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The Saber-Tooth Curriculum is a curriculum that applies the survival needs of the
communities according to the changes that they have to adapt to. The community’s support and
involvement in development of curriculum creates a healthy climate of understanding and
encouragement prevailing in the community. Involvement of community members in school can
improve the overall quality of education that students receive. The traditional isolated manner in
which many schools have functioned is ineffective in a time of changing family demographics,
demanding workplace dynamics, and growing student diversity. A curriculum is considered the
“heart” of any learning institution which means that schools or universities cannot exist without a
curriculum. With its importance in formal education, curriculum has become a dynamic process due
to the changes that occur in the society. Published in 1939, The Saber-Tooth Curriculum is a
curriculum that is satirical commentary explaining how unexamined traditions of schooling can result
in resisting needed changes. The curriculum generally means enjoining in traditional ways and old
system of education. It embodies people’s resistance to change and hesitancy to embrace
innovation, even if it’s the only way for survival and what the ages calls for. The curriculum was
promoted to educated students in the art of eliminating threat to tribal safety. When the authors
said that “A curriculum should be timeless” it simply means that our education system should fit
with the needs and serve a purpose. The maturing years in the lives of New-Fist and his disciples
were spent developing the new system in the face scepticisms that greet any change. It is important
to the teachers to know the curriculum, because school’s curriculum informs teachers to what skills
must be taught at each grade level to ultimately prepare for post-secondary education or on the job.
A good curriculum also connects teachers from across grade levels and subjects areas to look at the
big picture of student learning. Teachers can work together to plan a progression of topics that build
off of ones that came before and connect across disciplines. In reality, the Saber-tooth curriculum
still exist until now and it will help our educational system as well as our students on how to do
particular tasked on their own and let them do the things which can help them exercise their mind
as well their skills. And also the teacher should be well-equipped so that students invest interest to
the learning targets of curriculum. Furthermore more as a reader I should say that Saber-tooth
curriculum would be one of few best curriculum that the authors invented and helps us enlightened
our minds in the field of education.

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