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Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on

their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as

Predictor for higher performance in Physics


Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on their Academic

Performance in lower Mathematics as Predictor for higher performance in


A Research Presented to the Faculty of

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics of the Senior High School

Department of Becuran High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the course, Practical Research 2


Chavez, Joudie

Miranda, William Lance A.

De Guzman, Dexter

Canlas, Christine B.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


I. Introduction

II. Review of Related Literatures

Mathematical competencies have gained a foothold in mathematics education

research, development and practice throughout the last two decades (Miss &

Højgaard, 2019). Mathematical competence is formed in the process of activity and

for future professional activity, to have mathematical competence you need to be able

to mobilize a system of mathematical knowledge and experiences in a given situation

(Jamshid Fayzullaev, 2020). Misunderstandings in basic knowledge can be a

hindrance in the efforts of students who attend technical high schools, where the core

subjects are mostly based on Mathematics (Barana, 2019). The notion of

competency was first introduced in a psychological context as an alternative to

intelligence (McClelland, 1973 in Geraniou & Jankvist, 2019). Because of our

improving technology, digital technologies were applied in mathematics education.

Because of that, we often see students who are always using their mathematical

competencies and digital competencies (Geraniou & Jankvist, 2019). The concept of

competence has gained an increased foothold in mathematics education (Pettersen &

Braeken, 2019). We can say that learning mathematics is very valuable for students

because it is closely related and applicable to the daily life (Kenedi, 2019). The

purpose of the study of Xiaoxia Huang and others (2019) is to test a proposed

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


model consisting of mathematics anxiety, mathematics self-efficacy, and implicit

theories of intelligence in predicting mathematics and science career interest. The

respondents of the study were One hundred fifty-two (152) seventh-grade students in

a middle school in the United States of America. The results of the study showed that

boys’ mathematics self-efficacy is moderate in the relation between implicit theories

of intelligence and mathematics and science career interest. Lastly, the students level

in mathematics exerted a direct impact on mathematics anxiety, growth mindset, and

career interest. On the other hand, girls’ mathematics anxiety exerted a direct impact

on their career interest. Implications of the results are discussed (Huang, 2019).

Intrinsic motivation, goal setting, and SRL are influenced by perceived

competence(e.g., Cho et al. 2011; Ferla et al. 2010; Miller et al. 1993 in Pelikan,

2021). Mathematical competence of students is defined as a set of mathematical

skills, experience, knowledge and abilities that allows students to solve various

problems using mathematic knowledge (Kholdorovich, 2022).

The study by Elisabeth Rosa Pelikan and others (2021) named “Learning

during COVID-19: the role of self-regulated learning, motivation, and

procrastination for perceived competence” investigated the differences between

students who perceive themselves as highly competent vs those who perceive

themselves as having low academical competence. The goal of their

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


study was to investigate students differing in their perceived competence when

learning during COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, they investigated how

students differ in terms of decisive variables for successful learning in many

studies. This variables includes SRL strategies, intrinsic learning motivation, and

passive procrastination as well as their experiences of challenges and successes

during learning (Pelikan, 2021). The results of the study stated that students

who experienced themselves as highly competent often use SRL strategies, were

more intrinsically motivated, seemed to cope better, and have less need for

support than students with lower perceived competence (Pelikan, 2021).

The study by Leo A. Mamolo & Shalom Grace C. Sugano (2020) analyzed

the perceived and actual reasons behind the mathematical competence level of

410 grade 12 students in their General Mathematics. To measure, the researchers

employed a General Mathematics Competency test. Rapid Competency

Assessment Questionnaire to analyze students’ self-perceived learned

competence; and, interview schedule for the reasons for having the acquired

competence. The results of the study stated that the three (3) areas of

mathematics: Functions and their graphs, Business mathematics and Logic, were

perceived by senior high school students to be more satisfactory. The data from

the study revealed that factors such as environment, low self-perception,

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


personal factors and teacher affects the students competence. The study also

indicated a weak positive relationship between students’ perceived most learned

competence and actual competencies. There was no correlation between the two

variables. Lastly, the data from the study indicted that senior high school students

can positively assess themselves in learning General Mathematics (Mamolo &

Sugano, 2020).

The study by Ginny Smith and others (2022) aimed to explore factors that

might affect or impact students’ learning, some of these factors includes gender,

ethnicity, and performance-based perceived competence. The researchers

gathered 199 students in year 11, the students were tasked to play a 2D digital

STEM learning game across six science classes. The results of the surveys,

pretests, posttests, and questionnaires from the study revealed that there is no

interaction between gender and ethnicity to Performance-based competence. On

the other hand, the researchers found out that there is a significant difference

between males and females when it comes in performance-based perceived

competence and in-game performance, both of these factors are in favor on males

over females. When it comes to ethnicity, researchers also found out that there is a

significant difference with in-game performance favoring White and Hispanic

students over Black/African American students. However, the

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


differences in gender and in ethnicity were insignificant once the authors

controlled for both perceived competence and pretest scores. This proves the idea

that neither race nor gender truly influence one’s ability to perform in digital

learning games true (Ginny Smith, 2022).

One of the ways used to determine the effectiveness of a country’s

educational system and curriculum is by means of assessing it (Santos & Boyon,

2020). International Mathematics and Science Study Advanced revealed that

Filipino students or learners performed less well in Basic Calculus than other

areas of mathematics (Santos & Boyon, 2020). The study titled “EFFECT OF



Santos and Ma. Carolina L. Boyon, developed Inquiry based lesson exemplars to

improve grade 11 STEM students competencies in learning Basic Calculus. The

study also investigated the effects of the inquiry-based lesson exemplars on

students learning competencies. The respondents of the study consisted of 98

grade 11 STEM students in the second semester of academic year 2018 – 2019 of

a national high school in Philippines. The researchers validated ten inquiry-based

lesson exemplars, adopting the 5E learning cycle, for 13 learning competencies on

Limits and Continuity. The results of the study stated that the developed

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


inquiry based lessons had a positive impact on students’ competency in learning

Basic Calculus, specifically, it enhanced the students mastery of Basic Calculus

competencies on limits and continuity. These finding supports the idea that high

school mathematics teachers may also develop inquiry-based lessons to positively

improve their students’ academic performance and learning competencies (Santos

& Boyon, 2020). During the COVID-19 pandemic, learning loss were considered

due to closures of some schools that led to a low academic achievement of

students all over the world (Schultz, 2022). Since some schools were closed,

learning modalities were shifted to distance learning, however, most students

spent less time learning. The study by Johannes Schult and others (2022)

investigated the competencies of fifth graders in some schools in Germany. The

researchers used large-scale assessment results in reading and mathematics. The

results showed that the scores of the students were slightly lower in 2020

compared to the three previous years. Low achieving readers attained pre-

pandemic mathematical competence levels. The researchers also found out that

school characteristics played a minor role in mediating the schools’ learning loss

(Schultz, 2022).

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) competencies are

essential foundations that improves the personal scientific literacy of

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


citizens, it also enhances international economic competitiveness (Maass,

2019).S who learned under blended learning felt positive attitudes, it can also

improve the student’ performance, understanding concepts and student learning

outcomes (Fitri & Zahari, 2019). Students claim that they can access learning material

and revisit some difficult material in their convenience time (Setyaningrum, 2018)

A Quasi-experimental study conducted by Ulfa and others entitled “ The

Effectiveness of Blended Learning Using A Learning System in Network (SPADA)

in Understanding of Mathematical Concept “, aimed to see the effectiveness of the

application of learning with BL in terms of understanding students concepts. The

respondents of the study were the total population of all Indonesian students in

Teknokrat University. Based on the results, the researchers concluded that the

application of learning in BL is effective when viewed from the understanding of

student concepts (Ulfa,, 2020).

The study by Ary Kiswanto Kenedi and others (2019) entitled “Mathematical

Connection of Elementary School Students to Solve Mathematical Problems”, aimed

to determine the ability of elementary school students in solving mathematical

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


problems. This research employed a qualitative-descriptive method. The researchers

used observation, interview, and tests to collect data. The results showed that 91.67%

of students belonged to below average, 6.67% in fair category and 11.67% in poor

category. This result supports the idea that the mathematical connection ability of

elementary school students in solving mathematics problems is still low (Kenedi,, 2019).

The study of Rustam E Simamora and Sahat Saragih was focused on the

qualified learning materials in teaching, in the study, they stated that these materials

are need to improve the quality of learning and teaching of mathematics to students,

Qualified learning materials are obtained through developmental researches. The

study itself used a learning material that was developed based on guided discovery

learning model using the development model of Thiagarajan. The results of the study

revealed that learning materials improved students’ ability to solve mathematical

problems and it also significantly improved the students’ mathematical self-efficacy

(Simamora & Saragih, 2019).

Resoluteness in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

majors mostly depends on persistence in mathematics (Czocher, 2020).

Mathematics is one of the fields that has important role in the 21st-century

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


thinking because mathematics involves the process of logical and systematic thinking

to solve problems. Mathematics serves an important role in academic fields in the 21st

Century, this is because mathematics involves processes of logical, systematic, and

critical thinking to solve problems given in the subject and in real life (Dewanti,

2020). Different studies shows that the learning and performance is students is

affected by different factors such as the students’ attitude towards the subject,

teachers instructional practices, and school environment (Mazana, 2019).

Negative factors affecting mathematical performances of students has always been a

critical focus of research aimed to understand and develop ways to improve and

increase one’s mathematic knowledge (Barroso 2020). Math anxiety refers to the

negative feelings such as fear, tension, and apprehension when a person engages with

mathematics (Zhang, 2019). Math anxiety is the negative feelings a person have

towards mathematics subjects. Evidences shows that this type of anxiety is somehow

related to math-anxiety avoidance. Addressing this negative feelings toward

mathematics may potentially increase the interest and success in STEM field (Choe,

The study by Leo Mamolo (2019) titled “Analysis of Senior High School

Students’ Competency in General Mathematics” analyzed the competency level of

425 grade 12 students during 2017-2018 school year in General

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


Mathematics. The researchers used and employed a validated general mathematics

competency test. Results of the study revealed that all strands (Technical Vocational

and Livelihood (TVL) track, and the Accountancy, Business, and Management

(ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), and General Academic (GA)

strands of the academic track) were fair in competency. On the other hand, Only the

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand got a satisfactory

level (Mamolo, 2019).

The study by Mumcu & Aktas (2015) aimed to determine the students’

mathematical self efficacy perceptions and attitudes. The study also aimed to see the

relationship between attitudes and self-efficacy perceptions towards mathematics

themselves. In methods, the researchers used and employed a descriptive study in

survey method as the design of the study, one way ANOVA and correlation

techniques were used by the researchers to obtain the results. The findings and results

of the study revealed that the scores of the students for attitude and self efficacy

perceptions tend to be uncertain. Students who are enrolled in regular school

programs showed higher self efficacy perceptions than those students who enrolled in

vocational programs. Lastly, a positive correlation was found between students’

attitudes and self-efficacy perceptions towards mathematics (Mumcu & Aktas, 2015).

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


The Mathematics In the Modern World (MITMW) is a 3-unit subject which is

consists of 36 general education units started in 2018 and we’re implemented in all

general education curriculum. Today, Mathematics in the Modern World (MITMW)

is one of the general education subjects taught in the new college curriculum in the

Philippines (Roman & Villanueva ). The study by Roman and Villanueva (2019),

aimed to describe the self assessment of students in their acquisition of the

competencies set in the Mathematics in the Modern World (MITMW). The

participants of the study consisted of Two hundred seventy-one (271) first year

college students. The study then created a hypothesis, stating that the perceived extent

of acquisition of the first year college students on the competencies intended for

Mathematics in the Modern World and their extent of difficulties experienced provide

significant relationship to their performance. Results of the study showed that first

year college students attain higher extent of acquisitions on the competencies of

Mathematics in the Modern World (MITMW). The students did show some

difficulties in some areas of MITMW, however, they still showed a satisfactory

performance in the subject. Lastly, The study found out that acquired competencies

and difficulties showed significant relationship to students perform in Mathematics in

The Modern World (MITMW) (Roman & Villanueva, 2019).

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


The study by Adonis Fulgar Cerbito (2020), titled Comparative Analysis of

Mathematics Proficiency and Attitudes Toward Mathematics of Senior High School

Student” assessed the attitudes of senior high school students from different strands in

mathematics as well as their proficiency level in mathematics. The respondents

consisted of 868 grade 11 senior high students from different strands. The “Attitudes

toward mathematics inventory (ATMI) were employed by the researchers to measure

and determine the students’ attitudes in terms of value, enjoyment, motivation, and

self-confidence. The results of the study showed that there is a significant relationship

between attitudes towards mathematics and proficiency in mathematics, students’

across strands showed a negative attitudes towards mathematics. These means that the

educators should be aware on the attitudes of their students to help them improve

their proficiency in mathematics (Cerbito, 2020)

A retrospective study by Bridget Maley and Margaret Rafferty (2019) titled

“Can math competency predict success in nursing school?” Focused on the nursing

students grades in mathematics and examined whether the students’grades has an

effect on specific math courses on program completion. The researchers tested if

math proficiency indicators can be a predictor in program completion, an associate

degree nursing program. The results of the study provided support and stated that

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


mathematical competency is an important predictor of success in an urban public

college (Maley & Rafferty, 2019).

The study by namkung and others (2019) examined the relationship between

math anxiety and mathematics performance among school aged students as well as

identify the factors affecting the students’ grades. Results of the study showed a

significant negative correlation exist between math anxiety and math performance,

some factors that the researchers found to be affecting students’ grades were students’

course grade, GPA and final exams (Namkung, 2019).

A study by Rebysarah S. Tambaoan and Derren N. Gaylo (2019) aimed to

investigate the effects of differentiated instruction towards their academic

performance and engagement in Basic Calculus.The researchers employed a Quasi-

experimental design for this study consisting of sixty Grade 11 learners in the

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) strand of Bukidnon

State University Secondary School, Malaybalay City. The research instruments that

the researchers used in this study were researcher-made academic performance test

and engagement scale that were expertly evaluated, validated and reliability

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


analyzed. The results revealed that the learners’ academic performance was Very

Satisfactory, learners taught with the conventional instruction was Fairly Satisfactory.

A significant difference was found in the academic performance between the two

groups of learners, in favor of those taught with differentiated instruction. Lastly, the

study concluded that the engagement level of the learners in the experimental group

was Moderate before and after the intervention (Tambaoan & Gaylo, 2019).

Developing and understanding multiple equations for a specific problem is

valuable in effective learning in mathematics (Schukajlow, 2019). Students are

expected to use their knowledge in mathematics and also to develop the ability to

apply mathematics in everyday life (Siagian, 2019). Problem solving ability and

metacognition ability are factors that are related to learning, thinking and problems

solving competencies (Siagian, 2019). Numerous research studies have argued

that problem-solving skills is somehow related to reading comprehension (Öztürk, 2019). Problems solving is not only the purpose of learning mathematics but

also the main means of learning mathematics (Siagian, 2019). Self-efficacy is

considered as a strong predictor for the performance and persistence in STEM

education as it represents an individual’s level of confidence to perform given tasks in

a particular domain (Espinosa, 2019).

The study of Maureen Siew Fang Chong and others (2019) developed the

“RECCE-MODEL”, a framework that emphasizes the understanding and

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


thinking of students in mathematics in real life. It stands for Realistic, Educational,

Contextual, Cognitive, and Evaluation. Aside from that, it also Encompassed

underlying principles in teaching problem solving, it guides the teachers in planning,

designing, developing, and facilitating real-life activity tasks. It also explores

students’ competency in their application of their mathematical knowledge to real life

problems Their study investigated the development of the students in activity tasks

developed by the teachers. In total, 94 students from two high schools in Brunei

Darussalam answered a students’ questionnaire. The findings showed that Brunei

high school students stimulated beliefs and positive attitudes on non-routine problem-

solving in the learning of mathematics. The RECCE-MODEL framework showed the

way towards understanding the relationships between effective pedagogical

approaches and students’ learning (Chong, 2019).

The study of Roberto Capone and others (2021) described the main findings

of a national action-research project aimed at improving numeracy and mathematical

literacy. The main focus of the study is on the processes underlying the creation of

capabilities in representation, reasoning and communication. The participants of the

study consisted of 400 fifteen-years- old students from 20 high schools classes in the

Campania region. The researchers investigated if the experimental activities might

affect the acquisition of representation and communication skills and

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


improve the PISA levels. Results of the study showed that students had more

difficulty when changing semiotic registers. The researchers saw a process of

evolution towards more and more complete arguments and the use of a more and

more rigorous language from the scientific point of view. The researchers also

analyzed the skill levels of the students, a positive trend has been evidenced as the

effect of the realized activities (Capone, 2021).

The study of Yung Lau and others (2019) investigated the direct effecs of

volunteer motivation towards social problem-solving ability, self-efficacy, and mental

health, the study also examined the mediating effects on volunteer motivation and

mental health by testing social problem-solving ability and self-efficacy of 1530

undergraduate students. The researchers examined a hypothetical model that

integrates the concepts of Self-Determination Theory, the Social Problem Solving

Model, and the Self-Efficacy Belief Model. The results of the study demonstrated that

volunteer motivation showed significant relationship with social problem-solving

ability and self-efficacy of students. The researchers classified 3 mediators

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


namely; social problem-solving ability (positive problem orientation, negative

problem orientation, and avoidance style) and self-efficacy. Lastly, the researchers

concluded that, volunteer motivation provides a way to enhance social problem-

solving ability and self-efficacy (Lau, 2019).

STEM is a academic field that requires numeracy, understanding and

analyzing data including critical analysis; understanding of scientific and

mathematical principles (Sagala, 2019). Most students view physics negatively

because the lessons are very abstract, and the solution of word problems must be

based on different concepts and theorie (Balboa, 2019). “Students are more likely to

engage in activities that they feel efficacious. In other words, students need and like

to have self-efficacy for learning material before they engage in strategic effort”

(Doordinejad & Afshar, 2014 in Ale, 2020). Self efficacy plays an important role

in students engagement, participation, and retention in academic careers in science,

technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) (Kalender, 2020).

The study by Alaba Tolulope Agbele and others (2020) assessed the best

teaching methodologies in teaching physics in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Fifty senior

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


secondary schools consisting of randomly selected thirty males and twenty females

took a “students achievement tests”, this test was used by the researchers to gather

and collect data from the respondents. The result of the study showed that

collaborative inquiry method is much better than the traditional one. The study also

found out that male students had a better performance in Physics as a science subject

than female students (Agbele, 2020). On the other hand, the study of José A

Gómez-Tejedor and others (2020) used flip teaching (FT) to identify the different

effects of this type of learning method to students’ academic performance. The results

of the study showed positive results stating that the Academic results of students were

both better under Flip teaching (FT) and Traditional Method ™ (Tejedor, 2020).

The quasi-experimental study of Yunzal & Casinillo (2020) aimed to find out

if Physics Education Technology (PhET) simulations can positively affect the

performance of 72 senior high school students under STEM strands in Baybay City in

some selected topics in physics, particularly, in electrodynamics. Results of the study

showed that the performance of students before and after undergoing PhET

simulation does not necessarily had a big difference in their performance, however, it

did indicated a slight improvement to their performances (Yunzal & Casinillo, 2020).

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


The study by Xiantong Yang, Mengmeng Zhang, Lingqiang Kong, Qiang

Wang, Jon-Chao Hong (2022) constructed a model of Question-Observation-Doing-

Explanation(Q0DE) and was applied to science learning during learning in COVID-

19 Pandemic. The study is supported by Bandura’s motivation theory and community

of inquiry model. The researchers used 357 valid questionnaires for the study. The

results of the study stated that there is no significant relationship between scientific

learning ability and scientific learning behavior. The researchers also concluded that

cognitive anxiety is not related to four types of science engagement. Lastly, these

evidences supports the idea that game-based learning on smartphones contributes a

deeper understanding associations between scientific self-efficacy, cognitive anxiety,

and science engagement (Yang, 2021).

Research studies focused on conducting and investigating K-12 schools

concludes that learners who believe firmly in their academic capabilities perform

better academically (Usher, 2015 in Usher, 2019). Academic self-efficacy is

considered as one of the most important motivational variables that improves

students’ academic performance and well-being (Usher, 2019).

III. Theoretical Framework

This section reflects the models and theories which guided the researcher in

the conduct of the study. The study was based on the Self-efficacy Theory, Self-

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


determination Theory, Harter’s competence motivation Theory, Social Cognitive

Theory, and The ABC Attitude Model.

According to Self-efficacy Theory, self-efficacy is a belief in our own

abilities, especially the ability to master previous tasks and succeed in tasks. General

self-efficacy refers to our general belief in the ability to succeed, but there are many

other specific forms of self-efficacy that is academics, parenting or exercise.T

psychological theory of self-efficacy was born from Albert Bandura’s work. He

realized that there was a mechanism that played a major role in people’s lives, which

was not actually defined and systematically observed until then. The mechanism was

the belief that humans could influence the events of their lives. Bandura suggests that

perceived self-efficacy influences coping behaviors initiated when a person faces

stress or challenges, and how much effort spent to reach the goal, determine how long

it will take to pursue those goals. He hypothesized that self-efficacy is a self-efficacy

is a self-sustaining characteristic. When people are driven to solve problems in

their own words, they have a positive experience, which in turn enhances self-


Another theory is the Self-determination Theory, which is about human

motivation and character and states that humans may become self-determined as long

as their needs for competence, relatedness, and autonomy are fulfilled. The presence

as opposed to absence of environmental situations that permit pleasure of

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


those fundamental wants is a major predictor of whether or not human people will

demonstrate power and intellectual health. Self-determination theory posits that

human beings are pushed with the aid of using 3 innate and time-honored mental

wishes, and that private wellness is an immediate feature of the pleasure of those

fundamental mental wishes. Competence is a term applied to explain a person who

has enough features to Carry out a given mission or to explain the nation of getting

enough intellect, Judgment, skill,and/or strength. When an individual feels in a

position they sense capable of engage correctly inside their environment, and that

they have the capabilities wished for fulfillment too make certain that their goals are

achieved. A competent person feels a sense of mastery over their environment.If

responsibilities are too hard or someone gets poor remarks, emotions of competence

can decrease. Alternatively, emotions of competence are stronger while the needs of a

mission are optimally matched to someone’s capabilities, or nice remarks is received.

According to White, this competency is motivated by self-rewarding

behaviors induced by a desire for challenge, curiosity, mastery, and playfulness.

Harter (1978) elaborated on White’s research by including the development of

children. Harter specifically combined internalization of self-regulated skills such as,

self-judgment, self-reinforcement, and self-set mastery goals, and the children’s

socialization history; who emotionally or psychologically impacted them, and to what


In Harter’s model, significant others impact emotional outcomes, or affect,

Indirectly through perceived competence. Affect is defined as “a general,

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


valenced response to a stimulus that does not require thought processes to precede it”

(Lox et al., 2006). At home, parents’ attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors impact their

children’s affect (Jones & Lagacé, 2006). In school, teachers’ expectations influence

children’s perceptions of competence and affect (Trouilloud, Sarrazin, Bressoux, &

Bois, 2006). According to Harter (1978), higher perceived competence and control

will be correlated with greater enjoyment and a decrease in negative emotions (Horn

& Amorose, 1998). Harter’s competence motivation theory (1978) can be used to

explain motivation to participate and drop out of physical activity. This theory

represents an interactionist view of behavior, incorporating both individual and

situational factors that impact one’s motivation. The original model came from White

(1959). Harter, expanded on the premise that people are intrinsically motivated to

master specific domains. As a consequence, they gain and display competence and

control over their environment, which in turn increases pleasure (positive affect or

enjoyment). If people succeed, it increases motivation to adhere to physical activity.

However, if people do not believe they are competent in that domain, they will have

negative affect, and this will decrease their motivation. In addition, her model

incorporates the impact of significant others on one’s perceptions of competence,

affect, and motivation (Harter, 1978).

Albert Bandura developed the Social Cognitive Theory based on the concept

that learning is affected by cognitive, behavioral, and environmental factors

(Bandura, 1991). In contrast to the traditional psychological theories that

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


emphasized learning through direct experience, Bandura posited that Virtually all

learning phenomena can occur by observing other people’s behavior and consequence

of it (Bandura, 1986).

Social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1986) underscores the role of human

agency within a triadic interaction of individual, behavioural and environmental

factors. The idea that individuals are able to influence their actions has laid the

foundations for the development of the self-efficacy construct. In a socio-cognitive

perspective, self-efficacy is defined as “people’s judgements of their capabilities to

organise and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of

performance” (Bandura, 1986, p. 391). Applied to the teaching profession, self-

efficacy beliefs shape the teacher’s effort and persistence, resilience towards failures,

and the stress level in response to demanding tasks. Teacher self-efficacy is

composed of the key domains of teachers’ work: instructional, motivational and

classroom management self-efficacy (Tschannen-Moran, Woolfolk Hoy, & Hoy,

1998). According to Bandura (1997), performance accomplishments, or prior

teaching experience, is a major source of teacher self-efficacy. A key characteristic of

teacher self-efficacy is that it is a task, domain, and context-specific construct

(Bandura, 1997, 2006). As such, teachers’ self-efficacy depends on the subject-matter

taught, as well as on the students being taught (Tschannen-Moran et al., 1998).

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Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


The ABC Attitude Model is also called a Tripartite Model. It serves as a

useful theoretical framework for developing mathematics attitude measures. The

ABC Model of Attitude is based on a Hierarchical Model described in Ajzen (1993)

who conceptualises an attitude as an amalgam of three separate measurable

components: affect (A), behaviour (B) and cognition (C). Affect is the emotional

component consisting of feelings and emotions that are associated with an attitude

object (in our study mathematics). The behavior is the action component consisting of

predispositions to act in a particular way towards the attitude object. Cognition is a

mental component that consists of belief and perceptions people hold about the

attitude object. These three components must be present before we say that an attitude

exists. A particular attitude may consist a positive emotion that is, feeling happy in a

mathematics classroom (affect), intend to learn more mathematics (behaviour) and

belief that mathematics is easy to learn (cognition). Students may form a favourable

or an unfavourable attitude towards mathematics. Students acquire attitudes over time

through direct experience of learning mathematics or by receiving information about

the mathematics subject. Students use the learned attitudes as a guide to their overt

behaviour with respect to mathematics learning, resulting in consistently favourable

or unfavourable patterns of reactions towards the subject. Attitudes are assumed to be

precursors of mathematics learning behaviour. In predicting behaviour based on a

particular attitude, Ajzen and Fishbein (1977) postulate that there should be a

correspondence between measures of attitude and those of behaviour. Students’

attitude to mathematics represents their evaluation of learning mathematics

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


as a subject. Attitudes can be verbal or non-verbal actions (Ajzen, 1993). Several

researchers have attempted to measure attitude using different instruments. Ajzen

(ibid) proposes three measures of behaviour. They include observable actions

performed by the subjects that are recorded by the investigator, individual

commitment to perform the behaviours, and self-reported behaviour. However, the

last two measures can only be considered if it becomes difficult to make direct

observations of certain behaviours. High correspondence between attitude and

behaviour measures can be achieved through standard scaling measures like Likert

scale (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1977) which we have adopted in this study.

IV. Conceptual Framework

In this study, the researchers’ goal is to measure the students’ perceived

competence and performance in their mathematics subjects as predictors to physics 1.

The researchers will formulate a questionnaire for students, the first set is for the

profile of the respondents : (1) Age, (2) Sex, (3) Grade in Pre Calculus, General

Mathematics, Statistics, Basic Calculus and (4) Physics 1.

After gathering data about the profile of respondents, the researchers

will choose a total of 81 Senior high school students, the chosen respondents is

required to answer the survey and questionnaire that the researchers will
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Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


provide in order for the researchers to measure the students’ perceived competence

and performance in their mathematics subjects as predictors to physics 1. The

collecting and interpreting of data will start after the survey, as a result, a conclusion

and suggestion related to the study will be established.

V. Research Paradigm

VI. Statement of the problem

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


The main goal of this research is to measure the students’ perceived

competence and performance in their mathematics subjects as predictors to physics 1.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. How can the profile of respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Grade in Pre Calculus, Gen-Math, Statistics, Basic Calculus and;

1.4 Grade in Physics 1

2. How can the participants’ self competence on the following areas of

mathematics be described in terms of:

2.1 Solving Equations

2.2 Understanding of Math Concept

2.3 Integration math concept with science concepts

3. Is their a significance relationship between their perceived competence

and performance in mathematics subjects.

4. Can the participants perceived competence be a predictor for physics.

5. Can the participants performance in math can be a predictor to the

performance in physics 1 .

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Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


I. Significance of the study

The results of our study will be beneficial to:

Teachers: Teachers, particularly in mathematics may benefit from the results

of our study since it may give them valuable information about their students’

mathematical competence and how it affects their learning.

Parents: The results of the study will help parents be aware of their children's

Mathematical competence, valuable information from our study might help them

support their children in terms of academic success.

Students: The results of the study and recommendations formulated will help

them identify their level of sense of self-competence. Because self-perceived

academic competence precedes intrinsic motivation, there is growing evidence that

greater self-perceived academic competence would enhance students’ intrinsic

motivation, which in turn, would promote their academic achievement.

Future Researchers: The results of the study and recommendations

formulated may be of help for future researcers to further evaluate the students’ level

of self-competence in terms of other variables.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


II. Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this study focuses on the competence of Senior high school

students, the primary subjects of this study will consist of 80 senior high school

students enrolled in the academic year 2022-2023 in the Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) strand in Becuran High school, a

quantitative method will be applied in this study to measure the perceived

competence of the students on their academic performance in lower mathematics

as a predictor for higher performance in Physics 1. The study will use survey

questionnaires in the form of a Likert Scale to get information from students.

Moreover, the study will only be conducted for senior high students

enrolled Becuran High School. Also, personal information like address, religion,

and learning reference numbers won’t be looked at because they have nothing to

do with the subject of this study.

III. Research Methodologies

This section presents the different methodologies that will be use

in conducting this study. It discusses the research design, participants of

the study, sampling method, research Instruments and ethical

considerations in the conduct of the study.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


IV. Research design

The main purpose of this study is to measure and identify the

perceived competence of senior high school students of Becuran High

School in lower mathematics as predictor for higher performance in

physics. Lower mathematics subjects includes pre-calculus, basic calculus,

general mathematics, and statistics. Therefore, the researchers will use a

descriptive- correlational design to identify if there is a relationship

between the students’ perceived competence in lower mathematics and

higher performance in physics.

V. Participants of the study

The respondents of this study will be senior high school students

enrolled in academic year 2022 to 2023 in Becuran High School.

However, since the focus of the study is on the students’ “higher

performance in physics”, the respondents of the study should be a student

under the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics strand and

should be in grade 12. The participants will answer a set of questionnaires

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Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


formulated by the researchers to measure their perceived-competence on

their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as Predictor for higher

performance in Physics.

VI. Sampling method

The researchers will employ total population sampling technique in

this study, the total number of students under the grade 12 Stem strand is

eighty-five (85), forty-five (45) for STEM Jonah and forty (40) STEM

Joshua. Therefore the respondents of this study will be eighty-one (81)

STEM students of Becuran High School.

VII. Research Instruments

The researchers will formulate 23 item questionnaires, the first 8

items is for the demographics or profile of the respondents. The profile

includes the respondents’ name, age, sex average grade in pre calculus,

basic calculus, general mathematics, statistics and physics 1. There will be

5 items for each variable for the respondents to rate and for the researchers

to easily measure the students’ perceived competence in lower

mathematics. In measuring the perceived competence of students. The

researchers will use a four (4) point likert scale, the likert scale that the
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Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


researchers will use will be (4) for strongly agree, (3) for agree, (2) for

disagree and (1) for strongly disagree. The researchers will use this Likert

scales because they are the most reliable methods in measuring

respondents’ satisfaction, attitudes, perceptions and behaviors (Refae,, 2020).

VIII. Ethical Considerations in the Conduct of the Study

The researchers will consider ethical principles such as the

respondents’ privacy, confidentiality, respect to human dignity and

academic fraud. The following ethics that will be use in this study will be

carefully practice by the researchers to avoid any conflicts between the

researchers and the respondents that can affect the outcome of the study.

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Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics



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Predictor for higher performance in Physics


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Perceived Competence of Senior High School students on
their Academic Performance in lower Mathematics as
Predictor for higher performance in Physics


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