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 Musculoskeletal Problems

 Eyestrain & Headaches

 Hearing Loss
 Exposure to Radiation
 Computer Addiction
 RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)
RSI can occur when repetitive actions are performed incorrectly. It usually
affects the wrist, arm and upper back.
RSI can include inflammation of joints, damaged ligaments and muscles or
hairline fractures in bones.

 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

When your wrist stays bent for long periods of time (from typing or using a
mouse) – there can be a feeling of numbness, or a tingling, like your hand is
falling asleep.
 Backache and Neck Pain
 Ergonomic Keyboards

 Touch Typing

 Ergonomic Mouse Pads

 Good Posture

 Rest
Caused by:
 Staring at the monitor for long periods
 Glare
 Improper lighting

 Computer Vision Syndrome is caused by eye

strain. Symptoms include fatigue, headaches, dry
eyes, teary eyes, pain in and around the eyes,
inability to maintain focus.
 Take regular breaks

 Blink frequently

 Reduce glare

 Clean computer monitor

 Top of monitor should be at eye level

 Adjust screen brightness

 Many electronic devices and appliances such as
desktop computers, laptops, cell phones, televisions
and microwave ovens all emit radiation.

 Exposure to radiation can cause fertility issues in

both men and women, skin burns, cancers as well as
other serious health conditions.
 Keep laptops off laps
 Sit at least 3 feet away from desktops
 Use houseplants to emit oxygen
 Eat antioxidant foods
 Use wired peripherals instead of wireless
 Keep Wi-Fi switched off where possible
 Limit time spent on cell phones
 Use loud speaker on cell phones
 Do not sleep with cell phone next to you
1. What is radiation?
2. What does antioxidant mean?
3. Make a list of at least FIVE (5) antioxidant foods that you
can find right here in Trinidad.
Using headphones/earbuds to listen to
music too much or too loud can lead to
hearing loss.

Tips to Avoid Hearing Loss:

 Do not listen so loud
 Limit time spent listening to music
 Use headphones instead of
 Use noise cancelling headphones
 Computer addiction is an excessive desire and use of
the computer or internet that results in negative
consequences socially, financially, physically,
emotionally or otherwise for the user.

 A preoccupation with computers can lead to problems

with relationships, problems with productivity or
problems with self-care and hygiene.
 Limit your computer use.
 Commit to only using the computer for school
 Look for social support (maybe from good
 Keep a computer diary that records each time
you use the computer.
 Get professional help.
Keep a record of how much time you spend on your computer for the next 7

Day Time Duration What I used my device for

Wednesday 1st March 23 8.10-2.30 School
(example) 5.00-6.00 Games
7.00-9.00 Home work

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