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Assignment No#1

Human intellect basically provides answers to three questions, and today's entire education system is based
on the answers to these three questions.
The questions are as follows:
1. The human mind is well aware of the needs of the human body, now how to fulfill these needs?
2. Human desires are endless and resources are limited, so all desires cannot be fulfilled. What is the
standard and criteria for selecting the desires to be fulfilled?
3. What would be a valid way to fulfill the desires that are to be fulfilled?

Write one need and two desires from your practical life and write their solution in the light of Islamic and
scientific worldview. Then compare these solutions, and derive standards of good and bad.

The basic needs of human body are food, water, air, and shelter to survive. If any one of these basic
needs is not met, then humans cannot survive. And every one works hard to at least fulfil their basics
Desires are something that you wish to have, so as to add comforts in your life.
We have three main kinds of desire
1. Necessaries
2. Comforts
3. Luxuries
AS I mentioned above kind of desires, I will try to set my standard and criteria for selecting the desires
to be fulfilled based on these three kinds of desires. First of all, I try to achieve my necessity desires
than I will work hard for achieve my comfort desires comfort are the extra wants of the human after
necessaries. They are not as essential or urgent as necessaries. Comforts are the wants that make the life
of the human comfortable and satisfying. Then I will think about the third one luxury These are goods
that give humans pleasure and prestige in society. They are not needed for existence or comfort but
provide happiness and acceptance in the world. These wants may be called superfluous. And such items
tend to be expensive.


In my life my one basic need is food I can fulfil my need by eating food according to the Islamic world
view I can fulfil my need by halal way for example If I will fulfil my need by stealing food my need is
fulfilled but this is not good standard for fulfil the need according to Islam I can work hard and effort for
getting food this is the proper way of fulfils our needs. But according to scientific world view if I steal
food for fulfills my need this is good standard according to scientific worldview because If I don’t eat
food I will dead and if I save my life by stolen food than its good in scientific worldview.

In my life I have lot of desire “we have an unlimited desire in our limited life” tow of my desires
are status and tranquility. I can work hard for fulfils my desires even if my every action according
to my desires if I want status in my life Islam said you can work hard and do efforts for achieving
your goals don’t do any unethical action. In Islam you can not do wrong things for fulfils your
desires don’t kill people’s rights for your benefit don’t do corruption for getting your desire. One
can never get peace or tranquility from wealth earned through wrong ways so according to Islamic
world view this is not good to do wrong things for achieving your desires. But in scientific world
view a person has materialistic approach so he can do every thing for fulfils their need they do not
think about his action is ethical or unethical he can only focus on their desire and fulfil it. For
getting status he will bribe and cheat peoples for fulfils his need because he has materialistic
approach. Same for tranquility he will find peace every whare and he can do every right and wrong
action for his peace don’t think about its action it is bad or good. He can only focus on their desire
and he will do everything for achieving is desire. He don’t care about other peoples.

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