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state what genetic factors cause aging if it occurs in children, such as white hair starting to
appear, explain?
Translate : sebutkan faktor genetik apa yang menyebabkan terjadinya penuaan jika terjadi pada
anak-anak, seperti mulai muncul uban, jelaskan?

Jawaban : -Genetic or hereditary factors play a big role in the growth of white hair.

- Stress is inevitable for everyone. Stress can also be a cause of gray hair at a young age.
- Gray hair in teenagers or white hair at a young age can also be caused by a deficiency of
vitamin B-12.
- The cause of gray hair appearing at an early age is also influenced by smoking habits.
smoking habits can trigger the growth of gray hair before the age of 30 years.
- Chemicals in hair care products.
- These chemicals when used excessively can reduce melanin production, so that white
hair can appear at a young age.
2. Why does the old age change behavior to be childish?
Translate: Mengapa pada usia lansia terjadi perubahan perilaku menjadi bersikap kekanak-
- Changes in behavior that appear in the elderly are believed to occur due to a decrease in
cognitive function. Naturally, the human body will indeed experience a decrease in
function, including the organs and psychology. Naturally, a person's brain and cognitive
function will decrease over time. Although it cannot be prevented, it can be slowed
- Translate: Perubahan perilaku yang muncul pada lansia dipercaya terjadi karena adanya
penurunan fungsi kognitif. Secara alami, tubuh manusia memang akan mengalami
penurunan fungsi, termasuk pada organ tubuh dan psikologi. Secara alami, fungsi otak
dan kognitif seseorang akan mengalami penurunan seiring berjalannya waktu. Meski
tidak bisa dicegah, tetapi hal ini bisa diperlambat.

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