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Osmeña, Micha Gaile G.

CIT 511 - IT32S3

Mr. San Juan March 1, 2023

1. Create a project folder named films_project

2. Create a new virtual environment using the venv.

3. Activate the virtual environment.

4. Install Django with PIP: pip install django.

5. Start a Django project called project itself.

6. Start a Django application.

7. project/

8. Python check.

9. Python runserver.

10. Browser address: (Django default homepage).

11. Python migrate

12. Python createsuperuser.

13. http://localhost:8000/admin/
14. Create our first new route, which will replace the Django default page by modifying the
project/ file.

15. Adding the function to films/

16. Accessing http://localhost:8000 again to check how the new modified page is displayed with the
information I set in the home view function.

17. Modify the home function in films/

18. After modifying the films/, here is the result:


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