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fonses ın Englt~h

31 . lf only - - enough money, he would have 39. She complalns that she _ _ headaches.
bOUght that house.
A) has frequently B) has had frequently
A) he has had B) had he had
C) he didn't have D) he had had C) frequently has D) have frequent

32. "How tong have you been wlth the company?" 40. Whenever the ıafety commlsslon ltı
''I _ there two years by January. regulatlons, there are complalnts.

A) will work B) will have worked A) is enforcing B) enforce

C) will be working D) have worked C) will enforce O) enforces

33. Your hair is too long. lt's time___ a halrcut.

A) you have
C) you had
B) you should have
D) tor your
41 . Oh dear, ı don't feet very wen. ı think _ _ .

A) 1'11 fain1 8 ) l'm going ta faınt


C) l'm fainting D) l've faı nted

34. Since calculators were first introduced, they

_ _ to be useful tools for people weak in 42. Unfortunately the train _ _ by the time ı
mathematics. .u reached the platform.
A) proved B) have proved 8 A) left 8) leaııes
C) will prove D) are proving O)
_g C) had left O) has left
. ~
35. As soon as he , tell hım that I want to see a.
- - 3
him. 3
43. Don't forget that _ _ to our new office by
A) arrived B) is arriving
the time you get back from holiday.
C) arrives D) will arrive
A) 1 move 8 ) 1'11 have moved

C) 1'11 move D) l'H be mov ıng

36. The commissioner has assured the crowd that

the problem _ _ care of as soon as posslble.

A) will take B) has been laken

C) had been taken O) will be taken
44. l'm atrald I didn 't hear the doorbell wh.en you
rang. ı ___ in the garden at the time.

37. When he saw the crowd, he regretted that he A) worked 8) hava been worı.. i ng
_ _ hlı tlcket earller. D) was working
C) have worked
A) can 't have bought B) hasn't bought
C) hadn't bought D) wasn't buylng

45. it was 4 o'clock when the ambulance finally

arrhıed . By then, the severely injured man
· They _ for seven hours when they arrlved
at the border. ---·
A) are driving A) had died B) died
B) hava been driving
C} had been driving D) drove C) has died D) dies mı

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