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Teenagers and young people should share housework equally with their parents.

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The division of household responsibilities often causes quarrels and

misunderstandings in the family. As a child, parents do not involve the child in
housework, and then complain that their child does not know how to tidy up the
In my opinion, teenagers should do housework on a par with adults. Its
implementation allows teenagers to feel responsible for their personal space and
maintaining its cleanliness. On the one hand, parents need to take into account the
employment of their child. For example, if a child attends classes, studies well and
actively participates in the self-government of the educational institution, he may not
have much time to clean the whole house, but he must have an idea that his room
need to keep clean. On another hand, parents often tired and the last thing they want
to do is cleaning up the house. Although parents, as people with a big experience, can
do housework better and they should give lessons for children for their future.
Despite everything, there should be a minimum division of responsibilities between
parents and their children. For example, if mum did the washing-up of clothes, it will
not be the problem for the child to hang the washing out to dry. Another situation - if
dad got the dinner ready, the child can lay the table. Parents can clean the floor while
the teenager is dusting the furniture. Also, I need to add that there is no problem to
choose one day in a week, when everyone can do their housework and will not worry
about unfinished business.

It is never too late to help a child learn to be independent and responsible. In the
future, she or he will thank parents for the skills and qualities you have instilled in.

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