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Past Simple is the simple past tense in English, which is used to convey

information about a certain event or action that happened in the past.

We use the Past Simple for :

· a complete action at a stated time in the past( завершенное действие в указанное время в
пршлом) :

The plane landed at the airport at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. ( The time is stated. The action is
completed. The plane landed.)

· actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past(действия, которое
произошли сразу одно за другим в прошлом):

First she read the advertisment and then she called the company.
· the action happened at the specified moment in the past, but it can no longer be repeated,
because the actor no longer has such an opportunity.(Действие произошло в указанный
момент в прошлом, но его уже нельзя повторить, потому что у деятеля больше нет такой

Andy Warhol drew dozens of artworks.

Time Markers of Past Simple


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