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Perform Inspections (Mobile)

In this video, you’ll learn how to perform an inspection from your iOS
mobile device. Once the correct inspection templates have been added to
your project, you're ready to use one of them to perform a new inspection on
the jobsite. While you can perform an inspection from your computer or mo-
bile device, Procore recommends that you perform an inspection on your mo-
bile device for a convenient experience while on the jobsite.
Inspections can help you and your team ensure that all work performed
is in compliance with the project’s specifications. It's critical to keep an accu-
rate record of all project inspections as protection and insurance. You can use
the Inspections tool in Procore to create, perform, and sign any inspections
required on the jobsite.
Once your team’s Procore Admin has added the necessary inspections
templates to your project, you’re ready to perform an inspection. To perform
this action, you’ll need at least ‘Standard’ level permissions or higher on the
project level Inspections tool.
To start, navigate to the Inspections tool on your iOS mobile de-
vice. Tap the plus icon (+) to create a new inspection. Since you can only cre-
ate an inspection from a template, select the example Delivery Inspection.
From here, you can change the date, and the associated trade, location re-
sponsible contractor Point of Contact, and a relevant specification section.
You can also set the inspection to private so that only the inspection’s point
of contact, inspector, and Admin users on the Inspections tool will be able to
access it. Next, you can add a description and an attachment to provide addi-
tional context or special instructions for the inspector. When you’re finished,
tap Save.

Now you’re ready to perform an inspection. As you walk the jobsite,

mark each item with the appropriate response. To see the history of a particu-
lar inspection item, simply tap the information icon. This shows you the item’s
activity feed, which includes a record of when the item’s status was changed,
as well as when any photos were taken or any comments were added. To
view an attached photo, simply tap the attachment icon. You can also add
your own comments or photos, and, if during the inspection, you identify an
item that requires corrective action, such as noticeable damage from a con-
duit delivery you can tap Observations to quickly create an observation to
send to the responsible vendor. When you return to the inspection, you’ll no-
tice that items containing comments or photos will include the following
Once you’ve completed an inspection and all items are in a conforming
state, you can add signers to review and sign off on the inspection. To add
signers, tap Add next to Signatures and then select the appropriate team
members. It’s important to note that any team member with ‘Standard’ per-
missions and above can be added as a signer to an inspection.
When you’re ready to add your signature, tap Sign next to your name
and trace your signature by dragging your finger across the touchscreen. Tap
Submit to save your signature. Once a signature has been added, the inspec-
tion status will automatically change from ‘Open’ to ‘In Review’ and you will
noticed that Signed displays next to your name.
Once all required signatures have been gathered, tap Edit to change the
inspection’s status to Closed. Then tap Save. It’s important to note that
‘Standard’ level users can only change the status of an inspection that they
have created. This closes the inspection and notifies all users that all the items
are in a conforming state and that the inspection is complete.

Thanks for watching!

See Also

• Perform an Inspection (iOS)

• Perform an Inspection (Android)

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