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Interviewer: Yuktha Pemmasani

Interviewee: Brad Herrmann

Date: October 18, 2022

Subject: Entreprenurship


I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Brad Herrmann the CEO of text-em-all, a mass

messaging service, and learning about his company and values. Mr. Herrmann shared how his

company began and the important events leading up to the present day. My eyes were opened to

many challenges and various things that go into making a business that I was not aware of

before. I am glad to have gained insight and advice in the entrepreneurial field!

Mr. Herrmann emphasized the importance of the positive values and fostering positive

relationships within the workplace. Besides basic business skills, emotional inteligence is very

important in all aspects of life and his emphasis made it clear. I learned the values Mr. Herrmann

preaches within his own workplace and that no matter what conflict shows up they don’t put

those values aside. This helped reinforce the importance of emotional intelligence and instilled

these values within myself.

Besides emotional intelligence, Mr. Herrnann explained challenges that he faced when

starting his business and how he overcame them. Learning that things don’t always work out the

way one expects them to guided my shift in mindset. Within the business world, especially

entrepreneurship, you will get a bunch of no’s before you receive one yes. The key to being

successful is not letting the no’s stop you from reaching your end goal. Learning Mr. Herrnann’s

story it gave me inspiration that goals are attainable if you don’t stop at a “no”.

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