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Chapter one should be independent in

thought and deeds as far as ' ~

possible. That means you should not ~
8 depend on others for everything. You
should depend more on yourself and less
on others. Doing somet hing on your own

lndependenR after your parents have given their

perm ission, is independence. Even
though if, there are helpers at home, you

Effort can start being independent by pre pari ng

for school on your own. You can polish
your shoes, pack your bag acco rding to
the timetable and complete your
We should try to do our work independently homework.
One should depend more on oneself.
0 Independence needs a lot of courage.

The lVeak Chilcl

e a tes t on English. The
One day, the children were supposed to hav
lines abo ut the ir school
teacher asked the children to write a few
uld choose the bes t essay
picnic. She informed the children tha t she wo
chi ldr en to be qui et and
and put it up on the noticeboard. She told the
to do some work.
write the essay and she we nt out of the class
stu den t who was very
Some of the children ran up to Krishna, the
l essays.
fluent in English and used to write wonderfu
to Kri shn a
Seeing thi s the oth er children also ran up
decided to
and copied the es~ay. Ashish , a litt le boy
s not ver y
write the essay on his own. His English wa
abo ut the
good, but he wrote a few simple sentences
school picnic.
There were many mistakes in his
ess ay but he had done his best.
When the tea che r came back, the
children gave the ir notebooks to
her for correction. Ashish did not
tell the tea che r about wh at the
oth er children had done. He did
not wa nt his friends to get into
trouhl<1. BuL, I.hat <w<:
ning, when th e te ac he
notebooks, Hh<~ noLic:<!d r waH chec:kinr, th e
th at al m os t al I th e rn,sa C,

GucHHing whuL would ha y were th e sa me.

v<~ happ<:ne<l, Hhe ea rc
the essayH. fully went th ro ug h al l
'fhe ne xt day, sh e ca m e to
th e elasH an d gave ou t th e
children. rl'hey ea ge rl y lo notehook s to th e
oked in to th ei r notehooks
th ei r su rp ri se , th ey foun th at th ey got. To
d th at th e te ac he r ha d no
m ar ks . '1.'he te ac he r in fo rm t given th em an y
ed th e cl as s ca lm ly th at
Ashish's es sa y as th e be st sh e ha d se le ct ed
. It w ou ld be di sp la ye d on
K ris hn a an d ot he r ch ild th e noticeboard.
re n w er e su rp ris ed . A sh
su rp ris ed be ca us e he w as is h w as eq ua lly
w ea k in En gl is h an d th e w
They as ke d th e te ac he r w hole class kn ew it.
hy sh e ha d se le ct ed A sh is
one. Sh e st er nl y to ld th em h' s es sa y th e be st
th at af te r re ad in g al l th e
th at al l of th em ha d es sa y sh e kn ew
co pi ed fr om K ri sh na .
Although, K ri sh na ha d w
ri tten th e es sa y on hi s
own bu t he ha d le t ot he rs
copy fr om hi m . Th is
was as ba d as copying.
Th ou gh A sh is h' s
essay ha d m an y m is ta ke
s in
it bu t it w as an in de pe nd
en t
w'ork. H en ce , hi s es sa y
w ill
be pu t up on th e no tic eb oa
while ot he rs w ill ha ve to
do th e es sa y ag ai n on
rd I


( ,,

I 1 F

th ei r ow n. T he ch ild re
were as ha m ed of w ha t th
~ l
,, - I
ha d done.
\ T f :

Is it good or bad to copy so

meone's essay?
f ~' C

Describe Ashish.
} )v~,J .J);e c
. ll I' , , • ' f J ' 6' ,,/
, • I f 'r'
3. Do you often copy notes from other children although Your
teacher asked you not to do so? Comment.
✓,()~. - .,
4. Why do you think the teacher selected Ashish's essay to be put up
on the noticeboard? J

_1~ -se/ecJoJk >J,,J,L, ' ~ 1~

0 0

5. Was the teacher partial with Ashish?

__ r{Q_
Write Good or Bad for a child who does the following.
1. Waits for the turn to tell the answer in class.
2. Cheat just a little in a test, because he wants to
3. Listen to everyone as a class monito r.

4. Put the blame for a mistake on a classmate who ·is


5. Completing the homework early as soon as you

arrive the school by cheating some classmates

B. How can you improve yourself and lead to success. Below are the
steps to follow. They all have got jumbled up. Can you arrange
-----, --
·-try_ plaQQing do analysis do again
keep on doing th ink

I START I- 1-',,pr) I- C:::7 _ ¥

,~[5; ]- 10;: .. -l-- 1 ---- :
L:__:'__ i ,. 1
LET ~~ j
A punctual rnan shows that he
Chapter can organ ize his t ime, that he '?
ays attention to details and that he can ., ~

0 p .....
put aside this to do that - he can set
aside a pleasu re to take care of business.
If a man is not punctual other cannot

Passion tor depend on him. They do not know where

he will be when they need him. One
should always do his/her work on time.

e One should never be late for school.
~ One should always keep one's promise.
" A punctual person is liked by all.

George Washington
The life of George Washington was character ised by a
scrupulous regard 1or 1 y. When he. asked. a
punc t ua1·t
man to bring some horses he was interes~e_d 1n b:1y1ng
at five in the morning and the man arrived fifteen
minutes late, he was told by the stable groom that the
general had been waiting there at five, but had now
moved on to other business, and that he wouldn't be
able to examine the horses again until the next week.
When he told the congress that he'd meet with them at noon, he could
almost always be found striding into the chamber as the clock was
striking twelve.
Washington's promptness extended to his mealtime s as well. He ate
dinner each day at exactly 4 o'clock and when he invited members of
congress to dine with him and they arrived late, they were often
surprised to find the president halfway done with his meal or even
pushing back from the table. To his startled, tardy guessed he would
say, 'We are punctual here. My cook never asks whether the company
has arrived, but whether the hour has come."
,. For Washing ton, being on time was a way of showing respect to others,
• and h e expecte~ -~o be treated with the same level of respect in return.
Moral Education - 4 ··

:A · .- --- rJALc

1. What was good about George Washington?

•. 2. What was Washi~gton's daily schedule?

.. ;

Why do you think he always moved along wit h the clock?
--- - - -
4. Has there ever been any incident in your life that has t aught you
the valuable lesson of always being on time?
5. What according to you being on time mean?

6. How can we learn the lesson of punctuality from th e nature


A. Fill in the vowel to complete the phrase.


B. Rashi is always late for school. Help her to be on time . Tick (✓) the
boxes against t he acts t hat you think Rash 1should do to be on time.

1. Sleeping late.
2. Finishing her homework in the evening.
3. Not eating breakfast.

4 . Getting up early.

5. Preparing her school bag the previous night.

6. Not watching TV for late hours.

C. What will yo u do in these situations?

1 You have borrowed a book from your friend for a week. You
- keep it with you for a week and then ask for sometime to -..:
read it.
b. return it without reading it.
c. read it and return it on time.
2. You are invited to a birthday party.

a. reach on time.
b. make an excuse for reaching late .
c. reach late and are not bothered.

3. You have one day to complete a cra

ft project. You

a. watch your favourite cartoon and forg

et about the project.

b. start working on it immediately.

ile you play games
c. ask your mother to do it for you, wh
on your computer.

A. Fill in the blanks.

- happy- late - misses~ ~ anyon e-
I lazy I ,--t fm_~=
1. A latecomer often lessons in class.

2. We should do our work on

3. Time does not wai t for

4. Don 't be for school.

person .
5. Nobody likes to depend on a
6. You feel when you com plete your work on t ime
B. Plan your day and design the timetable her
To get up
For school

I To be back home --
I To rest
r For homework
To play

l For dinner
T~sleep -- j_
Stranger Danger
What is a Stranger?
Astranger is somebody you don't know well.

Astranger can be a man A stranger can be a woman Child
people around us are strangers whom we don't know well.
Most people are good but not all strangers. There are might some
people who might try to hurt you.
To stay safe, we need to learn all about safe strangers , safe pl aces and
warning signs .

Don' t talk to a stranger Don't take eatable from

without parent 's permission . strangers.

Don' t go with st rangers. Yell for help if stranger bothers you!

Or, Run away if he / she hurt s you.
·- ~
- 'v .
What is a Safe Place
I c1fr for any reac,on, and there is
If you hnd that you ,H<' lo\l or you Jll ) I fre un r.,
' 5 hould find cJ Sa fe Stranger to help
no adult with you thdt you c-J n tru <;t th en you
you .
A good place to find a Safe Stranger is in a Safe Place

[I] ~c.HooL

[C 0 o

The best type of Safe Place is always in a ousy public area .

Why do you think these places can be called Safe Places?
Can you think of any places to avoid if you need help? Paste picture in the space
given below.

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