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Brodmann Areas By Number

Area 1- central gyrus of the anterior parietal cortex of the parietal lobe, of the postcentral-sulcus
cortex of the parietal lobe; somatosensory primary processing, does more complex processing,
processes the texture of an object

Area 2- caudal gyrus of the anterior parietal cortex of the parietal lobe, caudal gyrus of the
postcentral-sulcus cortex of the parietal lobe; somatosensory primary processing, processes the
size and shape of an object, also processes proprioceptive sensations

Area 3- rostral gyrus of the anterior parietal cortex of the parietal lobe, rostral gyrus of the
postcentral-sulcus cortex of the parietal lobe; somatosensory primary processing, receives the
majority of the somatosensory input from the thalamus. BA3a primarily processes proprioceptive
sensations. BA3b primarily processes touch sensations densely connected to BA1 and BA2.Area
3,1,2- (known as BA3,1,2 by convention), anterior parietal cortex of the parietal lobe, postcentral-
sulcus cortex of the parietal lobe; somatosensory primary processing (localization of touch,
temperature, pressure, vibration, pain, and proprioception) After somatosensory primary
processing is complete, information is sent to BAs 5,7 for somatosensory perceptual processing.

Area 4- precentral-sulcus gyrus of the frontal lobe, posterior gyrus of the frontal lobe(typically
known as the primary motor cortex); primary motor functioning, it contains the motor
homunculus Areas 4,3,1,2 (lateral)- BA4-the precentral-sulcus gyrus of the frontal lobe and BAs
3,1,2-the postcentral-sulcus cortex of the parietal lobe, somatosensory motor cortex(typically
known as the sensorimotor cortex); primary motor and primary somatosensory functioning Areas
4,3,1,2 (medial)- paracentral lobule of the frontal and parietal lobes, a continuation ofBA4-the
precentral-sulcus gyrus of the frontal lobe and BAs 3,1,2- the postcentral-sulcus cortex of the
parietal lobe; it controls motor and somatosensory stimulation to action of the contralateral lower
extremity, including control over defecation and urination

Area 5- anterior gyrus of the superior parietal lobule of the parietal lobe; transforming of
somatosensory primary processed input from BAs 3,1,2 into a somatosensory perception. After
somatosensory perceptual processing is complete, information is sent to BAs 36,35,28,34 of the
rhinal cortex and BAs 27,48 of the subicular cortex for memory matching and then back to BA5 for
somatosensory comprehension

Area 6- premotor gyrus of the premotor cortex of the frontal lobe, includes supplementary motor
area (SMA) anterior to BA4 (motor gyrus of the frontal lobe; planning and control over motor
functioning, emotional perceptual processing

Area 7- posterior gyrus of the superior parietal lobule of the parietal lobe; transforming of somato
sensory primary processed input from BAs 3,1,2 into a somatosensory perception. After
somatosensory perceptual processing is complete, information is sent to BAs 36,35,28,34 of the
rhinal cortex and BAs 27,48 of the subicular cortex for memory matching and back to BA7 for
somatosensory comprehension Area 5,7- (lateral)-superior parietal lobule of the parietal lobe;
transforming of somatosensory primary processed input from BAs 3,1,2 into a somatosensory
perception. After somatosensory perceptual processing is complete, information is sent to BAs
36,35,28,34 of the rhinal cortex and BAs 27,48 of the subicular complex for memory matching and
back to BAs 5,7 for somatosensory comprehension Area 5,7- (medial)-precuneus; medial surface
of the superior parietal lobule of the parietal lobe; “the adult” of BMANS Personality Theory
(BPT), interacts with BAs 24,25,32,33,23,31 cingulate cortex of the limbic lobe “the child” of the
BPT and with (BA10 anterior gyrus and BAs (8),9,46 dorsolateral cortex) of the prefrontal cortex of
the frontal lobe “the parent” of the BPT

Area (8)- the superior dorsolateral gyrus of the prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe, includes
frontal eye fields (FEF) also anterior superior gyrus of the premotor cortex of the frontal lobe,
anterior to BA6 of the premotor cortex of the frontal lobe; emotional perceptual processing,
control over motor functioning

Area 9- middle dorsolateral gyrus of the prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe; executive
functioning, highest level of motor planning, sustained attention, working memory (scratch pad),
integration of sensory comprehension input from BA39 and other posterior association Brodmann
areas with long term memory, processing of cognitive information

Area 10- anterior gyrus of the prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe, frontal pole of the frontal lobe;
executive functioning, sustained attention, working memory, inhibitory control, integration of
sensory comprehension input from BA39 and other posterior association BAs with long term

Area 11- rostral ventrolateral orbital gyrus of the prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe, frontal pole
of the frontal lobe; executive functioning, decision-making, planning, emotional primary

Area 12- ventromedial orbital gyrus of the prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe, frontal pole of the
frontal lobe; executive functioning, decision-making, planning, emotional primary processing

Area 13- insular lobe, sub-lobar, covered by frontal, temporal and parietal lobes(opercula-lids);
reads emotional and social cues, awareness of inner bodily sensations

Area 14- most authors do not include this BA for humans

Area 15- most authors do not include this BA for humans

Area 16- most authors do not include this BA for humans

Area 17- posterior gyrus of the occipital lobe, occipital pole of the occipital lobe; visual primary
processing. After visual primary processing is complete, information is sent to BAs 18, 19, 19 POJ,
20 and 37 for visual perceptual processing

Area 18- caudal anterior gyrus of the occipital lobe; association area, transforming of visual
primary processed input from BA17 into a visual perception. After visual perceptual processing is
complete, information is sent to BAs 36,35,28,34 of the rhinal cortex and BAs 27,48 of the
subicular complex for memory matching and back to BA18 for visual comprehension.

Area 19- rostral anterior gyrus of the occipital lobe; association area, transforming of visual
primary processed input from BA17 into a visual perception. After visual perceptual processing is
complete, information is sent to BAs 36,35,28,34 of the rhinal cortex and BAs 27,48 of the
subicular complex for memory matching and back to BA19 for visual comprehension.

Area 19 POJ- parietal-occipital juncture of the occipital lobe; association area, transforming of
visual primary processed input from BA17 into a visual perception. After visual perceptual
processing is complete, information is sent to BAs 36,35,28,34 of the rhinal cortex and BAs 27,48
of the subicular complex for memory matching and back to BA19 POJ for visual comprehension.

Area 20- inferior gyrus of the temporal lobe; association area, transforming of visual primary
processed input from BA17 into a visual perception .After visual perceptual processing is complete,
information is sent to BAs 36,35,28,34 of the rhinal cortex and BAs 27,48 of the subicular complex
for memory matching and back to BA20 for visual comprehension.

Area 21- middle gyrus of the temporal lobe; association area, auditory and visual perception,
semantic processing, prosody, observes motion, processing of complex sound, a complex level of
language processing, processing of text and speech

Area 22- superior gyrus of the temporal lobe, part of Wernicke’s Area-left hemisphere only;
association area, transforming of auditory primary processed input from BAs 41,42into an auditory
perception. After auditory perceptual processing is complete, information is sent to BAs
36,35,28,34 of the rhinal cortex and BAs 27,48 of the subicular complex for memory matching and
back to BA22 for auditory comprehension

Area 23- posterior ventral gyrus of the cingulate cortex of the limbic lobe; emotionally important
memory, memory retrieval, self- monitoring, self/other distinction, posterior attentional circuit

Area 24- anterior ventral gyrus of the cingulate cortex of the limbic lobe; motor initiation,
processing emotional cues, cognitive flexibility, inhibiting response

Area 25- subgenual gyrus of the cingulate cortex of the limbic lobe; emotional, motivation,
executive functioning, affect (mood) regulation, emotional brightness

Area 26- anterior gyrus of the retrosplenial cortex of the limbic lobe; episodic memory, planning
for the future, wide range of cognitive functions

Area 27- para subicular gyrus of the subicular complex of the limbic lobe; memory: visual,
auditory, somatosensory, olfactory, gustatory and autobiographical-primarily factual but some
emotional memory

Area 28- inferior/posterior entorhinal gyrus of the rhinal cortex of the limbic lobe; memory hub,
explicit memory (declarative memory-can be consciously recalled), semantic memory- (general
knowledge about the world), receives information from BA35, after processing, sends information
to Brodmann area 34

Area 29- central gyrus of the retrosplenial cortex of the limbic lobe (often considered to be part of
the posterior cingulate); short term memory processing, clear thinking, episodic memory retrieval
Area 30- posterior gyrus of the retrosplenial cortex of the limbic lobe (often considered to be part
of the posterior cingulate); short term memory processing, clear thinking, episodic memory
retrieval Area 26,29,30- retrosplenial cortex of the limbic lobe;episodic memory, planning for the
future, wide range of cognitive functions, short term memory processing, clear thinking, episodic
memory retrieval

Area 31- posterior dorsal gyrus of the cingulate cortex of the limbic lobe; posterior attentional
circuit, somatosensory perception, evaluates, makes judgements, self reflection about one’s
abilities Areas 23,31- posterior cingulate cortex of the cingulate cortex of the limbic lobe; a central
hub of the default mode network (DMN), visuospatial orientation, episodic memory retrieval,
self/other distinction, processing semantic emotional information, the ability to orient oneself in

Area 32- anterior dorsal gyrus of the cingulate cortex of the limbic lobe; motor
initiation ,inhibition, planning, monitors current states of emotions and sensations, working
memory, affect regulation, cognitive control of actions that will be taken

Area 33- pregenual gyrus of the cingulate cortex of the limbic lobe; ability to attend, capacity for
short term memory, motivation, cognitive flexibility, impulse control, ability to initiate action Area
24,25,32,33- anterior cingulate cortex of the cingulate cortex of the limbic lobe; decision-making,
impulse control, empathy, emotion, affect regulation, motorinitiation, processing emotional cues,
cognitive flexibility, motivation, executive functioning, planning, monitors current states of
emotions and sensations, working memory, cognitive control of actions, ability to attend Area
24,25,32,33,23,31- cingulate cortex of the limbic lobe; decision-making, impulsecontrol, motor
initiation, cognitive flexibility, executive functioning, working memory, ability to attend, episodic
memory retrieval, processing semantic emotional information

Area 34- superior/anterior entorhinal gyrus of the rhinal cortex of the limbic lobe; memory hub,
explicit memory (declarative memory) olfaction, verbal, navigation, receives input from BA28,
after processing, sends information to BAs 27,48 of the subicular complex for memory matching.

Area 35- perirhinal gyrus of the rhinal cortex of the limbic lobe; memory encoding and retrieval,
explicit memory (declarative memory), verbal and spatial processing, receives input from BA36,
after processing, sends information to BA28

Area 36- ectorhinal gyrus of the rhinal cortex of the limbic lobe (parahippocampus);explicit
memory (declarative memory),verbal and facial processing, receives input from multiple
association areas, including BAs 5,7,18,19,19POJ,20,37 and22.After processing, sends information
to BA35.Area 36,35,28,34- rhinal cortex of the limbic lobe; receives input from multiple association
areas, including BAs 18,19,19POJ,20,37,22,5 and 7 memory encoding and retrieval, verbal and
spatial processing, memory hub, semantic memory(general knowledge about the world), explicit
memory (declarative memory).After processing, sends information to BAs 27,48 0f the subicular
complex for memory matching.

Area 37- posterior gyrus of the temporal lobe (fusiform gyrus); association area, transforming of
visual primary processed input from BA17 into a visual perception. After visual perceptual
processing is complete, information is sent to BAs 36,35,28,34of the rhinal cortex and BAs 27,48 of
the subicular complex for memory matching and back to BA37 for visual comprehension
Area 38- anterior gyrus of the temporal lobe, temporal pole of the temporal lobe; sexual arousal,
self conscious emotions, self/other, awareness of others’ emotional states

Area 39- posterior gyrus of the inferior parietal lobule of the parietal lobe (angular gyrus)part of
Wernicke’s area-left hemisphere only; multi modal integration of somatosensory, auditory and
visual comprehension, input effecting executive control of behavior, posterior attentional
processing, mathematical operations, receptive semantic processing, both left and right
hemispheres contribute to receptive language processing.

Area 40- anterior gyrus of the inferior parietal lobule of the parietal lobe (supramarginalgyrus) part
of Wernicke’s area-left hemisphere only; perception and comprehension of touch, temperature,
pressure, vibration, intense body sensations e.g. (pain, tickling), input effecting executive control
of behavior, organization of sounds for expressive spoken language, the action of putting into
words to express ideas or feelings Areas 40,39- inferior parietal lobule of the parietal lobe, part of
Wernicke’s area-lefthemisphere only; the integration of comprehension of sensory
information(somatosensory, auditory, visual) at the parietal temporal occipital (PTO) junction. It
processes spoken language, facial stimuli, body image and mathematical operations. Areas
22,40,39- (Wernicke’s area-left hemisphere only) posterior end of the superior temporal gyrus
BA22 of the temporal lobe, inferior parietal lobule BAs 40,39 of the parietal lobe; activated by
hearing one’s own spoken words, activated by hearing someone else’s spoken words, activated by
reading a list of words, activated more by producing spoken words than by perceiving spoken

Area 41- anterior central superior gyrus of the temporal lobe, known as anterior transverse
temporal area 41 (part of Heschl’s gyrus); auditory primary processing. After auditory primary
processing is complete, information is sent to BA22 for auditory perceptual processing.

Area 42- posterior central superior gyrus of the temporal lobe, known as posterior transverse
temporal area 42 (part of Heschl’s gyrus); auditory primary processing. After auditory primary
processing is complete, information is sent to BA22 for auditory perceptual processing Areas
41,42- central cortex of the superior gyrus of the temporal lobe; auditory primary processing. After
auditory primary processing is complete, information is sent toBA22 for auditory perceptual

Area 43- lateral sub central-sulcus gyrus of the parietal lobe; primary gustatory (taste)processing

Area 44- posterior inferior gyrus of the premotor cortex of the frontal lobe (pars opercularis-lid)
(part of Broca’s area- left hemisphere only) directly anterior to BA4 the motor center for mouth
and tongue; expressive language, contributes to verbal fluency, plays a role in verbal memory,
selects and manipulates semantic elements, phonological processing, language production,
expressive language.

Area 45- central inferior gyrus of the premotor cortex of the frontal lobe (pars triangularis)(part of
Broca’s area-left hemisphere only); expressive language, contributes to verbal fluency, plays a role
in verbal memory, involved in semantic aspects of language
Area 46- inferior dorsolateral gyrus of the prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe; processing of
cognitive information, working memory (scratch pad) for executive functioning, processing of long
term memory, emotional comprehension Area (8)9,46- dorsolateral cortex of the prefrontal cortex
of the frontal lobe; executive functioning, highest level of motor planning, sustained attention,
working memory(scratch pad), integration of sensory comprehension input from BA39 and other
posterior association BAs with long term memory, processing of cognitive information, processing
of long term memory, emotional comprehension.

Area (47)- caudal ventrolateral orbital gyrus of the prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe, also
anterior inferior gyrus of the premotor cortex of the frontal lobe, (pars orbitalis)(part of Broca’s
area-left hemisphere only); expressive language, implicated in the processing of syntax in oral and
sign language, semantic aspects of language(word meanings). Area 11,12(47)- orbital cortex of the
prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe; executive functioning, decision-making, planning, emotional
primary processing, expressive language, implicated in the processing of syntax in oral and sign
language, semantic aspects of language (word meanings). Area (47)45,44- (Brocas area-left
hemisphere only) inferior cortex of the premotor cortex of the frontal lobe; expressive language,
semantic aspects of language (wordmeanings), contributes to verbal fluency, selects and
manipulates semantic elements, plays a role in verbal memory, language syntax Area 10,11,12(47)
(8)9,46- prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe; saved for next round of updates Area (8)6(47)45,44-
premotor cortex of the frontal lobe; saved for next round of updates

Area 48- retro subicular gyrus of the subicular complex of the limbic lobe (hippocampus); memory:
visual, auditory, somatosensory, olfactory, gustatory and autobiographical-primarily factual but
some emotional memory Area 27,48- subicular complex of the limbic lobe; memory: visual,
auditory, somatosensory, olfactory, gustatory and autobiographical-primarily factual but some
emotional memory

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