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– Where the data reside: environment, files, people

– Where the data reside, it will be related to the environment we're going to get the data. Will it
be in a physical environment or will it be in an online environment? Especially at this time we are
on an online learning. Definitely the data gathering will be commencing in an online
environment. Case of the files, where will it be recorded? In your case you will be making use of
Google forms for the collection of data for the people. I think most of the approved research
proposals during Man Management will be considering SBA students, so those students will be
considered for data gathering.

– Resources and time available

– Your collection strategies will be dependent on your resources and time availability, so it will be
dependent on how long should the data gathering method or procedures should be considered
by the researchers, especially on your part. There will be limited time for data collection, so you
won't be having the entire semester just to get the data from your respective respondents. So
you should be having a strategy to get the data necessary for the completion of your research as
fast as possible. But it should be effective in such a way that you will still be able to be getting
certain information from your respondents.

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