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1. Write a short note on the "Save Tiger Committee".

2. What are the views of the Master about violence?

3. How can a person keep his mind steady?
4. What did people say about the Master?
5. What was the notion of the Tiger about God? Why?
6. What did the Master reply to the visitors?
7. How did the woman come to know that the Master was her husband?
8. How did the Master save the tiger in the school?
9. Explain the proverb. "Don't probe too far into the origin of saints and rivers."
10. Whom did the Master preach about Gita? Write a comment.
11. Why did the Master not want the tiger to look anywhere except his path?
12. Write a note about Lantana bush on the basis of the text "The Tiger for Malgudi".
13. Why do human beings suffer according to the Master?
14. What was the purpose of the woman's visit to the Master?
15. Write a note on the character -sketch of the Master as discussed in the text.
16. Write a character sketch of the Tiger.
17. Discuss the conversation between the woman and the Master. Write Your views about the
philosophy of the Master.
18. Who was Jayraj? How did he describe the Master to others?
19. What changes do you see in the character of the tiger after meeting the Master?
20. Do you remember any well-known saint in Indian context whose life story resembles the story of
the Master of the text The Tiger for Malgudi. Write in detail.

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