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 Para 1
1. Vocab:
 Shoot up: to grow in size, or increase in number or level,
very quickly
 On the back of sth : soon after an earlier success, and as
a result of it
 Surge ahead : suddenly start to become
more successful, profitable etc than other companies
or products of the same type.
 Rumour: a piece of information or a story that people talk
about, that may not be true.
 Capital flow: the movement of money for the purpose of
investment trade or business production.
 Tentative sign:uncertain , gentle mark/signal.
 Consolidate: strengthen, reinforce.
2. Summary
 The dollar shot up against the euro on the back of
employment data showing the US economy continuing to
surge ahead.

 After rising nearly a cent in a few minutes after the data were
released in the middle of the European session, the dollar
consolidated its new position. 
 against the yen, the dollar remained unmoved by the
data, evidence that many traders expect the dollar's next move
to be further down against the Japanese currency
 Para 2
 Administration:the arrangements and tasks needed to control the 
operation of a plan or organization (sự quản lý)
 Denial : a statement that something is not true or does not exist (từ
chối ko chấp nhận)
 Ambassador : an important official who works in a foreign country
representing his or her own country there, and who is officially
accepted in this position by that country ( đại sứ )
 Rumours that the US administration was actively pushing Japan to
loosen monetary policy knocked the yen sharply lower against the
dollar yesterday.
 Despite a denial of this by Thomas Foley, the US ambassador to
Japan, the yen dropped sharply lower against the dollar during the
Aslan trading session.

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