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“*insert name of the structure*”

The beauty of architecture is when design transcends culture and time between human and the

Architecture is an aspect that brings functionality, purpose and meaning to our lives. The purpose of the
design was to relive the authenticity of Filipino-Hispanic Architecture in Intramuros while incorporating
the contemporaneity and sustainability. It aims to transcend the simple transition of the past and the

It emphasizes the traditional touches and concepts of Philippine architecture, the modern technologies and
systems, and a commercial residential structure that serves as a tangible proof of how revisiting the root
concepts and history together with the influences of other nations’ culture could greatly affect the efficacy
of a space.

The design will provide a variety of services with the provided lot area. It includes restaurant, souvenir
shop, table game area, residential for the owner, and other commercial services. Despite of the limitations
the design maximizes to utilize the given space that the lot have.

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