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Cash dissappearance

The future of cash has become an ongoing debate. For the average person, it’s a
moot point that we have access to a variety of forms of payment.
Fisrtly, using an electronic payment method, it's more confortable and easy so you
dont have to search for your wallet for the cash or something like this.
For example you can pay with your phone wich is so easy, you just tap the screen a
few times and you're done!
Secondly, i think that the cash would disappear soon if we don't figure out some
solutions. In my opinion, some solution to prevent cash disappearance are: all the
should have a common currency so you don't have to exchange the money everytime you
travel around the world; another solution is to stop paying with credit cards or
with the
phone so we can use more the cash.
In conclusion, i think that cash disappearance is unavoidable because we are in
continous evolution and electronization.

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