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1 So / Such (a / an) + that

Name No. Class: Date

1. Choose the correct option.

1.1 I can’t believe you are throwing all those clothes away. You’re being irresponsible that
I’m speechless.
a. so b. such a c. such d. so many e. so much
1.2 Having recycling bins on every floor of the building was wonderful idea that the
administrator is thinking of implementing other green ideas.
a. so b. such a c. such an d. so many e. so much
1.3 There’s to do as far as environmental education is concerned that we need to try to
reach the mayor as soon as possible.
a. so b. such a c. such an d. so many e. so much
1.4 I have great memories of my years as a volunteer at this natural park that I may come
back for one or two weeks.
a. such b. such a c. such an d. so many e. so much
1.5 Congratulations! You have written awesome article about wildlife that it should be
published in a national newspaper.
a. so b. such a c. such an d. so many e. so much
1.6 There are young people taking part in environmental campaigns that the older
generations should look up to them.
a. so b. such a c. such d. so many e. so much

2. Match the sentences in columns A and C using the expressions in column B. Make all
the necessary changes.
a. Sir David Attenborough’s f. My teachers didn’t want to miss
speech was very engaging. it.
b. That biologist is a very g. He has already
intelligent man. implemented various
such an…
successful strategies.
c. Some eco-friendly products
that so…
are very expensive. h. Many people can’t afford them.
d. The meeting on Climate i. We could have been hurt.
Change was really important. such a…
j. the audience paid a lot
e. The mission to save these that of attention to it.
exotic animals was very

a. Sir David Attenborough’s speech was so engaging that the audience paid a lot of attention to it.
b. That biologist is such an intelligent man that he has already implemented various successful
c. Some eco-friendly products are so expensive that many people can’t afford them.
d. The meeting on Climate Change was so important that my teachers didn’t want to miss it.
e. The mission to save these exotic animals was so dangerous that we could have been hurt .

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