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CIVIL MAGNET-A Team by Ehtesham Siddiqui Sir

Best Online Institute for GATE/ESE/SSC/AE/JE exams


CIVIL ENGINEERING/असैनिक अनिय ांनिकी

PAPER II (Test-Full Length-2)

Time allowed: 2:00 Hours Maximum Marks : 300

Attention :
1. Candidates should attempt 5 questions in all, All questions carry equal marks
2. Each candidate will be given one Answer Book.
3. Answers to all questions must be written in one language, i.e., either in
English or in Hindi according to the option given by the candidate in his/her
Application form. Candidates are not allowed to write the answers partly in
English and partly in Hindi.
4. Candidates must write their Roll No. Ticket No. Name of the Examination
and Subject at the prescribed place on the cover page of the Answer Book
correctly. Candidates must also put their signature on the cover page at the
prescribed place. The above instructions must be fully complied with falling
which the Answer Book will not be evaluated and zero mark will be awarded.
5. No credit will be given for answers write in a language other than the one
opted by the candidate.
6. "Mobile phones and wireless communication devices are completely banned
in the examination halls/rooms. Candidates are strictly advised not to keep
mobile phones/any other wireless communication devices with them, even
switching it off, in their own interest. Falling to comply with this provision will
be considered as using unfair means in the examination and action will be
taken against them including cancellation of their candidature and debarment
from the examination of the Commission as per provisions of the notice of
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

ध्यान दीजिए:

1. अभ्यजथिय ों क कुल पााँ च प्रश् ों का उत्तर दे ना है । सभी प्रश् ों के अोंक बराबर हैं ।

2. प्रत्येक अभ्यथी क एक उत्तर-पुस्तिका दी िाएगी।.

3. सभी प्रश् ों के उत्तर अभ्यथी द्वारा अपने आवेदन पत्र में जदए गए जवकल्प के अनुसार
जकसी एक भाषा में अथाि त अोंग्रेिी या जहन्दी में जदए िाने चाजहए। अभ्यजथिय ों क कुछ उत्तर
अोंग्रेिी में और कुछ उत्तर जहन्दी में जलखने की अनुमजत नहीों है ।

4. अभ्यथी उत्तर पुस्तिका के आवरण पृष्ठ पर जनर्ाि ररत स्थान में अपना र ल नोंबर, परीक्षा
का नाम तथा जवषय सही-सही अवश्य जलखें। अभ्यथी आवरण पृष्ठ पर जनर्ाि ररत स्थान में
अपने हिाक्षर अवश्य करें । उपयुिक्त अनुदेश ों का पूरी तरह अनुपालन जकया िाए,
अन्यथा उत्तर-पुस्तिका क नहीों िााँ चा आएगा और शून्य अोंक दे जदया िाएगा।

5. अभ्यथी द्वारा जदए गए जवकल्प की भाषा के अजतररक्त जकसी अन्य भाषा में जदए गए
उत्तर ों के जलए क ई अोंक नहीों जदए िाएाँ गे।

6. "परीक्षा हाल ों / कमर ों में म बाईल फ न तथा बेतार सोंचार सार्न पूरी तरह जनजषद्ध है ।
अभ्यजथिय ों क सख्तीपूविक उनके अपने जहत में सलाह दी िाती है जक म बाईल फ न/
जकसी अन्य बेतार सोंचार सार्न क स्तिच ऑफ करके भी अपने पास न रखें। इस प्रावर्ान
का अनुपालन न करने क परीक्षा में अनुजचत उपाय ों का प्रय ग माना िाएगा और उनके
जवरूद्ध कारवाई की िाएगी, जिसमें उनकी अभ्यजथिता क जनरि करने और परीक्षा की
जवज्ञस्ति में जदए नए प्रावर्ान ों के अनुसार आय ग की पररक्षाओों से वाररत जकया िाना
शाजमल है ।"
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q1 a) Calculate the size and slope of a sanitary sewer for the following Data

I. Population served by Sewer= 78400

II. Average Per capita demand= 140lpcd
III. Average sewage flow= 80% of water supply
IV. Sewer runs half Full while carrying Maximum Flow
V. Velocity in sewer at Maximum Flow= 0.85m/sec
VI. Manning’s roughness coefficient= 0.013 𝟏
𝑸𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝟏𝟒 + ሺ𝑷ሻ ൗ𝟐
VII. Ratio of Maximum Flow in Sewer to Average Flow, 𝑸 = 𝟏
𝒂𝒗𝒈 𝟐 + ሺ𝑷ሻ ൗ𝟐
Where, P is the Population in thousands.

(25 Marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q1 (b) What is seasoning of Timber? Discuss the different methods of

seasoning of timber?

(15 Marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q1 (c) List the ten precautions to be taken in theodolite Observations.

(10 Marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q1 (d)Prepare the rate analysis of the materials for the 10 cubic metre lime
concrete in the foundation with white lime, sand and 40mm gauge stone
ballast in proportion of 1:2:4 respectively. The rate of stone ballast, white
lime and sand is 1800/cu.m, 800/cu.m and 900/cu.m respectively.

(10 Marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q2 a) Draw the bending Moment diagram and Shear Force diagram for the
beam as shown in the figure.

(15 Marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q2(b)(i) Define Duty and Delta. Derive a relationship between Duty and
Delta. Using this relation, Find the Delta for a crop with a Base Period of
100days and Duty of 432 ha/Cumec

Q2(b)(ii) Find the discharge of water through a horizontal venturi-meter

having 400mm diameter at the inlet main & 150mm diameter at the throat
end, if the differential gauge between inlet & its throat shows a pressure a
pressure head of 25cm of mercury. Assume coefficient of discharge of the
venturi-meter as 0.98 and the specific gravity of mercury as 13.6.

(10+15 Marks)
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CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q2(c) Sketch the variation of shear stresses for the following four cross-
section of the beams shown in the figure at the point of Maximum Shear

( 10 Marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q2 (d) Draw the typical dimensional cross-section of BG track in

embankment on straight track & mark the details. (10 marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q3 a) A welded bracket connection connects a plate to column flanges as

shown in the figure. Determine the size of weld. Take𝐟𝐮 =410MPa.

(20 marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q3 (b) Define the Various types of Irrigation Efficiencies with their

formulas. (10 Marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q3 (c) A test for the relative density of soil in place was performed by
digging a small hole in the soil. The volume of the hole was 400 ml and the
moist weight of the excavated soil was 9 N. After oven drying, the weight
was 7.8 N. Of the dried soil, 4 N was poured into a vessel in a very loose
state, and its volume was found to be 270 ml. The same weight of soil
when vibrated and tamped had a volume of 200 ml. Determine the relative
density. (15 Marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q3 (d) Explain the difference between Earth Pressure at Rest, Active Earth
Pressure and Passive Earth Pressure in terms of Wall Movement?

(10 Marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q4a) The following data were recorded in a constant head permeability


I. Internal diameter of permeameter= 7.5cm

II. Head Lost over a sample length of 18cm = 24.7cm
III. Quantity of water collected in 60seconds= 626mL
IV. Porosity of the soil sample was at 25°C=44%


1) Coefficient of Permeability of Soil

2) Discharge Velocity and Seepage Velocity during the Test
3) If the test was carried out at a 25°C then estimate the permeability of
the soil for a porosity of 39% at 20°C. Neglect the effect of
temperature change on Unit weight of Water
(Viscosity of water at 25°C= 8.95millipoise & at 20°C =10.09millipoise)
( 25 Marks)
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CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q 4 (b) A beam of length 5m and of uniform rectangular cross-section is

simply supported at its ends and carries a uniformly distributed load over
its entire length. Calculate the depth of the section if the maximum
permissible stress is 8N/mm2 and central deflection is not to exceed
( Take E=12000N/mm2) (15 Marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q4(c) A town with population of 1 lakh is supplied with 150 lpcd of water.
The chlorine required for disinfection was found to be 0.28 mg/l and
residual chlorine required was 0.2 mg/l. Estimate the chlorine dose and
quantity of bleaching powder required per year (in kg/year), if available
chlorine in bleaching powder is 30%.

[10 Marks]
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q4 (d) What are the qualities of a good brick? Lists the name of tests to be
conducted to judge the quality of a brick as per I.S code? (10 Marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q5 a) A trapezoidal masonry dam, having 4m top width, 8m bottom width

and 12m height, is retaining water upto a height of 10m. the density of the
masonry is 20kN/m3 and the coefficient of friction between the dam & soil
is 0.55. The allowable compressive strength stress is 342.350 kN/m2. Check
the Stability of Dam. (30 Marks)
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CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q5(b) Determine the limiting moment of resistance & maximum

percentage of steel required for the concrete cross-section shown in figure
below. Use limit state method and M-15 concrete and Fe-415 steel.

( 20 Marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q5(c) Define Quicksand Condition and name the factors affecting

compaction. (5Marks)

Q5(d) What do you mean by BOD, COD, Population Equivalent, Self-

cleansing Velocity ( 5marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q6 (a) Find the Moment of inertia of the shaded area as shown in the figure
about the axis AB.

(15 marks)
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CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q6 (b) A reinforced concrete rectangular section of size 250x250mm

effective is to be designed for a factored moment of 225kNm. The grades of
concrete and HYSD steel are M20 and Fe415 respectively. Take
fsc=353MPa. Find the area of steel required. (15 marks)
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CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q6(c) A vertical summit curve is to be designed when two grades +2% and -
5% meet on a National Highway. The Stopping Sight Distance & Overtaking
Sight Distance required are 180m & 600m respectively. The Length of the
Vertical Curve, However is to be restricted to 1550m only due to site
conditions. Calculate the length of the summit curve needed to fulfill the
requirements of both (i) SSD and (ii) OSD or atleast ISD (15 Marks)
CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

Q6(d) Write in detail about Vane Shear Test with Neat Diagram and also
show the shear stress distribution over the vanes. Mention the soils for
which Vane Shear test is Suitable? (15 Marks)
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CIVIL MAGNET- A team by Siddiqui Sir Join Telegram- CIVIL MAGNET

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