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Hi, I'm Karla Perdomo and this is my presentation of the week.

This is my nuclear family, my mother, my father, my sisters, cousins and aunts.

The activities that I do as a family are very daily on every day of the week.
In the morning, we have breakfast together and talk about important issues that happen
in our family. We always try to maintain good communication since that makes us be
more united and aware of each other.
After breakfast, everyone goes to their daily activities, to work or study.
In the afternoon when we return home, we watch our favorite series while eating sweets.
We always carry out this type of activity since it helps us to always be connected and to
maintain family harmony.
We recently had a birthday party at my parents' house.
On weekends, we usually go for a walk in the countryside and have a picnic, when the day
is rainy, we just stay at home and cook something delicious.
And so are my activities every day of the week with my family.

Thanks miss

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