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The unique human qualities that robots and software

can’t easily our sensory awareness, creativity, and
social intelligence. So, that this is what the 21 st
Century education needs to develop. We must faster a
lifelong learning mindset in ourselves and the people
we care about to navigate the challenge of 21 st
Century education that require us to be constantly
learning, adapting and developing our skills.

I think re-imagining learning and education in this new era

shoushoukd start with asking some big questions about how we can
better harness human potential. We desperately neet to help more
people develop their innate talents and gift in the service of the
greater good.
In this new era of Internet-powered innovation and machine
learning, robots and software algorithms are replacing routine jobs
traditionally done by people. The new economic reality is that any
job that involves following instruction that can be started on a
overflow chart will be automated in the coming decade.

I stongly believe this is the only way we will rise to the massive
challenges of the 21st century and mobilize everyones talents in a
knowledge-based economy. Its people like you and me-not just
intitutions that need to reimagine the role of learning in our lines by
spending move time following our curiosity replanning, creating
sharing and experimenting with our ideas.

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