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Awareness Method Guide

The Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) has a 99.4% efficacy rate, and a 99.6% efficacy rate if
you abstain from sex on the 6-8 days (that’s right, as women we are only fertile a few days each
month, but men are fertile 365 days a year) a month you are fertile.

These percentages are the same as hormonal birth control options!

If you are currently taking a form of hormonal birth control, I encourage you to look into your
other options; The Fertility Awareness Method and the Temp Drop thermometer (use code
“JENNA” for 5% off!) being a few of them.

By exploring your options you are empowered with the ability to make the best decisions for
your body.

Charting with Period Apps

The best period apps are the ones that ask you for your waking body temperature. Apps that do
not ask for this are simply predicting when you ovulate, which is impossible because there is no
way to predict when you will ovulate.

If you are relying on ovulation prediction this is using the Rhythm Method, NOT Fertility
Awareness Method.

While the luteal phase (post ovulatory) in women tends to stay consistent for each woman, the
follicular phase (pre-ovulatory) can change due to factors like stress, illness, and travel. These
variables can throw off your ovulation by days or weeks! So ditch the apps that “predict” your
cycle, and instead download one that uses your daily temperature recording to pin-point when

you ovulated. My favorite is app is Kindara.

(Image by

3 Fertility Indicators:

1. Cervical Fluid
2. Temperature
3. Cervical Position (optional)


When taking temperature make sure to do first thing in the morning before getting out of bed
or drinking water. If your temperature is taken later in the day, or if it is unusually high, mark it
as “questionable”.

Ovulation- after ovulation your temperature will spike by at least 2/10 of a degree than the
highest of the previous six recorded temperatures and WILL REMAIN ELEVETED until you

menstruate. Ex: on your temperature spike day, count back six temperature recordings and
draw your coverline over the highest of the six.

Coverline- the line drawn over the highest of the six temperature recordings before ovulation.
All of your post-ovulation (luteal phase) temperature recordings will be above this line. Within
14 days of ovulating you will start your period. If you have 18 consecutive high temperatures,
you are pregnant.

Wait to have unprotected sex until you have at least 3-4 high temperature recordings to make
sure you actually did ovulate. It’s better to play it safe.

Example Graph:

2. Cervical Fluid

(Image by

Your cervical fluid will increase leading up to ovulation. This is due to increased ovulation levels.
When you have fertile cervical fluid have protected sex. Over time you will find your cervical
fluid pattern.

Raw egg white that stretches between fingers means you are fertile. Avoid sex or use a

Cervical fluid tends to increase as you get closer to ovulation and dries up after ovuation.

Peak Day- the last day of fertile cervical fluid. You will ovulate the day of or within 2 days of
your Peak Day. Peak Day is only known by hindsight.

3. Cervical Position (optional)

The opening of your cervix is hard like the tip of the nose, but leading up to ovulation it drops
and gets softer as it opens.

You are fertile on the days leading up to ovulation. Once you start getting fertile cervical fluid,
assume you are fertile. This can be anywhere from 8-10 days for you. After ovulation you can
not get pregnant for that particular cycle.

FAM is 99.4%-99.6% effective which is the same as hormonal birth control options.

Further Resources:

“Taking Charge of Your Fertility” by Toni Weschler
“The 5th Vital Sign” by Lisa Hendrickson-Jack
“Fertility Friday” Podcast

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