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1. What is retraction?

  How important is the retraction of Jose Rizal for the

Catholic church?
Retraction is a document containing a message that Dr. Jose Rizal’s reconciliation with
Catholic Church and his abjuration of masonry. What makes the retraction of Rizal
important for the Catholic Church is because it declares his belief in the catholic faith
and takes back everything he wrote against the church.

2. If it was true that Rizal retracted as per allegation by the friars, what do you
think was its effect to his fellow reformists/propagandists?
I think if it was true that Rizal retracted as per allegation by the friars, his fellow
reformists might be dissatisfied why will he retract his writings that inspired the Filipinos
to stand up and fight for freedom, which also caused everyone to recognize him as a
true hero and treasure of the Philippine nation.

3. Was there really retraction made by Jose Rizal? Why? Why not?
For me, I think there is no retraction made by Jose Rizal because the supposed original
document should be made known to the public. As it is also stated from Rafael Palma’s
analysis that the moment Jose Rizal’s family asked for a original copy, their petition
were ignored. If they have accepted the abjure, they won’t let Rizal buried outside Paco

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