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Basic Step in Police Report Writing

There are five steps in police report writing with the acronym of GROWE

1. Gathering the facts

2. Recording the facts
3. Organizing the facts
4. Writing the Report
5. Evaluating the Report
The Police Blotter – is a record of daily events occurring within the territories and jurisdictions of a given
police unit or command. It contains material details concerning the event for legal and statistical
Contents of Entry of the Police Blotter
1. 5 W’s
2. 1 H
3. Disposition of the case

What are the criteria to be considered in report writing?

1. Clarity – is when the report is written directly and easy to understand.
2. Accuracy – it is when the report presented is precise and the information given are factual with
regards to the format, spelling and grammar.
3. Brevity – it is a report stated in short, with simple sentences, common words and easy to
4. Specificity – it is when the report uses concrete examples or containing good descriptive
narration that gives life to the written words in terms of movements, quantities and shapes.
5. Completeness – it is when the report uses the 5W’s and 1H.
6. Timeliness – it is when the report is immediately been made after the incident has happened.
7. Security – it is when the report is considered classified, hence transmission, handling and access
should be limited only to police personnel granted with authority.
8. Impartiality – it is when the report writes all important data, nothing omitted or added to conceal
responsibilities, to impute liabilities or to favor parties.

Basic consideration in police report writing

1. The language used
2. Direct to the point words
3. Use of specific words
4. Must have at least one subject and one predicate.

What is needed in preparing a police report?

The police writer will make an outline from the facts of the case and follow a chronological
sequence. After an outline has been identifies they will make sure that their notes will be organized and
reviewed first for completeness prior to the actual writing of the report. The outline should answer the
5W’s and 1H.

Two Types of Police Report

1. Informal report – a letter or memorandum used in day-by-day police operations. It carries three
items aside from the text proper; date submitted, subject and person to whom it will be
submitted. This can be found more at the administrative level.
2. Formal report – it suggests a full dress treatment including the cover, title page, letter of
transmittal, summary sheet, text, appendices, and even bibliography.

Police Visibility – the physical presence at the area of jurisdiction for purposes of patrolling, effective
crime deterrence and for easy or immediate police response.

3 things to consider in police visibility

1. Physical presence
2. Patrolling scheme
3. Response

Notebooks/Journals – is one of the basic equipment were the police recorded all matters encountered
by the beat policeman.

What are the elements of crime to happen?

1. Motives – the reasons or causes why a person perpetuate a crime, for example, disputes,
economic gain, jealousy, revenge, insanity, thrill, intoxication and even drug addiction.
2. Instrumentalities – the means used in the commission of the crime, like firearm, knife and others.
3. Opportunities – the acts of omission by a person to perpetuate the crime or when the
perpetrator sees that they have the chance to commit the act at that moment

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