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4. Which are the GHG?

GHG or greenhouse gas emissions are created through different productive activities, the
excessive rise of it in the natural level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has intensified
dramatically since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

5. What do greenhouse gases do?

Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere and affects life on the Earth.

6. Which are the sources of emission of CO2?

The burning of fossil fuels is one of the main sources of emission of carbon dioxide, methane
and nitrous oxide. Logging, deforestation and burning trees releases carbon dioxide and
methane into the atmosphere.

7. Which are the reasons of the increase of GHG in Latin America?

A cause that has increased greenhouse gases, especially in Latin America, is the change in land

8. Which is the relation between GHG and global warming?

The relation between them is that because of the excessive amount of GHG emissions from
human activities is changing the balance of the Earth`s natural processes, increasing the
greenhouse effect. This means that the amount of solar energy retained on Earth is greater
than centuries ago. This gradual increase in global temperature is known as global warming.

9. List five events as evidence of climate change. Explain them.

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