was
running late which usually means he is not going to show
up right.
Jimmy : So Ryan is not coming.
Ferrell : He is not just asked if would fill it in and I just rolled
down the hill you know because I live right.
Participant: Bob Plufgfelder and Will Ferrell.
Jimmy invited science Bob Plufgfelder & a teacher, Will Ferrell to come to
his studio.
Jimmy : Our next guest is a teacher, who does not let safety get
in the way of anything really here tonight whit his 19th
attempt to kill us, please say hello to the delightful and
dangerous science bob Flufgfelder, thank you for

Veteran’s Day
Participants: Man and woman who served and fought in wars to defend their
Jimmy : It is veterans day here in the United states day on
which we honor the men and women who served and
fought in wars to defend our country so the rest of us
can fight on Facebook and uh we thank them for their
sacrifice well one of our writers here at the show has a
brother who is stationed overseas in Germany he is a
lieutenant colonel in the army and he and his wife had a

baby girl last week which was exciting congratulations.

He is an American citizen on a military base he had to
report the birth of his daughter to the U.S embassy in

Participant: Aluren Robert
Jimmy gives a reaction to Lauren Robert’s video
Jimmy : Earlier this week we heard from congresswoman Aluren
Robert of Colorado this is a woman who wears glasses to
make it seem like she can read she is apparently not a fan
of me or our show because of the weekend she tweeted a
clip from our monologue with the message good morning
Jimmy Kimmel is a sexist pig have a great day, which
is rude is very rude all I did was say her videos
reminded me of the stepmother porn and which is
obvious I thought, was obviously a joke I mean her
videos are so much dumber than stepmother but some of
these videos she makes are so unbelievably over the top
it’s hard to believe this person exists they seem like
sketches from Saturday night live but all sorts of people
her real videos will be written comedy bits.

Participant: Benedict Cumberbatch.
Benedict Cumberbatch talks about his new movie.

Jimmy : You should feel good about the fact that power of the
dog, I am sure you know everybody says it is gonna get
an Oscar nomination, it is actually like at the top of the
list of these movies.
Benedict : but, this is not a life of pets it is not quite about a dog,

not a pet movie no, no.

Participant: Kevin Granett.
Kevin Garnett on nominated as the greatest player.

Jimmy : I feel like a child when you are here, I really do

Kevin : Hi guys, how are you doing?
Jimmy : By the way, congratulations you were named to the
NBA 75th anniversary team that is the greatest player of
all time, here would you have been mad if you were not
named to that team.
Kevin : No, no, I am very confident with my book of work of
what I have done to leave you to know someone’s opinion
of where you fit in all the lines of the grace that come in.
It is not at all.

Participant: Jacob and Marlisa.
Jimmy Kimmel Surprises veteran audience.

Jimmy : The house was purchased by two in our studio audience

tonight Jacob and Marlisa, now where are Jacob and
Melisa. Hey guys, how are you doing? I am correct that
was your house.
Jacob : That’s our house.
Jimmy : Are you surprised that know that?
Jacob : Yeah, very surprise.
Jimmy : Happy veterans day, by the way, come here for a second
actually, come down here for a minute, you guys, yes
come really just stand right here if you don’t mind.
Jacob : How are you doing?
Marlisa : Thanks.
Jacob : Thanks sir.

Jimmy : Thanks for coming.

Participant: Strangers.
Celebrities Get Canceled Culture.
Jimmy : We are talking a little bit about cancel culture today
Kevin Bacon got canceled saying Africa isn’t the
country like what’s your opinion?
Audience : Yeah I think Kevin Bacon I don’t know if he should be
canceled for saying that but he should definitely bea hefty
fine and maybe some harsh stipulations saying what for
saying that Africa for the record wasn’t a country.
Jimmy : Yeah, and for the record?
Audience : For the record, I think that Africa is a country.
Jimmy : of course, which side are you on with Kyle Jenner
giving lip injections to three-year-old daughter.
Audience : absolutely you know I for something like that I did
probably cancel her you know I think it is just a little
young I mean, I don’t even know if her lips are fully
developed yet, I don’t know when the three years old’s
looks fully developed.

Jimmy talk about Trumps’s Pre-Riot.
Participant: Audiences in Studio.
Jimmy : Donald trump is also free for the time being where is
that case in New York already was not he supposed to
be in jail like eight months ago, get to work on that it
would seem there is nothing that this man can ever say
or do that will convince those who adore him that he is
unworthy of that adoration so their new book about
Trump Jonathan Carl of ABC News wrote the 900th

book about Donal Trump it is called betrayal and once

again for the 900th time in a row Trump Granted a
one on one interview for the book even though he was
repeatedly called John Carl a-third rate reporter but if
there’s one thing he can not resist it is talking about
himself so he does all these interviews Carl asked him
about the attack on the capital what his thoughts were
as an angry mob hunted for and threatened to kill his
vice president.

Participant: Halle Berry.
Halle Berry on her movie.
Jimmy : It is very good to see you, thanks for coming.
Halle : good to see you.
Jimmy : It is funny to see you here looking for beautiful and
dressed up after watching that movie in which I mean I
know it is a movie and I get it, I understand how they
work it is acting and all that stuff yeah but you are
fighting viciously and beating and being bitten in a
serious way it seems like yah it was like so incredible
you like that, I love that.
Halle : I love directing it too much which is if I was making my
like this is my first movie as a director I would be like a
house sitter or something I would be something like I did
be on a raft in the pool for the whole film but there
something easy.
Jimmy : but you picked the last easy thing you could do
probably things just find it.
Halle : I know it was banana I don’t know why you know
sometimes these I don’t know I will never do it again.

Participant: Elle Fanning.
Jimmy gives Elle Fanning a compliment.
Jimmy : You look like the happiest person I ever meet and I mean
that as a great compliment.
Elle : I just love talkshow.
Jimmy : It is just normally you are sullen.
Elle : Yeah, it is only when I come on.
Jimmy : I see, I got you.

Jimmy talks about American’s apple pie.
Jimmy : Yeah I knew Trump told lies but all politicians tell lies
and even though Trump told a thousand times more than
all of them combined the feel that I budded up to him is
okay because lies are American’s apple pie the image
rehabilitation tour right now last night he sat for a lengthy
interview with Dana Bash on CNN at which he revealed
that um birthdays might not be his favorite.

Participant: Wilmer ValderramaWilmer .
Valderrama grown up.
Jimmy : Wilmer you look very handsome by the way.
Wilmer : Thank you, sir
Jimmy : Thank you for the last time I saw you, you were a single
man, umm, women begging you to make love to them
you had not a care in the world and you are so much has
changed you know, you have become a father now, you
have really grown up.
Wilmer : I really have you know, I think uh the suits stayed the
same size I am very grateful.

Participant: Kristen Dunts.
Kristen Dunts’s little baby.
Jimmy : How are you?
Kristen : I am feeling good, mean I have slept training at seven
months old so I had a crying baby all night, last night I am
hanging on by how many days into that
Jimmy : Are you well?
Kristen : He was so good and then last night it was like hit the fan
it was just like I was sleeping a half-hour in between
shoving a pacifier in his mouth so
Jimmy : Wow, yeah I heard he is a very big kid.
Kristen : very big call him big Kahuna, big Kahuna yeah he is 22
pounds like for a seven-month-old that’s crazy my wrist is
killing me you’re just like this all day and I try and like
straighten my back because aa he wants to do is Bounce
walk be like his brother and walk around and like he just.

Participant: Strangers.
Play a game “What is that thing?‟.
Jimmy : Now, lets people see what people say about that thing,
what is that thing?
Au : Umm, Neti pot
Audience(2) : I feel like I could balance a ball right there if I were to
blow air into it like a magic thing.
Audience(3) : I don’t know something could like an enema because if
that one in your the dark side and you filled with the
watch there that’s the thing I can think of

Audience(4) : Looks like a bong to me I am allowed to say that.

Jimmy : Wait a minute, yeah, there you go that is Hollywood
for you right there.

Participant: Kevin Garnett.
Question with Kevin Garnett.
Jimmy : Seedles grapes how do they do it?
Kevin : Good question, how can you grow something that
doesn’t have seeds
Jimmy : Wouldn't you just do it one now with the end of it
Kevin : They don’t have any season though have you had cotton
candy grapes.
Jimmy : Cotton Candy Grapes that’s the thing I’ve not, yeah are
they good.
Kevin : They are very good they taste like cotton yeah. Have you
ever used the word scrumptious, wow is scrumptious
delicious you know.
Jimmy : Like give me an example what’s your what is
scrumptious what kind of food?
Kevin : Croissant filled with chocolate.

MyPillow Mike Sits.
Participant: Donald Trump.
Jimmy :My Pillow guy Mike scored a one-on-one interview
with the man who will eventually bankrupt him
Lindell sat down with trump for 36 rambling minutes
last night this was like watching ventriloquist gets
interviewed by his dummy.
Trump :They could have finished the wall in two weeks they

could have the world done it was almost finished we

have had a tremendous victory in Texas and in Florida
these people made money being president all of a
sudden half the people like you talk about the silencing
of the press that is a part of the way it happened we
had sometremendous successes, I think we got around
they named another one we swamped them Obama
what could be crazier than that.
Jimmy : I think they call that pillow but you agree that eve word
that came out of trump’s mouth.

Participant: Guillermo.
Jimmy Kimmel Colsplay in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Jimmy : Thanks to everybody well thanks to you, thank you

very muchit is really a dream come true and Guillermo I
promise I won’t forget you when I am in a movie star.
Guillermo : All right, for sure.

Participant: Michael Keaton
Michael Keaton on Returning as Batman
Jimmy : It is very good to see you.
Michael : Batman return.
Jimmy : yeah, the other batman and another man, every time
you walk into a room you should say batman return.
Michael : That’s right.

Participant: John Wilson.
John Wilson on Capturing moments on the streets in New York.
Jimmy : Thanks for coming all the way out from New York I

appreciate it

John : Yeah, thanks for having me, wow Michael Keaton I

didn’t think I did be in the same building as him same chair
as him.

Jimmy : Wow.

Participant: Aunjane Ellis.
Aunjane Ellis made peanut butter sandwiches.

Jimmy : You look fantastic I mean that is a spectacular dress it

really is like a piece of art.
Aunjane : Thank you, I wanted to look nice.
Jimmy : Oh, you succeded, you look great in this movie, I
mean it is how many peanut butter sandwiches did you
Aunjane : a lot, 15, a lot, I just saw that clip and I was just like
thinking like out the day like peanut butter, peanut butter,
bread, bread, sweetpeanut, butter peanut.
Jimmy : The way you operated the knife it really seemed like a
mad mom you know.
Aunjane : It really did.

Participat: Nick Offferman.
Nick Offerman’s fifth book.
Jimmy : This is your fifth book the other four were about how to
get rich selling timeshares right isn’t it?
Nick : something like that so this is a reality they were, they
were pretty much the same subject matter I just keep
trying to get it, I think finally I nailed it.
Jimmy : In this one, you got some incredible endorsement on

the back ofthe book.

Nick : You just got to be persistent that right now.
Jimmy : How are you doing?
Nick : If they don not return on you DMS go knock on the door
you know.
Jimmy : Of course.

Participant: dr. Kevin O’Connor.
Jimmy Talks about The president.
Jimmy: The white house physician dr.Kevin O'Connor says Joe
Biden is a healthy and vigorous male and vigorous, why
does every presidential check-up, I mean him to run the
country not impregnate our women all right vigorous is
unnecessary after his colonoscopy the president took part
in the annual traditional pardoning of the turkeys, he
paranoid two Turkeys from Indiana named Peanut Butter
and Jelly he also paranoid a yam for noreason but today is
the deadline for all federal employees to be vaccinated.

Participant: Sandra Bullock.
Sandra Bullock Talks about her movie.
Jimmy : How many movies have you done do you know?
Sandra : I have no idea
Jimmy : which one do people mention most to you?
Sandra : Uh, I thought probably miss congeniality.
Jimmy : Do you have an idea why?
Sandra : I think because we made it for young girls and so then
those young girls started doing all those sing-songy things
that annoyed their parent, so their parents had a grudge
they would bring up my daughter does it, so the girls then

grew up and they remembered that and then I had a

daughter and now I understand why the parent got angry.
Jimmy : I see, yeah. Has your daughter has seen that?
Sandra : yes, she has.
Jimmy : Did your kid watch your stuff?
Sandra : she does and I am not her cup of tea.

Participant: Bill Burr.
Bill Burr on magazine cover.
Jimmy : Honky co-star sir.
Bill : How are you?
Jimmy : I am good.
Bill : I believe that story I thought was real.
Jimmy : I am seeing it on my way, I am gonna be on the cover
of People magazine sexiest bald arrange men from the
Bill : Her pals Santa could be falling for comic Bill Burr.
Jimmy : Why do you think her friend feared you?
Bill : No, that’s the inquirer no one of that.
Jimmy : Oh, none of that everybody’s got a big laugh.
Bill : Yeah
Jimmy : Yeah, I think it is nice.

Participant: Jon Bernthal.
Jon Bernthal on King Richard Movie.
Jimmy : You are so good in this movie by the way really good I
appreciate you.
Jon : appreciate you saying that happy birthday by the way
and thank you.
Jimmy : thank you you play a guy real guy named Rick Macy.
Jon : Yeah, he is really a tennis coach, and you know he is

really like that, he is really, you know I think for me this

movie is about parenthood and fatherhood and sports, I
really wanted to be a part of this one.

Participant: Barchelorette Michelle Bachelorette.
Michelle on Her Final Four Guys.
Jimmy :You have a real Job like a Real Job.
Bachelorette : You are in elementary jail’s a real job.
Jimmy : Real Job is like a teacher to me is a real Job when I hear
like marketing manager or something it makes me think
oh, yeah they are selling lotion on Instagram, you have a
real job.
Bachelorette : Okay, yes then I have a real Job.
Jimmy : And you, are you missing school to be here tonight
luckily we are moving into our like fall break and so.
Bachelorette : I am not missing too many schools with coming to LA
this time around but you teach what fifth grade fifth.

Participant: Cledo.
Find the Strangest thing in your mom’s house.
Jimmy : I want to say happy birthday to our senior saxophone
player Cledo Escobedo 79 years old today same age as the
Cledo : Oh, yeah.
Jimmy : You are the same age as the president now.
Cledo : yep, I am 79 years old young.
Jimmy :That’s right, that is right um and I grew across the
street from Cledo and his son Clito, they have the same
name in Las Vegas.

Participant: Strangers.
Who are you dreading seeing on thanksgiving “Hide and speak”.
Jimmy : Who are you dreading seeing this thanksgiving?.
Participant(1) : Probably my gram on my mother’s side.
Jimmy : Why?
Participant(1) : She is just nuts she will walk in the bathroom.
Jimmy : What are you doing?
Participant(1) :Like what do you think I am doing gram I am going
to the bathroom.
Jimmy :What are you looking forward to seeing this
Participant(2) : Mostly my dad, I smoke a lot of pot and when
dinner comes around he does not talk to me.
Jimmy : You high right now.
Participant(2) : Yeah, yeah.

Participant: Guillermo.
Jimmy Kimmel is reading New Book for kids.
Jimmy : This is a book for kids with crazy parents it is called dot
got a shot and it is well I will read it to you if you have,
we spent a lot of time on this, you are funny everybody
like yeah we get the gist oh you ready Guillermo.
Guillermo : Ready?
Jimmy : Follow along please all right, “it was a warm summer
day but the dot was dejected her mother refused to get her

Jimmy Roasts his hair on thanksgiving.
Jimmy : I was lighting my pizza oven and I wish I could say this

is the first time I have done this but, so I turn on the gas
and I flip the switch and usually it lights up itself and I
do not know 40 minutes go by and the oven is not lit and
so I look in there I am like huh again I grabbed a piece of
paper I lit it on fire and you did. Think I would learn
but yet I haven’t I, I tossed it in the oven and boom it came
right back at me, and it is a good thing I was wearing a hat
or I would be bald tonight roasting my hair and uh lighty,
a earirng, my face the smell was very bad I think the
reason I was thinking about it burning hair smelled so bad,
is it’s God’s way of telling you, you are on fire right
now even though the hair on my arm on my head was
burned and even though and even though I was blasted by
a fireball I had a meal to prepare, so I kept going.

Participant: Alan Ruck.
Alan Ruck had the torn rotator cuff.
Jimmy : I saw you last night you had like an arm Brace on.
Alan : Yeah, I did.
Jimmy : And then I watched the after I like to watch you guys talk
about what happened.
Alan : Yeah, yeah
Jimmy : and you said that you actually had the torn rotator cuff
it is why you?
Alan : Yeah, yeah I was living in New Jersey we shoot the show
in New York primarily and it snowed and like a dumbbell, I
tried to shovel some snow and I felt it pop.

Participant: Guillermo.
Guillermo’s mother’s stuff.

Jimmy : Guillermo does your mother collect anything?

Guillermo : No, not to you Jimmy, I throw it away for her.
Jimmy : you threw all her stuff away.
Guillermo : yeah, she lives in a single apartment so I throw
everybody what does she have that.
Jimmy : You threw away, oh.

Participant: Kathy Griffin.
Kathy Griffin had the surgery.
Jimmy : It is great to see you I was worried you would be like
low energy blue yarn you are not.
Kathy : never, okay so I have to explain my voice you guys
listen to my voice so I had the surgery you are not gonna
believe this so I have never smoked, but I got lung
cancer and in August, I had half of the left lung
removed I am not even kidding, and so now they like put
the intubation tube drop by my vocal cord so now I am
like Minnie mouse meets Marylin Monroe.
Jimmy : I am not sure, I have to say it.
Kathy : kind of like birthdays.

Participant: Dr. Fauci.
Jimmy Kimmel has had enough.
Jimmy :If you have been watching fox news you know that the
real enemy is not the virus or do my own research
geniuses who refuse to get the vaccine the real enemy is
Dr. Fauci
Dr.Fauci: : so it is is easy to criticize but they are really criticizing
science because I represent science.

Participant: Billy Crystal.

Billy Crystal on returning to Broadaway.
Jimmy : Our first guest tonight is one of the funniest and most
talented people alive or dead even really uh after many
months in quarantine he returns to the Broadway stage in
a new musical production of his movie mister Saturday
night it opens March in 1st at the Nederlander theater
ticket are on sale now, please welcome to Billy Cristal,
Billy how are you?
Billy : I am good.
Jimmy : it is good to see you out in the wildBilly : Oh man, it is
been so great.
Jimmy : Are you going out now is that.
Billy : yeah, the other day, first of all, hello and thank you, it
is always a miracle it has been like lately to be in front of
real people.
Jimmy : yeah.
Billy : It is been so great.

Participant: Ken Jeong.
Is Ken Joeng a real doctor?
Jimmy : Ken, it is good to see you.
Ken : Good to see you, sir.
Jimmy : Thank you, you are a real doctor I mean a real one.
Ken : I am a real doctor, I still have my license.

Participant: Stranger.
Jimmy asked about The Olympics.
Jimmy : I don’t believe people are paying attention to the
Olympics so we went to the street and we asked

pedestrians how they have been enjoying them so far

even though they have not started yet in tonight is
winter game edition of eyewitness news, we are talking
about the Olympics you have been seeing some of that.
Participant : Yes.
Jimmy : what have you seen so far?
Participant : Anything sure, I enjoyed the opening ceremonies.

Participant: Guillermo.
Guillermo and his brothers eat chicken nugget.
Jimmy : If you like chicken nuggets you are gonna love
the taste of impossible chicken nuggets made
from plants and to prove it we decidedto
conduct a taste test with Guillermo and his
brothers, Hello Guillermo, hello Guillermo’s
Guillermo brothers : Hello, Jimmy.
Jimmy : I am going to ask you to do is eat nugget from
the plate on your left, all right, there we go then
eat nugget from the plate on your right, what do
you think? How do you like those?
Guillermo brothers : Very good, very good.

Participant: Maya Erskine & Anna Konkle.
Jimmy : It is funny to see you as an adult again you know.
Maya : Very much, yeah.
Anna : yeah.
Jimmy : How is it going there is 13 really like is that is the most if
you had to pick one year that’s the most awkward year of
your life that is got to be it right.

Maya : That is why we wrote the snow.

Anna : yeah, it is the worst year of our lives.
Maya : It is all autographical and in there and for everyone to
pick apart.
Jimmy : Thank God it is the worst year of your life because if it is
the best year of your life it would be a mess from there on
an immediate.

Jimmy talks about festive around their Capital.
Jimmy : It is festive around here and It was and it was a
festive night now in our Nation’s Capital tonight at the
white house the president the first lady on hand for
the 99th annual lighting of the National Christmas
tree was the event was hosted by I cool J originally
snoop was supposed to host but he canceled when he
found out it was not thekind of tree lighting that used
to and it was a star-studded lineup thisis going to airas
a tv special Sunday night on CBS and the event itself
is very different from the previous administration.

Participant: Chanucorn.
Hanukkah Day.
Chanucorn : Shalom everybody and happy Hanukkah to you guys.
Jimmy : happy Hanukkah to you.
Chanucorn : do you know what night it is?
Jimmy : what uh.
Chanucorn : Everybody knows it is the fifth night.
Jimmy : this is umm what do you call yourself?
Chanucorn : No, no I am not Garry I am the Hannicorn the magical
Hanukkah unicorn who we all know andlove.

Jimmy : Yeah.
Participant: Nicole Byer.
Nicole Byer’s Holiday.
Jimmy : How are you?
Nicole : I am doing all right.
Jimmy : How are your holidays going so far?
Nicole : Honestly not well, not well, oh so December 1st I am
like okay it is a new month let’s quit smoking and it is
now December 1st what is it second.
Jimmy : Yeah, She has not made a day no, you didn’t really.
Nicole : No.
Jimmy : You quit smoking yesterday yeah and how many hours
did it last.
Nicole : Five.
Jimmy : What was the moment where you broke down and had
Nicole : I was in traffic and I was like everyone drives like an
Idiot, I am very angry then I got home and I was like I love
Jimmy : I see

NO Utterance Types of Speech

1 Plumpy Trumps. Casual

2 A sore loser. Casual

3 Well, good call snorter dumbass you got it. Casual

4 How is it going? Casual

5 It is good. Casual

6 Good, it is great to see you. Casual

7 Hey, hey! Casual

8 Yeah. Casual

9 There you go. Casual

10 Okay. Casual

11 Thanks. Casual

12 By the way. Casual

13 Guys. Casual

14 Gonna. Casual

15 I kept on. Casual

16 DJ. Casual

17 Gotta. Casual

18 Gotta. Casual

19 Gonna be great. Casual

20 Gonna be great. Casual


21 Turn out DJ is a ballerina Casual

22 Made is so much fun. Casual

23 Very bittersweet. Casual

You got a needle in your arm, welcome to
24 Casual
life kids.
25 Get shots. Casual

26 Yeah. Casual

27 Yeah. Casual

28 Not on top Aaron is a Karen. Casual

29 I love. Casual

I really love it, it says somethingspecial.

30 Casual

31 Super special. Casual

32 Sal who is not high. Intimate

33 Cousin Sal. Intimate

34 Yeah, everybody did. Casual

35 I didn’t. Casual

36 You look gray. Casual

37 Yeah. Casual

38 Make fun. Casual

39 So nice Casual

40 It is nice. Casual

41 Really is. Casual

42 Yeah. Casual

43 Yeah. Casual

44 No way. Casual

45 No way right, me neither. Casual

46 Either. Casual

47 Wow that's is an incredible! Casual

48 Wow! Casual

49 Oh wow, oh wow I am glad you. Casual

50 That’s a heck. Casual

51 Isn’t it. Casual

52 Oh my God. Casual

53 President Joe Biden. Formal

I know a lot of Americans are worried

there is going to be enough stock on the
shelves for Thanksgiving, and for
Christmas whether they are going to be
54 able to get what you need because there Formal
was a short supply last year because of
COVID and a range of other things, so
that is what this is all about getting back to

55 Hey! Casual

56 Look at you that was very nice wow! Casual

57 Yeah. Casual

58 Yeah, yeah. Casual

59 Yeah, so I got it. Casual

60 A theacher. Formal

61 Science bob Flufgfelder. Formal

It is veterans day here in the United states

day on which we honor the men and
women who served and fought in wars to
defend our country, so the rest of us can
fight on Facebook and uh we thank them
for their sacrifice well one of our writers
here at the show has a brother who is
62 stationed overseas in Germany he is a Formal
lieutenant colonel in the army, and he and
his wife had a baby girl last week which
was exciting congratulations. He is an
American citizen on a military base he had
toreport the birth of his daughter to the
U.S embassy in Germany.

63 Is rude is very rude. Casual

64 Stepmother porn. Casual

65 Dumber. Casual

66 Feel good. Casual

67 Gonna. Casual

68 I really do. Casual

69 Hi guys, wow are you doing? Casual

70 By the way. Casual

71 Hey guys, wow are you doing? Casual


72 Yeah. Casual

73 By the way. Casual

74 Come down here! Casual

75 You guys. Casual

76 How are you doing? Casual

77 Thanks. Casual

78 Thanks. Casual

79 Thanks. Casual

We are talking a little bit about cancel

culture today Kevin Bacon got canceled
saying Africa is not the country like what’s
your opinion?

I think Kevin Bacon I don’t know if he

should be canceled for saying that but he
should definitely be a hefty fine and maybe
81 Consultative
some harsh stipulations saying what for
saying that Africa for the record was not a

82 And for the record? Consultative

For the record, I think that Africa is a

83 Consultative

84 Of course, which side are you on with Kyle Consultative

Jenner giving lip injections to

three-year-old daughter.

Absolutely you know I for something like

that I did probably cancel her you know I
think it’s just a little young I mean, I don’t
85 even know if her lips are fully developed Consultative
yet, I don’t know when the three years
old’s looks fully developed.

Donald trump is also free for the time being

where is that case in New York already was
not he supposed to be in jail like eight
months ago, get to work on that it would
seem there is nothing that this man can
ever say or do that will convince those who
adore him that he is unworthy of that
adoration, so their new book about Trump
Jonathan Carl of ABC News wrote the
900th book about Donal Trump it iscalled
betrayal and once again for the 900th time
86 Formal
in a row Trump Granted a one on one
interview for the book even though he was
repeatedly called John Carl a- third rate
reporter. But if there’s one thing he can’t
resist it is talking about himself, so he does
all these interviews Carl asked him about
the attack on the capital what his thoughts
were as an angry mob hunted for and
threatened to kill his vice president.

87 It is very good to see you, thanks. Casual

88 Good to see you. Casual

89 It is funny to see you here. Casual

90 Yeah. Casual

91 So incredible! Casual

92 I love that. Casual

93 I love. Casual

94 I just love talkshow. Casual

95 Yeah. Casual

96 I see, I got you. Casual

97 Yeah. Casual

98 Budded up. Casual

99 American’s apple pie. Casual

100 By the way. Casual

Umm, women begging you to makelove to

101 Casual

102 I am feling good. Casual

103 Are you well? Casual

104 Like hit the fan. Casual

105 Wow, yeah. Casual

106 Now, lets people see. Casual


107 Yeah, there you go. Casual

108 Seedles grapes how do they do it? Consultative

How can you grow something thatdoesn’t

109 Consultative
have seeds?

Wouldn't you just do it one now with the

110 Consultative
end of it?

111 They don’t have any season. Consultative

Like give me an example what’s your

112 Consultative
what is scrumptious what kind of food?

113 Croissant filled with chocolate. Consultative

My Pillow guy Mike scored a one-on- one

interview with the man who will eventually
bankrupt him. Lindell sat down with
114 trump for 36 rambling minutes last night Formal
this was like watching ventriloquist gets
interviewedby his dummy.

They could have finished the wall in two

weeks they could have the world done it
was almost finished we have had a
tremendous victory in Texas and in Florida.
These people made money being president
all of a sudden half the people like you talk
115 about the silencing of the press that’s a part Formal
of the way it happened we had some
tremendous successes. I think we got
around they named another one we
swamped them Obama what could be
crazier than that. I think they call that
pillow but you agree that every word
that came out of trump’s mouth.

Thanks, to everybody well thanks toyou.

116 Casual

117 Very good to see you. Casual

118 Yeah. Casual

119 Thanks. Casual

120 Yeah, thanks for having me. Casual

121 Wow. Casual

122 Thanks. Casual

123 Wow. Casual

124 Look fantastic! Casual

125 A spectacular dress! Casual

126 A piece of art. Casual

127 Look nice! Casual

128 You look great! Casual

129 It really did. Casual

130 Pretty much. Casual

131 I nailed it. Casual


132 How are you doing? Casual

133 Dr.Kevin O'Connor. Formal

134 I see, yeah. Casual

135 She has. Casual

136 She does and I am not her cup of tea. Casual

137 I am good. Casual

138 Gonna. Casual

139 None. Casual

140 Yeah. Casual

141 Yeah, I think it is nice. Casual

142 By the way. Casual

143 By the way. Casual

144 Yeah. Casual

145 Okay. Casual

146 Yeah. Casual

147 Yep. Casual


Who are you dreading seeing thisthanks

148 Consultative

Probably my gram on my mother’sside.

149 Consultative

150 Why? Consultative

She is just nuts she’ll walk in on you inthe

151 Consultative
bathroom and ask you what is she.

152 What are you doing? Consultative

Like what do you think I am doinggram I

153 Consultative
am going to the bathroom man.

What are you looking forward toseeing

154 Consultative
this thanksgiving?

Mostly my dad, I smoke a lot of pot and

155 when dinner comes around he doesn’t talk Consultative
to me.

156 You are funny. Casual

157 Oh, you ready? Casual

God’s way of telling you, you are onfire

158 Casual
right now.

159 Yeah, I did. Casual

160 Yeah, yeah. Casual


161 Yeah, yeah. Casual

162 Yeah. Casual

163 You threw away. Casual

164 Great to see you. Casual

165 Okay. Casual

So now I am like Minnie mouse meets

166 Casual
Marylin Monroe.

167 Dr. Fauci Formal

168 Funniest. Casual

169 I am good. Casual

170 It is good to see you. Casual

171 So great. Casual

172 Yeah. Casual

173 Yeah. Casual

174 It is been so great. Casual

175 Ken, It is good to see you. Casual

176 Good to see you. Casual


I don’t believe people are paying attention

to the Olympics, so we went on the street
and we asked pedestrians how they have
been enjoying them so far even though they
177 have not started yet in tonight’s winter
game edition of eyewitness news, we are Consultative
talking about the Olympics you have been
seeing some of that?

178 What have you seen so far? Consultative

Anything sure, I enjoyed the opening

179 Consultative

180 Gonna. Casual

181 There we go. Casual

182 Very good, very good. Casual

183 It is funny to see you. Casual

184 Yeah. Casual

185 Yeah. Casual

It is festive around here and It was and it

was a festive night now in our nation’s
Capital tonight at the white house. The
president, the first lady on hand for the
99th annual lighting of the national
Christmas tree was the event was hosted
by I cool J originally snoop was supposed
to host, but he canceled when he found out
186 it was not the kind of tree lighting that Formal
used to and it was a star-studded lineup

this is going to air as a tv special Sunday

night on CBS and the event itself is very
different from the previous administration.

187 Guys. Casual

188 Yeah. Casual

189 Okay. Casual

190 Yeah. Casual

191 Not well, not well. Casual

192 Okay. Casual

193 Yeah. Casual

194 I didn’t really. Casual

195 I see. Casual

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